mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 13:33:35 +00:00
Compare commits
109 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
fe001e6c39 | |||
c4f33e96c4 | |||
69f1a206fb | |||
ab0cd24f89 | |||
55afa30fcd | |||
5e7e42a446 | |||
a9eda8f572 | |||
a5bcfdd3e6 | |||
8d67d62c15 | |||
6adb247334 | |||
6c8732dd06 | |||
9765e7d05f | |||
60c99742ce | |||
8f3f392517 | |||
af69d79c5c | |||
63045afc70 | |||
19c6612a47 | |||
9e6f386819 | |||
b5ba36c033 | |||
d10b6d691e | |||
de812acdc5 | |||
75c34cbf50 | |||
0d533338a1 | |||
411f387705 | |||
be44b2d887 | |||
0c88f6bc2c | |||
d31e4ab0cb | |||
9fd5a661ab | |||
b732e2c8d7 | |||
8e2677b1f9 | |||
f2e40bf88e | |||
a4f9b219ab | |||
7262a44ba2 | |||
37ec96504a | |||
051b4f673f | |||
3ef6d7292e | |||
0d9ffd2052 | |||
9f00df5aee | |||
d6aa8b97d1 | |||
c00b076a86 | |||
8fff2ccb9c | |||
5638898eaf | |||
22ed7a7a07 | |||
f1ddb83df0 | |||
4dd0215ccc | |||
ec259dfbd7 | |||
bbdc9bdfd8 | |||
7d036f57fd | |||
ab90514b0a | |||
25abc1f457 | |||
873c4bc4d8 | |||
0b402d9afe | |||
5141866f0a | |||
f0618824a4 | |||
03cc88193d | |||
897a9db808 | |||
9bbd02cc91 | |||
d1dca45710 | |||
5e71252993 | |||
1db017f1f1 | |||
d06ba7fc4c | |||
99954a9056 | |||
fcb710a48a | |||
0cbaa141c3 | |||
9d1964ceda | |||
0477cf13e1 | |||
9b568d4b4e | |||
1c9fe0815e | |||
a5dd99ac00 | |||
1849dd3075 | |||
8fe0b24945 | |||
7c69c471c5 | |||
f32cb934dc | |||
7a6e63a462 | |||
d76b2ea57e | |||
1f0e04519a | |||
d059952ecd | |||
6efb5d50fe | |||
b2831795a4 | |||
4e8ebecd3d | |||
d929cd8fa0 | |||
d384c5f2f7 | |||
643d4f077f | |||
db26b75b64 | |||
07ad5a208d | |||
b80a502086 | |||
104d0b0dda | |||
db218720f3 | |||
b8504cc21e | |||
2e6bfa94c2 | |||
a1244dcb3b | |||
06695612a8 | |||
323c6808af | |||
841d856a29 | |||
52d4c52dba | |||
c75cd29b9f | |||
b1b5299c47 | |||
652092e985 | |||
b06c83622a | |||
ce669809bf | |||
0afb09cbd1 | |||
5d8a463475 | |||
7044f37b44 | |||
08443039aa | |||
fd8b81411c | |||
213bc50b49 | |||
00e81be52f | |||
2443e1e471 | |||
35e044ddc8 |
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# MAS export-ignore
# LICENSE export-ignore
# README.md export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -44,26 +44,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -143,6 +145,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="/HWID" set _act=1
@ -157,19 +161,29 @@ for %%A in (%_act% %_NoEditionChange%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1)
call :dk_setvar
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
echo HWID Activation is only supported on Windows 10/11.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use Online KMS activation option."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu."
goto dk_done
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" (
echo HWID Activation is not supported on Windows Server.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use KMS38 or Online KMS activation option."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu."
goto dk_done
@ -205,32 +219,6 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -243,6 +231,48 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto dk_done
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -263,6 +293,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -288,9 +319,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -306,7 +347,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -332,7 +373,7 @@ if not exist %SysPath%\%%# (
echo [%SysPath%\%%#] file is missing, aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -357,7 +398,6 @@ cls
echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Green% "%winos% is already permanently activated."
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %Gray% "Activation is not required."
echo ___________________________________________________________________________________________
if %_unattended%==1 goto dk_done
@ -375,10 +415,11 @@ reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild%]
echo Evaluation editions cannot be activated outside of their evaluation period.
echo Evaluation editions cannot be activated outside of their evaluation period.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu to reset evaluation period."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation_editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
goto dk_done
@ -459,13 +500,13 @@ echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU%]
if not defined skunotfound (
echo This product does not support HWID activation.
echo Make sure you are using the latest version of the script.
echo If you are, then try KMS38 activation option.
echo If you are, then try TSforge activation option from the main menu.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%
echo %mas%
) else (
echo Required license files not found in %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -537,14 +578,14 @@ echo Generating GenuineTicket.xml [Successful]
set "_xmlexist=if exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml""
%_xmlexist% (
%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service ClipSVC } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service ClipSVC } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% (
set error=1
if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed with ClipSVC service restart, wait...]"
call :dk_color %Gray% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed with ClipSVC service restart, wait...]"
@ -599,17 +640,18 @@ goto :dl_final
set "_ident=HKU\S-1-5-19\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityCRL"
if defined _int (
if %keyerror% EQU 0 if defined _int (
reg delete "%_ident%" /f %nul%
reg query "%_ident%" %nul% && (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Deleting IdentityCRL Registry [Failed] [%_ident%]"
for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager sppsvc) do (%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null")
for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager sppsvc) do (%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null")
call :dk_refresh
call :dk_act
call :dk_checkperm
reg query "%_ident%" %nul% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Generating New IdentityCRL Registry [Failed] [%_ident%]"
@ -617,79 +659,95 @@ call :dk_checkperm
:: Extended licensing servers tests incase error not found and activation failed
if %keyerror% EQU 0 if not defined _perm if defined _int (
set resfail=
ipconfig /flushdns %nul%
set "tls=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;"
for %%# in (
) do if not defined resfail (
set "d1=Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http;"
set "d1=!d1! $client = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new();"
set "d1=!d1! $response = $client.GetAsync('https://%%#').GetAwaiter().GetResult();"
set "d1=!d1! $response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()"
%psc% "!tls! !d1!" %nul2% | findstr /i "PurchaseFD DeviceAddResponse" %nul1% || set resfail=1
%psc% "try { !tls! irm https://%%# -Method POST } catch { if ($_.Exception.Response -eq $null) { Write-Host """"[%%#] $($_.Exception.Message)"""" -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black; exit 3 } }"
if !errorlevel!==3 set resfail=1
if not defined resfail (
%psc% "!tls! irm https://licensing.mp.microsoft.com/v7.0/licenses/content -Method POST" | find /i "traceId" %nul1% || set resfail=1
if defined resfail (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Licensing Servers [Failed to Connect]"
for %%# in (
) do (
findstr /i "%%#" "%SysPath%\drivers\etc\hosts" %nul1% && set "hosfail= [%%# Blocked in Hosts]"
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Licensing Servers [Failed to Connect]!hosfail!"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%licensing-servers-issue
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue"
:: Windows update and store block check
if %keyerror% EQU 0 if not defined _perm if defined _int (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v DisableWindowsUpdateAccess %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && set wublock=1
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && set wublock=1
if defined wublock (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Update Blocker In Registry [Found]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "HWID activation needs working Windows updates, if you have used any tool to block updates, undo it."
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" /v DisableStoreApps %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && (
set storeblock=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Store Blocker In Registry [Found]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "If you have used any tool to block Store, undo it."
set wcount=0
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type ServiceSidType RequiredPrivileges FailureActions) do (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv /v %%G %nul% || (set wucorrupt=1&set /a wcount+=1)
for %%G in (Parameters Security) do (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv\%%G %nul% || (set wucorrupt=1&set /a wcount+=1)
if defined wucorrupt (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Update Registry [Corruption Found]"
if !wcount! GTR 2 (
call :dk_color %Red% "Windows seems to be infected with Mal%w%ware."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
) else (
call :dk_color %Blue% "HWID activation needs working Windows updates, if you have used any tool to block updates, undo it."
) else (
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service wuauserv } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
sc query wuauserv | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || (
set error=1
set wuerror=1
sc start wuauserv %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Windows Update Service [Failed] [!errorlevel!]"
call :dk_color %Blue% "HWID activation needs working Windows updates, if you have used any tool to block updates, undo it."
:: Check Internet related error codes
if %keyerror% EQU 0 if not defined _perm if defined _int (
reg query "%_ident%" %nul% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Generating New IdentityCRL Registry [Failed] [%_ident%]"
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v DisableWindowsUpdateAccess %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && set wublock=1
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /v DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdateInternetLocations %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && set wublock=1
if defined wublock call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Update Blocker In Registry [Found]"
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore" /v DisableStoreApps %nul2% | find /i "0x1" %nul% && (
set storeblock=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Store Blocker In Registry [Found]"
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type ServiceSidType RequiredPrivileges FailureActions) do if not defined wucorrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv /v %%G %nul% || set wucorrupt=1
for %%G in (Parameters Security TriggerInfo) do if not defined wucorrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv\%%G %nul% || set wucorrupt=1
if defined wucorrupt (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Update Registry [Corruption Found]"
) else (
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service wuauserv } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
sc query wuauserv | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || (
set wuerror=1
sc start wuauserv %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Windows Update Service [Failed] [!errorlevel!]"
REM Check Internet related error codes
if not defined wucorrupt if not defined wublock if not defined wuerror if not defined storeblock (
if not defined wucorrupt if not defined wublock if not defined wuerror if not defined storeblock if not defined resfail (
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x80072e 0x80072f 0x800704cf 0x87e10bcf 0x800705b4" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Internet Issues [Found] %error_code%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%licensing-servers-issue
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%licensing-servers-issue"
@ -703,11 +761,11 @@ call :dk_color %Green% "%winos% is permanently activated with a digital license.
call :dk_color %Red% "Activation Failed %error_code%"
if defined notworking (
call :dk_color %Blue% "At the time of writing, HWID Activation is not supported for this product."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use KMS38 activation option instead."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu instead."
