add and run prettier

This commit is contained in:
Lee 2023-10-17 23:38:18 +01:00
parent 47a23f0484
commit f6f56aa09c
136 changed files with 8231 additions and 4493 deletions

@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007 Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Preamble Preamble
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works. software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too. your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things. free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights. know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions. authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow. modification follow.
0. Definitions. 0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks. works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program. on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well. public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code. 1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work. form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language. is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work. subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
Source. Source.
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work. same work.
2. Basic Permissions. 2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary. makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
measures. measures.
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures. technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
@ -202,12 +202,12 @@ non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
@ -232,19 +232,19 @@ terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so. work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate. parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways: in one of these ways:
@ -290,75 +290,75 @@ in one of these ways:
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d. charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work. included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product. the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made. modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM). been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network. protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying. unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms. 7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions. this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
@ -385,74 +385,74 @@ that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors. those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying. not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms. where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way. the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination. 8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11). paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation. prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice. your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10. material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
@ -460,43 +460,43 @@ give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents. 11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License. this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version. propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party. patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
@ -504,13 +504,13 @@ then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid. country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
@ -518,10 +518,10 @@ or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it. work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
@ -533,73 +533,73 @@ for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such. combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License. 14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns. address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation. by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program. to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version. later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty. 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability. 16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
@ -658,17 +658,17 @@ notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
<>. <>.
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
<>. <>.

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"json-stable-stringify": "^1.0.1", "json-stable-stringify": "^1.0.1",
"luxon": "^2.0.2", "luxon": "^2.0.2",
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"rollup-plugin-css-only": "^3.1.0", "rollup-plugin-css-only": "^3.1.0",
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,206 +1,207 @@
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@ -6,4 +6,89 @@
* @author John Doherty <> * @author John Doherty <>
* @license MIT * @license MIT
*/ */
!function(t,e){"use strict";"function"!=typeof t.CustomEvent&&(t.CustomEvent=function(t,n){n=n||{bubbles:!1,cancelable:!1,detail:void 0};var a=e.createEvent("CustomEvent");return a.initCustomEvent(t,n.bubbles,n.cancelable,n.detail),a},t.CustomEvent.prototype=t.Event.prototype),e.addEventListener("touchstart",function(t){if("true""data-swipe-ignore"))return;,,n=t.touches[0].clientX,a=t.touches[0].clientY,u=0,i=0},!1),e.addEventListener("touchmove",function(t){if(!n||!a)return;var e=t.touches[0].clientX,r=t.touches[0].clientY;u=n-e,i=a-r},!1),e.addEventListener("touchend",function(t){if(s!;var e=parseInt(l(s,"data-swipe-threshold","20"),10),o=parseInt(l(s,"data-swipe-timeout","500"),10),,d="",p=t.changedTouches||t.touches||[];Math.abs(u)>Math.abs(i)?Math.abs(u)>e&&c<o&&(d=u>0?"swiped-left":"swiped-right"):Math.abs(i)>e&&c<o&&(d=i>0?"swiped-up":"swiped-down");if(""!==d){var b={dir:d.replace(/swiped-/,""),xStart:parseInt(n,10),xEnd:parseInt((p[0]||{}).clientX||-1,10),yStart:parseInt(a,10),yEnd:parseInt((p[0]||{}).clientY||-1,10)};s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("swiped",{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:b})),s.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(d,{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:b}))}n=null,a=null,r=null},!1);var n=null,a=null,u=null,i=null,r=null,s=null;function l(t,n,a){for(;t&&t!==e.documentElement;){var u=t.getAttribute(n);if(u)return u;t=t.parentNode}return a}}(window,document); !(function (t, e) {
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n = n || { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !1, detail: void 0 };
var a = e.createEvent("CustomEvent");
return a.initCustomEvent(t, n.bubbles, n.cancelable, n.detail), a;
(t.CustomEvent.prototype = t.Event.prototype)),
function (t) {
if ("true" ==="data-swipe-ignore")) return;
(s =,
(r =,
(n = t.touches[0].clientX),
(a = t.touches[0].clientY),
(u = 0),
(i = 0);
function (t) {
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r = t.touches[0].clientY;
(u = n - e), (i = a - r);
function (t) {
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o = parseInt(l(s, "data-swipe-timeout", "500"), 10),
c = - r,
d = "",
p = t.changedTouches || t.touches || [];
Math.abs(u) > Math.abs(i)
? Math.abs(u) > e &&
c < o &&
(d = u > 0 ? "swiped-left" : "swiped-right")
: Math.abs(i) > e &&
c < o &&
(d = i > 0 ? "swiped-up" : "swiped-down");
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yEnd: parseInt((p[0] || {}).clientY || -1, 10),
new CustomEvent("swiped", {
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
detail: b,
new CustomEvent(d, { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, detail: b }),
(n = null), (a = null), (r = null);
var n = null,
a = null,
u = null,
i = null,
r = null,
s = null;
function l(t, n, a) {
for (; t && t !== e.documentElement; ) {
var u = t.getAttribute(n);
if (u) return u;
t = t.parentNode;
return a;
})(window, document);

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
<!DOCTYPE html> <!doctype html>
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<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
<title>ScoreSaber Reloaded</title> <title>ScoreSaber Reloaded</title>
<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/assets/favicon.png' /> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/assets/favicon.png" />
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/ss-bulma.css' /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/ss-bulma.css" />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/ssr.css?20210925" /> rel="stylesheet"
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/ssr.css?20210925" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/build/bundle.css" />
<script src="/assets/swiped-events.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/swiped-events.min.js"></script>
<script defer src='/build/bundle.js'></script> <script defer src="/build/bundle.js"></script>
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<body> <body></body>
</html> </html>

@ -1,150 +1,159 @@
const fs = require('fs'); const fs = require("fs");
const path = require('path'); const path = require("path");
const { execSync } = require("child_process"); const { execSync } = require("child_process");
import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte'; import svelte from "rollup-plugin-svelte";
import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; import commonjs from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs";
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'; import resolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
import livereload from 'rollup-plugin-livereload'; import livereload from "rollup-plugin-livereload";
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser'; import { terser } from "rollup-plugin-terser";
import sveltePreprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'; import sveltePreprocess from "svelte-preprocess";
import css from 'rollup-plugin-css-only'; import css from "rollup-plugin-css-only";
import svg from 'rollup-plugin-svg'; import svg from "rollup-plugin-svg";
const production = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH; const production = !process.env.ROLLUP_WATCH;
const buildVersion = execSync("git rev-parse --short HEAD").toString(); const buildVersion = execSync("git rev-parse --short HEAD").toString();
fs.writeFileSync('build-info.js', 'export default ' + JSON.stringify({ fs.writeFileSync(
buildDate: (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0, 19).replace('T', ' ') + ' UTC', "build-info.js",
buildVersion "export default " +
})) JSON.stringify({
new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 19).replace("T", " ") + " UTC",
function serve() { function serve() {
let server; let server;
function toExit() { function toExit() {
if (server) server.kill(0); if (server) server.kill(0);
} }
return { return {
writeBundle() { writeBundle() {
if (server) return; if (server) return;
server = require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['run', 'start', '--', '--dev'], { server = require("child_process").spawn(
stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'], "npm",
shell: true ["run", "start", "--", "--dev"],
}); {
stdio: ["ignore", "inherit", "inherit"],
shell: true,
process.on('SIGTERM', toExit); process.on("SIGTERM", toExit);
process.on('exit', toExit); process.on("exit", toExit);
} },
}; };
} }
export default [ export default [
{ {
input: 'src/main.js', input: "src/main.js",
output: { output: {
sourcemap: true, sourcemap: true,
format: 'iife', format: "iife",
name: 'app', name: "app",
file: 'public/build/bundle.js', file: "public/build/bundle.js",
}, },
plugins: [ plugins: [
svelte({ svelte({
preprocess: sveltePreprocess({sourceMap: !production}), preprocess: sveltePreprocess({ sourceMap: !production }),
compilerOptions: { compilerOptions: {
// enable run-time checks when not in production // enable run-time checks when not in production
dev: !production, dev: !production,
}, },
}), }),
// we'll extract any component CSS out into // we'll extract any component CSS out into
// a separate file - better for performance // a separate file - better for performance
css({output: 'bundle.css'}), css({ output: "bundle.css" }),
svg(), svg(),
// If you have external dependencies installed from // If you have external dependencies installed from
// npm, you'll most likely need these plugins. In // npm, you'll most likely need these plugins. In
// some cases you'll need additional configuration - // some cases you'll need additional configuration -
// consult the documentation for details: // consult the documentation for details:
// //
resolve({ resolve({
browser: true, browser: true,
dedupe: ['svelte'], dedupe: ["svelte"],
}), }),
commonjs(), commonjs(),
// In dev mode, call `npm run start` once // In dev mode, call `npm run start` once
// the bundle has been generated // the bundle has been generated
!production && serve(), !production && serve(),
// Watch the `public` directory and refresh the // Watch the `public` directory and refresh the
// browser on changes when not in production // browser on changes when not in production
!production && livereload('public'), !production && livereload("public"),
// If we're building for production (npm run build // If we're building for production (npm run build
// instead of npm run dev), minify // instead of npm run dev), minify
production && terser(), production && terser(),
{ {
name: 'copy-comlink', name: "copy-comlink",
generateBundle() { generateBundle() {
const buildDir = './public/build' const buildDir = "./public/build";
if (!fs.existsSync(buildDir)){ if (!fs.existsSync(buildDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(buildDir); fs.mkdirSync(buildDir);
} }
fs.copyFileSync( fs.copyFileSync(
path.resolve('./node_modules/comlink/dist/umd/comlink.min.js'), path.resolve("./node_modules/comlink/dist/umd/comlink.min.js"),
path.resolve('./public/build/comlink.min.js'), path.resolve("./public/build/comlink.min.js"),
); );
}, },
}, },
], ],
watch: { watch: {
clearScreen: false, clearScreen: false,
}, },
}, },
{ {
input: 'src/workers/stats-worker.js', input: "src/workers/stats-worker.js",
output: { output: {
sourcemap: true, sourcemap: true,
format: 'iife', format: "iife",
name: 'app', name: "app",
file: 'public/build/stats-worker.js', file: "public/build/stats-worker.js",
}, },
plugins: [ plugins: [
// If you have external dependencies installed from // If you have external dependencies installed from
// npm, you'll most likely need these plugins. In // npm, you'll most likely need these plugins. In
// some cases you'll need additional configuration - // some cases you'll need additional configuration -
// consult the documentation for details: // consult the documentation for details:
// //
resolve({ resolve({
browser: true, browser: true,
dedupe: ['svelte'], dedupe: ["svelte"],
}), }),
commonjs(), commonjs(),
// If we're building for production (npm run build // If we're building for production (npm run build
// instead of npm run dev), minify // instead of npm run dev), minify
production && terser(), production && terser(),
{ {
name: 'copy-test-worker', name: "copy-test-worker",
load() { load() {
this.addWatchFile(path.resolve('./src/workers/stats-worker.js')); this.addWatchFile(path.resolve("./src/workers/stats-worker.js"));
}, },
generateBundle() { generateBundle() {
const buildDir = './public/build' const buildDir = "./public/build";
if (!fs.existsSync(buildDir)){ if (!fs.existsSync(buildDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(buildDir); fs.mkdirSync(buildDir);
} }
fs.copyFileSync( fs.copyFileSync(
path.resolve('./src/workers/stats-worker.js'), path.resolve("./src/workers/stats-worker.js"),
path.resolve('./public/build/stats-worker.js'), path.resolve("./public/build/stats-worker.js"),
); );
}, },
}, },
], ],
}, },
]; ];

