type Difficulty = { name: DifficultyName; gamemode?: string; color: string; }; type DifficultyName = "Easy" | "Normal" | "Hard" | "Expert" | "Expert+"; const difficulties: Difficulty[] = [ { name: "Easy", color: "#59b0f4" }, { name: "Normal", color: "#59b0f4" }, { name: "Hard", color: "#FF6347" }, { name: "Expert", color: "#bf2a42" }, { name: "Expert+", color: "#8f48db" }, ]; export type ScoreBadge = { name: string; min: number | null; max: number | null; color: string; }; const scoreBadges: ScoreBadge[] = [ { name: "SS+", min: 95, max: null, color: getDifficulty("Expert+")!.color }, { name: "SS", min: 90, max: 95, color: getDifficulty("Expert")!.color }, { name: "S+", min: 85, max: 90, color: getDifficulty("Hard")!.color }, { name: "S", min: 80, max: 85, color: getDifficulty("Normal")!.color }, { name: "A", min: 70, max: 80, color: getDifficulty("Easy")!.color }, { name: "-", min: null, max: 70, color: "hsl(var(--accent))" }, ]; /** * Returns the color based on the accuracy provided. * * @param acc - The accuracy for the score * @returns The corresponding color for the accuracy. */ export function getScoreBadgeFromAccuracy(acc: number): ScoreBadge { // Check for SS+ first since it has no upper limit if (acc >= 95) { return scoreBadges[0]; // SS+ color } // Iterate through the rest of the badges for (const badge of scoreBadges) { const min = badge.min ?? -Infinity; // Treat null `min` as -Infinity const max = badge.max ?? Infinity; // Treat null `max` as Infinity // Check if the accuracy falls within the badge's range if (acc >= min && acc < (max === null ? Infinity : max)) { return badge; // Return the color of the matching badge } } // Fallback color if no badge matches (should not happen) return scoreBadges[scoreBadges.length - 1]; } /** * Parses a raw difficulty into a {@link Difficulty} * Example: _Easy_SoloStandard -> { name: "Easy", type: "Standard", color: "#59b0f4" } * * @param rawDifficulty the raw difficulty to parse * @return the parsed difficulty */ export function getDifficultyFromRawDifficulty(rawDifficulty: string): Difficulty { const [name, ...type] = rawDifficulty .replace("Plus", "+") // Replaces Plus with + so we can match it to our difficulty names .replace("Solo", "") // Removes "Solo" .replace(/^_+|_+$/g, "") // Removes leading and trailing underscores .split("_"); const difficulty = difficulties.find(d => d.name === name); if (!difficulty) { throw new Error(`Unknown difficulty: ${rawDifficulty}`); } return { ...difficulty, gamemode: type.join("_"), }; } /** * Gets a {@link Difficulty} from its name * * @param diff the name of the difficulty * @returns the difficulty */ export function getDifficulty(diff: DifficultyName) { return difficulties.find(d => d.name === diff); } /** * Turns the difficulty of a song into a color * * @param diff the difficulty to get the color for * @returns the color for the difficulty */ export function songDifficultyToColor(diff: string) { return getDifficultyFromRawDifficulty(diff).color; }