) else (
if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
@ -749,12 +807,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -764,6 +825,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -940,7 +1002,7 @@ reg delete "%ruleskey%" /v "SuppressRulesEngine" /f %nul%
set r1=$TB = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);
set r2=%r1% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLpTriggerServiceWorker', 'sppc.dll', 22, 1, [Int32], @([UInt32], [IntPtr], [String], [UInt32]), 1, 3);
set d1=%r2% [void]$TB.CreateType()::SLpTriggerServiceWorker(0, 0, 'reeval', 0)
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; %d1%"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null; %d1%"
exit /b
:: Get Activation IDs from licensing files if not found through WMI
@ -1009,7 +1071,7 @@ echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%]
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 30)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
exit /b
:: Get Product name (WMI/REG methods are not reliable in all conditions, hence winbrand.dll method is used)
@ -1063,26 +1125,16 @@ exit /b
set w=
set results=
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
if exist "%SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS" set pupfound2= R@inKMS
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "R@1n" %nul% && set pupfound2= R@inKMS
set pupfound=%pupfound1%%pupfound2%
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound= KM%w%Spico
if not defined pupfound (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound= KM%w%Spico
set hcount=0
for %%# in (avira.com kaspersky.com virustotal.com mcafee.com) do (
find /i "%%#" %SysPath%\drivers\etc\hosts %nul% && set /a hcount+=1)
if %hcount%==4 set "results=[Antivirus URLs are blocked in hosts]"
set wucount=0
for %%# in (wuauserv) do (
set _corrupt=
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || (set _corrupt=1 & set /a wucount+=1)
if %wucount% GEQ 1 set "results=%results%[Windows Update registry is corrupt]"
sc start sppsvc %nul%
echo "%errorlevel%" | findstr "577 225" %nul% && (
set "results=%results%[Likely File Infector]"
@ -1095,9 +1147,16 @@ if defined pupfound call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking PUP Activators
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Probable Mal%w%ware Infection..."
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "%results%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
:: Remove the scheduled task of R@1n-KMS (old version) that runs the activation command every minute, as it leads to high CPU usage.
if exist %SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS (
for /f %%A in ('dir /b /a:-d %SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS %nul6%') do (schtasks /delete /tn \R@1n-KMS\%%A /f %nul%)
exit /b
@ -1189,7 +1248,7 @@ set errorcode=
set checkerror=
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || (
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
set errorcode=!errorlevel!
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || set checkerror=1
@ -1203,7 +1262,12 @@ if defined serv_e (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Services [Failed] [%serv_e%]"
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "ClipSVC-1058 sppsvc-1058" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart your system to fix this error."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Reboot your machine using the restart option to fix this error."
set showfix=1
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "sppsvc-1060" %nul% && (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_service
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_service"
set showfix=1
@ -1219,14 +1283,21 @@ call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Boot Mode [%safeboot_option
:: https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-setup-states
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State" /v ImageState') do (set imagestate=%%B)
if /i not "%imagestate%"=="IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]"
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]"
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "RESEAL" %nul% && (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Blue% "You need to run it in normal mode in case you are running it in Audit Mode."
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "UNDEPLOYABLE" %nul% && (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "If the activation fails, do this - " %_Yellow% " %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade"
@ -1249,18 +1320,21 @@ echo Checking WPA Registry Count [%wpainfo%]
if not defined officeact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
if not defined notwinact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Packages [Non-Eval Licenses are installed in Eval Windows]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation_editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
set osedition=0
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a"
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL) get LicenseFamily /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).LicenseFamily ^| %% {echo ('LicenseFamily='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkedi% do if not errorlevel 1 (call set "osedition=%%a")
if %osedition%==0 for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a"
:: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional
@ -1269,19 +1343,17 @@ if "%osSKU%"=="164" set osedition=ProfessionalEducation
if "%osSKU%"=="165" set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN
if not defined officeact (
if not defined notwinact (
if %osedition%==0 (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Edition Name [Not Found In Registry]"
) else (
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\%osedition%*.xrm-ms" if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%osedition%\*-%osedition%-*.xrm-ms" (
set error=1
set skunotfound=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking License Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*-%osedition%-*.mum" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Package Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
@ -1303,7 +1375,7 @@ if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nu
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set wmifailed=1
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440 0x80131501" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants
if defined wmifailed (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WMI [Not Working]"
@ -1312,7 +1384,7 @@ set showfix=1
if not defined officeact (
if not defined notwinact (
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%regSKU%+%wmiSKU%"
set /a "sum/=3"
@ -1345,17 +1417,16 @@ call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking ClipSVC " %Blue% "[System
:: This "WLMS" service was included in previous Eval editions (which were activable) to automatically shut down the system every hour after the evaluation period expired and prevent SPPSVC from stopping.
if exist "%SysPath%\wlms\wlms.exe" (
sc query wlms | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% && (
echo Checking Eval WLMS Service [Found]
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" %nul% || (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking HKU\S-1-5-20 Registry [Not Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "In case of activation issues, do this - " %_Yellow% " %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade"
@ -1364,7 +1435,7 @@ reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%w%ge File Execu
if defined _sppint (
echo %_sppint% | find /i "PerfOptions" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint% - System May Deactivate Later]"
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint% - System might deactivate later]"
if not defined showfix call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set showfix=1
) || (
@ -1376,15 +1447,14 @@ echo Checking SPP In IFEO [%_sppint%]
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" %nul6%') do if /i %%b NEQ 0x0 (
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SkipRearm [Default 0 Value Not Found. Changing To 0]"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
set error=1
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Plugins\Objects\msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0" /f ba02fed39662 /d %nul% || (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Registry Key [Incorrect ModuleId Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Most likely caused by HWID spoofers. Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Most likely caused by gaming spoofers. Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers"
set error=1
set showfix=1
@ -1399,7 +1469,7 @@ set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking TokenStore Registry Key [Correct Path Not Found] [%tokenstore%]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
@ -1423,20 +1493,22 @@ set showfix=1
if not defined notwinact (
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
set "_notfoundids=Key Not Installed / Act ID Not Found"
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined allapps (
set error=1
set "_notfoundids=Not found"
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Activation IDs [!_notfoundids!]"
if exist "%tokenstore%\" if not exist "%tokenstore%\tokens.dat" (
@ -1446,11 +1518,15 @@ call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP tokens.dat [Not Found] [%toke
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
%psc% "Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT Description FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL' | Select-Object -Property Description" %nul2% | findstr /i "KMS_" %nul1% || (
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'SvcRestartTask' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\').State" %nul6%') do (set taskinfo=%%a)
echo !taskinfo! | find /i "Ready" %nul% || (
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "actionlist" /f %nul%
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask" %nul% || set taskinfo=Removed
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, System May Deactivate Later]"
if "!taskinfo!"=="" set "taskinfo=Not Found"
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, System might deactivate later]"
if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "Reboot your machine using the restart option."
@ -1458,7 +1534,7 @@ call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, Syste
:: This code checks if SPP has permission access to tokens folder and required registry keys. It's often caused by gaming spoofers.
set permerror=
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not defined ps32onArm (
for %%# in (
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA+QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey"
@ -1518,7 +1594,7 @@ exit /b
$wpaKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME).OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\WPA")
$count = 0
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($subkeyName -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
@ -1527,7 +1603,7 @@ $minBuildNumber = 14393
if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) {
$subkeyHashTable = @{}
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($subkeyName -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
$keyNumber = $subkeyName -replace '.*-', ''
$subkeyHashTable[$keyNumber] = $true
@ -1541,7 +1617,7 @@ if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) {
$wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($_ -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
cmd /c "reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\$_" /ve /t REG_BINARY >nul 2>&1"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
@ -1592,7 +1668,8 @@ echo:
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -47,26 +47,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -146,6 +148,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="/KMS38" set _act=1
@ -163,15 +167,25 @@ set _k38=
call :dk_setvar
set "specific_kms=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f"
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 14393 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
echo KMS38 activation is only supported on Windows 10/11/Server, build 14393 and later.
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use Online KMS activation option."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu."
) else (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use HWID activation option."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use HWID activation option from the main menu."
goto dk_done
@ -208,32 +222,6 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -246,6 +234,48 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto dk_done
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -266,6 +296,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -291,9 +322,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -309,7 +350,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -372,7 +413,7 @@ if defined _fmiss (
echo [%_fmiss%] file is missing, aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -425,10 +466,11 @@ echo Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Convert it to full Server OS.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Go Back to main menu and use [Change Edition] option."
) else (
echo Evaluation editions cannot be activated outside of their evaluation period.
echo Evaluation editions cannot be activated outside of their evaluation period.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu to reset evaluation period."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation_editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
goto dk_done
@ -444,8 +486,19 @@ if not exist "!_work!\clipup.exe" (
echo clipup.exe doesn't exist in Server Cor/Acor [No GUI] versions.
echo The file is required for KMS38 activation.
echo Check the below page for instructions on how to activate it.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%kms38
echo %mas%kms38
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%kms38"
goto dk_done
:: Check file signature
if defined a_cor (
%psc% "if (-not (Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath '!_work!\clipup.exe').IsOSBinary) {Exit 3}" %nul%
if !errorlevel!==3 (
echo Valid digital signature not found in clipup.exe file.
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -505,17 +558,28 @@ call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Alternate Edition for KMS38 [%altedition% Acti
if not defined key if not defined _gvlk (
echo [%winos% ^| %winbuild% ^| SKU:%osSKU%]
if not defined skunotfound (
echo This product does not support KMS38 activation.
echo Make sure you are using the latest version of the script.
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\*GVLK*.xrm-ms" set sppks=1
if defined skunotfound (
call :dk_color %Red% "Required license files not found in %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
if defined sppks (
call :dk_color %Red% "KMS38 activation is supported but failed to find the key."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
if not defined skunotfound if not defined sppks (
call :dk_color %Red% "This product does not support KMS38 activation."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Use TSforge activation option from the main menu."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%
echo %mas%
) else (
echo Required license files were not found in %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -558,7 +622,7 @@ if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELE
if not defined app (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed GVLK Activation ID [Not Found] Aborting..."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto :dk_done
@ -640,7 +704,7 @@ set "_xmlexist=if exist "%tdir%\GenuineTicket.xml""
:: Stop sppsvc
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
sc query sppsvc | find /i "STOPPED" %nul% && (
echo Stopping sppsvc Service [Successful]
@ -649,14 +713,14 @@ call :dk_color %Gray% "Stopping sppsvc Service [Failed]"
%_xmlexist% (
%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service ClipSVC } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service ClipSVC } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% timeout /t 2 %nul%
%_xmlexist% (
set error=1
if exist "%tdir%\*.xml" del /f /q "%tdir%\*.xml" %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed with ClipSVC service restart, wait...]"
call :dk_color %Gray% "Installing GenuineTicket.xml [Failed with ClipSVC service restart, wait...]"