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ export const onLegendClick = (event, legendItem, legend) => {
const scales = legend?.chart?.config?.options?.scales; const scales = legend?.chart?.config?.options?.scales;
if (!scales) return; if (!scales) return;
const {x: xAxis, ...yAxes} = scales; const { x: xAxis, ...yAxes } = scales;
if (ci.isDatasetVisible(idx)) { if (ci.isDatasetVisible(idx)) {
ci.hide(idx); ci.hide(idx);
@ -17,38 +17,52 @@ export const onLegendClick = (event, legendItem, legend) => {
if (legend?.chart) { if (legend?.chart) {
const yAxisIdsToShow = (legend?.legendItems ?? []) const yAxisIdsToShow = (legend?.legendItems ?? [])
.sort((a,b) => (ci?.config?.data?.datasets?.[a?.datasetIndex]?.axisOrder ?? a?.datasetIndex) - (ci?.config?.data?.datasets?.[b?.datasetIndex]?.axisOrder ?? b?.datasetIndex)) .sort(
.reduce((cum, legendItem) => { (a, b) =>
// done (ci?.config?.data?.datasets?.[a?.datasetIndex]?.axisOrder ??
if (cum.second) return cum; a?.datasetIndex) -
(ci?.config?.data?.datasets?.[b?.datasetIndex]?.axisOrder ??
(cum, legendItem) => {
// done
if (cum.second) return cum;
// skip hidden legend items // skip hidden legend items
if (legendItem?.hidden) return cum; if (legendItem?.hidden) return cum;
const yAxisId = ci?.getDatasetMeta(legendItem?.datasetIndex)?.yAxisID ?? null; const yAxisId =
if (!yAxisId) return cum; ci?.getDatasetMeta(legendItem?.datasetIndex)?.yAxisID ?? null;
if (!yAxisId) return cum;
if (!cum.first) { if (!cum.first) {
cum.first = yAxisId; cum.first = yAxisId;
} else if (yAxisId !== cum.first) { } else if (yAxisId !== cum.first) {
cum.second = yAxisId; cum.second = yAxisId;
} }
return cum; return cum;
}, {first: null, second: null}); },
{ first: null, second: null },
Object.keys(yAxes).forEach(currentAxisKey => { Object.keys(yAxes).forEach((currentAxisKey) => {
if (![yAxisIdsToShow.first, yAxisIdsToShow.second].includes(currentAxisKey)) { if (
![yAxisIdsToShow.first, yAxisIdsToShow.second].includes(currentAxisKey)
) {
yAxes[currentAxisKey].display = false; yAxes[currentAxisKey].display = false;
return; return;
} }
yAxes[currentAxisKey].display = true; yAxes[currentAxisKey].display = true;
if (yAxisIdsToShow.first === currentAxisKey) yAxes[currentAxisKey].position = 'left'; if (yAxisIdsToShow.first === currentAxisKey)
if (yAxisIdsToShow.second === currentAxisKey) yAxes[currentAxisKey].position = 'right'; yAxes[currentAxisKey].position = "left";
if (yAxisIdsToShow.second === currentAxisKey)
yAxes[currentAxisKey].position = "right";
}); });
legend.chart.options.scales = {x: xAxis, ...yAxes} legend.chart.options.scales = { x: xAxis, ...yAxes };
legend.chart.update(); legend.chart.update();
} }
} };

@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
export default { export default {
id: 'regions', id: "regions",
beforeDraw(chart, args, options) { beforeDraw(chart, args, options) {
if (!options?.regions || !Array.isArray(options.regions)) return; if (!options?.regions || !Array.isArray(options.regions)) return;
const {ctx, chartArea: {left, top, right, bottom}, scales: {y}} = chart; const {
chartArea: { left, top, right, bottom },
scales: { y },
} = chart;
const width = right - left; const width = right - left;
let fontSize = parseInt(ctx.font,10); let fontSize = parseInt(ctx.font, 10);
if (isNaN(fontSize)) fontSize = 12; if (isNaN(fontSize)) fontSize = 12;;;
options.regions.forEach(region => { options.regions.forEach((region) => {
if (y.min <= region.max && y.max >= region.min) { if (y.min <= region.max && y.max >= region.min) {
const minY = Math.max(region.min, y.min); const minY = Math.max(region.min, y.min);
const maxY = Math.min(region.max, y.max); const maxY = Math.min(region.max, y.max);
const top = y.getPixelForValue(maxY); const top = y.getPixelForValue(maxY);
const height = region.min === region.max ? 1 : y.getPixelForValue(minY) - y.getPixelForValue(maxY); const height =
region.min === region.max
? 1
: y.getPixelForValue(minY) - y.getPixelForValue(maxY);
ctx.fillStyle = region.color; ctx.fillStyle = region.color;
ctx.fillRect(left, top, width, height); ctx.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
@ -24,16 +31,20 @@ export default {
if (region.label) { if (region.label) {
const labelWidth = ctx.measureText(region.label)?.width ?? 0; const labelWidth = ctx.measureText(region.label)?.width ?? 0;
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'; ctx.textBaseline = "top";
ctx.fillText( ctx.fillText(
region.label, region.label,
region?.position?.horizontal === 'right' ? right - labelWidth - 3 : left + 3, region?.position?.horizontal === "right"
region?.position?.vertical === 'bottom' ? top + 2 : top - fontSize - 1 ? right - labelWidth - 3
: left + 3,
region?.position?.vertical === "bottom"
? top + 2
: top - fontSize - 1,
); );
} }
} }
}) });
ctx.restore(); ctx.restore();
} },
} };

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ function updateScoresStats(playerData, playerStats) {
bgColor: "var(--ppColour)", bgColor: "var(--ppColour)",
}, },
] ]
: [] : [],
) )
.filter((s) => s && (!playerStats || s.label !== "Average")); .filter((s) => s && (!playerStats || s.label !== "Average"));
} }

@ -2,27 +2,34 @@ export default () => {
let currentService = null; let currentService = null;
let currentServiceParams = {}; let currentServiceParams = {};
const getAllServices = () => ['scoresaber', 'beatsavior', 'accsaber']; const getAllServices = () => ["scoresaber", "beatsavior", "accsaber"];
const get = () => ({service: currentService, params: currentServiceParams}); const get = () => ({ service: currentService, params: currentServiceParams });
const getDefaultParams = service => { const getDefaultParams = (service) => {
switch (service) { switch (service) {
case 'beatsavior': case "beatsavior":
return {sort: 'recent', order: 'desc', page: 1, filters: {}}; return { sort: "recent", order: "desc", page: 1, filters: {} };
case 'accsaber': case "accsaber":
return {type: 'overall', order: 'desc', sort: 'ap', page: 1, filters: {}} return {
type: "overall",
order: "desc",
sort: "ap",
page: 1,
filters: {},
case 'scoresaber': case "scoresaber":
default: default:
return {sort: 'recent', order: 'desc', page: 1, filters: {}} return { sort: "recent", order: "desc", page: 1, filters: {} };
} }
} };
const update = (serviceParams = {}, service = currentService) => { const update = (serviceParams = {}, service = currentService) => {
const availableServices = getAllServices(); const availableServices = getAllServices();
if (!availableServices.includes(service)) service = availableServices?.[0] ?? 'scoresaber'; if (!availableServices.includes(service))
service = availableServices?.[0] ?? "scoresaber";
const defaultServiceParams = getDefaultParams(service); const defaultServiceParams = getDefaultParams(service);
@ -32,84 +39,103 @@ export default () => {
} }
// preserve old filters // preserve old filters
serviceParams = {...serviceParams} serviceParams = { ...serviceParams };
serviceParams.filters = { serviceParams.filters = {
...(currentServiceParams?.filters ?? {}), ...(currentServiceParams?.filters ?? {}),
...(serviceParams?.filters ?? {}), ...(serviceParams?.filters ?? {}),
} };
currentService = service; currentService = service;
currentServiceParams = {...defaultServiceParams, ...currentServiceParams, ...serviceParams} currentServiceParams = {
return get(); return get();
} };
const clearServiceParams = () => currentServiceParams = {} const clearServiceParams = () => (currentServiceParams = {});
const initFromUrl = (url = null) => { const initFromUrl = (url = null) => {
const availableServices = getAllServices(); const availableServices = getAllServices();
const defaultService = availableServices?.[0] ?? 'scoresaber'; const defaultService = availableServices?.[0] ?? "scoresaber";
const paramsArr = url ? url.split('/') : [defaultService]; const paramsArr = url ? url.split("/") : [defaultService];
const service = paramsArr[0] ?? 'scoresaber'; const service = paramsArr[0] ?? "scoresaber";
const serviceDefaultParams = getDefaultParams(service); const serviceDefaultParams = getDefaultParams(service);
switch (service) { switch (service) {
case 'beatsavior': case "beatsavior":
return update( return update(
{ {
sort: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort, sort: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort,
order: 'desc', order: "desc",
page: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page, page: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page,
}, },
service, service,
); );
case 'accsaber': case "accsaber":
return update( return update(
{ {
type: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.type, type: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.type,
sort: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort, sort: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort,
order: (paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort) === 'rank' ? 'asc' : 'desc', order:
(paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort) === "rank"
? "asc"
: "desc",
page: paramsArr[3] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page, page: paramsArr[3] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page,
}, },
service, service,
); );
case 'scoresaber': case "scoresaber":
default: default:
return update( return update(
{ {
sort: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort, sort: paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort,
order: (paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort) === 'rank' ? 'asc' : 'desc', order:
(paramsArr[1] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort) === "rank"
? "asc"
: "desc",
page: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page, page: paramsArr[2] ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page,
}, },
service, service,
); );
} }
} };
const getUrl = (service, params = {}, noPage = false) => { const getUrl = (service, params = {}, noPage = false) => {
if (!service) return ''; if (!service) return "";
const serviceDefaultParams = getDefaultParams(service); const serviceDefaultParams = getDefaultParams(service);
switch (service) { switch (service) {
case 'beatsavior': case "beatsavior":
return `${service}/${params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort}${noPage ? '' : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`}`; return `${service}/${params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort}${
noPage ? "" : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`
case 'accsaber': case "accsaber":
return `${service}/${params?.type ?? serviceDefaultParams?.type}/${params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort}${noPage ? '' : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`}`; return `${service}/${params?.type ?? serviceDefaultParams?.type}/${
params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort
}${noPage ? "" : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`}`;
case 'scoresaber': case "scoresaber":
return `${service}/${params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort}${noPage ? '' : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`}`; return `${service}/${params?.sort ?? serviceDefaultParams?.sort}${
noPage ? "" : `/${params?.page ?? serviceDefaultParams?.page}`
} }
} };
const getCurrentServiceUrl = () => getUrl(currentService, currentServiceParams); const getCurrentServiceUrl = () =>
const getCurrentServiceUrlWithoutPage = () => getUrl(currentService, currentServiceParams, true); getUrl(currentService, currentServiceParams);
const getDefaultServiceUrl = (service = currentService) => getUrl(service, {}); const getCurrentServiceUrlWithoutPage = () =>
getUrl(currentService, currentServiceParams, true);
const getDefaultServiceUrl = (service = currentService) =>
getUrl(service, {});
return { return {
getAvailableServices: getAllServices, getAvailableServices: getAllServices,
@ -122,5 +148,5 @@ export default () => {
getParams: () => currentServiceParams, getParams: () => currentServiceParams,
update, update,
clearServiceParams, clearServiceParams,
} };
} };

@ -1,19 +1,29 @@
import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
export default (name, getObjKey) => { export default (name, getObjKey) => {
let cache = {}; let cache = {};
// update data cached on another node // update data cached on another node
eventBus.on('cache-key-set-' + name, ({key, value}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? set(key, value, false) : null); eventBus.on("cache-key-set-" + name, ({ key, value }, isLocal) =>
eventBus.on('cache-all-set' + name, ({data}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? setAll(data, false) : null); !isLocal ? set(key, value, false) : null,
eventBus.on('cache-merge-' + name, ({data}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? merge(data, false) : null); );
eventBus.on('cache-key-forget-' + name, ({key}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? forget(key, false) : null); eventBus.on("cache-all-set" + name, ({ data }, isLocal) =>
eventBus.on('cache-flush-' + name, (_, isLocal) => !isLocal ? flush(false) : null); !isLocal ? setAll(data, false) : null,
eventBus.on("cache-merge-" + name, ({ data }, isLocal) =>
!isLocal ? merge(data, false) : null,
eventBus.on("cache-key-forget-" + name, ({ key }, isLocal) =>
!isLocal ? forget(key, false) : null,
eventBus.on("cache-flush-" + name, (_, isLocal) =>
!isLocal ? flush(false) : null,
const set = (key, value, emitEvent = true) => { const set = (key, value, emitEvent = true) => {
cache[key] = value; cache[key] = value;
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-key-set-' + name, {key, value}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-key-set-" + name, { key, value });
return value; return value;
}; };
@ -21,17 +31,17 @@ export default (name, getObjKey) => {
const setAll = (data, emitEvent = true) => { const setAll = (data, emitEvent = true) => {
cache = data; cache = data;
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-all-set-' + name, {data}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-all-set-" + name, { data });
return cache; return cache;
} };
const merge = (data, emitEvent = true) => { const merge = (data, emitEvent = true) => {
cache = {...cache,} cache = { ...cache, };
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-merge-' + name, {data}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-merge-" + name, { data });
return cache; return cache;
} };
const get = async (key, fetchFunc) => { const get = async (key, fetchFunc) => {
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) return cache[key]; if (cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) return cache[key];
@ -53,42 +63,43 @@ export default (name, getObjKey) => {
const key = getObjKey(value); const key = getObjKey(value);
return set(key, value); return set(key, value);
} };
const getAll = () => cache; const getAll = () => cache;
const has = key => cache[key] !== undefined; const has = (key) => cache[key] !== undefined;
const getKeys = () => Object.keys(cache); const getKeys = () => Object.keys(cache);
const forget = (key, emitEvent = true) => { const forget = (key, emitEvent = true) => {
delete cache[key]; delete cache[key];
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-key-forget-' + name, {key}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-key-forget-" + name, { key });
return cache; return cache;
} };
const forgetByFilter = (filterFunc, emitEvent = true) => { const forgetByFilter = (filterFunc, emitEvent = true) => {
if (!filterFunc) return false; if (!filterFunc) return false;
Object.keys(cache).filter(key => filterFunc(cache[key])) Object.keys(cache)
.forEach(key => { .filter((key) => filterFunc(cache[key]))
delete cache[key] .forEach((key) => {
delete cache[key];
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-key-forget-' + name, {key}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-key-forget-" + name, { key });
}); });
return true; return true;
} };
const flush = (emitEvent = true) => { const flush = (emitEvent = true) => {
cache = {}; cache = {};
if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('cache-flush-' + name, {}); if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish("cache-flush-" + name, {});
return cache; return cache;
} };
return { return {
has, has,
@ -102,5 +113,5 @@ export default (name, getObjKey) => {
forget, forget,
forgetByFilter, forgetByFilter,
flush, flush,
} };
} };

