
376 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

const crypto = require('crypto')
const dns = require('dns')
const TimeTracker = require('./time')
const Server = require('./server')
const config = require('../config')
const minecraftVersions = require('../minecraft_versions')
class ServerRegistration {
versions = []
graphData = []
constructor (serverId, data) {
this.serverId = serverId
this.data = data
this._pingHistory = []
handlePing (timestamp, resp, err, version) {
const playerCount = resp ? resp.players.online : 0
// Store into in-memory ping data
// Trim pingHistory to avoid memory leaks
if (this._pingHistory.length > TimeTracker.getMaxServerGraphDataLength()) {
// Only notify the frontend to append to the historical graph
// if both the graphing behavior is enabled and the backend agrees
// that the ping is eligible for addition
let updateHistoryGraph = false
if (config.logToDatabase) {
if (this.addGraphPoint(resp !== undefined, playerCount, timestamp)) {
updateHistoryGraph = true
// Delegate out update payload generation
return this.getUpdate(timestamp, resp, err, version, updateHistoryGraph)
getUpdate (timestamp, resp, err, version, updateHistoryGraph) {
const update = {}
if (resp) {
if (resp.version && this.updateProtocolVersionCompat(resp.version, version.protocolId, version.protocolIndex)) {
// Append an updated version listing
update.versions = this.versions
2020-04-21 23:51:29 +00:00
if (config.logToDatabase && (!this.recordData || resp.players.online > this.recordData.playerCount)) {
this.recordData = {
playerCount: resp.players.online,
timestamp: timestamp
// Append an updated recordData
update.recordData = this.recordData
if (this.updateFavicon(resp.favicon)) {
update.favicon = this.getFaviconUrl()
// Append a result object
// This filters out unwanted data from resp
update.playerCount = resp.players.online
if (config.logToDatabase) {
// Update calculated graph peak regardless if the graph is being updated
// This can cause a (harmless) desync between live and stored data, but it allows it to be more accurate for long surviving processes
if (this.findNewGraphPeak()) {
update.graphPeakData = this.getGraphPeak()
// Handled inside logToDatabase to validate logic from #getUpdate call
// Only append when true since an undefined value == false
if (updateHistoryGraph) {
update.updateHistoryGraph = true
} else if (err) {
// Append a filtered copy of err
// This ensures any unintended data is not leaked
update.error = this.filterError(err)
return update
getPingHistory () {
if (this._pingHistory.length > 0) {
const payload = {
versions: this.versions,
recordData: this.recordData,
favicon: this.getFaviconUrl()
// Only append graphPeakData if defined
// The value is lazy computed and conditional that config->logToDatabase == true
const graphPeakData = this.getGraphPeak()
if (graphPeakData) {
payload.graphPeakData = graphPeakData
// Assume the ping was a success and define result
// pingHistory does not keep error references, so its impossible to detect if this is an error
// It is also pointless to store that data since it will be short lived
payload.playerCount = this._pingHistory[this._pingHistory.length - 1]
// Send a copy of pingHistory
// Include the last value even though it is contained within payload
// The frontend will only push to its graphData from playerCountHistory
payload.playerCountHistory = this._pingHistory
return payload
return {
error: {
message: 'Pinging...'
recordData: this.recordData,
graphPeakData: this.getGraphPeak(),
favicon: this.data.favicon
loadGraphPoints (points) {
// Filter pings so each result is a minute apart
const minutePoints = []
let lastTimestamp = 0
for (const point of points) {
// 0 is the index of the timestamp
if (point[0] - lastTimestamp >= 60 * 1000) {
// This check tries to smooth out randomly dropped pings
// By default only filter pings that are online (playerCount > 0)
// This will keep looking forward until it finds a ping that is online
// If it can't find one within a reasonable timeframe, it will select a failed ping
if (point[0] - lastTimestamp >= 120 * 1000 || point[1] > 0) {
lastTimestamp = point[0]
if (minutePoints.length > 0) {
this.graphData = minutePoints
// Select the last entry to use for lastGraphDataPush
this._lastGraphDataPush = minutePoints[minutePoints.length - 1][0]
addGraphPoint (isSuccess, playerCount, timestamp) {
// If the ping failed, then to avoid destroying the graph, ignore it
// However if it's been too long since the last successful ping, push it anyways
if (this._lastGraphDataPush) {
const timeSince = timestamp - this._lastGraphDataPush
if ((isSuccess && timeSince < 60 * 1000) || (!isSuccess && timeSince < 70 * 1000)) {
return false
this.graphData.push([timestamp, playerCount])