@ -726,7 +790,7 @@ goto :k_final
call :dk_color %Red% "Activation Failed"
if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
@ -849,12 +913,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -864,6 +931,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -1056,7 +1124,7 @@ reg delete "%ruleskey%" /v "SuppressRulesEngine" /f %nul%
set r1=$TB = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);
set r2=%r1% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLpTriggerServiceWorker', 'sppc.dll', 22, 1, [Int32], @([UInt32], [IntPtr], [String], [UInt32]), 1, 3);
set d1=%r2% [void]$TB.CreateType()::SLpTriggerServiceWorker(0, 0, 'reeval', 0)
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; %d1%"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null; %d1%"
exit /b
:: Install License files using Powershell/WMI instead of slmgr.vbs
@ -1107,7 +1175,7 @@ echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%]
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 30)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
exit /b
:: Get Product name (WMI/REG methods are not reliable in all conditions, hence winbrand.dll method is used)
@ -1206,26 +1274,16 @@ exit /b
set w=
set results=
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
if exist "%SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS" set pupfound2= R@inKMS
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "R@1n" %nul% && set pupfound2= R@inKMS
set pupfound=%pupfound1%%pupfound2%
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound= KM%w%Spico
if not defined pupfound (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound= KM%w%Spico
set hcount=0
for %%# in (avira.com kaspersky.com virustotal.com mcafee.com) do (
find /i "%%#" %SysPath%\drivers\etc\hosts %nul% && set /a hcount+=1)
if %hcount%==4 set "results=[Antivirus URLs are blocked in hosts]"
set wucount=0
for %%# in (wuauserv) do (
set _corrupt=
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt (
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || (set _corrupt=1 & set /a wucount+=1)
if %wucount% GEQ 1 set "results=%results%[Windows Update registry is corrupt]"
sc start sppsvc %nul%
echo "%errorlevel%" | findstr "577 225" %nul% && (
set "results=%results%[Likely File Infector]"
@ -1238,9 +1296,16 @@ if defined pupfound call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking PUP Activators
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Probable Mal%w%ware Infection..."
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "%results%"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware"
:: Remove the scheduled task of R@1n-KMS (old version) that runs the activation command every minute, as it leads to high CPU usage.
if exist %SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS (
for /f %%A in ('dir /b /a:-d %SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS %nul6%') do (schtasks /delete /tn \R@1n-KMS\%%A /f %nul%)
exit /b
@ -1332,7 +1397,7 @@ set errorcode=
set checkerror=
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || (
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
set errorcode=!errorlevel!
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || set checkerror=1
@ -1346,7 +1411,12 @@ if defined serv_e (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Services [Failed] [%serv_e%]"
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "ClipSVC-1058 sppsvc-1058" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart your system to fix this error."
call :dk_color %Blue% "Reboot your machine using the restart option to fix this error."
set showfix=1
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "sppsvc-1060" %nul% && (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_service
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_service"
set showfix=1
@ -1362,14 +1432,21 @@ call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Boot Mode [%safeboot_option
:: https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-setup-states
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State" /v ImageState') do (set imagestate=%%B)
if /i not "%imagestate%"=="IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]"
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]"
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "RESEAL" %nul% && (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Blue% "You need to run it in normal mode in case you are running it in Audit Mode."
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "UNDEPLOYABLE" %nul% && (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "If the activation fails, do this - " %_Yellow% " %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade"
@ -1392,18 +1469,21 @@ echo Checking WPA Registry Count [%wpainfo%]
if not defined officeact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
if not defined notwinact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% || (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Packages [Non-Eval Licenses are installed in Eval Windows]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation_editions
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation_editions"
set osedition=0
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a"
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL) get LicenseFamily /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).LicenseFamily ^| %% {echo ('LicenseFamily='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkedi% do if not errorlevel 1 (call set "osedition=%%a")
if %osedition%==0 for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a"
:: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional
@ -1412,19 +1492,17 @@ if "%osSKU%"=="164" set osedition=ProfessionalEducation
if "%osSKU%"=="165" set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN
if not defined officeact (
if not defined notwinact (
if %osedition%==0 (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Edition Name [Not Found In Registry]"
) else (
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\%osedition%*.xrm-ms" if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%osedition%\*-%osedition%-*.xrm-ms" (
set error=1
set skunotfound=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking License Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*-%osedition%-*.mum" (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Package Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]"
@ -1446,7 +1524,7 @@ if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nu
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set wmifailed=1
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440 0x80131501" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/wmisdk/wmi-error-constants
if defined wmifailed (
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WMI [Not Working]"
@ -1455,7 +1533,7 @@ set showfix=1
if not defined officeact (
if not defined notwinact (
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%regSKU%+%wmiSKU%"
set /a "sum/=3"
@ -1488,17 +1566,16 @@ call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking ClipSVC " %Blue% "[System
:: This "WLMS" service was included in previous Eval editions (which were activable) to automatically shut down the system every hour after the evaluation period expired and prevent SPPSVC from stopping.
if exist "%SysPath%\wlms\wlms.exe" (
sc query wlms | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% && (
echo Checking Eval WLMS Service [Found]
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" %nul% || (
set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking HKU\S-1-5-20 Registry [Not Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "In case of activation issues, do this - " %_Yellow% " %mas%in-place_repair_upgrade"
@ -1507,7 +1584,7 @@ reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%w%ge File Execu
if defined _sppint (
echo %_sppint% | find /i "PerfOptions" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint% - System May Deactivate Later]"
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint% - System might deactivate later]"
if not defined showfix call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%"
set showfix=1
) || (
@ -1519,15 +1596,14 @@ echo Checking SPP In IFEO [%_sppint%]
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" %nul6%') do if /i %%b NEQ 0x0 (
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul%
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SkipRearm [Default 0 Value Not Found. Changing To 0]"
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null"
set error=1
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null"
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Plugins\Objects\msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0" /f ba02fed39662 /d %nul% || (
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Registry Key [Incorrect ModuleId Found]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Most likely caused by HWID spoofers. Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Most likely caused by gaming spoofers. Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers"
set error=1
set showfix=1
@ -1542,7 +1618,7 @@ set error=1
set showfix=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking TokenStore Registry Key [Correct Path Not Found] [%tokenstore%]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
@ -1566,20 +1642,22 @@ set showfix=1
if not defined notwinact (
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul%
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
set "_notfoundids=Key Not Installed / Act ID Not Found"
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined allapps (
set error=1
set "_notfoundids=Not found"
set error=1
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Activation IDs [!_notfoundids!]"
if exist "%tokenstore%\" if not exist "%tokenstore%\tokens.dat" (
@ -1589,11 +1667,15 @@ call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP tokens.dat [Not Found] [%toke
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" (
%psc% "Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT Description FROM SoftwareLicensingProduct WHERE PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL' | Select-Object -Property Description" %nul2% | findstr /i "KMS_" %nul1% || (
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'SvcRestartTask' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\').State" %nul6%') do (set taskinfo=%%a)
echo !taskinfo! | find /i "Ready" %nul% || (
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "actionlist" /f %nul%
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask" %nul% || set taskinfo=Removed
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, System May Deactivate Later]"
if "!taskinfo!"=="" set "taskinfo=Not Found"
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, System might deactivate later]"
if not defined error call :dk_color %Blue% "Reboot your machine using the restart option."
@ -1601,7 +1683,7 @@ call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!, Syste
:: This code checks if SPP has permission access to tokens folder and required registry keys. It's often caused by gaming spoofers.
set permerror=
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not defined ps32onArm (
for %%# in (
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA+QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey"
@ -1661,7 +1743,7 @@ exit /b
$wpaKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME).OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\WPA")
$count = 0
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($subkeyName -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
@ -1670,7 +1752,7 @@ $minBuildNumber = 14393
if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) {
$subkeyHashTable = @{}
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) {
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($subkeyName -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
$keyNumber = $subkeyName -replace '.*-', ''
$subkeyHashTable[$keyNumber] = $true
@ -1684,7 +1766,7 @@ if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) {
$wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') {
if ($_ -match '8DEC0AF1-0341-4b93-85CD-72606C2DF94C.*') {
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) {
cmd /c "reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\$_" /ve /t REG_BINARY >nul 2>&1"
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
@ -1735,7 +1817,8 @@ echo:
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1818,36 +1901,6 @@ a99cc1f0-7719-4306-9645-294102fbff95_FDNH6-VW9RW-BXPJ7-4XTYG-23%f%9TB_168_Server
:: Old Preview editions from build 14393 - Generated keys
) do (
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do if %osSKU%==%%C (
if %1==key if not defined key echo "!allapps!" | find /i "%%A" %nul1% && set key=%%B
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Activation Type Supported Product Activation Period
HWID - Windows 10-11 - Permanent
Ohook - Office - Permanent
KMS38 - Windows 10-11-Server - Till the Year 2038
Online KMS - Windows / Office - 180 Days. Lifetime With Renewal Task
For more details, use the respective docs section here https://massgrave.dev/
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Activation Type Supported Product Activation Period
HWID - Windows 10-11 - Permanent
Ohook - Office - Permanent
TSforge - Windows / ESU / Office - Permanent
KMS38 - Windows 10-11-Server - Till the Year 2038
Online KMS - Windows / Office - 180 Days. Lifetime With Renewal Task
Check the below link for more details:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -31,26 +31,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -103,6 +105,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1
@ -119,6 +123,16 @@ set "line=echo _________________________________________________________________
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
@ -158,32 +172,6 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -196,6 +184,48 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto dk_done
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -216,6 +246,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -241,9 +272,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -259,7 +300,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -278,7 +319,7 @@ if not exist %SysPath%\sppsvc.exe (
echo [%SysPath%\sppsvc.exe] file is missing. Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -316,7 +357,7 @@ if %osedition%==0 (
echo Failed to detect OS Edition. Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -389,7 +430,7 @@ echo which is not officially supported on your Windows build version %winbuild%.
echo Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -403,7 +444,7 @@ echo Unsupported Office %verchk% is installed on your Windows build version %win
echo Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -421,20 +462,23 @@ echo:
echo ____________________________________________________________
echo [1] Change - Office Edition
echo [2] Add - Office Edition
echo [3] Remove - Office Edition
echo [1] Change all editions
echo [2] Add edition
echo [3] Remove edition
echo [4] Add/Remove apps
echo ____________________________________________
echo [4] Change Office Update Channel
echo [5] Change Office Update Channel
echo [0] %_exitmsg%
echo ____________________________________________________________
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,2,3,4,0]"
choice /C:12340 /N
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,0]"
choice /C:123450 /N
set _el=!errorlevel!
if !_el!==5 exit /b
if !_el!==4 goto :oe_changeupdchnl
if !_el!==6 exit /b
if !_el!==5 goto :oe_changeupdchnl
if !_el!==4 goto :oe_editedition
if !_el!==3 goto :oe_removeedition
if !_el!==2 set change=0& goto :oe_edition
if !_el!==1 set change=1& goto :oe_edition
@ -452,7 +496,12 @@ goto :oe_goback
if not defined terminal mode 76, 25
title Change Office Edition %masver%
if %change%==1 (
title Change all editions %masver%
) else (
title Add edition %masver%
@ -501,20 +550,30 @@ if not exist %SystemRoot%\Temp\%list%.txt (
echo Failed to generate available editions list.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto :oe_goback
set inpt=
set counter=0
set verified=0
set _notfound=
set targetedition=
call :dk_color %Gray% "Installed Office editions: %_oIds%"
call :dk_color %Gray% "You can select one of the following Office Editions."
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 echo Unsupported products such as 2019/2021/2024 are excluded from this list.
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (
echo Unsupported products such as 2019/2021/2024 are excluded from this list.
