import { YAMLMap } from "js-yaml"; export interface Config { configVersion: string; name: string; description: string; avatar: string; background: { showBackground: boolean; blur: boolean; darken: { enabled: boolean; amount: number; }; backgroundImage: string; }; theme: string; infoCard: { transparency: number; }; discord: { id: string; }; options: { showSourceLink: boolean; }; metadata: { title: string; description: string; themeColor: string; authors: { name: string; url: string; }[]; }; links: { title: string; url: string; icon: string; color: | { normal: string; } | string; }[]; socialLinks: { icon: string; color: string; url: string; }[]; } // Parse the YAML content and convert it to the defined type declare module "*.yml" { const content: YAMLMap & Config; export default content; }