@ -1,195 +1,279 @@
import {openDB} from 'idb' import { openDB } from "idb";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
import {isDateObject} from '../utils/js' import { isDateObject } from "../utils/js";
import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
const SSR_DB_VERSION = 12; const SSR_DB_VERSION = 12;
export let db = null; export let db = null;
export default async () => { export default async () => {
IDBKeyRange.prototype.toString = function () { IDBKeyRange.prototype.toString = function () {
return "IDBKeyRange-" + (isDateObject(this.lower) ? this.lower.getTime() : this.lower) + '-' + (isDateObject(this.upper) ? this.upper : this.upper); return (
} "IDBKeyRange-" +
(isDateObject(this.lower) ? this.lower.getTime() : this.lower) +
"-" +
(isDateObject(this.upper) ? this.upper : this.upper)
return await openDatabase(); return await openDatabase();
} };
async function openDatabase() { async function openDatabase() {
try { try {
let dbNewVersion = 0, dbOldVersion = 0; let dbNewVersion = 0,
dbOldVersion = 0;
db = await openDB('ssr', SSR_DB_VERSION, { db = await openDB("ssr", SSR_DB_VERSION, {
async upgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, transaction) { async upgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, transaction) {`Converting database from version ${oldVersion} to version ${newVersion}`);
`Converting database from version ${oldVersion} to version ${newVersion}`,
dbNewVersion = newVersion; dbNewVersion = newVersion;
dbOldVersion = oldVersion; dbOldVersion = oldVersion;
switch (true) { switch (true) {
case newVersion >= 1 && oldVersion <= 0: case newVersion >= 1 && oldVersion <= 0:
db.createObjectStore('players', { db.createObjectStore("players", {
keyPath: 'id', keyPath: "id",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const playersHistory = db.createObjectStore('players-history', { const playersHistory = db.createObjectStore("players-history", {
keyPath: '_idbId', keyPath: "_idbId",
autoIncrement: true, autoIncrement: true,
}); });
playersHistory.createIndex('players-history-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); playersHistory.createIndex("players-history-playerId", "playerId", {
playersHistory.createIndex('players-history-timestamp', 'timestamp', {unique: false}); unique: false,
{ unique: false },
const scoresStore = db.createObjectStore('scores', { const scoresStore = db.createObjectStore("scores", {
keyPath: 'id', keyPath: "id",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
scoresStore.createIndex('scores-leaderboardId', 'leaderboardId', {unique: false}); scoresStore.createIndex("scores-leaderboardId", "leaderboardId", {
scoresStore.createIndex('scores-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); unique: false,
scoresStore.createIndex('scores-timeset', 'timeset', {unique: false}); });
scoresStore.createIndex('scores-pp', 'pp', {unique: false}); scoresStore.createIndex("scores-playerId", "playerId", {
unique: false,
scoresStore.createIndex("scores-timeset", "timeset", {
unique: false,
scoresStore.createIndex("scores-pp", "pp", { unique: false });
db.createObjectStore('rankeds', { db.createObjectStore("rankeds", {
keyPath: 'leaderboardId', keyPath: "leaderboardId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const songsStore = db.createObjectStore('songs', { const songsStore = db.createObjectStore("songs", {
keyPath: 'hash', keyPath: "hash",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
songsStore.createIndex('songs-key', 'key', {unique: true}); songsStore.createIndex("songs-key", "key", { unique: true });
db.createObjectStore('twitch', { db.createObjectStore("twitch", {
keyPath: 'playerId', keyPath: "playerId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const rankedsChangesStore = db.createObjectStore('rankeds-changes', { const rankedsChangesStore = db.createObjectStore(
keyPath: '_idbId', "rankeds-changes",
autoIncrement: true, {
}); keyPath: "_idbId",
rankedsChangesStore.createIndex('rankeds-changes-timestamp', 'timestamp', {unique: false}); autoIncrement: true,
rankedsChangesStore.createIndex('rankeds-changes-leaderboardId', 'leaderboardId', {unique: false}); },
{ unique: false },
{ unique: false },
// no autoIncrement, no keyPath - key must be provided // no autoIncrement, no keyPath - key must be provided
db.createObjectStore('key-value'); db.createObjectStore("key-value");
db.createObjectStore('cache'); db.createObjectStore("cache");
const groups = db.createObjectStore('groups', {keyPath: '_idbId', autoIncrement: true}); const groups = db.createObjectStore("groups", {
groups.createIndex('groups-name', 'name', {unique: false}); keyPath: "_idbId",
groups.createIndex('groups-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); autoIncrement: true,
groups.createIndex("groups-name", "name", { unique: false });
groups.createIndex("groups-playerId", "playerId", {
unique: false,
const beatSaviorFiles = db.createObjectStore('beat-savior-files', { const beatSaviorFiles = db.createObjectStore("beat-savior-files", {
keyPath: 'fileId', keyPath: "fileId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const beatSavior = db.createObjectStore('beat-savior', { const beatSavior = db.createObjectStore("beat-savior", {
keyPath: 'beatSaviorId', keyPath: "beatSaviorId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
beatSavior.createIndex('beat-savior-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); beatSavior.createIndex("beat-savior-playerId", "playerId", {
beatSavior.createIndex('beat-savior-songId', 'songId', {unique: false}); unique: false,
beatSavior.createIndex('beat-savior-fileId', 'fileId', {unique: false}); });
beatSavior.createIndex("beat-savior-songId", "songId", {
unique: false,
beatSavior.createIndex("beat-savior-fileId", "fileId", {
unique: false,
// NO break here! // NO break here!
case newVersion >=2 && oldVersion <= 1: case newVersion >= 2 && oldVersion <= 1:
db.createObjectStore('beat-savior-players', { db.createObjectStore("beat-savior-players", {
keyPath: 'playerId', keyPath: "playerId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
// NO break here! // NO break here!
case newVersion >= 3 && oldVersion <=2: case newVersion >= 3 && oldVersion <= 2:
db.deleteObjectStore('players'); db.deleteObjectStore("players");
db.createObjectStore('players', { db.createObjectStore("players", {
keyPath: 'playerId', keyPath: "playerId",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const scoresStore4 = transaction.objectStore('scores'); const scoresStore4 = transaction.objectStore("scores");
scoresStore4.deleteIndex('scores-timeset'); scoresStore4.deleteIndex("scores-timeset");
scoresStore4.createIndex('scores-timeSet', 'timeSet', {unique: false}); scoresStore4.createIndex("scores-timeSet", "timeSet", {
unique: false,
// NO break here });
case newVersion >= 4 && oldVersion <=3:
const beatSaviorStore = transaction.objectStore('beat-savior');
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 5 && oldVersion <=4: case newVersion >= 4 && oldVersion <= 3:
const songsBeatMapsStore = db.createObjectStore('songs-beatmaps', { db.deleteObjectStore("beat-savior-files");
keyPath: 'hash',
autoIncrement: false, const beatSaviorStore = transaction.objectStore("beat-savior");
}); beatSaviorStore.deleteIndex("beat-savior-fileId");
songsBeatMapsStore.createIndex('songs-beatmaps--key', 'key', {unique: true}); beatSaviorStore.deleteIndex("beat-savior-songId");
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 6 && oldVersion <=5: case newVersion >= 5 && oldVersion <= 4:
const songsBeatMapsStorev6 = transaction.objectStore('songs-beatmaps'); const songsBeatMapsStore = db.createObjectStore("songs-beatmaps", {
songsBeatMapsStorev6.deleteIndex('songs-beatmaps--key'); keyPath: "hash",
songsBeatMapsStorev6.createIndex('songs-beatmaps-key', 'key', {unique: true}); autoIncrement: false,
songsBeatMapsStore.createIndex("songs-beatmaps--key", "key", {
unique: true,
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 7 && oldVersion <=6: case newVersion >= 6 && oldVersion <= 5:
const scoresUpdateQueue = db.createObjectStore('scores-update-queue', { const songsBeatMapsStorev6 =
keyPath: 'id', transaction.objectStore("songs-beatmaps");
autoIncrement: false, songsBeatMapsStorev6.deleteIndex("songs-beatmaps--key");
songsBeatMapsStorev6.createIndex("songs-beatmaps-key", "key", {
unique: true,
}); });
scoresUpdateQueue.createIndex('scores-update-queue-fetchedAt', 'fetchedAt', {unique: false});
// NO break here
case newVersion >= 7 && oldVersion <= 6:
const scoresUpdateQueue = db.createObjectStore(
keyPath: "id",
autoIncrement: false,
{ unique: false },
case newVersion >= 8 && oldVersion <= 7: case newVersion >= 8 && oldVersion <= 7:
const beatSaviorStorev8 = transaction.objectStore('beat-savior'); const beatSaviorStorev8 = transaction.objectStore("beat-savior");
beatSaviorStorev8.createIndex('beat-savior-hash', 'hash', {unique: false}); beatSaviorStorev8.createIndex("beat-savior-hash", "hash", {
unique: false,
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 9 && oldVersion <= 8: case newVersion >= 9 && oldVersion <= 8:
const playersHistoryStorev9 = transaction.objectStore('players-history'); const playersHistoryStorev9 =
playersHistoryStorev9.deleteIndex('players-history-timestamp'); transaction.objectStore("players-history");
playersHistoryStorev9.createIndex('players-history-playerIdSsTimestamp', 'playerIdSsTimestamp', {unique: true}); playersHistoryStorev9.deleteIndex("players-history-timestamp");
{ unique: true },
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 10 && oldVersion <= 9: case newVersion >= 10 && oldVersion <= 9:
const songsBeatMapsStoreV10 = transaction.objectStore('songs-beatmaps'); const songsBeatMapsStoreV10 =
songsBeatMapsStoreV10.deleteIndex('songs-beatmaps-key'); transaction.objectStore("songs-beatmaps");
songsBeatMapsStoreV10.createIndex('songs-beatmaps-key', 'key', {unique: false}); songsBeatMapsStoreV10.deleteIndex("songs-beatmaps-key");
songsBeatMapsStoreV10.createIndex("songs-beatmaps-key", "key", {
unique: false,
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 11 && oldVersion <= 10: case newVersion >= 11 && oldVersion <= 10:
db.createObjectStore('accsaber-categories', { db.createObjectStore("accsaber-categories", {
keyPath: 'name', keyPath: "name",
autoIncrement: false, autoIncrement: false,
}); });
const accSaberPlayersStore = db.createObjectStore('accsaber-players', { const accSaberPlayersStore = db.createObjectStore(
keyPath: 'id', "accsaber-players",
autoIncrement: false, {
}); keyPath: "id",
accSaberPlayersStore.createIndex('accsaber-players-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); autoIncrement: false,
accSaberPlayersStore.createIndex('accsaber-players-category', 'category', {unique: false}); },
{ unique: false },
{ unique: false },
// NO break here // NO break here
case newVersion >= 12 && oldVersion <= 11: case newVersion >= 12 && oldVersion <= 11:
const accSaberPlayersHistoryStore = db.createObjectStore('accsaber-players-history', { const accSaberPlayersHistoryStore = db.createObjectStore(
keyPath: 'playerIdTimestamp', "accsaber-players-history",
autoIncrement: false, {
}); keyPath: "playerIdTimestamp",
accSaberPlayersHistoryStore.createIndex('accsaber-players-history-playerId', 'playerId', {unique: false}); autoIncrement: false,
{ unique: false },
// NO break here // NO break here
} }
@ -198,28 +282,33 @@ async function openDatabase() {
}, },
blocked() { blocked() {
console.warn('DB blocked') console.warn("DB blocked");
}, },
blocking() { blocking() {
// other tab tries to open newer db version - close connection // other tab tries to open newer db version - close connection
console.warn('DB blocking... will be closed') console.warn("DB blocking... will be closed");
db.close(); db.close();
eventBus.publish('dl-manager-pause-cmd'); eventBus.publish("dl-manager-pause-cmd");
// TODO: should be reopened with new version: event.newVersion // TODO: should be reopened with new version: event.newVersion
// TODO: or rather notify user / auto reload page // TODO: or rather notify user / auto reload page
}, },
terminated() { terminated() {
console.warn('DB terminated'); console.warn("DB terminated");
eventBus.publish('dl-manager-pause-cmd'); eventBus.publish("dl-manager-pause-cmd");
}, },
}); });
// Closure code should awaits DB operations ONLY or fail // Closure code should awaits DB operations ONLY or fail
// //
db.runInTransaction = async (objectStores, closure, mode = 'readwrite', options = {durability: 'strict'}) => { db.runInTransaction = async (
mode = "readwrite",
options = { durability: "strict" },
) => {
try { try {
const tx = db.transaction(objectStores, mode, options); const tx = db.transaction(objectStores, mode, options);
@ -231,13 +320,12 @@ async function openDatabase() {
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
throw e; throw e;
} }
} };
return db; return db;
} } catch (e) {
catch(e) { log.error("Can not open DB.");
log.error('Can not open DB.');
throw e; throw e;
} }
} }

