# The version of the config (DO NOT CHANGE) configVersion: "0.2.0" # Your name name: "Your Name" # The description shown in the info card description: "A description about yourself" # The avatar to show avatar: "/avatar.webp" # Background configuration background: # Should we use a custom background? showBackground: true # Should we blur that background? blur: true # Should we darken that background? and by how much darken: enabled: true amount: 0.7 # The image to show when the background is enabled backgroundImage: "/background.jpg" # The theme to use (light or dark) theme: "dark" # The info card settings infoCard: # How transparent should it be? transparency: 0.85 # Discord settings (Status indicator) discord: # Your discord id id: "set me" # Global settings for the site options: # Should we show the "Website Source" button? showSourceLink: true # Metadata for the website (controls embed settings and SEO info) # see: https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/file-conventions/metadata/opengraph-image metadata: title: "Your Name" description: "website description" themeColor: "#6441a5" authors: - name: "Fascinated" url: "https://fascinated.cc" # The links to show (buttons) links: # The title of the button - title: "Git" # Where the button goes to url: "https://git.fascinated.cc" # The icon of the button # see: https://fontawesome.com/search icon: "fab fa-git-alt" # The color of the button (TailwindCSS colors or hex color, see below for hex) color: "bg-green-700" - title: "Twitch" url: "https://twitch.tv/fascinated_" icon: "fab fa-twitch" color: "bg-[#6441a5]" - title: "Documentation" url: "https://docs.fascinated.cc" color: "bg-neutral-700" # The links to show (icons only, below buttons) socialLinks: # The icon to use # see: https://fontawesome.com/search - icon: "fab fa-twitter" # The color of the icon color: "#1DA1F2" # Where the icon goes to when clicked url: "https://twitter.com" - icon: "fab fa-reddit" color: "#FF4300" url: "https://www.reddit.com/user/ImFascinatedMC" - icon: "fab fa-git-alt" url: "https://git.fascinated.cc"