) else (
for %%# in (2019 2021 2024) do (
find /i "%%#" "%SystemRoot%\Temp\%list%.txt" %nul1% || (
if defined _notfound (set _notfound=%%#, !_notfound!) else (set _notfound=%%#)
if defined _notfound call :dk_color %Gray% "Office !_notfound! is not in this list because old version [%_version%] of Office is installed."
@ -544,6 +603,8 @@ if %verified%==0 goto :oe_editionchange
:: Set app exclusions
set suites=
echo %list% | find /i "Suites" %nul1% && (
@ -554,7 +615,7 @@ if not exist %SystemRoot%\Temp\getAppIds.txt (
echo Failed to generate available apps list.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto :oe_goback
@ -615,7 +676,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard:"
set _el=!errorlevel!
if !_el!==14 goto :oe_editionchangepre
if !_el!==14 goto :oemenu
if !_el!==13 call :excludelist & goto :oe_editionchangefinal
if !_el!==12 if defined Teams_st (if "%Teams_st%"=="Off" (set Teams_st=ON) else (set Teams_st=Off))
if !_el!==11 if defined OneDrive_st (if "%OneDrive_st%"=="Off" (set OneDrive_st=ON) else (set OneDrive_st=Off))
@ -635,18 +696,18 @@ goto :oe_excludeapps
set excludelist=
for %%# in (
) do (
if /i "!%%#_st!"=="Off" if defined excludelist (set excludelist=!excludelist!,%%#) else (set excludelist=,%%#)
@ -717,7 +778,7 @@ goto :oe_goback
:: OfficeClickToRun.exe with productstoadd method is used here to add editions
:: It uses delta updates, meaning that since it's using same installed build, it will consume very less Internet
set "c2rcommand="%_c2rExe%" platform=%_oArch% culture=%_lang% productstoadd=%targetedition%.16_%_lang%_x-none cdnbaseurl.16=http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/%_updch% baseurl.16=http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/%_updch% version.16=%_version% mediatype.16=CDN sourcetype.16=CDN deliverymechanism=%_updch% %targetedition%.excludedapps.16=Groove%excludelist% flt.useteamsaddon=disabled flt.usebingaddononinstall=disabled flt.usebingaddononupdate=disabled"
set "c2rcommand="%_c2rExe%" platform=%_oArch% culture=%_lang% productstoadd=%targetedition%.16_%_lang%_x-none cdnbaseurl.16=http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/%_updch% baseurl.16=http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/%_updch% version.16=%_version% mediatype.16=CDN sourcetype.16=CDN deliverymechanism=%_updch% %targetedition%.excludedapps.16=groove%excludelist% flt.useteamsaddon=disabled flt.usebingaddononinstall=disabled flt.usebingaddononupdate=disabled"
if %change%==1 (
set "c2rcommand=!c2rcommand! productstoremove=AllProducts"
@ -736,7 +797,7 @@ if %errorcode% EQU 0 (
call :dk_color %Gray% "Now run the Office activation option from the main menu."
) else (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :oe_tempcleanup
@ -744,10 +805,71 @@ goto :oe_goback
:: Edit Office edition
title Add/Remove Apps %masver%
call :oe_chkinternet
if not defined _int (
goto :oe_goback
set change=0
call :ch_getinfo
if not defined terminal (
mode 98, 35
set inpt=
set counter=0
set verified=0
set targetedition=
call :dk_color %Gray% "You can edit [add/remove apps] one of the following Office editions."
for %%A in (%_oIds%) do (
set /a counter+=1
echo [!counter!] %%A
set targetedition!counter!=%%A
echo [0] Go Back
call :dk_color %_Green% "Enter an option number using your keyboard and press Enter to confirm:"
set /p inpt=
if "%inpt%"=="" goto :oe_editedition
if "%inpt%"=="0" goto :oemenu
for /l %%i in (1,1,%counter%) do (if "%inpt%"=="%%i" set verified=1)
set targetedition=!targetedition%inpt%!
if %verified%==0 goto :oe_editedition
if not defined terminal mode 98, 32
echo %targetedition% | findstr /i "Access Excel OneNote Outlook PowerPoint Project Publisher Skype Visio Word" %nul% && (set list=SingleApps) || (set list=Suites)
goto :oe_excludeappspre
:: Remove Office editions
title Remove Office editions %masver%
call :ch_getinfo
@ -818,7 +940,7 @@ echo %c2rcommand%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto :oe_goback
@ -829,6 +951,7 @@ goto :oe_goback
title Change Office update channel %masver%
call :ch_getinfo
@ -884,10 +1007,12 @@ for %%# in (
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=_" %%A in ("%%~#") do (
set supported=
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (echo %%B | findstr /i "LTSC DevMain" %nul% || set supported=1) else (set supported=1)
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (if defined ltsc19 echo %%B | findstr /i "LTSC\>" %nul% || set supported=)
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (if defined ltsc21 echo %%B | findstr /i "LTSC2021\>" %nul% || set supported=)
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (if defined ltsc24 echo %%B | findstr /i "LTSC2024\>" %nul% || set supported=)
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (if not defined ltscfound echo %%B | findstr /i "LTSC" %nul% && set supported=)
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (
if defined ltsc19 echo %%B | find /i "2019 VL" %nul% || set supported=
if defined ltsc21 echo %%B | find /i "2021 VL" %nul% || set supported=
if defined ltsc24 echo %%B | find /i "2024 VL" %nul% || set supported=
if not defined ltscfound echo %%B | find /i "LTSC" %nul% && set supported=
if defined supported (
set /a counter+=1
if !counter! LSS 10 (
@ -963,7 +1088,7 @@ echo:
echo %updcommand%
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
goto :oe_goback
@ -974,7 +1099,8 @@ call :oe_tempcleanup
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] To Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] To Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1057,13 +1183,15 @@ if exist "%_cfolder%\OfficeC2RClient.exe" (
set "_c2rCexe=%_cfolder%\OfficeC2RClient.exe"
echo %_AudienceData% | findstr /i "LTSC\>" %nul% && set ltsc19=LTSC
set "audidata4=%_AudienceData:~-4%"
if /i "%audidata4%"=="LTSC" set ltsc19=LTSC
echo %_clversion% %_version% | findstr "16.0.103 16.0.104 16.0.105" %nul% && set ltsc19=LTSC
echo %_AudienceData% | findstr /i "LTSC2021\>" %nul% && set ltsc21=LTSC2021
if /i "%audidata4%"=="2021" set ltsc21=LTSC2021
echo %_clversion% %_version% | findstr "16.0.14332" %nul% && set ltsc21=LTSC2021
echo %_AudienceData% | findstr /i "LTSC2024\>" %nul% && set ltsc24=LTSC2024
if /i "%audidata4%"=="2024" set ltsc24=LTSC2024
:: LTSC 2024 build is not fixed yet
if not "%ltsc19%%ltsc21%%ltsc24%"=="" set ltscfound=1
@ -1223,12 +1351,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -1238,6 +1369,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -1280,7 +1412,7 @@ echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%]
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 30)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
exit /b
:: Common lines used in PowerShell reflection code
@ -1320,7 +1452,8 @@ echo:
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] To Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] To Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -36,26 +36,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -108,6 +110,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1
@ -124,6 +128,16 @@ set "line=echo _________________________________________________________________
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
@ -163,32 +177,6 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -201,6 +189,48 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto dk_done
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -221,6 +251,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -246,9 +277,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -264,7 +305,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -305,7 +346,7 @@ if not exist %SysPath%\%%# (
echo [%SysPath%\%%#] file is missing, aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -330,15 +371,15 @@ if defined UBR (set "fullbuild=%%G.!UBR!") else (set "fullbuild=%%G.%%H")
:: Check Activation ID
:: Check Activation IDs
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined apps (
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
if not defined allapps (
echo Either key is not insalled or script failed to get installed key's activation ID. Aborting...
echo Failed to find activation IDs. Aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -346,31 +387,30 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check Windows Edition and branch
set osedition=0
set dismedition=
set osedition=
set dismnotworking=
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %nul6% ^| find /i "Current Edition :"') do set "osedition=%%a"
if not defined osedition set dismnotworking=1
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL) get LicenseFamily /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkedi=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f'' AND LicenseDependsOn is NULL AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).LicenseFamily ^| %% {echo ('LicenseFamily='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkedi% do if not errorlevel 1 (call set "osedition=%%a")
if not defined osedition %chkedi% do if not errorlevel 1 (call set "osedition=%%a")
if %osedition%==0 (
if not defined osedition (
echo Failed to detect OS edition, aborting...
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "regedition=%%a"
if /i not "%osedition%"=="%regedition%" (
set "showeditionerror=call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Mismatch found [WMI-%osedition%] [Reg-%regedition%].""
set "showeditionerror=call :dk_color %_Yellow% "[%osedition%] [Reg-%regedition%].""
for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%a in ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %nul6% ^| find /i "Current Edition :"') do set "dismedition=%%a"
if not defined dismedition set dismnotworking=1
set branch=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildBranch %nul6%') do set "branch=%%b"
@ -388,7 +428,7 @@ if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('dism /online /english /Get-Ta
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':cbsxml\:.*';& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f[1])) -GetTargetEditions;" ^| findstr /i /c:"Target Edition : "') do (if defined _ptarget (set "_ptarget= !_ptarget! %%a ") else (set "_ptarget= %%a "))
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" (
call :ced_edilist
if %winbuild% GEQ 17063 call :ced_edilist
if /i "%osedition:~0,4%"=="Core" set _pro=Professional
if /i "%osedition%"=="CoreN" set _pro=ProfessionalN
set "_dtarget= %_dtarget% !_wtarget! !_pro! "
@ -501,7 +541,7 @@ set _dismapi=0
:: Check if DISM API or slmgr.vbs is required for edition upgrade
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%targetedition%\" (
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%targetedition%\%targetedition%*.xrm-ms" (
echo %_wtarget% | find /i " %targetedition% " || (
set _dismapi=1
@ -524,7 +564,7 @@ echo [%targetedition% ^| %winbuild%]
echo Failed to get product key from pkeyhelper.dll.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -579,7 +619,7 @@ call :dk_color %Gray% "Reboot is required to fully change the edition."
call :dk_color %Red% "[Unsuccessful] [Error Code: !keyerror!]"
