add server banned status and blocked endpoint

This commit is contained in:
2024-04-10 11:39:17 +01:00
parent 23bcb1d76e
commit 5ad2f438d1
12 changed files with 420 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -55,65 +55,18 @@
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- DNS Lookup -->
<!-- Exclude the default Jackson dependency -->
<!-- Redis for caching -->
@ -132,6 +85,47 @@
<!-- Libraries -->
<!-- Web Templating -->
<!-- DNS Lookup -->
<!-- SwaggerUI -->
@ -140,25 +134,7 @@
<!-- Unit Tests -->
<!-- Tests -->

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package cc.fascinated.common;
import lombok.NonNull;
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpirationPolicy;
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpiringMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* A simple set that expires elements after a certain
* amount of time, utilizing the {@link ExpiringMap} library.
* @param <T> The type of element to store within this set
* @author Braydon
public final class ExpiringSet<T> implements Iterable<T> {
* The internal cache for this set.
@NonNull private final ExpiringMap<T, Long> cache;
* The lifetime (in millis) of the elements in this set.
private final long lifetime;
public ExpiringSet(@NonNull ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicy, long duration, @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this(expirationPolicy, duration, timeUnit, ignored -> {});
public ExpiringSet(@NonNull ExpirationPolicy expirationPolicy, long duration, @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit, @NonNull Consumer<T> onExpire) {
//noinspection unchecked
this.cache = ExpiringMap.builder()
.expiration(duration, timeUnit)
.expirationListener((key, ignored) -> onExpire.accept((T) key))
this.lifetime = timeUnit.toMillis(duration); // Get the lifetime in millis
* Add an element to this set.
* @param element the element
* @return whether the element was added
public boolean add(@NonNull T element) {
boolean contains = contains(element); // Does this set already contain the element?
this.cache.put(element, System.currentTimeMillis() + this.lifetime);
return !contains;
* Get the entry time of an element in this set.
* @param element the element
* @return the entry time, -1 if not contained
public long getEntryTime(@NonNull T element) {
return contains(element) ? this.cache.get(element) - this.lifetime : -1L;
* Check if an element is
* contained within this set.
* @param element the element
* @return whether the element is contained
public boolean contains(@NonNull T element) {
Long timeout = this.cache.get(element); // Get the timeout for the element
return timeout != null && (timeout > System.currentTimeMillis());
* Check if this set is empty.
* @return whether this set is empty
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.cache.isEmpty();
* Get the size of this set.
* @return the size
public int size() {
return this.cache.size();
* Remove an element from this set.
* @param element the element
* @return whether the element was removed
public boolean remove(@NonNull T element) {
return this.cache.remove(element) != null;
* Clear this set.
public void clear() {
* Get the elements in this set.
* @return the elements
public Set<T> getElements() {
return this.cache.keySet();
* Returns an iterator over elements of type {@code T}.
* @return an Iterator.
@Override @NonNull
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return this.cache.keySet().iterator();

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package cc.fascinated.controller;
import cc.fascinated.common.ServerUtils;
import cc.fascinated.common.Tuple;
import cc.fascinated.model.cache.CachedMinecraftServer;
import cc.fascinated.service.MojangService;
import cc.fascinated.service.ServerService;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
@ -12,13 +13,21 @@ import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
import java.util.Map;
@Tag(name = "Server Controller", description = "The Server Controller is used to get information about a server.")
@RequestMapping(value = "/server/")
public class ServerController {
private final ServerService serverService;
private final MojangService mojangService;
private ServerService serverService;
public ServerController(ServerService serverService, MojangService mojangService) {
this.serverService = serverService;
this.mojangService = mojangService;
@GetMapping(value = "/{platform}/{hostnameAndPort}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
@ -44,4 +53,13 @@ public class ServerController {
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, dispositionHeader.formatted(ServerUtils.getAddress(hostname, port)))
.body(serverService.getServerFavicon(hostname, port));
@GetMapping(value = "/blocked/{hostname}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<?> getServerBlockedStatus(
@Parameter(description = "The hostname of the server", example = "") @PathVariable String hostname) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(Map.of(
"banned", mojangService.isServerBlocked(hostname)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public final class JavaServerStatusToken {
* The motd of the server.
private final String description;
private final Object description;
* The favicon of the server.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
package cc.fascinated.model.server;
import cc.fascinated.Main;
import cc.fascinated.common.JavaMinecraftVersion;
import cc.fascinated.common.ServerUtils;
import cc.fascinated.config.Config;
import cc.fascinated.model.mojang.JavaServerStatusToken;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NonNull;
import lombok.Setter;
import java.awt.*;
* @author Braydon
@ -28,6 +35,11 @@ public final class JavaMinecraftServer extends MinecraftServer {
private Favicon favicon;
* The mojang banned status of the server.
private boolean mojangBanned;
public JavaMinecraftServer(String hostname, String ip, int port, MOTD motd, @NonNull Version version, Players players, Favicon favicon) {
super(hostname, ip, port, motd);
this.version = version;
@ -35,6 +47,32 @@ public final class JavaMinecraftServer extends MinecraftServer {
this.favicon = favicon;
* Create a new Java Minecraft server.
* @param hostname the hostname of the server
* @param ip the IP address of the server
* @param port the port of the server
* @param token the status token
* @return the Java Minecraft server
public static JavaMinecraftServer create(@NonNull String hostname, String ip, int port, @NonNull JavaServerStatusToken token) {
String motdString = token.getDescription() instanceof String ? (String) token.getDescription() : null;
if (motdString == null) { // Not a string motd, convert from Json
motdString = new TextComponent(ComponentSerializer.parse(Main.GSON.toJson(token.getDescription()))).toLegacyText();
return new JavaMinecraftServer(
JavaMinecraftServer.Favicon.create(token.getFavicon(), ServerUtils.getAddress(hostname, port))
@AllArgsConstructor @Getter
public static class Version {