@ -1,189 +1,231 @@
import keyValueRepository from './repository/key-value'; import keyValueRepository from "./repository/key-value";
import createBeatMapsService from '../services/beatmaps' import createBeatMapsService from "../services/beatmaps";
import log from '../utils/logger'; import log from "../utils/logger";
import {db} from './db' import { db } from "./db";
import {isDateObject} from '../utils/js' import { isDateObject } from "../utils/js";
import twitchRepository from './repository/twitch' import twitchRepository from "./repository/twitch";
import {correctOldSsDate} from '../utils/date' import { correctOldSsDate } from "../utils/date";
const FIXES_KEY = 'data-fix'; const FIXES_KEY = "data-fix";
const getAppliedFixes = async () => keyValueRepository().get(FIXES_KEY, true); const getAppliedFixes = async () => keyValueRepository().get(FIXES_KEY, true);
const setAppliedFixes = async fixes => keyValueRepository().set(fixes, FIXES_KEY); const setAppliedFixes = async (fixes) =>
const addAppliedFix = async fixName => { keyValueRepository().set(fixes, FIXES_KEY);
const addAppliedFix = async (fixName) => {
let allAppliedFixes = await getAppliedFixes(); let allAppliedFixes = await getAppliedFixes();
allAppliedFixes = allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes) ? allAppliedFixes : []; allAppliedFixes =
allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes) ? allAppliedFixes : [];
allAppliedFixes.push(fixName); allAppliedFixes.push(fixName);
await setAppliedFixes(allAppliedFixes); await setAppliedFixes(allAppliedFixes);
} };
const allFixes = { const allFixes = {
'rankeds-20210725': { "rankeds-20210725": {
apply: async fixName => { apply: async (fixName) => {'Apply rankeds refresh fix (20210725)')"Apply rankeds refresh fix (20210725)");
return db.runInTransaction(['rankeds-changes', 'rankeds', 'key-value'], async tx => { return db.runInTransaction(
await tx.objectStore('rankeds-changes').clear(); ["rankeds-changes", "rankeds", "key-value"],
await tx.objectStore('rankeds').clear(); async (tx) => {
await tx.objectStore("rankeds-changes").clear();
await tx.objectStore("rankeds").clear();
const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore('key-value') const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore("key-value");
keyValueStore.delete('rankedsLastUpdated'); keyValueStore.delete("rankedsLastUpdated");
let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY); let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY);
allAppliedFixes = allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes) ? allAppliedFixes : []; allAppliedFixes =
allAppliedFixes.push(fixName); allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes)
await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY); ? allAppliedFixes
}); : [];
await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY);
}, },
}, },
'beatsaver-20210804': { "beatsaver-20210804": {
apply: async fixName => { apply: async (fixName) => {'Converting BeatSaver songs to a new format...', 'DBFix')"Converting BeatSaver songs to a new format...", "DBFix");
return db.runInTransaction(['songs', 'songs-beatmaps', 'key-value'], async tx => { return db.runInTransaction(
const songsBeatMapsStore = tx.objectStore('songs-beatmaps'); ["songs", "songs-beatmaps", "key-value"],
async (tx) => {
const songsBeatMapsStore = tx.objectStore("songs-beatmaps");
let cursor = await tx.objectStore('songs').openCursor(); let cursor = await tx.objectStore("songs").openCursor();
let songCount = 0; let songCount = 0;
const beatmapsService = createBeatMapsService(); const beatmapsService = createBeatMapsService();
while (cursor) { while (cursor) {
const beatSaverSong = cursor.value; const beatSaverSong = cursor.value;
if (beatSaverSong?.metadata?.characteristics) { if (beatSaverSong?.metadata?.characteristics) {
const beatMapsSong = beatmapsService.convertOldBeatSaverToBeatMaps(beatSaverSong); const beatMapsSong =
if (beatMapsSong) { beatmapsService.convertOldBeatSaverToBeatMaps(beatSaverSong);
songsBeatMapsStore.put(beatMapsSong) if (beatMapsSong) {
songCount++; songCount++;
} else {
`Unable to convert, deleting a song`,
} else { } else {`Unable to convert, deleting a song`, 'DBFix', beatSaverSong);
`No metadata characteristics, skipping a song`,
} }
} else {`No metadata characteristics, skipping a song`, 'DBFix', beatSaverSong); cursor = await cursor.continue();
} }
cursor = await cursor.continue(); const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore("key-value");
} let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY);
allAppliedFixes =
allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes)
? allAppliedFixes
: [];
await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY);
const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore('key-value')`${songCount} BeatSaver song(s) converted`, "DBFix");
let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY); },
allAppliedFixes = allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes) ? allAppliedFixes : []; );
allAppliedFixes.push(fixName); },
await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY);`${songCount} BeatSaver song(s) converted`, 'DBFix')
}, },
'twitch-20210808': { "twitch-20210808": {
apply: async fixName => { apply: async (fixName) => {
const predefinedProfiles = { const predefinedProfiles = {
'76561198059659922': 'patian25', "76561198059659922": "patian25",
'1994101560659098': 'xoxobluff', 1994101560659098: "xoxobluff",
'76561198138327464': 'altrowilddog', "76561198138327464": "altrowilddog",
'76561198855288628': 'inbourne', "76561198855288628": "inbourne",
'76561198136177445': 'riviengt', "76561198136177445": "riviengt",
'76561199004224834': 'nyaanos', "76561199004224834": "nyaanos",
'76561198023909718': 'danielduel', "76561198023909718": "danielduel",
'76561198212019365': 'fnyt', "76561198212019365": "fnyt",
'76561197966674102': 'maciekvr', "76561197966674102": "maciekvr",
'76561198025451538': 'drakonno', "76561198025451538": "drakonno",
'76561197994110158': 'sanorek', "76561197994110158": "sanorek",
'76561198034203862': 'vr_agent', "76561198034203862": "vr_agent",
'3702342373170767': 'xjedam', 3702342373170767: "xjedam",
'76561197995161445': 'mediekore', "76561197995161445": "mediekore",
'76561198087710981': 'shreddyfreddy', "76561198087710981": "shreddyfreddy",
'76561198999385463': 'woltixo', "76561198999385463": "woltixo",
'76561198035381239': 'motzel', "76561198035381239": "motzel",
'76561198178407566' : 'acetari', "76561198178407566": "acetari",
'76561198045386379': 'duhhello', "76561198045386379": "duhhello",
'76561198835772160': 'tornadoef6', 76561198835772160: "tornadoef6",
'76561198187936410': 'garsh_', "76561198187936410": "garsh_",
'76561198362923485': 'tseska_', "76561198362923485": "tseska_",
'76561198154190170': 'tieeli', "76561198154190170": "tieeli",
'76561198333869741': 'cerret07', "76561198333869741": "cerret07",
'76561197995162898': 'electrostats', "76561197995162898": "electrostats",
'76561198166289091': 'rocker1904', "76561198166289091": "rocker1904",
'2538637699496776': 'astrella_', 2538637699496776: "astrella_",
'76561198171842815': 'coolpickb', "76561198171842815": "coolpickb",
'76561198145281261': 'harbgy' "76561198145281261": "harbgy",
} };'Adding predefined Twitch profiles...', 'DBFix')"Adding predefined Twitch profiles...", "DBFix");
const updatePlayerTwitchProfile = async (twitchProfile) => twitchRepository().set(twitchProfile); const updatePlayerTwitchProfile = async (twitchProfile) =>
await Promise.all(Object.entries(predefinedProfiles).map(async ([playerId, twitchLogin]) => updatePlayerTwitchProfile( await Promise.all(
{ Object.entries(predefinedProfiles).map(
lastUpdated: null, async ([playerId, twitchLogin]) =>
login: twitchLogin, updatePlayerTwitchProfile({
playerId lastUpdated: null,
} login: twitchLogin,
))) playerId,
await addAppliedFix(fixName); await addAppliedFix(fixName);'Twitch profiles added.', 'DBFix')"Twitch profiles added.", "DBFix");
} },
}, },
'player-history-20211022': { "player-history-20211022": {
apply: async fixName => { apply: async (fixName) => {'Apply player ss history fix (20211022)')"Apply player ss history fix (20211022)");
return db.runInTransaction(['players-history', 'key-value'], async tx => { return db.runInTransaction(
const playersHistoryStore = tx.objectStore('players-history'); ["players-history", "key-value"],
async (tx) => {
const playersHistoryStore = tx.objectStore("players-history");
let cursor = await playersHistoryStore.openCursor(); let cursor = await playersHistoryStore.openCursor();
while (cursor) { while (cursor) {
const history = cursor.value; const history = cursor.value;
if (!history?.playerId || !isDateObject(history?.ssDate)) {
await cursor.delete();
cursor = await cursor.continue();
const playerId = history.playerId;
const ssDate = correctOldSsDate(history.ssDate);
const playerIdSsTimestamp = `${playerId}_${ssDate.getTime()}`;
if (!history?.playerId || !isDateObject(history?.ssDate)) {
await cursor.delete(); await cursor.delete();
cursor = await cursor.continue(); playersHistoryStore.put({
continue; cursor = await cursor.continue();
} }
const playerId = history.playerId; const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore("key-value");
const ssDate = correctOldSsDate(history.ssDate); let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY);
const playerIdSsTimestamp = `${playerId}_${ssDate.getTime()}`; allAppliedFixes =
allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes)
await cursor.delete(); ? allAppliedFixes
playersHistoryStore.put({...history, ssDate, playerIdSsTimestamp}); : [];
cursor = await cursor.continue(); await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY);
} },
const keyValueStore = tx.objectStore('key-value')
let allAppliedFixes = await keyValueStore.get(FIXES_KEY);
allAppliedFixes = allAppliedFixes && Array.isArray(allAppliedFixes) ? allAppliedFixes : [];
await keyValueStore.put(allAppliedFixes, FIXES_KEY);
}, },
}, },
}; };
export default async () => { export default async () => {
let appliedDbFixes = await getAppliedFixes(); let appliedDbFixes = await getAppliedFixes();
const appliedFixes = appliedDbFixes && Array.isArray(appliedDbFixes) ? appliedDbFixes : []; const appliedFixes =
const neededFixes = Object.keys(allFixes).filter(f => !appliedFixes.includes(f) && (!allFixes[f].validTo || allFixes[f].validTo > new Date())); appliedDbFixes && Array.isArray(appliedDbFixes) ? appliedDbFixes : [];
const neededFixes = Object.keys(allFixes).filter(
(f) =>
!appliedFixes.includes(f) &&
(!allFixes[f].validTo || allFixes[f].validTo > new Date()),
if (!neededFixes.length) return; if (!neededFixes.length) return;
document.body.innerHTML = '<p>Database conversion. Please wait...</p>'; document.body.innerHTML = "<p>Database conversion. Please wait...</p>";
for (let key of neededFixes) { for (let key of neededFixes) {
await allFixes[key].apply(key); await allFixes[key].apply(key);
} }
document.body.innerHTML = ''; document.body.innerHTML = "";
} };

