
367 lines
12 KiB

import { formatNumber, formatTimestamp, isMobileBrowser } from './util'
import { FAVORITE_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY } from './favorites'
export const HISTORY_GRAPH_OPTIONS = {
series: {
shadowSize: 0
xaxis: {
font: {
color: '#E3E3E3'
show: false
yaxis: {
show: true,
tickSize: 5000,
tickLength: 10,
tickFormatter: formatNumber,
font: {
color: '#E3E3E3'
labelWidth: -5,
min: 0
grid: {
hoverable: true,
color: '#696969'
legend: {
show: false
const HIDDEN_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY = 'minetrack_hidden_servers'
const SHOW_FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY = 'minetrack_show_favorites'
export class GraphDisplayManager {
// Only emit graph data request if not on mobile due to graph data size
isVisible = !isMobileBrowser()
constructor (app) {
this._app = app
this._graphData = []
this._hasLoadedSettings = false
this._initEventListenersOnce = false
this._showOnlyFavorites = false
addGraphPoint (serverId, timestamp, playerCount) {
if (!this._hasLoadedSettings) {
// _hasLoadedSettings is controlled by #setGraphData
// It will only be true once the context has been loaded and initial payload received
// #addGraphPoint should not be called prior to that since it means the data is racing
// and the application has received updates prior to the initial state
// Trim any outdated entries by filtering the array into a new array
const startTimestamp = new Date().getTime()
const newGraphData = this._graphData[serverId].filter(point => startTimestamp - point[0] <= this._app.publicConfig.graphDuration)
// Push the new data from the method call request
newGraphData.push([timestamp, playerCount])
this._graphData[serverId] = newGraphData
loadLocalStorage () {
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
const showOnlyFavorites = localStorage.getItem(SHOW_FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY)
if (showOnlyFavorites) {
this._showOnlyFavorites = true
// If only favorites mode is active, use the stored favorite servers data instead
let serverNames
if (this._showOnlyFavorites) {
serverNames = localStorage.getItem(FAVORITE_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY)
} else {
serverNames = localStorage.getItem(HIDDEN_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY)
if (serverNames) {
serverNames = JSON.parse(serverNames)
// Iterate over all active serverRegistrations
// This merges saved state with current state to prevent desyncs
for (const serverRegistration of this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations()) {
// isVisible will be true if showOnlyFavorites && contained in FAVORITE_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY
// OR, if it is NOT contains within HIDDEN_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY
// Checks between FAVORITE/HIDDEN keys are mutually exclusive
if (this._showOnlyFavorites) {
serverRegistration.isVisible = serverNames.indexOf(serverRegistration.data.name) >= 0
} else {
serverRegistration.isVisible = serverNames.indexOf(serverRegistration.data.name) < 0
updateLocalStorage () {
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
// Mutate the serverIds array into server names for storage use
const serverNames = this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations()
.filter(serverRegistration => !serverRegistration.isVisible)
.map(serverRegistration => serverRegistration.data.name)
// Only store if the array contains data, otherwise clear the item
// If showOnlyFavorites is true, do NOT store serverNames since the state will be auto managed instead
if (serverNames.length > 0 && !this._showOnlyFavorites) {
localStorage.setItem(HIDDEN_SERVERS_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(serverNames))
} else {
// Only store SHOW_FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY if true
if (this._showOnlyFavorites) {
localStorage.setItem(SHOW_FAVORITES_STORAGE_KEY, true)
} else {
// Converts the backend data into the schema used by flot.js
getVisibleGraphData () {
return Object.keys(this._graphData)
.map(serverId => this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistration(serverId))
.filter(serverRegistration => serverRegistration !== undefined && serverRegistration.isVisible)
.map(serverRegistration => {
return {
data: this._graphData[serverRegistration.serverId],
yaxis: 1,
label: serverRegistration.data.name,
color: serverRegistration.data.color
buildPlotInstance (graphData) {
// Lazy load settings from localStorage, if any and if enabled
if (!this._hasLoadedSettings) {
this._hasLoadedSettings = true
this._graphData = graphData
// Explicitly define a height so flot.js can rescale the Y axis
document.getElementById('big-graph').style.height = '400px'
this._plotInstance = $.plot('#big-graph', this.getVisibleGraphData(), HISTORY_GRAPH_OPTIONS)
// Show the settings-toggle element
document.getElementById('settings-toggle').style.display = 'inline-block'
// requestRedraw allows usages to request a redraw that may be performed, or cancelled, sometime later
// This allows multiple rapid, but individual updates, to clump into a single redraw instead
requestRedraw () {
if (this._redrawRequestTimeout) {
// Schedule new delayed redraw call
// This can be cancelled by #requestRedraw, #redraw and #reset
this._redrawRequestTimeout = setTimeout(this.redraw, 1000)
redraw = () => {
// Use drawing as a hint to update settings
// This may cause unnessecary localStorage updates, but its a rare and harmless outcome
// Fire calls to the provided graph instance
// This allows flot.js to manage redrawing and creates a helper method to reduce code duplication
// undefine value so #clearTimeout is not called
// This is safe even if #redraw is manually called since it removes the pending work
if (this._redrawRequestTimeout) {
this._redrawRequestTimeout = undefined
requestResize () {
// Only resize when _plotInstance is defined
// Set a timeout to resize after resize events have not been fired for some duration of time
// This prevents burning CPU time for multiple, rapid resize events
if (this._plotInstance) {
if (this._resizeRequestTimeout) {
// Schedule new delayed resize call
// This can be cancelled by #requestResize, #resize and #reset
this._resizeRequestTimeout = setTimeout(this.resize, 200)
resize = () => {
if (this._plotInstance) {
// undefine value so #clearTimeout is not called
// This is safe even if #resize is manually called since it removes the pending work
if (this._resizeRequestTimeout) {
this._resizeRequestTimeout = undefined
// Called by flot.js when they hover over a data point.
