@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class Database {
this._sql.serialize(() => {
this._sql.run('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pings (timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL, ip TINYTEXT, playerCount MEDIUMINT)', handleError)
this._sql.run('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS players_record (timestamp BIGINT, ip TINYTEXT, playerCount MEDIUMINT)', handleError)
this._sql.run('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ip_index ON pings (ip, playerCount)', handleError)
this._sql.run('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS timestamp_index on PINGS (timestamp)', [], err => {
@ -130,6 +131,34 @@ class Database {
timestamp: TimeTracker.toSeconds(timestamp)
} else {
this.getRecordLegacy(serverRegistration.data.ip, (hasRecordLegacy, playerCountLegacy, timestampLegacy) => {
// New values that will be inserted to table
let newTimestamp = null
let newPlayerCount = null
// If legacy record found, use it for insertion
if (hasRecordLegacy) {
newTimestamp = timestampLegacy
newPlayerCount = playerCountLegacy
// Set record to recordData
serverRegistration.recordData = {
playerCount: newPlayerCount,
timestamp: TimeTracker.toSeconds(newTimestamp)
// Insert server entry to records table
const statement = this._sql.prepare('INSERT INTO players_record (timestamp, ip, playerCount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)')
statement.run(newTimestamp, serverRegistration.data.ip, newPlayerCount, err => {
if (err) {
logger.error(`Cannot insert initial player count record of ${serverRegistration.data.ip}`)
throw err
// Check if completedTasks hit the finish value
@ -155,7 +184,7 @@ class Database {
getRecord (ip, callback) {
this._sql.all('SELECT MAX(playerCount), timestamp FROM pings WHERE ip = ?', [
this._sql.all('SELECT playerCount, timestamp FROM players_record WHERE ip = ?', [
], (err, data) => {
if (err) {
@ -163,6 +192,32 @@ class Database {
throw err
// Record not found
if (data[0] === undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-callback-literal
const playerCount = data[0].playerCount
const timestamp = data[0].timestamp
// Allow null player counts and timestamps, the frontend will safely handle them
// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-callback-literal
callback(true, playerCount, timestamp)
// Retrieves record from pings table, used for converting to separate table
getRecordLegacy (ip, callback) {
this._sql.all('SELECT MAX(playerCount), timestamp FROM pings WHERE ip = ?', [
], (err, data) => {
if (err) {
logger.log('error', `Cannot get legacy ping record for ${ip}`)
throw err
// For empty results, data will be length 1 with [null, null]
const playerCount = data[0]['MAX(playerCount)']
const timestamp = data[0].timestamp
@ -200,6 +255,40 @@ class Database {
updatePlayerCountRecord (ip, playerCount, timestamp) {
const statement = this._sql.prepare('UPDATE players_record SET timestamp = ?, playerCount = ? WHERE ip = ?')
statement.run(timestamp, playerCount, ip, err => {
if (err) {
logger.error(`Cannot update player count record of ${ip} at ${timestamp}`)
throw err
initOldPingsDeleter () {
// Delete old records every hour
setInterval(() => this.deleteOldPingRecords(), 3600000)
deleteOldPingRecords () {
// The oldest timestamp that will be kept
const oldestTimestamp = TimeTracker.getEpochMillis() - config.graphDuration
const deleteStart = TimeTracker.getEpochMillis()
const statement = this._sql.prepare('DELETE FROM pings WHERE timestamp < ?;')
statement.run(oldestTimestamp, err => {
if (err) {
logger.error('Cannot delete old ping records')
throw err
} else {
const deleteTook = TimeTracker.getEpochMillis() - deleteStart
logger.info(`Old ping records deleted in ${deleteTook}ms`)
module.exports = Database