@ -1,19 +1,29 @@
import cacheRepository from './repository/cache'; import cacheRepository from "./repository/cache";
import groupsRepository from './repository/groups'; import groupsRepository from "./repository/groups";
import keyValueRepository from './repository/key-value'; import keyValueRepository from "./repository/key-value";
import playersRepository from './repository/players'; import playersRepository from "./repository/players";
import playersHistoryRepository from './repository/players-history'; import playersHistoryRepository from "./repository/players-history";
import rankedsRepository from './repository/rankeds'; import rankedsRepository from "./repository/rankeds";
import rankedsChangesRepository from './repository/rankeds-changes'; import rankedsChangesRepository from "./repository/rankeds-changes";
import scoresRepository from './repository/scores'; import scoresRepository from "./repository/scores";
import songsRepository from './repository/songs'; import songsRepository from "./repository/songs";
import twitchRepository from './repository/twitch'; import twitchRepository from "./repository/twitch";
import log from '../utils/logger'; import log from "../utils/logger";
export default () => { export default () => {
log.debug('Initialize DB repositories'); log.debug("Initialize DB repositories");
// initialize all repositories in order to create cache to sync // initialize all repositories in order to create cache to sync
[cacheRepository, groupsRepository, keyValueRepository, playersRepository, playersHistoryRepository, rankedsRepository, rankedsChangesRepository, scoresRepository, songsRepository, twitchRepository].map(repository => repository()); [
} cacheRepository,
].map((repository) => repository());

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('accsaber-categories', 'name'); export default () => createRepository("accsaber-categories", "name");

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('accsaber-players-history', 'playerIdTimestamp', { export default () =>
'accsaber-players-history-playerId': 'playerId', createRepository("accsaber-players-history", "playerIdTimestamp", {
'accsaber-players-history-playerIdTimestamp': 'playerIdTimestamp' "accsaber-players-history-playerId": "playerId",
}); "accsaber-players-history-playerIdTimestamp": "playerIdTimestamp",

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository( export default () =>
'accsaber-players', createRepository("accsaber-players", "id", {
'id', "accsaber-players-playerId": "playerId",
{ "accsaber-players-category": "category",
'accsaber-players-playerId': 'playerId', });
'accsaber-players-category': 'category',

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('beat-savior-files', 'fileId'); export default () => createRepository("beat-savior-files", "fileId");

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('beat-savior-players', 'playerId'); export default () => createRepository("beat-savior-players", "playerId");

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('beat-savior', 'beatSaviorId', { export default () =>
'beat-savior-playerId': 'playerId', createRepository("beat-savior", "beatSaviorId", {
'beat-savior-hash': 'hash', "beat-savior-playerId": "playerId",
}); "beat-savior-hash": "hash",

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('cache'); export default () => createRepository("cache");

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import cache from '../cache'; import cache from "../cache";
import {db} from '../db'; import { db } from "../db";
import {convertArrayToObjectByKey} from '../../utils/js' import { convertArrayToObjectByKey } from "../../utils/js";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import eventBus from '../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
export const ALL_KEY = '__ALL'; export const ALL_KEY = "__ALL";
const NONE_KEY = '__NONE'; const NONE_KEY = "__NONE";
let repositories = {}; let repositories = {};
@ -20,46 +20,52 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
const getKeyName = () => inlineKeyName; const getKeyName = () => inlineKeyName;
const hasOutOfLineKey = () => getKeyName() === undefined; const hasOutOfLineKey = () => getKeyName() === undefined;
const getObjKey = (obj, outOfLineKey = undefined) => { const getObjKey = (obj, outOfLineKey = undefined) => {
const key = hasOutOfLineKey() ? outOfLineKey : obj[inlineKeyName] const key = hasOutOfLineKey() ? outOfLineKey : obj[inlineKeyName];
return key ? key : outOfLineKey; return key ? key : outOfLineKey;
} };
let repositoryCache = cache(repositoryName, getObjKey); let repositoryCache = cache(repositoryName, getObjKey);
const getCacheKeyFor = (query, indexName) => (indexName ? indexName : ALL_KEY) + '-' + (query ? query : NONE_KEY); const getCacheKeyFor = (query, indexName) =>
(indexName ? indexName : ALL_KEY) + "-" + (query ? query : NONE_KEY);
const getFieldForIndexName = indexName => indexesKeyNames[indexName]; const getFieldForIndexName = (indexName) => indexesKeyNames[indexName];
const isFieldForIndexDefined = indexName => !!getFieldForIndexName(indexName); const isFieldForIndexDefined = (indexName) =>
const setDataAvailabilityStatus = cacheKey => dataAvailableFor[cacheKey] = true; const setDataAvailabilityStatus = (cacheKey) =>
const setAllDataAvailabilityStatus = () => setDataAvailabilityStatus(getCacheKeyFor()); (dataAvailableFor[cacheKey] = true);
const removeDataAvailabilityStatus = cacheKey => { const setAllDataAvailabilityStatus = () =>
const removeDataAvailabilityStatus = (cacheKey) => {
delete dataAvailableFor[cacheKey]; delete dataAvailableFor[cacheKey];
delete dataAvailableFor[getCacheKeyFor()]; delete dataAvailableFor[getCacheKeyFor()];
} };
const flushDataAvailabilityStatus = () => dataAvailableFor = {}; const flushDataAvailabilityStatus = () => (dataAvailableFor = {});
const isIndexDataAvailable = cacheKey => !!dataAvailableFor[cacheKey]; const isIndexDataAvailable = (cacheKey) => !!dataAvailableFor[cacheKey];
const isAllDataAvailable = () => isIndexDataAvailable(getCacheKeyFor()); const isAllDataAvailable = () => isIndexDataAvailable(getCacheKeyFor());
const flushCache = () => { const flushCache = () => {
repositoryCache.flush(); repositoryCache.flush();
flushDataAvailabilityStatus(); flushDataAvailabilityStatus();
} };
const forgetCacheKey = key => repositoryCache.forget(key); const forgetCacheKey = (key) => repositoryCache.forget(key);
const forgetObject = async obj => { const forgetObject = async (obj) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) throw 'forgetObject function is not available in repositories with out-of-line keys'; if (hasOutOfLineKey())
throw "forgetObject function is not available in repositories with out-of-line keys";
const key = getObjKey(obj); const key = getObjKey(obj);
if (!key) throw `Object does not contain ${inlineKeyName} field which is repository key`; if (!key)
throw `Object does not contain ${inlineKeyName} field which is repository key`;
forgetCacheKey(key); forgetCacheKey(key);
} };
const getStoreName = () => storeName; const getStoreName = () => storeName;
const getCachedKeys = _ => repositoryCache.getKeys(); const getCachedKeys = (_) => repositoryCache.getKeys();
const getAllKeys = async () => db.getAllKeys(storeName); const getAllKeys = async () => db.getAllKeys(storeName);
@ -68,16 +74,23 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(key); const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(key);
return repositoryCache.get(key, () => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.get(storeName, key))); return repositoryCache.get(key, () =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.get(storeName, key)),
}; };
const getFromIndex = async (indexName, query, refreshCache = false) => { const getFromIndex = async (indexName, query, refreshCache = false) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) throw `getFromIndex() is not available for stores with out-of-line key`; if (hasOutOfLineKey())
if (!isFieldForIndexDefined(indexName)) throw `Index ${indexName} has no field set`; throw `getFromIndex() is not available for stores with out-of-line key`;
if (!isFieldForIndexDefined(indexName))
throw `Index ${indexName} has no field set`;
const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName + '-single'); const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName + "-single");
const getFromDb = () => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.getFromIndex(storeName, indexName, query)); const getFromDb = () =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () =>
db.getFromIndex(storeName, indexName, query),
if (query && query instanceof IDBKeyRange) return getFromDb(); if (query && query instanceof IDBKeyRange) return getFromDb();
@ -85,7 +98,8 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
const fullIndexCacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName); const fullIndexCacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName);
const filterItems = item => item !== undefined && (!query || item[field] === query); const filterItems = (item) =>
item !== undefined && (!query || item[field] === query);
if (refreshCache) { if (refreshCache) {
removeDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey); removeDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey);
@ -94,24 +108,34 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
repositoryCache.forgetByFilter(filterItems); repositoryCache.forgetByFilter(filterItems);
} }
return repositoryCache.getByFilter(getFromDb, isAllDataAvailable() || isIndexDataAvailable(cacheKey) || isIndexDataAvailable(fullIndexCacheKey) ? filterItems : null); return repositoryCache.getByFilter(
isAllDataAvailable() ||
isIndexDataAvailable(cacheKey) ||
? filterItems
: null,
}; };
const getAll = async(refreshCache = false) => { const getAll = async (refreshCache = false) => {
const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(); const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor();
const getFromDb = () => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.getAll(storeName)) const getFromDb = () =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.getAll(storeName));
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) return getFromDb(); if (hasOutOfLineKey()) return getFromDb();
if (refreshCache) flushCache(); if (refreshCache) flushCache();
const filterUndefined = item => item !== undefined; const filterUndefined = (item) => item !== undefined;
if (!isAllDataAvailable()) { if (!isAllDataAvailable()) {
const data = convertArrayToObjectByKey(await getFromDb(), inlineKeyName); const data = convertArrayToObjectByKey(await getFromDb(), inlineKeyName);
const ret = Object.values(repositoryCache.setAll(data)).filter(filterUndefined); const ret = Object.values(repositoryCache.setAll(data)).filter(
setAllDataAvailabilityStatus(); setAllDataAvailabilityStatus();
@ -119,92 +143,111 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
} }
return Object.values(repositoryCache.getAll()).filter(filterUndefined); return Object.values(repositoryCache.getAll()).filter(filterUndefined);
} };
const getAllFromIndex = async(indexName, query = undefined, refreshCache = false) => { const getAllFromIndex = async (
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) throw `getAllFromIndex() is not available for stores with out-of-line key`; indexName,
if (!isFieldForIndexDefined(indexName)) throw `Index ${indexName} has no field set`; query = undefined,
refreshCache = false,
) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey())
throw `getAllFromIndex() is not available for stores with out-of-line key`;
if (!isFieldForIndexDefined(indexName))
throw `Index ${indexName} has no field set`;
const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName); const cacheKey = getCacheKeyFor(query, indexName);
const getFromDb = async () => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () => db.getAllFromIndex(storeName, indexName, query)); const getFromDb = async () =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(cacheKey, () =>
db.getAllFromIndex(storeName, indexName, query),
if (query && query instanceof IDBKeyRange) return getFromDb(); if (query && query instanceof IDBKeyRange) return getFromDb();
const field = getFieldForIndexName(indexName); const field = getFieldForIndexName(indexName);
const filterItems = item => item !== undefined && (!query || item[field] === query); const filterItems = (item) =>
item !== undefined && (!query || item[field] === query);
if (refreshCache) { if (refreshCache) {
removeDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey); removeDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey);
repositoryCache.forgetByFilter(filterItems); repositoryCache.forgetByFilter(filterItems);
} }
const getFromDbAndUpdateCache = async () => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`${cacheKey}-updateDb`, async () => { const getFromDbAndUpdateCache = async () =>
const data = await getFromDb(); resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`${cacheKey}-updateDb`, async () => {
const data = await getFromDb();
repositoryCache.merge(convertArrayToObjectByKey(data, inlineKeyName)); repositoryCache.merge(convertArrayToObjectByKey(data, inlineKeyName));
setDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey); setDataAvailabilityStatus(cacheKey);
return data; return data;
}) });
if (!isAllDataAvailable() && !isIndexDataAvailable(cacheKey)) return await getFromDbAndUpdateCache(); if (!isAllDataAvailable() && !isIndexDataAvailable(cacheKey))
return await getFromDbAndUpdateCache();
return Object.values(repositoryCache.getAll()).filter(filterItems); return Object.values(repositoryCache.getAll()).filter(filterItems);
} };
const set = async (value, key = undefined, tx = null) => { const set = async (value, key = undefined, tx = null) => {
const txStores = tx ? [...tx.objectStoreNames] : null; const txStores = tx ? [...tx.objectStoreNames] : null;
let putKey; let putKey;
if (tx && txStores.includes(storeName)) { if (tx && txStores.includes(storeName)) {
putKey = await tx.objectStore(storeName).put(value, inlineKeyName ? undefined : key); putKey = await tx
.put(value, inlineKeyName ? undefined : key);
} else { } else {
putKey = await db.put(storeName, value, inlineKeyName ? undefined : key) putKey = await db.put(storeName, value, inlineKeyName ? undefined : key);
} }
if (!hasOutOfLineKey() && !getObjKey(value)) value[inlineKeyName] = putKey; if (!hasOutOfLineKey() && !getObjKey(value)) value[inlineKeyName] = putKey;
return repositoryCache.set(getObjKey(value, key), value); return repositoryCache.set(getObjKey(value, key), value);
} };
const del = async key => { const del = async (key) => {
await db.delete(storeName, key); await db.delete(storeName, key);
return repositoryCache.forget(key); return repositoryCache.forget(key);
} };
const deleteObject = async obj => { const deleteObject = async (obj) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) throw 'deleteObject function is not available in repositories with out-of-line keys'; if (hasOutOfLineKey())
throw "deleteObject function is not available in repositories with out-of-line keys";
const key = getObjKey(obj); const key = getObjKey(obj);
if (!key) throw `Object does not contain ${inlineKeyName} field which is repository key`; if (!key)
throw `Object does not contain ${inlineKeyName} field which is repository key`;
return del(key); return del(key);
} };
const openCursor = async (mode = 'readonly') => db.transaction(storeName, mode).store.openCursor(); const openCursor = async (mode = "readonly") =>
db.transaction(storeName, mode).store.openCursor();
const setCache = (value, key) => { const setCache = (value, key) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) { if (hasOutOfLineKey()) {
if (!key) throw `setCache() needs a key for stores (${storeName}) with out-of-line keys`; if (!key)
throw `setCache() needs a key for stores (${storeName}) with out-of-line keys`;
} else { } else {
key = getObjKey(value, key); key = getObjKey(value, key);
} }
repositoryCache.set(key, value); repositoryCache.set(key, value);
} };
const addToCache = data => { const addToCache = (data) => {
if (hasOutOfLineKey()) throw `addToCache() is not available for stores (${storeName}) with out-of-line key`; if (hasOutOfLineKey())
throw `addToCache() is not available for stores (${storeName}) with out-of-line key`;
repositoryCache.merge(convertArrayToObjectByKey(data, inlineKeyName)); repositoryCache.merge(convertArrayToObjectByKey(data, inlineKeyName));
} };
const getCache = () => repositoryCache; const getCache = () => repositoryCache;
return repositories[repositoryName] = { return (repositories[repositoryName] = {
getStoreName, getStoreName,
hasOutOfLineKey, hasOutOfLineKey,
getAllKeys, getAllKeys,
@ -224,5 +267,5 @@ export default (storeName, inlineKeyName = undefined, indexesKeyNames = {}) => {
setCache, setCache,
addToCache, addToCache,
getCache, getCache,
}; });
}; };