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
package cc.fascinated.service;
import cc.fascinated.common.WebRequest;
import cc.fascinated.model.mojang.MojangProfile;
import cc.fascinated.model.mojang.MojangUsernameToUuid;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
@Service @Log4j2
public class MojangAPIService {
private String mojangSessionServerUrl;
private String mojangApiUrl;
* Gets the Session Server profile of the
* player with the given UUID.
* @param id the uuid or name of the player
* @return the profile
public MojangProfile getProfile(String id) {
return WebRequest.getAsEntity(mojangSessionServerUrl + "/session/minecraft/profile/" + id, MojangProfile.class);
* Gets the UUID of the player using
* the name of the player.
* @param id the name of the player
* @return the profile
public MojangUsernameToUuid getUuidFromUsername(String id) {
return WebRequest.getAsEntity(mojangApiUrl + "/users/profiles/minecraft/" + id, MojangUsernameToUuid.class);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
package cc.fascinated.service;
import cc.fascinated.common.ExpiringSet;
import cc.fascinated.common.WebRequest;
import cc.fascinated.model.mojang.MojangProfile;
import cc.fascinated.model.mojang.MojangUsernameToUuid;
import io.micrometer.common.lang.NonNull;
import lombok.SneakyThrows;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpirationPolicy;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@Service @Log4j2
public class MojangService {
private static final String SESSION_SERVER_ENDPOINT = "";
private static final String API_ENDPOINT = "";
private static final String FETCH_BLOCKED_SERVERS = SESSION_SERVER_ENDPOINT + "/blockedservers";
private static final Splitter DOT_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('.');
private static final Joiner DOT_JOINER = Joiner.on('.');
* A list of banned server hashes provided by Mojang.
* <p>
* This is periodically fetched from Mojang, see
* {@link #fetchBlockedServers()} for more info.
* </p>
* @see <a href="">Mojang API</a>
private List<String> bannedServerHashes;
* A cache of blocked server hostnames.
* @see #isServerHostnameBlocked(String) for more
private final ExpiringSet<String> blockedServersCache = new ExpiringSet<>(ExpirationPolicy.CREATED, 10L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
public MojangService() {
new Timer().scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, 0L, 60L * 15L * 1000L);
* Fetch a list of blocked servers from Mojang.
private void fetchBlockedServers() {
try (
InputStream inputStream = new URL(FETCH_BLOCKED_SERVERS).openStream();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).useDelimiter("\n");
) {
List<String> hashes = new ArrayList<>();
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
bannedServerHashes = Collections.synchronizedList(hashes);"Fetched {} banned server hashes", bannedServerHashes.size());
* Check if the server with the
* given hostname is blocked by Mojang.
* @param hostname the server hostname to check
* @return whether the hostname is blocked
public boolean isServerBlocked(@NonNull String hostname) {
// Remove trailing dots
while (hostname.charAt(hostname.length() - 1) == '.') {
hostname = hostname.substring(0, hostname.length() - 1);
// Is the hostname banned?
if (isServerHostnameBlocked(hostname)) {
return true;
List<String> splitDots = Lists.newArrayList(DOT_SPLITTER.split(hostname)); // Split the hostname by dots
boolean isIp = splitDots.size() == 4; // Is it an IP address?
if (isIp) {
for (String element : splitDots) {
try {
int part = Integer.parseInt(element);
if (part >= 0 && part <= 255) { // Ensure the part is within the valid range
} catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
// Safely ignore, not a number
isIp = false;
// Check if the hostname is blocked
if (!isIp && isServerHostnameBlocked("*." + hostname)) {
return true;
// Additional checks for the hostname
while (splitDots.size() > 1) {
splitDots.remove(isIp ? splitDots.size() - 1 : 0);
String starredPart = isIp ? DOT_JOINER.join(splitDots) + ".*" : "*." + DOT_JOINER.join(splitDots);
if (isServerHostnameBlocked(starredPart)) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if the hash for the given
* hostname is in the blocked server list.
* @param hostname the hostname to check
* @return whether the hostname is blocked
private boolean isServerHostnameBlocked(@NonNull String hostname) {
// Check the cache first for the hostname
if (blockedServersCache.contains(hostname)) {
return true;
String hashed = Hashing.sha1().hashBytes(hostname.toLowerCase().getBytes(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1)).toString();
boolean blocked = bannedServerHashes.contains(hashed); // Is the hostname blocked?
if (blocked) { // Cache the blocked hostname
return blocked;
* Gets the Session Server profile of the
* player with the given UUID.
* @param id the uuid or name of the player
* @return the profile
public MojangProfile getProfile(String id) {
return WebRequest.getAsEntity(SESSION_SERVER_ENDPOINT + "/session/minecraft/profile/" + id, MojangProfile.class);
* Gets the UUID of the player using
* the name of the player.
* @param id the name of the player
* @return the profile
public MojangUsernameToUuid getUuidFromUsername(String id) {
return WebRequest.getAsEntity(API_ENDPOINT + "/users/profiles/minecraft/" + id, MojangUsernameToUuid.class);