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
@ -605,7 +645,7 @@ goto dk_done
if not defined terminal (
mode con cols=105 lines=32
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}"
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" %nul%
call :ced_rebootflag
@ -642,7 +682,7 @@ goto dk_done
if not defined terminal (
mode con cols=105 lines=32
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}"
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" %nul%
set key=
@ -660,7 +700,7 @@ echo [%targetedition% ^| %winbuild%]
echo Failed to get product key from pkeyhelper.dll.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
@ -700,7 +740,7 @@ for /f %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-Date).ToString('yyyyMMdd-HHmmssfff')"') do set _time
sc query TrustedInstaller | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% && (
echo Failed to stop the TrustedInstaller service.
echo Restart your system and try again.
echo Reboot your machine using the restart option and try again.
set preperror=1
exit /b
@ -736,7 +776,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %Blue% "In case there are errors, you should restart the system before trying again."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%change_edition_issues
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%change_edition_issues"
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%change_edition_issues"
exit /b
@ -783,12 +823,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -798,6 +841,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -825,14 +869,14 @@ if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %sps% where __CLASS='%sps%' call RefreshLicenseStatus
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=(([WMICLASS]'%sps%').GetInstances()).RefreshLicenseStatus()" %nul%
exit /b
:: Get installed products Activation IDs
:: Get all products Activation IDs
set apps=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1' and PartialProductKey is not null) get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkapp% do (if defined apps (call set "apps=!apps! %%a") else (call set "apps=%%a"))
set allapps=
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1') get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')"
%chkapp% do (if defined allapps (call set "allapps=!allapps! %%a") else (call set "allapps=%%a"))
exit /b
:: Get Edition list
@ -867,7 +911,7 @@ echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%]
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 30)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot'}"
exit /b
:: Common lines used in PowerShell reflection code
@ -987,7 +1031,8 @@ echo:
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1004,7 +1049,7 @@ exit /b
:: https://github.com/Gamers-Against-Weed/Set-WindowsCbsEdition
:: https://github.com/asdcorp/Set-WindowsCbsEdition
param (
@ -1267,11 +1312,15 @@ if (!$Dism::_DismSetEdition($Session, "$TargetEdition", "$Key", 0, 0, 0)) {
:: Separator = _
:: For Windows 10/11 editions, HWID key is listed where ever possible, in Server versions, KMS key is listed where ever possible.
:: Only RS3 and older version Generic keys are stored here, later ones are extracted from the pkeyhelper.dll itself
:: For Windows, generic keys are mentioned till 22000 and for Server, generic keys are mentioned till 17763, later ones are extracted from the pkeyhelper.dll
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" (
if %winbuild% GTR 17763 exit /b
) else (
if %winbuild% GEQ 22000 exit /b
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*CorEdition~*.mum" (set Cor=Cor) else (set Cor=)
set h=
@ -1289,8 +1338,12 @@ YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HV%h%X7______Retail_Core
@ -1302,6 +1355,10 @@ GJTYN-HDMQY-FRR76-HVGC7-QPF%h%8P______Retail_ProfessionalEducationN
@ -47,20 +47,40 @@ choice /c 0 /n
exit /b
param (
function CONOUT($strObj)
Out-Host -Input $strObj
function ExitScript($ExitCode = 0)
Exit $ExitCode
if (-Not $PSVersionTable) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell 1.0 is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
if ($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode.value__ -NE 0) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Windows PowerShell is not running in Full Language Mode."
ExitScript 1
@ -68,21 +88,34 @@ $winbuild = 1
try {
$winbuild = [System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo]::GetVersionInfo("$env:SystemRoot\System32\kernel32.dll").FileBuildPart
} catch {
$winbuild = [int](Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).BuildNumber
$winbuild = [int]([wmi]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').BuildNumber
if ($winbuild -EQ 1) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'Could not detect Windows build.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"Could not detect Windows build."
ExitScript 1
if ($winbuild -LT 2600) {
Write-Host "==== ERROR ====`r`n"
Write-Host 'This build of Windows is not supported by this script.'
"==== ERROR ====`r`n"
"This build of Windows is not supported by this script."
ExitScript 1
if ($All.IsPresent)
$isAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$noAll = {$null}
$isAll = {$null}
$noAll = {CONOUT "`r"}
$Dlv = $Dlv.IsPresent
$IID = $IID.IsPresent -Or $Dlv.IsPresent
$NT6 = $winbuild -GE 6000
$NT7 = $winbuild -GE 7600
$NT9 = $winbuild -GE 9600
@ -94,10 +127,10 @@ $line3 = "____________________________________________________________"
function echoWindows
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Windows Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Windows Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
function echoOffice
@ -106,18 +139,22 @@ function echoOffice
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
& $noAll
$script:doMSG = 0
function strGetRegistry($strKey, $strName)
Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 $strKey | select -EA 0 -Expand $strName
try {
return [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::GetValue($strKey, $strName, $null)
} catch {
return $null
function CheckOhook
@ -148,55 +185,57 @@ function CheckOhook
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'Ohook for permanent Office activation is installed.'
Write-Host -back 'Black' -fore 'Yellow' 'You can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.'
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office Ohook Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
$host.UI.WriteLine('Yellow', 'Black', "`r`nOhook for permanent Office activation is installed.`r`nYou can ignore the below mentioned Office activation status.")
& $noAll
#region WMI
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId, [ref]$strAppVar)
function DetectID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = $fltr + " AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP ID -Filter $fltr -EA 0 | select ID -EA 0 | foreach {
$strAppVar.Value = 1
$ppk = (" AND PartialProductKey <> NULL)", ")")[$All.IsPresent]
$fltr = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId'"
$clause = $fltr + $ppk
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
return ($sWmi.Get().Count -GT 0)
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId, $strProperty = "ID")
function GetID($strSLP, $strAppId)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$IDs = [Collections.ArrayList]@()
$isAdd = (" AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL)", ")")[$NT5]
$noAdd = " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL)"
$query = "SELECT ID FROM $strSLP WHERE (ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " IS NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
$fltr = "ApplicationID='$strAppId' AND PartialProductKey <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr
$fltr = $query + " <> NULL"
$clause = $fltr + $isAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn <> NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
if (-Not $NT5) {
$clause = $fltr + " AND LicenseDependsOn IS NULL"
Get-WmiObject $strSLP $strProperty -Filter $clause -EA 0 | select -Expand $strProperty -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_}
$clause = $fltr + $noAdd
$sWmi = [wmisearcher]$clause
$sWmi.Options.Rewindable = $false
try {$sWmi.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {$IDs += $_.Value}} catch {}
return $IDs
@ -233,38 +272,45 @@ function DetectSubscription {
if ($objSvc.SubscriptionEdition.Contains("UNKNOWN") -EQ $false) {$SubMsgEdition = $objSvc.SubscriptionEdition}
Write-Host "Subscription information:"
Write-Host " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
Write-Host " Type : $SubMsgType"
Write-Host " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
Write-Host " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
CONOUT "`nSubscription information:"
CONOUT " Edition: $SubMsgEdition"
CONOUT " Type : $SubMsgType"
CONOUT " Status : $SubMsgStatus"
CONOUT " Expiry : $SubMsgExpiry"
function DetectAdbaClient
CONOUT "`nAD Activation client information:"
CONOUT " Object Name: $ADActivationObjectName"
CONOUT " Domain Name: $ADActivationObjectDN"
CONOUT " CSVLK Extended PID: $ADActivationCsvlkPid"
CONOUT " CSVLK Activation ID: $ADActivationCsvlkSkuId"
function DetectAvmClient
Write-Host "Automatic VM Activation client information:"
CONOUT "`nAutomatic VM Activation client information:"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IAID)) {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: $IAID"
} else {
Write-Host " Guest IAID: Not Available"
CONOUT " Guest IAID: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName)) {
Write-Host " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
CONOUT " Host machine name: $AutomaticVMActivationHostMachineName"
} else {
Write-Host " Host machine name: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host machine name: Not Available"
if ($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($AutomaticVMActivationLastActivationTime),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host " Activation time: $EED UTC"
CONOUT " Activation time: $EED UTC"
} else {
Write-Host " Activation time: Not Available"
CONOUT " Activation time: Not Available"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2)) {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: $AutomaticVMActivationHostDigitalPid2"
} else {
Write-Host " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
CONOUT " Host Digital PID2: Not Available"
@ -294,32 +340,30 @@ function DetectKmsHost
$KeyManagementServiceLowPriority = "Normal"
Write-Host "Key Management Service host information:"
Write-Host " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
Write-Host " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
Write-Host " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
Write-Host " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service host information:"
CONOUT " Current count: $KeyManagementServiceCurrentCount"
CONOUT " Listening on Port: $KeyManagementServiceListeningPort"
CONOUT " DNS publishing: $KeyManagementServiceDnsPublishing"
CONOUT " KMS priority: $KeyManagementServiceLowPriority"
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests)) {
Write-Host "Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
Write-Host " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
Write-Host " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
Write-Host " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
Write-Host " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
Write-Host " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"
CONOUT "`nKey Management Service cumulative requests received from clients:"
CONOUT " Total: $KeyManagementServiceTotalRequests"
CONOUT " Failed: $KeyManagementServiceFailedRequests"
CONOUT " Unlicensed: $KeyManagementServiceUnlicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Licensed: $KeyManagementServiceLicensedRequests"
CONOUT " Initial grace period: $KeyManagementServiceOOBGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Expired or Hardware out of tolerance: $KeyManagementServiceOOTGraceRequests"
CONOUT " Non-genuine grace period: $KeyManagementServiceNonGenuineGraceRequests"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests) {CONOUT " Notification: $KeyManagementServiceNotificationRequests"}
function DetectKmsClient
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {Write-Host "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($null -NE $VLActivationTypeEnabled) {CONOUT "Configured Activation Type: $($VLActTypes[$VLActivationTypeEnabled])"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 1) {
Write-Host "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
CONOUT "Please activate the product in order to update KMS client information values."
@ -352,33 +396,42 @@ function DetectKmsClient
Write-Host "Key Management Service client information:"
Write-Host " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
CONOUT "Key Management Service client information:"
CONOUT " Client Machine ID (CMID): $($objSvc.ClientMachineID)"
if ($null -EQ $KmsReg) {
Write-Host " $KmsDns"
Write-Host " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
CONOUT " $KmsDns"
CONOUT " Registered KMS machine name: KMS name not available"
} else {
Write-Host " $KmsReg"
CONOUT " $KmsReg"
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {Write-Host " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
Write-Host " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
Write-Host " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
Write-Host " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {Write-Host " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {Write-Host " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
if ($null -NE $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress) {CONOUT " KMS machine IP address: $DiscoveredKeyManagementServiceMachineIpAddress"}
CONOUT " KMS machine extended PID: $KeyManagementServiceProductKeyID"
CONOUT " Activation interval: $VLActivationInterval minutes"
CONOUT " Renewal interval: $VLRenewalInterval minutes"
if ($null -NE $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching) {CONOUT " KMS host caching: $KeyManagementServiceHostCaching"}
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain)) {CONOUT " KMS SRV record lookup domain: $KeyManagementServiceLookupDomain"}
function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
try {$objPrd = Get-WmiObject $strSLP -Filter "ID='$strID'" -EA 1} catch {return}
$objPrd | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objPrd = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLP WHERE ID='$strID'"
$objPrd.Options.Rewindable = $false
$objPrd.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value} }
$winID = ($ApplicationID -EQ $winApp)
$winPR = ($winID -And -Not $LicenseIsAddon)
$Vista = ($winID -And $NT6 -And -Not $NT7)
$NT5 = ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $winbuild -LT 6001)
$reapp = ("Windows", "App")[!$winID]
$prmnt = ("machine", "product")[!$winPR]
if ($Description | Select-String "VOLUME_KMSCLIENT") {$cKmsClient = 1; $_mTag = "Volume"}
if ($Description | Select-String "TIMEBASED_") {$cTblClient = 1; $_mTag = "Timebased"}
@ -403,7 +456,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$LicenseInf = "Licensed"
$LicenseMsg = $null
if ($GracePeriodRemaining -EQ 0) {
if ($winPR) {$ExpireMsg = "The machine is permanently activated."} else {$ExpireMsg = "The product is permanently activated."}
$ExpireMsg = "The $prmnt is permanently activated."