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
let repository; let repository;
export default () => repository ? repository : repository = createRepository('groups', '_idbId', {'groups-name': 'name', 'groups-playerId': 'playerId'}); export default () =>
? repository
: (repository = createRepository("groups", "_idbId", {
"groups-name": "name",
"groups-playerId": "playerId",

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('key-value'); export default () => createRepository("key-value");

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('players-history', '_idbId', { export default () =>
'players-history-playerId': 'playerId', createRepository("players-history", "_idbId", {
'players-history-playerIdSsTimestamp': 'playerIdSsTimestamp' "players-history-playerId": "playerId",
}); "players-history-playerIdSsTimestamp": "playerIdSsTimestamp",

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('players', 'playerId'); export default () => createRepository("players", "playerId");

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('rankeds-changes', '_idbId', {'rankeds-changes-timestamp': 'timestamp', 'rankeds-changes-leaderboardId': 'leaderboardId'}); export default () =>
createRepository("rankeds-changes", "_idbId", {
"rankeds-changes-timestamp": "timestamp",
"rankeds-changes-leaderboardId": "leaderboardId",

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('rankeds', 'leaderboardId'); export default () => createRepository("rankeds", "leaderboardId");

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository( export default () =>
'scores-update-queue', createRepository("scores-update-queue", "id", {
'id', "scores-update-queue-fetchedAt": "fetchedAt",
{ });
'scores-update-queue-fetchedAt': 'fetchedAt',

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository( export default () =>
'scores', createRepository("scores", "id", {
'id', "scores-timeset": "timeset",
{ "scores-leaderboardId": "leaderboardId",
'scores-timeset': 'timeset', "scores-playerId": "playerId",
'scores-leaderboardId': 'leaderboardId', "scores-pp": "pp",
'scores-playerId': 'playerId', });
'scores-pp': 'pp',

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('songs-beatmaps', 'hash', {'songs-beatmaps-key': 'key'}); export default () =>
createRepository("songs-beatmaps", "hash", { "songs-beatmaps-key": "key" });

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('songs', 'hash', {'songs-key': 'key'}); export default () => createRepository("songs", "hash", { "songs-key": "key" });

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
import createRepository from './generic'; import createRepository from "./generic";
export default () => createRepository('twitch', 'playerId'); export default () => createRepository("twitch", "playerId");

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
import App from './App.svelte'; import App from "./App.svelte";
import log from './utils/logger' import log from "./utils/logger";
import initDb from './db/db' import initDb from "./db/db";
import initializeRepositories from './db/repositories-init'; import initializeRepositories from "./db/repositories-init";
import setupDataFixes from './db/fix-data' import setupDataFixes from "./db/fix-data";
import createConfigStore from './stores/config' import createConfigStore from "./stores/config";
import createPlayerService from './services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "./services/scoresaber/player";
import createBeatSaviorService from './services/beatsavior' import createBeatSaviorService from "./services/beatsavior";
import createRankedsStore from './stores/scoresaber/rankeds' import createRankedsStore from "./stores/scoresaber/rankeds";
import initDownloadManager from './network/download-manager' import initDownloadManager from "./network/download-manager";
import initCommandProcessor from './network/command-processor' import initCommandProcessor from "./network/command-processor";
import {enablePatches, setAutoFreeze} from 'immer' import { enablePatches, setAutoFreeze } from "immer";
import {initCompareEnhancer} from './stores/http/enhancers/scores/compare' import { initCompareEnhancer } from "./stores/http/enhancers/scores/compare";
import ErrorComponent from './components/Common/Error.svelte' import ErrorComponent from "./components/Common/Error.svelte";
import initializeWorkers from './utils/worker-wrappers' import initializeWorkers from "./utils/worker-wrappers";
let app = null; let app = null;
(async() => { (async () => {
try { try {
// TODO: remove level setting // TODO: remove level setting
// log.setLevel(log.TRACE); // log.setLevel(log.TRACE);
// log.logOnly(['AccSaberService']); // log.logOnly(['AccSaberService']);'Starting up...', 'Main')"Starting up...", "Main");
await initDb(); await initDb();
await initializeRepositories(); await initializeRepositories();
await setupDataFixes(); await setupDataFixes();
// WORKAROUND for immer.js esm (see // WORKAROUND for immer.js esm (see
window.process = {env: {NODE_ENV: "production"}}; window.process = { env: { NODE_ENV: "production" } };
// setup immer.js // setup immer.js
enablePatches(); enablePatches();
@ -47,24 +47,29 @@ let app = null;
initCommandProcessor(await initDownloadManager()); initCommandProcessor(await initDownloadManager());'Site initialized', 'Main')"Site initialized", "Main");
app = new App({ app = new App({
target: document.body, target: document.body,
props: {}, props: {},
}); });
} catch(error) { } catch (error) {
console.error(error); console.error(error);
if (error instanceof DOMException && error.toString() === 'InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.') if (
error = new Error('Firefox in private mode does not support the database. Please run the site in normal mode.') error instanceof DOMException &&
error.toString() ===
"InvalidStateError: A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations."
error = new Error(
"Firefox in private mode does not support the database. Please run the site in normal mode.",
app = new ErrorComponent({ app = new ErrorComponent({
target: document.body, target: document.body,
props: {error, withTrace: true}, props: { error, withTrace: true },
}); });
} }
})(); })();
export default app;
export default app;

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' // import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub'
import {addToDate, MINUTE} from '../utils/date' import { addToDate, MINUTE } from "../utils/date";
@ -7,20 +7,25 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
let cache = {}; let cache = {};
let cacheSize = size; let cacheSize = size;
const isWorker = typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope const isWorker =
typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" &&
self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
const defaultExpiryIn = expiryIn; const defaultExpiryIn = expiryIn;
const packValue = value => { const packValue = (value) => {
if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') return value; if (!value || typeof value !== "object") return value;
const newValue = {...value}; const newValue = { ...value };
if (value.headers && value.headers instanceof Headers) { if (value.headers && value.headers instanceof Headers) {
newValue.headers = [...value.headers.entries()].reduce((cum, [key, value]) => { newValue.headers = [...value.headers.entries()].reduce(
cum[key] = value; (cum, [key, value]) => {
return cum; cum[key] = value;
}, {}) return cum;
} }
if (value.body && value.body instanceof Document) { if (value.body && value.body instanceof Document) {
@ -28,25 +33,29 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
} }
return newValue; return newValue;
} };
const unpackValue = value => { const unpackValue = (value) => {
if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') return value; if (!value || typeof value !== "object") return value;
const newValue = {...value}; const newValue = { ...value };
if (value.headers) { if (value.headers) {
const headers = new Headers(); const headers = new Headers();
Object.keys(value.headers).map(k => headers.append(k, value.headers[k])); Object.keys(value.headers).map((k) =>
headers.append(k, value.headers[k]),
newValue.headers = headers; newValue.headers = headers;
} }
if (value.body) { if (value.body) {
newValue.body = !isWorker ? new DOMParser().parseFromString(value.body, 'text/html') : value.body; newValue.body = !isWorker
? new DOMParser().parseFromString(value.body, "text/html")
: value.body;
} }
return newValue; return newValue;
} };
// update data cached on another node // update data cached on another node
// const setUnsubscribe = eventBus.on('net-cache-key-set', ({key, value, expiryIn}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? set(key, unpackValue(value), expiryIn, false) : null); // const setUnsubscribe = eventBus.on('net-cache-key-set', ({key, value, expiryIn}, isLocal) => !isLocal ? set(key, unpackValue(value), expiryIn, false) : null);
@ -54,14 +63,25 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
// const flushUnsubscribe = eventBus.on('net-cache-flush', (_, isLocal) => !isLocal ? flush(false) : null); // const flushUnsubscribe = eventBus.on('net-cache-flush', (_, isLocal) => !isLocal ? flush(false) : null);
const has = (key, maxAge = null, withExpired = false) => const has = (key, maxAge = null, withExpired = false) =>
cache.hasOwnProperty(key) && cache[key] && cache.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
(withExpired || !cache[key].expiryAt || cache[key].expiryAt >= new Date()) && cache[key] &&
(!Number.isFinite(maxAge) || !cache[key].cachedAt || addToDate(maxAge, cache[key].cachedAt) >= new Date()); (withExpired ||
!cache[key].expiryAt ||
cache[key].expiryAt >= new Date()) &&
(!Number.isFinite(maxAge) ||
!cache[key].cachedAt ||
addToDate(maxAge, cache[key].cachedAt) >= new Date());
const set = (key, value, expiryIn = null, emitEvent = true) => { const set = (key, value, expiryIn = null, emitEvent = true) => {
expiryIn = expiryIn ? expiryIn : defaultExpiryIn; expiryIn = expiryIn ? expiryIn : defaultExpiryIn;
cache[key] = {key, cachedAt: new Date(), expiryIn, expiryAt: addToDate(expiryIn, new Date()), value}; cache[key] = {
cachedAt: new Date(),
expiryAt: addToDate(expiryIn, new Date()),
// if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-key-set', {key, value: packValue(value), expiryIn}); // if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-key-set', {key, value: packValue(value), expiryIn});
@ -70,7 +90,12 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
return value; return value;
}; };
const get = (key, maxAge = null, withExpired = false, valueOnly = true) => has(key, maxAge, withExpired) ? (valueOnly ? cache[key].value : cache[key]) : undefined; const get = (key, maxAge = null, withExpired = false, valueOnly = true) =>
has(key, maxAge, withExpired)
? valueOnly
? cache[key].value
: cache[key]
: undefined;
const getAll = () => cache; const getAll = () => cache;
@ -82,7 +107,7 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
// if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-key-forget', {key}); // if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-key-forget', {key});
return cache; return cache;
} };
const flush = (emitEvent = true) => { const flush = (emitEvent = true) => {
cache = {}; cache = {};
@ -90,23 +115,26 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
// if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-flush', {}); // if (emitEvent) eventBus.publish('net-cache-flush', {});
return cache; return cache;
} };
const garbageCollect = (size = cacheSize) => { const garbageCollect = (size = cacheSize) => {
const values = Object.values(cache); const values = Object.values(cache);
if (values.length < size) return; if (values.length < size) return;
cache = values cache = values
.sort((a,b) => b.expiryAt - a.expiryAt) .sort((a, b) => b.expiryAt - a.expiryAt)
.slice(0, size) .slice(0, size)
.reduce((cum, item) => {cum[item.key] = item; return cum;}, {}); .reduce((cum, item) => {
} cum[item.key] = item;
return cum;
}, {});
const destroy = () => { const destroy = () => {
// setUnsubscribe(); // setUnsubscribe();
// forgetUnsubscribe(); // forgetUnsubscribe();
// flushUnsubscribe(); // flushUnsubscribe();
} };
return { return {
has, has,
@ -117,5 +145,5 @@ export default (size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE, expiryIn = MINUTE) => {
forget, forget,
flush, flush,
destroy, destroy,
} };
} };