View File

@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ import java.util.UUID;
@Service @Log4j2
public class PlayerService {
private final MojangAPIService mojangAPIService;
private final MojangService mojangAPIService;
private final PlayerCacheRepository playerCacheRepository;
private final PlayerNameCacheRepository playerNameCacheRepository;
public PlayerService(MojangAPIService mojangAPIService, PlayerCacheRepository playerCacheRepository, PlayerNameCacheRepository playerNameCacheRepository) {
public PlayerService(MojangService mojangAPIService, PlayerCacheRepository playerCacheRepository, PlayerNameCacheRepository playerNameCacheRepository) {
this.mojangAPIService = mojangAPIService;
this.playerCacheRepository = playerCacheRepository;
this.playerNameCacheRepository = playerNameCacheRepository;

View File

@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ import java.util.Optional;
public class ServerService {
private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_ICON = "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";
private final MojangService mojangService;
private final MinecraftServerCacheRepository serverCacheRepository;
public ServerService(MinecraftServerCacheRepository serverCacheRepository) {
public ServerService(MojangService mojangService, MinecraftServerCacheRepository serverCacheRepository) {
this.mojangService = mojangService;
this.serverCacheRepository = serverCacheRepository;
@ -61,6 +63,12 @@ public class ServerService {
platform.getPinger().ping(hostname, port),
if (platform == MinecraftServer.Platform.JAVA) { // Check if the server is blocked by Mojang
JavaMinecraftServer javaServer = (JavaMinecraftServer) server.getServer();
}"Found server: {}:{}", hostname, port);;
server.setCached(-1); // Indicate that the server is not cached

View File

@ -51,15 +51,7 @@ public final class JavaMinecraftServerPinger implements MinecraftServerPinger<Ja
JavaPacketStatusInStart packetStatusInStart = new JavaPacketStatusInStart();
packetStatusInStart.process(inputStream, outputStream);
JavaServerStatusToken token = Main.GSON.fromJson(packetStatusInStart.getResponse(), JavaServerStatusToken.class);
return new JavaMinecraftServer(
JavaMinecraftServer.Favicon.create(token.getFavicon(), ServerUtils.getAddress(hostname, port))
return JavaMinecraftServer.create(hostname, ip, port, token);
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (ex instanceof UnknownHostException) {

View File

@ -17,8 +17,4 @@ spring:
database: 0
auth: "" # Leave blank for no auth
public-url: http://localhost:80
public-url: http://localhost:80

View File

@ -17,8 +17,4 @@ spring:
database: 0
auth: "" # Leave blank for no auth
public-url: http://localhost:80
public-url: http://localhost:80