} else {
$LicenseMsg = "$_mTag activation expiration: $GracePeriodRemaining minute(s) ($_gpr day(s))"
if ($null -NE $_xpr) {$ExpireMsg = "$_mTag activation will expire $_xpr"}
@ -424,8 +477,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 5 -And -Not $NT5) {
$LicenseInf = "Notification"
$LicenseMsg = "Notification Reason: $LicenseReason"
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F00F") {if ($null -NE $cKmsClient) {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (KMS license expired)."} else {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (hardware out of tolerance)."}}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F200") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (non-genuine)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F009" -Or $LicenseReason -EQ "0xC004F064") {$LicenseMsg = $LicenseMsg + " (grace time expired)."}
if ($LicenseStatus -GT 5 -Or ($LicenseStatus -GT 4 -And $NT5)) {
$LicenseInf = "Unknown"
@ -437,25 +491,61 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($winPR -And $PartialProductKey -And -Not $NT9) {
$dp4 = Get-ItemProperty -EA 0 "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" | select -EA 0 -Expand DigitalProductId4
$dp4 = strGetRegistry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" "DigitalProductId4"
if ($null -NE $dp4) {
$ProductKeyChannel = ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($dp4, 1016, 128)).Trim([char]$null)
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Name: $Name"
Write-Host "Description: $Description"
Write-Host "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {Write-Host "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID.IsPresent) {Write-Host "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {Write-Host "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {Write-Host "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"} else {Write-Host "Product Key: Not installed"}
Write-Host "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {Write-Host "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($winPR -And $Dlv -And $NT7 -And $null -EQ $RemainingAppReArmCount) {
$tmp = [wmisearcher]"SELECT RemainingWindowsReArmCount FROM $strSLS"
$tmp.Options.Rewindable = $false
$tmp.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$add_on = $Name.IndexOf("add-on for", 5)
& $isAll
if ($add_on -EQ -1) {CONOUT "Name: $Name"} else {CONOUT "Name: $($Name.Substring(0, $add_on + 7))"}
CONOUT "Description: $Description"
CONOUT "Activation ID: $ID"
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID) {CONOUT "Extended PID: $ProductKeyID"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyID2 -And $Dlv) {CONOUT "Product ID: $ProductKeyID2"}
if ($null -NE $OfflineInstallationId -And $IID) {CONOUT "Installation ID: $OfflineInstallationId"}
if ($null -NE $ProductKeyChannel) {CONOUT "Product Key Channel: $ProductKeyChannel"}
if ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) {CONOUT "Partial Product Key: $PartialProductKey"}
CONOUT "License Status: $LicenseInf"
if ($null -NE $LicenseMsg) {CONOUT "$LicenseMsg"}
if ($LicenseStatus -NE 0 -And $EvaluationEndDate.Substring(0,4) -NE "1601") {
$EED = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($EvaluationEndDate),$null,48).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
Write-Host "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
CONOUT "Evaluation End Date: $EED UTC"
if ($Dlv) {
if ($null -NE $RemainingWindowsReArmCount) {
CONOUT "Remaining Windows rearm count: $RemainingWindowsReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $RemainingSkuReArmCount -And $RemainingSkuReArmCount -NE 4294967295) {
CONOUT "Remaining $reapp rearm count: $RemainingAppReArmCount"
CONOUT "Remaining SKU rearm count: $RemainingSkuReArmCount"
if ($null -NE $TrustedTime -And $LicenseStatus -NE 0) {
$TTD = [DateTime]::Parse([Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($TrustedTime),$null,32).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
CONOUT "Trusted time: $TTD"
if ($LicenseStatus -EQ 0) {
if ($strSLP -EQ $wslp -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey -And $null -NE $ADActivationObjectName -And $VLActivationType -EQ 1) {
if ($winID -And $null -NE $cAvmClient -And $null -NE $PartialProductKey) {
@ -467,16 +557,22 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
$chkSLS = ($null -NE $PartialProductKey) -And ($null -NE $cKmsClient -Or $null -NE $cKmsHost -Or $chkSub)
if (!$chkSLS) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
$objSvc = Get-WmiObject $strSLS -EA 0
if ($Vista) {
$objSvc | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach {
if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {set $_.Name $_.Value}
$objSvc = New-Object PSObject
$wmiSvc = [wmisearcher]"SELECT * FROM $strSLS"
$wmiSvc.Options.Rewindable = $false
$wmiSvc.Get() | select -Expand Properties -EA 0 | foreach { if (-Not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) {$objSvc | Add-Member 8 $_.Name $_.Value} }
if ($null -EQ $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine) {$objSvc.PSObject.Properties | foreach {set $_.Name $_.Value}}
if ($strSLS -EQ $wsls -And $NT9) {
@ -486,6 +582,7 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $cKmsHost -And $IsKeyManagementServiceMachine -GT 0) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
@ -493,7 +590,9 @@ function GetResult($strSLP, $strSLS, $strID)
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {Write-Host; Write-Host " $ExpireMsg"}
if ($null -EQ $cKmsHost) {
if ($null -NE $ExpireMsg) {CONOUT "`n $ExpireMsg"}
if ($chkSub) {
@ -533,11 +632,10 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
$vNextPrids = Get-Item -Path $vNextRegkey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'property' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ToLower() -like "*retail" -or $_.ToLower() -like "*volume"}
If ($null -Eq $vNextPrids)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$vNextPrids | ForEach `
$mode = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $vNextRegkey -Name $_).$_
@ -547,7 +645,7 @@ function PrintModePerPridFromRegistry
3 { $mode = "Device"; Break }
Default { $mode = "Legacy"; Break }
Write-Host $_ = $mode
CONOUT "$_ = $mode"
@ -561,8 +659,7 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaPolicyValue = Get-ItemProperty -Path $scaPolicyKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "SharedComputerLicensing" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($null -Eq $scaValue -And $null -Eq $scaValue2 -And $null -Eq $scaPolicyValue)
Write-Host "No registry keys found."
CONOUT "`nNo registry keys found."
$scaModeValue = $scaValue -Or $scaValue2 -Or $scaPolicyValue
@ -574,23 +671,17 @@ function PrintSharedComputerLicensing
$scaMode = "Enabled"
Write-Host "Status:" $scaMode
CONOUT "`nStatus: $scaMode"
$tokenFiles = $null
$tokenPath = "${env:LOCALAPPDATA}\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Licensing"
If (Test-Path $tokenPath)
$tokenFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $tokenPath -Filter "*authString*" -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }
If ($null -Eq $tokenFiles)
If ($null -Eq $tokenFiles -Or $tokenFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
If ($tokenFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No tokens found."
CONOUT "No tokens found."
$tokenFiles | ForEach `
@ -624,16 +715,9 @@ function PrintLicensesInformation
$licenseFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $licensePath -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer }
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles)
If ($null -Eq $licenseFiles -Or $licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
If ($licenseFiles.Length -Eq 0)
Write-Host "No licenses found."
CONOUT "`nNo licenses found."
$licenseFiles | ForEach `
@ -690,24 +774,20 @@ function vNextDiagRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "=== Office vNext Status ==="
Write-Host "$line2"
Write-Host "========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
& $isAll
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "=== Office vNext Status ==="
CONOUT "$line2"
CONOUT "`n========== Mode per ProductReleaseId =========="
Write-Host "========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Shared Computer Licensing =========="
Write-Host "========== vNext licenses ==========="
CONOUT "`n========== vNext licenses ==========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "NUL"
Write-Host "========== Device licenses =========="
CONOUT "`n========== Device licenses =========="
PrintLicensesInformation -Mode "Device"
Write-Host "$line3"
CONOUT "$line3"
@ -790,13 +870,13 @@ function PrintStateData {
[string[]]$pwszStateString = $Marshal::PtrToStringUni($pwszStateData) -replace ";", "`n "
Write-Host " $pwszStateString"
CONOUT (" $pwszStateString")
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
function PrintLastActivationHResult {
$pdwLastHResult = 0
$cbSize = 0
@ -809,12 +889,34 @@ function PrintLastActivationHRresult {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
CONOUT (" LastActivationHResult=0x{0:x8}" -f $Marshal::ReadInt32($pdwLastHResult))
return $TRUE
function PrintLastActivationTime {
$pdwLastTime = 0
$cbSize = 0
if ($Win32::SLGetWindowsInformation(
)) {
return $FALSE
$actTime = $Marshal::ReadInt64($pdwLastTime)
if ($actTime -ne 0) {
CONOUT (" LastActivationTime={0}" -f [DateTime]::FromFileTimeUtc($actTime).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd:HH:mm:ss"))
return $TRUE
function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
$dwGenuine = 0
$ppwszGenuineStates = @(
@ -830,9 +932,9 @@ function PrintIsWindowsGenuine {
if ($dwGenuine -lt 5) {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $ppwszGenuineStates[$dwGenuine])
} else {
Write-Host (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
CONOUT (" IsWindowsGenuine={0}" -f $dwGenuine)
return $TRUE
@ -856,7 +958,7 @@ function PrintDigitalLicenseStatus {
[bool]$bDigitalLicense = $FALSE
$bDigitalLicense = (($dwReturnCode -ge 0) -and ($dwReturnCode -ne 1))
Write-Host (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
CONOUT (" IsDigitalLicense={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $bDigitalLicense))
return $TRUE
@ -874,7 +976,7 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
return $FALSE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSupportedEdition={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $dwSupported))
$pStatus = $Marshal::AllocHGlobal($Marshal::SizeOf([Type]$SubStatus))
if ($Win32::ClipGetSubscriptionStatus([ref]$pStatus)) {
@ -885,25 +987,26 @@ function PrintSubscriptionStatus {
$sStatus = $Marshal::PtrToStructure($pStatus, [Type]$SubStatus)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
CONOUT (" SubscriptionEnabled={0}" -f (BoolToWStr $sStatus.dwEnabled))
if ($sStatus.dwEnabled -eq 0) {
return $TRUE
Write-Host (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
Write-Host (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionSku={0}" -f $sStatus.dwSku)
CONOUT (" SubscriptionState={0}" -f $sStatus.dwState)
return $TRUE
function ClicRun
if ($All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
Write-Host "Client Licensing Check information:"
& $isAll
CONOUT "Client Licensing Check information:"
$null = PrintStateData
$null = PrintLastActivationHRresult
$null = PrintLastActivationHResult
$null = PrintLastActivationTime
$null = PrintIsWindowsGenuine
if ($DllDigital) {
@ -914,15 +1017,15 @@ function ClicRun
$null = PrintSubscriptionStatus
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Check Activation Status"
if ($All.IsPresent) {
if (!$Pass.IsPresent) {clear;}
$SysPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
@ -941,46 +1044,43 @@ $cSub = ($winbuild -GE 19041) -And (Select-String -Path "$SysPath\wbem\sppwmi.mo
$DllDigital = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\EditionUpgradeManagerObj.dll")
$DllSubscription = ($winbuild -GE 14393) -And (Test-Path "$SysPath\Clipc.dll")
$VLActTypes = @("All", "AD", "KMS", "Token")
$SLKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$SLKeyPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
$NSKeyPath = "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SL"
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $null}
'cW1nd0ws', 'c0ff1ce15', 'c0ff1ce14', 'ospp14', 'ospp15' | foreach {set $_ $false}
$OsppHook = 1
try {gsv osppsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
$offsvc = "osppsvc"
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {$winsvc = "sppsvc"} else {$winsvc = "slsvc"}
if ($NT7 -Or -Not $NT6) {
try {sasv sppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
try {gsv $winsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $WsppHook = 1} catch {$WsppHook = 0}
try {gsv $offsvc -EA 1 | Out-Null; $OsppHook = 1} catch {$OsppHook = 0}
if ($WsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv $winsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$cW1nd0ws = DetectID $wslp $winApp
$c0ff1ce15 = DetectID $wslp $o15App
$c0ff1ce14 = DetectID $wslp $o14App
try {sasv slsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $wslp $winApp ([ref]$cW1nd0ws)
DetectID $wslp $o15App ([ref]$c0ff1ce15)
DetectID $wslp $o14App ([ref]$c0ff1ce14)
if ($OsppHook -NE 0) {
try {sasv osppsvc -EA 1} catch {}
DetectID $oslp $o15App ([ref]$ospp15)
DetectID $oslp $o14App ([ref]$ospp14)
try {sasv $offsvc -EA 1} catch {}
$ospp15 = DetectID $oslp $o15App
$ospp14 = DetectID $oslp $o14App
if ($null -NE $cW1nd0ws)
if ($cW1nd0ws)
GetID $wslp $winApp | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
elseif ($NT6)
Write-Host "Error: product key not found."