handlePlotHover = (event, pos, item) => {
if (!item) {
} else {
let text = formatNumber(item.datapoint[1]) + ' Players<br>' + formatTimestamp(item.datapoint[0])
// Prefix text with the series label when possible
if (item.series && item.series.label) {
text = '<strong>' + item.series.label + '</strong><br>' + text
this._app.tooltip.set(item.pageX, item.pageY, 10, 10, text)
initEventListeners () {
if (!this._initEventListenersOnce) {
this._initEventListenersOnce = true
// These listeners should only be init once since they attach to persistent elements
document.getElementById('settings-toggle').addEventListener('click', this.handleSettingsToggle, false)
document.querySelectorAll('.graph-controls-show').forEach((element) => {
element.addEventListener('click', this.handleShowButtonClick, false)
$('#big-graph').bind('plothover', this.handlePlotHover)
// These listeners should be bound each #initEventListeners call since they are for newly created elements
document.querySelectorAll('.graph-control').forEach((element) => {
element.addEventListener('click', this.handleServerButtonClick, false)
handleServerButtonClick = (event) => {
const serverId = parseInt(event.target.getAttribute('minetrack-server-id'))
const serverRegistration = this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistration(serverId)
if (serverRegistration.isVisible !== event.target.checked) {
serverRegistration.isVisible = event.target.checked
// Any manual changes automatically disables "Only Favorites" mode
// Otherwise the auto management might overwrite their manual changes
this._showOnlyFavorites = false
handleShowButtonClick = (event) => {
const showType = event.target.getAttribute('minetrack-show-type')
// If set to "Only Favorites", set internal state so that
// visible graphData is automatically updating when a ServerRegistration's #isVisible changes
// This is also saved and loaded by #loadLocalStorage & #updateLocalStorage
this._showOnlyFavorites = showType === 'favorites'
let redraw = false
this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations().forEach(function (serverRegistration) {
let isVisible
if (showType === 'all') {
isVisible = true
} else if (showType === 'none') {
isVisible = false
} else if (showType === 'favorites') {
isVisible = serverRegistration.isFavorite
if (serverRegistration.isVisible !== isVisible) {
serverRegistration.isVisible = isVisible
redraw = true
if (redraw) {
handleSettingsToggle = () => {
const element = document.getElementById('big-graph-controls-drawer')
if (element.style.display !== 'block') {
element.style.display = 'block'
} else {
element.style.display = 'none'
handleServerIsFavoriteUpdate = (serverRegistration) => {
// When in "Only Favorites" mode, visibility is dependent on favorite status
// Redraw and update elements as needed
if (this._showOnlyFavorites && serverRegistration.isVisible !== serverRegistration.isFavorite) {
serverRegistration.isVisible = serverRegistration.isFavorite
updateCheckboxes () {
document.querySelectorAll('.graph-control').forEach((checkbox) => {
const serverId = parseInt(checkbox.getAttribute('minetrack-server-id'))
const serverRegistration = this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistration(serverId)
checkbox.checked = serverRegistration.isVisible
reset () {
this._graphData = []
this._plotInstance = undefined
this._hasLoadedSettings = false
// Fire #clearTimeout if the timeout is currently defined
if (this._resizeRequestTimeout) {
this._resizeRequestTimeout = undefined
if (this._redrawRequestTimeout) {
this._redrawRequestTimeout = undefined
// Reset modified DOM structures
document.getElementById('big-graph-checkboxes').innerHTML = ''
document.getElementById('big-graph-controls').style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById('settings-toggle').style.display = 'none'
const graphElement = document.getElementById('big-graph')
graphElement.innerHTML = ''