/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ "use client"; import { CategoryScale, Chart, Legend, LinearScale, LineElement, PointElement, Title, Tooltip } from "chart.js"; import { Line } from "react-chartjs-2"; import { useIsMobile } from "@/hooks/use-is-mobile"; import { formatDateMinimal, getDaysAgoDate, parseDate } from "@ssr/common/utils/time-utils"; Chart.register(LinearScale, CategoryScale, PointElement, LineElement, Title, Tooltip, Legend); export type AxisPosition = "left" | "right"; export type Axis = { id?: string; position?: AxisPosition; display?: boolean; grid?: { color?: string; drawOnChartArea?: boolean }; title?: { display: boolean; text: string; color?: string }; ticks?: { stepSize?: number; callback?: (value: number, index: number, values: any) => string; font?: (context: any) => { weight: string; color?: string } | undefined; color?: (context: any) => string | undefined; }; reverse?: boolean; }; export type Dataset = { label: string; data: (number | null)[]; borderColor: string; fill: boolean; lineTension: number; spanGaps: boolean; yAxisID: string; }; export type DatasetConfig = { title: string; field: string; color: string; axisId: string; axisConfig: { reverse: boolean; display: boolean; hideOnMobile?: boolean; displayName: string; position: AxisPosition; precision?: number; // Added precision option here }; labelFormatter: (value: number) => string; }; export type ChartProps = { labels: Date[]; datasetConfig: DatasetConfig[]; histories: Record; }; const generateAxis = ( id: string, reverse: boolean, display: boolean, position: AxisPosition, displayName: string, precision: number | undefined // Adding precision parameter ): Axis => ({ id, position, display, grid: { drawOnChartArea: id === "y", color: id === "y" ? "#252525" : "" }, title: { display: true, text: displayName, color: "#ffffff" }, ticks: { stepSize: 10, callback: (value: number) => { // Apply precision if specified, otherwise default to no decimal places return precision !== undefined ? value.toFixed(precision) : value.toString(); }, }, reverse, }); const generateDataset = (label: string, data: (number | null)[], borderColor: string, yAxisID: string): Dataset => ({ label, data, borderColor, fill: false, lineTension: 0.5, spanGaps: false, yAxisID, }); export default function GenericChart({ labels, datasetConfig, histories }: ChartProps) { const isMobile = useIsMobile(); const axes: Record = { x: { grid: { color: "#252525" }, reverse: false, ticks: { font: (context: any) => { // Make the first of the month bold if (parseDate(context.tick.label).getDate() === 1) { return { weight: "bold", }; } }, color: (context: any) => { if (parseDate(context.tick.label).getDate() === 1) { return "#ffffff"; } return "#717171"; }, }, }, }; const datasets: Dataset[] = datasetConfig .map(config => { const historyArray = histories[config.field]; if (historyArray && historyArray.some(value => value !== null)) { axes[config.axisId] = generateAxis( config.axisId, config.axisConfig.reverse, isMobile && config.axisConfig.hideOnMobile ? false : config.axisConfig.display, config.axisConfig.position, config.axisConfig.displayName, config.axisConfig.precision // Pass precision from config to generateAxis ); return generateDataset(config.title, historyArray, config.color, config.axisId); } return null; }) .filter(Boolean) as Dataset[]; const options: any = { maintainAspectRatio: false, responsive: true, interaction: { mode: "index", intersect: false }, scales: axes, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } }, plugins: { legend: { position: "top", labels: { color: "white" } }, tooltip: { callbacks: { title(context: any) { const date = labels[context[0].dataIndex]; const currentDate = new Date(); const differenceInTime = currentDate.getTime() - new Date(date).getTime(); const differenceInDays = Math.ceil(differenceInTime / (1000 * 3600 * 24)) - 1; let formattedDate: string; if (differenceInDays === 0) { formattedDate = "Today"; } else if (differenceInDays === 1) { formattedDate = "Yesterday"; } else { formattedDate = formatDateMinimal(date); } return `${formattedDate} ${differenceInDays > 0 ? `(${differenceInDays} day${differenceInDays > 1 ? "s" : ""} ago)` : ""}`; }, label(context: any) { const value = Number(context.parsed.y); const config = datasetConfig.find(cfg => cfg.title === context.dataset.label); return config?.labelFormatter(value) ?? ""; }, }, }, }, }; const formattedLabels = labels.map(date => { if (formatDateMinimal(getDaysAgoDate(0)) === formatDateMinimal(date)) { return "Now"; } if (formatDateMinimal(getDaysAgoDate(1)) === formatDateMinimal(date)) { return "Yesterday"; } return formatDateMinimal(date); }); const data = { labels: formattedLabels, datasets }; return (
{ const originalFit = chart.legend.fit; chart.legend.fit = function fit() { originalFit.bind(chart.legend)(); this.height += 2; }; }, }, ]} />
); }