CONOUT "`nError: product key not found."
if ($winbuild -GE 9200) {
@ -994,39 +1094,43 @@ if ($c0ff1ce15 -Or $ospp15) {
$doMSG = 1
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce15) {
if ($c0ff1ce15)
GetID $wslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $c0ff1ce14) {
if ($c0ff1ce14)
GetID $wslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $wslp $wsls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp15) {
if ($ospp15)
GetID $oslp $o15App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
if ($null -NE $ospp14) {
if ($ospp14)
GetID $oslp $o14App | foreach -EA 1 {
GetResult $oslp $osls $_
Write-Host "$line3"
if (!$All.IsPresent) {Write-Host}
CONOUT "$line3"
& $noAll
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -31,26 +31,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -103,6 +105,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1
@ -118,6 +122,16 @@ call :dk_setvar
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
@ -157,32 +171,6 @@ goto done2
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto done2
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -195,6 +183,48 @@ goto done2
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto done2
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto done2
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto done2
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -215,6 +245,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -240,9 +271,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -258,7 +299,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -299,6 +340,7 @@ set HWID_Activation.cmd=Activators\HWID_Activation.cmd
set KMS38_Activation.cmd=Activators\KMS38_Activation.cmd
set Online_KMS_Activation.cmd=Activators\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd
set Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd=Activators\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd
set TSforge_Activation.cmd=Activators\TSforge_Activation.cmd
pushd "!_work!"
set _nofile=
@ -307,6 +349,7 @@ for %%# in (
) do (
if not exist "%%#" set _nofile=1
@ -332,36 +375,34 @@ echo:
echo: Extract $OEM$ folder on the desktop
echo: ________________________________________________________
echo: ____________________________________________________________
echo: [1] HWID
echo: [2] Ohook
echo: [3] KMS38
echo: [4] Online KMS
echo: [1] HWID [Windows]
echo: [2] Ohook [Office]
echo: [3] TSforge [Windows / ESU / Office]
echo: [4] KMS38 [Windows]
echo: [5] Online KMS [Windows / Office]
echo: [5] HWID ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^)
echo: [6] HWID ^(Windows^) ^+ Online KMS ^(Office^)
echo: [7] KMS38 ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^)
echo: [8] KMS38 ^(Windows^) ^+ Online KMS ^(Office^)
echo: [9] Online KMS ^(Windows^) ^+ Ohook ^(Office^)
echo: [6] HWID [Windows] ^+ Ohook [Office]
echo: [7] HWID [Windows] ^+ Ohook [Office] ^+ TSforge [ESU]
echo: [8] TSforge [Windows] ^+ Online KMS [Office]
call :dk_color2 %_White% " [R] " %_Green% "ReadMe"
echo: [0] Exit
echo: ________________________________________________________
call :dk_color2 %_White% " [R] " %_Green% "ReadMe"
echo: [0] Exit
echo: ____________________________________________________________
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard :"
choice /C:123456789R0 /N
choice /C:12345678R0 /N
set _erl=%errorlevel%
if %_erl%==11 exit /b
if %_erl%==10 start %mas%oem-folder &goto :Menu
if %_erl%==9 goto:kms_ohook
if %_erl%==8 goto:kms38_kms
if %_erl%==7 goto:kms38_ohook
if %_erl%==6 goto:hwid_kms
if %_erl%==5 goto:hwid_ohook
if %_erl%==4 goto:kms
if %_erl%==3 goto:kms38
if %_erl%==10 exit /b
if %_erl%==9 start %mas%oem-folder &goto :Menu
if %_erl%==8 goto:tsforge_kms
if %_erl%==7 goto:hwid_ohook_tsforge
if %_erl%==6 goto:hwid_ohook
if %_erl%==5 goto:kms
if %_erl%==4 goto:kms38
if %_erl%==3 goto:tsforge
if %_erl%==2 goto:ohook
if %_erl%==1 goto:hwid
goto :Menu
@ -428,6 +469,36 @@ cd \
md "!desktop!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts"
pushd "!_work!"
copy /y /b "%TSforge_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" %nul%
call :export tsforge_setup
set _error=
if not exist "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1
if defined _error goto errorfound
set oem=TSforge
goto done
@echo off
fltmc >nul || exit /b
call "%~dp0TSforge_Activation.cmd" /Z-WindowsESUOffice
cd \
(goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
@ -526,26 +597,28 @@ cd \
md "!desktop!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts"
pushd "!_work!"
copy /y /b "%HWID_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\HWID_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%Online_KMS_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd%" "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%TSforge_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" %nul%
call :export hwid_kms_setup
call :export hwid_ohook_tsforge_setup
set _error=
if not exist "!_dir!\HWID_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1
if defined _error goto errorfound
set oem=HWID [Windows] + Online KMS [Office]
set oem=HWID [Windows] + Ohook [Office] + TSforge [ESU]
goto done
@echo off
fltmc >nul || exit /b
@ -554,80 +627,46 @@ setlocal
call "%~dp0HWID_Activation.cmd" /HWID
call "%~dp0Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" /K-Office
cd \
(goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
md "!desktop!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts"
pushd "!_work!"
copy /y /b "%KMS38_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\KMS38_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd%" "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" %nul%
call :export kms38_ohook_setup
set _error=
if not exist "!_dir!\KMS38_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1
if defined _error goto errorfound
set oem=KMS38 [Windows] + Ohook [Office]
goto done
@echo off
fltmc >nul || exit /b
call "%~dp0KMS38_Activation.cmd" /KMS38
call "%~dp0Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" /Ohook
call "%~dp0TSforge_Activation.cmd" /Z-ESU
cd \
(goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
md "!desktop!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts"
pushd "!_work!"
copy /y /b "%KMS38_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\KMS38_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%TSforge_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%Online_KMS_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" %nul%
call :export kms38_kms_setup
call :export tsforge_kms_setup
set _error=
if not exist "!_dir!\KMS38_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\TSforge_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1
if defined _error goto errorfound
set oem=KMS38 [Windows] + Online KMS [Office]
set oem=TSforge [Windows] + Online KMS [Office]
goto done
@echo off
fltmc >nul || exit /b
call "%~dp0KMS38_Activation.cmd" /KMS38
call "%~dp0TSforge_Activation.cmd" /Z-Windows
@ -636,45 +675,7 @@ endlocal
cd \
(goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
md "!desktop!\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts"
pushd "!_work!"
copy /y /b "%Online_KMS_Activation.cmd%" "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" %nul%
copy /y /b "%Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd%" "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" %nul%
call :export kms_ohook_setup
set _error=
if not exist "!_dir!\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" set _error=1
if not exist "!_dir!\SetupComplete.cmd" set _error=1
if defined _error goto errorfound
set oem=Online KMS [Windows] + Ohook [Office]
goto done
@echo off
fltmc >nul || exit /b
call "%~dp0Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" /K-Windows
call "%~dp0Ohook_Activation_AIO.cmd" /Ohook
cd \
(goto) 2>nul & (if "%~dp0"=="%SystemRoot%\Setup\Scripts\" rd /s /q "%~dp0")
@ -692,7 +693,7 @@ call :dk_color %Blue% "%oem%"
call :dk_color %Green% "$OEM$ folder was successfully created on your Desktop."
echo "%oem%" | find /i "38" %nul% && (
echo To KMS38 activate Server Cor/Acor editions ^(No GUI Versions^),
echo To KMS38 activate Server Cor/Acor editions [No GUI Versions],
echo Check this page %mas%oem-folder
echo ______________________________________________________________
@ -701,7 +702,8 @@ echo ______________________________________________________________
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -729,12 +731,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -744,6 +749,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@set masver=2.6
@set masver=3.0
@echo off
@ -31,26 +31,28 @@ set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%Syste
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe"
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"
set re1=
set re2=
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
if /i "%%#"=="re1" set re1=1
if /i "%%#"=="re2" set re2=1
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined re1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined re2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* re2"
exit /b
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ echo:
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%fix_service
ping -n 20
@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ echo:
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot
echo Check this webpage for help - %mas%troubleshoot
ping -n 20 >nul
@ -103,6 +105,8 @@ set _unattended=0
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re1=%
if defined _args set _args=%_args:re2=%
if defined _args (
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1
@ -119,6 +123,16 @@ set "line=______________________________________________________________________
if %winbuild% EQU 1 (
echo Failed to detect Windows build number.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
@ -158,32 +172,6 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest:
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || (
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode""
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working.
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script."
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
) || (
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
%nul1% fltmc || (
@ -196,6 +184,48 @@ goto dk_done
:: Check PowerShell
::pstst $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :pstst
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cmd /c "%psc% ""if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core') {$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':pstst';iex ($f[1])}""" %nul6%') do (set tstresult=%%a)
if /i not "%tstresult%"=="FullLanguage" (
echo %tstresult%
cmd /c "%psc% $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"
REM check LanguageMode
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | findstr /i "ConstrainedLanguage RestrictedLanguage NoLanguage" %nul1% && (
echo FullLanguage mode not found in PowerShell. Aborting...