this._lastGraphDataPush = timestamp
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// Trim old graphPoints according to #getMaxGraphDataLength
if (this.graphData.length > TimeTracker.getMaxGraphDataLength()) {
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return true
findNewGraphPeak () {
let index = -1
for (let i = 0; i < this.graphData.length; i++) {
const point = this.graphData[i]
if (index === -1 || point[1] > this.graphData[index][1]) {
index = i
if (index >= 0) {
const lastGraphPeakIndex = this._graphPeakIndex
this._graphPeakIndex = index
return index !== lastGraphPeakIndex
} else {
this._graphPeakIndex = undefined
return false
getGraphPeak () {
if (this._graphPeakIndex === undefined) {
const graphPeak = this.graphData[this._graphPeakIndex]
return {
playerCount: graphPeak[1],
timestamp: graphPeak[0]
updateFavicon (favicon) {
// If data.favicon is defined, then a favicon override is present
// Disregard the incoming favicon, regardless if it is different
if (this.data.favicon) {
return false
if (favicon && favicon !== this.lastFavicon) {
this.lastFavicon = favicon
// Generate an updated hash
// This is used by #getFaviconUrl
if (!this._faviconHasher) {
this._faviconHasher = crypto.createHash('md5')
this.faviconHash = this._faviconHasher.update(favicon).digest('hex').toString()
return true
return false
getFaviconUrl () {
if (this.faviconHash) {
return Server.getHashedFaviconUrl(this.faviconHash)
} else if (this.data.favicon) {
return this.data.favicon
updateProtocolVersionCompat (incomingId, outgoingId, protocolIndex) {
// If the result version matches the attempted version, the version is supported
const isSuccess = incomingId === outgoingId
const indexOf = this.versions.indexOf(protocolIndex)
// Test indexOf to avoid inserting previously recorded protocolIndex values
if (isSuccess && indexOf < 0) {
// Sort versions in ascending order
// This matches protocol ids to Minecraft versions release order
this.versions.sort((a, b) => a - b)
return true
} else if (!isSuccess && indexOf >= 0) {
this.versions.splice(indexOf, 1)
return true
return false
getNextProtocolVersion () {
// Minecraft Bedrock Edition does not have protocol versions
if (this.data.type === 'PE') {
return {
protocolId: 0,
protocolIndex: 0
const protocolVersions = minecraftVersions[this.data.type]
if (typeof this._nextProtocolIndex === 'undefined' || this._nextProtocolIndex + 1 >= protocolVersions.length) {
this._nextProtocolIndex = 0
} else {
return {
protocolId: protocolVersions[this._nextProtocolIndex].protocolId,
protocolIndex: this._nextProtocolIndex
filterError (err) {
2020-04-21 23:10:07 +00:00
let message = 'Unknown error'
// Attempt to match to the first possible value
for (const key of ['message', 'description', 'errno']) {
if (err[key]) {
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message = err[key]
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// Trim the message if too long
if (message.length > 28) {
message = message.substring(0, 28) + '...'
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return {
message: message
getPublicData () {
// Return a custom object instead of data directly to avoid data leakage
return {
name: this.data.name,
ip: this.data.ip,
type: this.data.type,
color: this.data.color
unfurlSrv (callback) {
// Skip unfurling SRV, instantly return pre-configured data
if (config.performance && config.performance.skipUnfurlSrv) {
callback(this.data.ip, this.data.port)
const timestamp = new Date().getTime()
// If a cached copy exists and is within its TTL, instantly return
if (this._lastUnfurlSrv && timestamp - this._lastUnfurlSrv.timestamp <= config.performance.unfurlSrvCacheTtl) {
callback(this._lastUnfurlSrv.ip, this._lastUnfurlSrv.port)
// Group callbacks into an array
// Once resolved, fire callbacks sequentially
// This avoids callbacks possibly executing out of order
if (!this._unfurlSrvCallbackQueue) {
this._unfurlSrvCallbackQueue = []
// Prevent multiple #resolveSrv calls per ServerRegistration
if (!this._isUnfurlingSrv) {
this._isUnfurlingSrv = true
dns.resolveSrv('_minecraft._tcp' + this.data.ip, (_, records) => {
this._lastUnfurlSrv = {
if (records && records.length > 0) {
this._lastUnfurlSrv.ip = records[0].name
this._lastUnfurlSrv.port = records[0].port
} else {
// Provide fallback to pre-configured data
this._lastUnfurlSrv.ip = this.data.ip
this._lastUnfurlSrv.port = this.data.port
// Fire the waiting callbacks in queue
// Release blocking flag to allow new #resolveSrv calls
this._isUnfurlingSrv = false
for (const callback of this._unfurlSrvCallbackQueue) {
callback(this._lastUnfurlSrv.ip, this._lastUnfurlSrv.port)
// Reset the callback queue
this._unfurlSrvCallbackQueue = []
module.exports = ServerRegistration