@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!response || !Array.isArray(response)) return []; if (!response || !Array.isArray(response)) return [];
return => ({ return => ({
name: c.categoryName, name: c.categoryName,
displayName: c.categoryDisplayName, displayName: c.categoryDisplayName,
countsTowardsOverall: c.countsTowardsOverall, countsTowardsOverall: c.countsTowardsOverall,
description: c.description description: c.description,
})); }));
} };
const get = async ({priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.ACCSABER.categories(priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.ACCSABER.categories(priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import {dateFromString, formatDateRelative} from '../../../utils/date' import { dateFromString, formatDateRelative } from "../../../utils/date";
import {LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE} from '../../../utils/accsaber/consts' import { LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE } from "../../../utils/accsaber/consts";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!response || !Array.isArray(response.responses) || response.responses.length !== 2 || !Array.isArray(response.responses[0])) return []; if (
!response ||
!Array.isArray(response.responses) ||
response.responses.length !== 2 ||
return [];
const page = response? ?? 1; const page = response? ?? 1;
const totalItems = response.responses[0].length; const totalItems = response.responses[0].length;
@ -25,16 +31,32 @@ const process = response => {
difficulty, difficulty,
} = mapInfo; } = mapInfo;
const song = {hash, name, subName, authorName, levelAuthorName, beatsaverKey}; const song = {
const diffInfo = {type: 'Standard', diff: difficulty?.toLowerCase()?.replace('plus', 'Plus')} hash,
const leaderboard = {leaderboardId, song, diffInfo, complexity, categoryDisplayName}; name,
const diffInfo = {
type: "Standard",
diff: difficulty?.toLowerCase()?.replace("plus", "Plus"),
const leaderboard = {
return { return {
page, page,
pageQty, pageQty,
totalItems, totalItems,
leaderboard, leaderboard,
scores: response.responses[0].map(s => { scores: response.responses[0].map((s) => {
let { let {
accuracy: acc, accuracy: acc,
ap, ap,
@ -48,14 +70,16 @@ const process = response => {
if (acc && Number.isFinite(acc)) acc *= 100; if (acc && Number.isFinite(acc)) acc *= 100;
timeSet = dateFromString(timeSet) timeSet = dateFromString(timeSet);
const timeSetString = formatDateRelative(timeSet); const timeSetString = formatDateRelative(timeSet);
return { return {
player: { player: {
name, name,
playerId, playerId,
playerInfo: {avatar: `${playerId}.jpg`}, playerInfo: {
avatar: `${playerId}.jpg`,
}, },
score: { score: {
acc, acc,
@ -67,20 +91,31 @@ const process = response => {
timeSetString, timeSetString,
}, },
other: rest, other: rest,
} };
}), }),
}; };
} };
const get = async ({leaderboardId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => { const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => {
const responses = await Promise.all([ const responses = await Promise.all([
queue.ACCSABER.leaderboard(leaderboardId, page, priority, queueOptions), queue.ACCSABER.leaderboard(leaderboardId, page, priority, queueOptions),
queue.ACCSABER.leaderboardInfo(leaderboardId, priority, queueOptions) queue.ACCSABER.leaderboardInfo(leaderboardId, priority, queueOptions),
]); ]);
return {...responses[0], body: {responses: => r.body), fetchOptions: {leaderboardId, page}}} return {
} ...responses[0],
body: {
responses: => r.body),
fetchOptions: { leaderboardId, page },
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,29 +1,44 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import {fromAccSaberDateString} from '../../../utils/date' import { fromAccSaberDateString } from "../../../utils/date";
import {isDateObject} from '../../../utils/js' import { isDateObject } from "../../../utils/js";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
const playerId = response?.fetchOptions?.playerId ?? null; const playerId = response?.fetchOptions?.playerId ?? null;
if (!response?.response || !Object.keys(response.response)?.length || !playerId) return []; if (
!response?.response ||
!Object.keys(response.response)?.length ||
return [];
return { return {
playerId, playerId,
history: Object.entries(response.response) history: Object.entries(response.response)
.map(([date, rank]) => ({date: fromAccSaberDateString(date), rank})) .map(([date, rank]) => ({ date: fromAccSaberDateString(date), rank }))
.filter(obj => isDateObject(obj?.date)) .filter((obj) => isDateObject(obj?.date))
.sort((a,b) => - .sort((a, b) => -,
, };
} };
const get = async ({playerId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => { const get = async ({
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.playerRankHistory(playerId, priority, queueOptions); playerId,
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => {
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.playerRankHistory(
return {...response, body: {response: response.body, fetchOptions: {playerId}}} return {
} ...response,
body: { response: response.body, fetchOptions: { playerId } },
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,24 +1,37 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
const category = response?.fetchOptions?.category ?? 'overall'; const category = response?.fetchOptions?.category ?? "overall";
if (!response?.response || !Array.isArray(response.response)) return []; if (!response?.response || !Array.isArray(response.response)) return [];
return => ({ return => ({
...p, ...p,
id: `${p.playerId}-${category}`, id: `${p.playerId}-${category}`,
category, category,
lastUpdated: new Date(), lastUpdated: new Date(),
})); }));
} };
const get = async ({category = 'overall', page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => { const get = async ({
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.ranking(category, page, priority, queueOptions); category = "overall",
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => {
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.ranking(
return {...response, body: {response: response.body, fetchOptions: {category}}} return {
} ...response,
body: { response: response.body, fetchOptions: { category } },
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import {dateFromString} from '../../../utils/date' import { dateFromString } from "../../../utils/date";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
const playerId = response?.fetchOptions?.playerId ?? null; const playerId = response?.fetchOptions?.playerId ?? null;
if (!response?.response || !Array.isArray(response.response) || !playerId) return []; if (!response?.response || !Array.isArray(response.response) || !playerId)
return [];
return => { return => {
let { let {
songHash: hash, songHash: hash,
songName: name, songName: name,
@ -28,11 +29,27 @@ const process = response => {
leaderboardId = parseInt(leaderboardId, 10); leaderboardId = parseInt(leaderboardId, 10);
if (isNaN(leaderboardId)) leaderboardId = null; if (isNaN(leaderboardId)) leaderboardId = null;
const song = {hash, name, subName: '', authorName, levelAuthorName, beatsaverKey}; const song = {
const diffInfo = {type: 'Standard', diff: difficulty?.toLowerCase()?.replace('plus', 'Plus')} hash,
const leaderboard = {leaderboardId, song, diffInfo, complexity, categoryDisplayName}; name,
subName: "",
const diffInfo = {
type: "Standard",
diff: difficulty?.toLowerCase()?.replace("plus", "Plus"),
const leaderboard = {
const timeSet = dateFromString(s.timeSet) const timeSet = dateFromString(s.timeSet);
return { return {
id: `${playerId}-${s.leaderboardId}`, id: `${playerId}-${s.leaderboardId}`,
playerId, playerId,
@ -41,19 +58,42 @@ const process = response => {
ap, ap,
acc, acc,
leaderboard, leaderboard,
score: {...originalScore, ap, unmodifiedScore: score, score, mods: null, timeSet, acc, percentage: acc, weightedAp}, score: {
unmodifiedScore: score,
mods: null,
percentage: acc,
fetchedAt: new Date(), fetchedAt: new Date(),
lastUpdated: new Date(), lastUpdated: new Date(),
} };
}); });
} };
const get = async ({playerId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => { const get = async ({
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.scores(playerId, page, priority, queueOptions); playerId,
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => {
const response = await queue.ACCSABER.scores(
return {...response, body: {response: response.body, fetchOptions: {playerId, page}}} return {
} ...response,
body: { response: response.body, fetchOptions: { playerId, page } },
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import process from './utils/process' import process from "./utils/process";
const get = async ({hash, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.BEATMAPS.byHash(hash, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.BEATMAPS.byHash(hash, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import process from './utils/process' import process from "./utils/process";
const get = async ({key, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.BEATMAPS.byKey(key, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.BEATMAPS.byKey(key, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
export default response => { export default (response) => {
const versions = opt(response, 'versions'); const versions = opt(response, "versions");
if (!versions || !Array.isArray(versions) || !versions.length) return null; if (!versions || !Array.isArray(versions) || !versions.length) return null;
const lastIdx = versions.length - 1; const lastIdx = versions.length - 1;
const hash = opt(versions, `${lastIdx}.hash`); const hash = opt(versions, `${lastIdx}.hash`);
const key = opt(response, 'id'); const key = opt(response, "id");
if (!hash || !key || !hash.toLowerCase) return null; if (!hash || !key || !hash.toLowerCase) return null;
return {...response, hash: hash.toLowerCase(), key} return { ...response, hash: hash.toLowerCase(), key };
} };

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import {dateFromString} from '../../../utils/date' import { dateFromString } from "../../../utils/date";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
None: 0, None: 0,
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ const SONG_DATA_TYPES = {
Fail: 2, Fail: 2,
Practice: 3, Practice: 3,
Replay: 4, Replay: 4,
Campaign: 5 Campaign: 5,
} };
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!response || !Array.isArray(response)) return null; if (!response || !Array.isArray(response)) return null;
return response return response
.map(s => { .map((s) => {
let { let {
_id: beatSaviorId, _id: beatSaviorId,
playerID: playerId, playerID: playerId,
@ -29,28 +29,65 @@ const process = response => {
timeSet, timeSet,
trackers, trackers,
trackers: { trackers: {
accuracyTracker: {accLeft, accRight, leftAverageCut, rightAverageCut, leftTimeDependence, rightTimeDependence, leftPreswing, leftPostswing, rightPreswing, rightPostswing}, accuracyTracker: {
winTracker: {won, nbOfPause: pauses, rank}, accLeft,
hitTracker: {bombHit, miss, missedNotes, badCuts, nbOfWallHit: wallHit, maxCombo}, accRight,
scoreTracker: {score}, leftAverageCut,
winTracker: { won, nbOfPause: pauses, rank },
hitTracker: {
nbOfWallHit: wallHit,
scoreTracker: { score },
}, },
} = s; } = s;
if (![SONG_DATA_TYPES.Pass, SONG_DATA_TYPES.Fail, SONG_DATA_TYPES.Campaign].includes(type)) return null; if (
return null;
const leaderboardId = null; const leaderboardId = null;
hash = hash ? hash.toLowerCase() : null; hash = hash ? hash.toLowerCase() : null;
if (!playerId || !playerId.length || !hash || !hash.length || !diff || !diff.length || !score) return null; if (
!playerId ||
!playerId.length ||
!hash ||
!hash.length ||
!diff ||
!diff.length ||
return null;
const song = {hash, name, subName: '', authorName, levelAuthorName}; const song = { hash, name, subName: "", authorName, levelAuthorName };
const leaderboard = { const leaderboard = {
leaderboardId, leaderboardId,
difficulty, difficulty,
diffInfo: {diff: diff === 'expertplus' ? 'expertPlus' : diff, type: 'Standard'}, diffInfo: {
diff: diff === "expertplus" ? "expertPlus" : diff,
type: "Standard",
song, song,
} };
const stats = { const stats = {
won, won,
@ -62,9 +99,17 @@ const process = response => {
bombHit, bombHit,
wallHit, wallHit,
maxCombo, maxCombo,
accLeft, accRight, leftAverageCut, rightAverageCut, leftTimeDependence, rightTimeDependence, accLeft,
leftPreswing, leftPostswing, rightPreswing, rightPostswing, accRight,
} leftAverageCut,
return { return {
beatSaviorId, beatSaviorId,
@ -72,24 +117,27 @@ const process = response => {
leaderboardId, leaderboardId,
scoreId: null, scoreId: null,
hash, hash,
diff: diff === 'expertplus' ? 'expertPlus' : diff, diff: diff === "expertplus" ? "expertPlus" : diff,
score, score,
type, type,
leaderboard, leaderboard,
timeSet: dateFromString(timeSet), timeSet: dateFromString(timeSet),
stats, stats,
trackers, trackers,
} };
}) })
.filter(s => s); .filter((s) => s);
}; };
const get = async ({playerId, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.BEATSAVIOR.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.BEATSAVIOR.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default { export default {
...client, ...client,
}; };

