import { MDXRemote } from "remote-mdx/rsc"; import { ReactElement } from "react"; import { formatCode, formatHeading, formatLink, formatList } from "@/app/components/mdx-renderer"; /** * The components to use in the MDX renderer. */ const components = { h1: (props: any) => formatHeading(1, props), h2: (props: any) => formatHeading(2, props), h3: (props: any) => formatHeading(3, props), h4: (props: any) => formatHeading(4, props), h5: (props: any) => formatHeading(5, props), h6: (props: any) => formatHeading(6, props), code: (props: any) => formatCode(props), ul: (props: any) => formatList(props), a: (props: any) => formatLink(props), }; export function CustomMDX(props: any): ReactElement { return ; }