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes.
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%fix_powershell
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%fix_powershell"
goto dk_done
REM check Powershell core version
cmd /c "%psc% "$PSVersionTable.PSEdition"" | find /i "Core" %nul1% && (
echo Windows Powershell is needed for MAS but it seems to be replaced with Powershell core. Aborting...
goto dk_done
REM check antivirus and other errors
echo PowerShell is not working properly. Aborting...
cmd /c "%psc% ""$av = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\SecurityCenter2 -Class AntiVirusProduct; $n = @(); foreach ($i in $av) { if ($i.displayName -notlike '*windows*') { $n += $i.displayName } }; if ($n) { Write-Host ('Installed 3rd party Antivirus might be blocking the script - ' + ($n -join ', ')) -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor Blue }"""
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Check this webpage for help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot"
goto dk_done
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 (
@ -216,6 +246,7 @@ if defined terminal (
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal=
if defined ps32onArm goto :skipQE
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE)
@ -241,9 +272,19 @@ set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080)
set -=
set old=
set pingp=
set upver=%masver:.=%
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1 updatecheck.mass%-%grave.dev') do (
if not "%%#"=="" (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
for %%A in (
) do if not defined pingp (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%B in ('ping -n 1 %%A') do (
if not "%%B"=="" (set old=1& set pingp=1)
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%C in ('ping -n 1 updatecheck%upver%.%%A') do (
if not "%%C"=="" set old=
if defined old (
@ -259,7 +300,7 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %_Green% "Choose a menu option using your keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps://github.com/mass%-%gravel/Microsoft-Acti%-%vation-Scripts & start %mas% & exit /b)
if !errorlevel!==1 (start %mas% & exit /b)
@ -461,7 +502,7 @@ goto :at_back
if not defined terminal (
mode 125, 32
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}"
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=200;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" %nul%
title Fix Licensing ^(ClipSVC ^+ SPP ^+ OSPP^)
@ -547,7 +588,7 @@ echo Deleting a Volatile ^& Protected Registry Key...
echo [%RegKey%]
reg query "%RegKey%" %nul% && (
call :dk_color %Red% "[Failed]"
echo Restart your system, that will delete this registry key automatically.
echo Reboot your machine using the restart option, that will delete this registry key automatically.
) || (
echo [Successful]
@ -593,7 +634,7 @@ echo [Successful]
echo Restarting wlidsvc ^& LicenseManager services...
for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager) do (%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null")
for %%# in (wlidsvc LicenseManager) do (%psc% "Start-Job { Restart-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 20 | Out-Null")
@ -784,14 +825,6 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %Blue% "Repairing Office licenses..."
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b
if /i "%arch%"=="x86" (
set arch=X86
) else (
set arch=X64
for %%# in (68 86) do (
for %%A in (msi14 msi15 msi16 c2r14 c2r15 c2r16) do (set %%A_%%#=&set %%Arepair%%#=)
@ -809,10 +842,10 @@ for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v P
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi16_86=Office 16.0 MSI x86" & call :getrepairsetup msi16repair86 16)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set "msi16_68=Office 16.0 MSI x86/x64" & call :getrepairsetup msi16repair68 16)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_86=Office 15.0 C2R x86" & set "c2r15repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\integratedoffice.exe")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_68=Office 15.0 C2R x86/x64" & set "c2r15repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\integratedoffice.exe")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_86=Office 16.0 C2R x86" & set "c2r16repair86=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\OfficeClickToRun.exe")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_68=Office 16.0 C2R x86/x64" & set "c2r16repair68=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%arch%\OfficeClickToRun.exe")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_86=Office 15.0 C2R x86" & call :getc2rrepair c2r15repair86 integratedoffice.exe)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r15_68=Office 15.0 C2R x86/x64" & call :getc2rrepair c2r15repair68 integratedoffice.exe)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_86=Office 16.0 C2R x86" & call :getc2rrepair c2r16repair86 OfficeClickToRun.exe)
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set "c2r16_68=Office 16.0 C2R x86/x64" & call :getc2rrepair c2r16repair68 OfficeClickToRun.exe)
set uwp16=
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 (
@ -873,11 +906,8 @@ pause %nul1%
if defined uwp16 (
echo Note: Skipping repair for Office 16.0 UWP...
echo You need to use the Reset option in Windows Settings instead.
echo ________________________________________________________________
echo Skipping repair for Office 16.0 UWP...
start ms-settings:appsfeatures
set c2r14=
@ -886,11 +916,8 @@ if defined c2r14_86 set c2r14=1
if defined c2r14 (
echo Note: Skipping repair for Office 14.0 C2R...
echo You need to use the Repair option in Windows Settings for it.
echo ________________________________________________________________
echo Skipping repair for Office 14.0 C2R...
start appwiz.cpl
if defined msi14_68 if exist "%msi14repair68%" echo Running - "%msi14repair68%" & "%msi14repair68%"
@ -913,6 +940,15 @@ echo:
call :dk_color %Green% "Finished"
goto :at_back
for %%# in (X86 X64) do (
if exist "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%%#\%2" (
set "%1=%systemdrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\Client%%#\%2"
exit /b
set "_common86=%systemdrive%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE%2\Office Setup Controller\setup.exe"
@ -1077,7 +1113,7 @@ if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (set error=1& exit /b)
%psc% "try { $null=([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT * FROM SoftwareLicensingService').Get().Version; exit 0 } catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" %nul%
cmd /c exit /b %errorlevel%
echo "0x%=ExitCode%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1%
echo "0x%=ExitCode%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440 0x80131501" %nul1%
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set error=1
exit /b
@ -1138,6 +1174,8 @@ exit /b
set permerror=
if not exist "%tokenstore%\" set "permerror=Error Found In Token Folder"
if defined ps32onArm exit /b
for %%# in (
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA+QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey"
@ -1381,7 +1419,8 @@ $key.SetAccessControl($acl)
if defined fixes (
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to open Troubleshoot page " %Gray% " Press [0] to ignore"
call :dk_color %White% "Follow ALL the ABOVE blue lines. "
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] to Open Support Webpage " %Gray% " Press [0] to Ignore"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#))
@ -1429,12 +1468,15 @@ set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%" | find /i "ARM64" %nul1% && (if %winbuild% LSS 21277 set ps32onArm=1)
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "White="107;91m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
@ -1444,6 +1486,7 @@ set "Red="Red" "white""
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white""
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white""
set "Blue="Blue" "white""
set "White="White" "Red""
set "_Red="Black" "Red""
set "_White="Black" "Gray""
set "_Green="Black" "Green""
@ -2,61 +2,108 @@
<h1 align="center">Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS)</h1>
<p align="center">A Windows and Office activator using HWID / Ohook / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections.</p>
<p align="center">
<a href="https://discord.gg/tVFN4N84PP"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Chat%20with%20us%20on%20Discord--blue?style=social&logo=discord" alt="Chat with us without signup" title="Chat with us without signup"></a>
<a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/MAS_Activator"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/MAS%20on%20Reddit--orange?style=social&logo=reddit" alt="MAS on Reddit" title="MAS on Reddit"></a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/massgravel"><img src="https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/massgravel" alt="Follow us on X" title="Follow us on X"></a>
<p align="center">Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, TSforge, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.</p>
## Download / How to use it?
### Method 1 - PowerShell (Recommended)
### Method 1 - PowerShell (Windows 8 and later) ❤️
- Right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD).
- Copy and paste the code below and press enter
1. Open PowerShell (Not CMD). To do that, right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal.
2. Copy and paste the code below and press enter
irm https://get.activated.win | iex
or (deprecated, will be retired on Aug 31 2024, use above instead)
Alternatively, you can use the following (It will be deprecated in the future.)
irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex
- You will see the activation options. Follow the on-screen instructions.
- That's all.
3. You will see the activation options. Choose (1) HWID for Windows activation. Choose (2) Ohook for Office activation.
4. That's all.
- On older Windows builds you may need to run the below command before,
- The Powershell method does not work on Windows 7. Use the Method 2 - Traditional instead.
- The URL get.activated.win may be blocked by some DNS services because it is a new domain.
### Method 2 - Traditional (Windows 7 and later)
### Method 2 - Traditional
<summary>Click here for info</summary>
- Download the file under the code button from [GitHub](https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts) or [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org/WindowsAddict/microsoft-activation-scripts)
- Right-click on the downloaded zip file and extract
- In the extracted folder, find the folder named `All-In-One-Version`
- Run the file named `MAS_AIO-CRC32_XXXXXXXX.cmd`
- You will see the activation options, follow the on-screen instructions.
- That's all.
1. Download the file using the links provided below.
2. Right-click on the downloaded zip file and extract
3. In the extracted folder, find the folder named `All-In-One-Version`
4. Run the file named `MAS_AIO.cmd`
5. You will see the activation options, follow the on-screen instructions.
6. That's all.
To run the scripts in unattended mode, check [here](https://massgrave.dev/command_line_switches)
### Not working ❓
- If you are **unable to launch MAS** using the PowerShell method, please refer to **Method 2** listed above.
- If MAS is launched and the script shows any errors, check for any troubleshooting steps mentioned in blue color and try to follow those.
- If you have any issues, please feel free to reach out to us [here](https://massgrave.dev/troubleshoot).
> [!NOTE]
> - The IRM command in PowerShell downloads a script from a specified URL, and the IEX command executes it.
> - Always double-check the URL before executing the command and verify the source if manually downloading files.
> - Be cautious, as some spread malware disguised as MAS by using different URLs in the IRM command.
To run the scripts in unattended mode, check [here](https://massgrave.dev/command_line_switches).
Latest Version: 2.6
Release date: 20-Apr-2024
Latest Version: 3.0
Release date: 14-Feb-2025
### [Troubleshooting / Help](https://massgrave.dev/troubleshoot)
### [Download Original Windows & Office](https://massgrave.dev/genuine-installation-media)
### Homepage - [https://massgrave.dev/](https://massgrave.dev/)
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[1.1]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_github.png (GitHub)
[1.2]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_azuredevops.png (AzureDevOps)
[1.3]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_gitea.png (Self-hosted Git)
[1.4]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_discord.png (Chat with us without signup)
[1.5]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_reddit.png (Reddit)
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[1.7]: https://massgrave.dev/img/logo_x.png (Twitter)
[1]: https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
[2]: https://dev.azure.com/massgrave/_git/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
[3]: https://git.activated.win/massgrave/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts
[4]: https://discord.gg/j2yFsV5ZVC
[5]: https://www.reddit.com/r/MAS_Activator
[6]: https://bsky.app/profile/massgrave.dev
[7]: https://twitter.com/massgravel
<p align="center">Made with Love ❤️</p>
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