@ -1,19 +1,35 @@
import queue, {getResponseBody, isResponseCached, updateResponseBody} from '../queues/queues' import queue, {
} from "../queues/queues";
export default (get, process) => { export default (get, process) => {
const clientGet = async ({priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_LOW, fullResponse = false, ...getOptions} = {}) => { const clientGet = async ({
const response = await get({...getOptions, priority}); priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
fullResponse = false,
} = {}) => {
const response = await get({ ...getOptions, priority });
return fullResponse ? response : getResponseBody(response); return fullResponse ? response : getResponseBody(response);
} };
const clientGetProcessed = async ({priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_LOW, fullResponse = false, ...getOptions} = {}) => { const clientGetProcessed = async ({
const response = await clientGet({...getOptions, priority, fullResponse}); priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
fullResponse = false,
} = {}) => {
const response = await clientGet({ ...getOptions, priority, fullResponse });
const processedResponse = process(fullResponse ? getResponseBody(response) : response); const processedResponse = process(
fullResponse ? getResponseBody(response) : response,
return fullResponse ? updateResponseBody(response, processedResponse) : processedResponse; return fullResponse
} ? updateResponseBody(response, processedResponse)
: processedResponse;
return { return {
get: clientGet, get: clientGet,
@ -21,5 +37,5 @@ export default (get, process) => {
getProcessed: clientGetProcessed, getProcessed: clientGetProcessed,
getDataFromResponse: getResponseBody, getDataFromResponse: getResponseBody,
isResponseCached, isResponseCached,
} };
} };

@ -1,34 +1,63 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!opt(response, 'scores') || !Array.isArray(response.scores)) return null; if (!opt(response, "scores") || !Array.isArray(response.scores)) return null;
const scores = => { const scores = => {
let {unmodififiedScore: unmodifiedScore, mods, ...score} = s.score; let { unmodififiedScore: unmodifiedScore, mods, ...score } = s.score;
if (mods && typeof mods === 'string') mods = mods.split(',').map(m => m.trim().toUpperCase()).filter(m => m.length); if (mods && typeof mods === "string")
mods = mods
.map((m) => m.trim().toUpperCase())
.filter((m) => m.length);
else if (!mods) mods = null; else if (!mods) mods = null;
const acc = unmodifiedScore && opt(score, 'maxScore') ? unmodifiedScore / score.maxScore * 100 : opt(score, 'acc', null); const acc =
const percentage = opt(score, 'score') && opt(score, 'maxScore') ? score.score / score.maxScore * 100 : opt(score, 'percentage', null); unmodifiedScore && opt(score, "maxScore")
? (unmodifiedScore / score.maxScore) * 100
: opt(score, "acc", null);
const percentage =
opt(score, "score") && opt(score, "maxScore")
? (score.score / score.maxScore) * 100
: opt(score, "percentage", null);
const ppWeighted = opt(score, 'pp') && opt(score, 'weight') ? score.pp * score.weight : null; const ppWeighted =
opt(score, "pp") && opt(score, "weight") ? score.pp * score.weight : null;
return { return {
...s, ...s,
score: {...score, unmodifiedScore: unmodifiedScore || null, mods, acc, percentage, ppWeighted}, score: {
unmodifiedScore: unmodifiedScore || null,
}; };
}); });
return { return {
...response, ...response,
scores scores,
} };
} };
const get = async ({leaderboardId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_PAGE.leaderboard(leaderboardId, page, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) =>
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);

@ -1,34 +1,56 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!opt(response, 'playerInfo')) return null; if (!opt(response, "playerInfo")) return null;
const {playerInfo: info, scoreStats} = response; const { playerInfo: info, scoreStats } = response;
const {playerId, playerName: name, country, countryRank, avatar, permissions, ...playerInfo} = info; const {
playerName: name,
} = info;
if (avatar) { if (avatar) {
if (!avatar.startsWith('http')) if (!avatar.startsWith("http"))
playerInfo.avatar = `${queue.SCORESABER_API.SS_API_HOST}${!avatar.startsWith('/') ? '/' : ''}${avatar}`; playerInfo.avatar = `${queue.SCORESABER_API.SS_API_HOST}${
else !avatar.startsWith("/") ? "/" : ""
playerInfo.avatar = avatar; }${avatar}`;
else playerInfo.avatar = avatar;
} }
playerInfo.banned = !!playerInfo.banned; playerInfo.banned = !!playerInfo.banned;
playerInfo.inactive = !!playerInfo.inactive; playerInfo.inactive = !!playerInfo.inactive;
playerInfo.rankHistory = playerInfo.history && playerInfo.history.length playerInfo.rankHistory =
? playerInfo.history.split(',').map(r => parseInt(r, 10)).filter(r => !isNaN(r)) playerInfo.history && playerInfo.history.length
: []; ? playerInfo.history
.map((r) => parseInt(r, 10))
.filter((r) => !isNaN(r))
: [];
delete playerInfo.history; delete playerInfo.history;
playerInfo.externalProfileUrl = null; playerInfo.externalProfileUrl = null;
playerInfo.countries = [{country, rank: countryRank}]; playerInfo.countries = [{ country, rank: countryRank }];
return {playerId, name, playerInfo, scoreStats: scoreStats ? scoreStats : null}; return {
scoreStats: scoreStats ? scoreStats : null,
}; };
const get = async ({playerId, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);

@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import api from './api' import api from "./api";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
const apiProcessedResponse = api.process(response && response.player ? response.player : null); const apiProcessedResponse = api.process(
response && response.player ? response.player : null,
if (!opt(apiProcessedResponse, 'player.playerInfo')) return null; if (!opt(apiProcessedResponse, "player.playerInfo")) return null;
const recentPlay = opt(response, 'player.recentPlay'); const recentPlay = opt(response, "player.recentPlay");
const recentPlayLastUpdated = opt(response, 'player.recentPlayLastUpdated'); const recentPlayLastUpdated = opt(response, "player.recentPlayLastUpdated");
if (recentPlay && recentPlayLastUpdated) { if (recentPlay && recentPlayLastUpdated) {
apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.recentPlay = recentPlay; apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.recentPlay = recentPlay;
apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.recentPlayLastUpdated = recentPlayLastUpdated; apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.recentPlayLastUpdated =
} }
const externalProfileUrl = opt(response, 'player.playerInfo.externalProfileUrl'); const externalProfileUrl = opt(
if (externalProfileUrl) { if (externalProfileUrl) {
apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.externalProfileUrl = externalProfileUrl; apiProcessedResponse.playerInfo.externalProfileUrl = externalProfileUrl;
} }
@ -23,8 +29,12 @@ const process = response => {
return apiProcessedResponse; return apiProcessedResponse;
}; };
const get = async ({playerId, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_PAGE.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_PAGE.player(playerId, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import process from './utils/process' import process from "./utils/process";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const get = async ({query, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.findPlayer(query, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.findPlayer(query, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const process = response => opt(response, 'pages', null) const process = (response) => opt(response, "pages", null);
const get = async ({priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.rankingGlobalPages(priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.rankingGlobalPages(priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import process from './utils/process' import process from "./utils/process";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const get = async ({page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.rankingGlobal(page, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.rankingGlobal(page, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import api from './api-ranking-global' import api from "./api-ranking-global";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
const apiProcessedResponse = api.process(response); const apiProcessedResponse = api.process(response);
if (!opt(response, 'players')) return null; if (!opt(response, "players")) return null;
return apiProcessedResponse; return apiProcessedResponse;
} };
const get = async ({country, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_PAGE.countryRanking(country, page, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) =>
queue.SCORESABER_PAGE.countryRanking(country, page, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,17 +1,28 @@
import {opt} from '../../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../../utils/js";
import queue from '../../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../../queues/queues";
export default response => { export default (response) => {
if (!opt(response, 'players')) return null; if (!opt(response, "players")) return null;
if (!Array.isArray(response.players)) return null; if (!Array.isArray(response.players)) return null;
return => { return => {
let {avatar, country, difference, history, playerId, playerName: name, pp, rank} = player; let {
playerName: name,
} = player;
if (avatar) { if (avatar) {
if (!avatar.startsWith('http')) if (!avatar.startsWith("http"))
avatar = `${queue.SCORESABER_API.SS_API_HOST}${!avatar.startsWith('/') ? '/' : ''}${avatar}`; avatar = `${queue.SCORESABER_API.SS_API_HOST}${
!avatar.startsWith("/") ? "/" : ""
} }
return { return {
@ -19,16 +30,20 @@ export default response => {
name, name,
playerInfo: { playerInfo: {
avatar, avatar,
countries: [{country, rank: null}], countries: [{ country, rank: null }],
pp, pp,
rank, rank,
rankHistory: history && history.length rankHistory:
? history.split(',').map(r => parseInt(r, 10)).filter(r => !isNaN(r)) history && history.length
: [], ? history
.map((r) => parseInt(r, 10))
.filter((r) => !isNaN(r))
: [],
}, },
others: { others: {
difference, difference,
}, },
} };
}); });
}; };

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
import queues from '../../../queues/queues' import queues from "../../../queues/queues";
const process = response => response; const process = (response) => response;
const get = async ({page = 1, priority = queues.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queues.SCORESABER_PAGE.rankeds(page, priority, queueOptions) const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queues.SCORESABER_PAGE.rankeds(page, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import process from './utils/process'; import process from "./utils/process";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
const get = async ({playerId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.recentScores(playerId, page, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) =>
queue.SCORESABER_API.recentScores(playerId, page, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
import queue from '../../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../../generic' import createClient from "../../generic";
import process from './utils/process' import process from "./utils/process";
const get = async ({playerId, page = 1, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.SCORESABER_API.topScores(playerId, page, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
page = 1,
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) =>
queue.SCORESABER_API.topScores(playerId, page, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default client; export default client;

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
import {dateFromString} from '../../../../../utils/date' import { dateFromString } from "../../../../../utils/date";
import {extractDiffAndType} from '../../../../../utils/scoresaber/format' import { extractDiffAndType } from "../../../../../utils/scoresaber/format";
import {opt} from '../../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../../utils/js";
export default response => { export default (response) => {
if (!opt(response, 'scores') || !Array.isArray(response.scores) || !opt(response, 'scores.0.scoreId')) return []; if (
!opt(response, "scores") ||
!Array.isArray(response.scores) ||
!opt(response, "scores.0.scoreId")
return [];
return => { return => {
const { const {
songHash: hash, songHash: hash,
songName: name, songName: name,
@ -18,25 +23,44 @@ export default response => {
...originalScore ...originalScore
} = s; } = s;
const song = {hash, name, subName, authorName, levelAuthorName}; const song = { hash, name, subName, authorName, levelAuthorName };
const diffInfo = extractDiffAndType(difficultyRaw); const diffInfo = extractDiffAndType(difficultyRaw);
const leaderboard = {leaderboardId, song, diffInfo, difficulty}; const leaderboard = { leaderboardId, song, diffInfo, difficulty };
let {unmodififiedScore: unmodifiedScore, mods, ...score} = originalScore; let { unmodififiedScore: unmodifiedScore, mods, ...score } = originalScore;
if (mods && typeof mods === 'string') mods = mods.split(',').map(m => m.trim().toUpperCase()).filter(m => m.length); if (mods && typeof mods === "string")
mods = mods
.map((m) => m.trim().toUpperCase())
.filter((m) => m.length);
else if (!mods) mods = null; else if (!mods) mods = null;
const acc = unmodifiedScore && opt(score, 'maxScore') ? unmodifiedScore / score.maxScore * 100 : null; const acc =
const percentage = opt(score, 'score') && opt(score, 'maxScore') ? score.score / score.maxScore * 100 : null; unmodifiedScore && opt(score, "maxScore")
? (unmodifiedScore / score.maxScore) * 100
: null;
const percentage =
opt(score, "score") && opt(score, "maxScore")
? (score.score / score.maxScore) * 100
: null;
const ppWeighted = opt(score, 'pp') && opt(score, 'weight') ? score.pp * score.weight : null; const ppWeighted =
opt(score, "pp") && opt(score, "weight") ? score.pp * score.weight : null;
return { return {
leaderboard, leaderboard,
score: {...score, unmodifiedScore, mods, timeSet: dateFromString(score.timeSet), acc, percentage, ppWeighted}, score: {
timeSet: dateFromString(score.timeSet),
fetchedAt: new Date(), fetchedAt: new Date(),
lastUpdated: new Date(), lastUpdated: new Date(),
}; };
}); });
} };

@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
import {opt} from '../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../utils/js";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!opt(response, 'data.0')) return null; if (!opt(response, "data.0")) return null;
return {[0], profileLastUpdated: new Date()}; return {[0], profileLastUpdated: new Date() };
}; };
const get = async ({accessToken, login, priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.TWITCH.profile(accessToken, login, priority, queueOptions); const get = async ({
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.TWITCH.profile(accessToken, login, priority, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default { export default {
...client ...client,
} };

@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
import queue from '../../queues/queues' import queue from "../../queues/queues";
import createClient from '../generic' import createClient from "../generic";
const process = response => { const process = (response) => {
if (!response || ! || !Array.isArray( return null; if (!response || ! || !Array.isArray( return null;
return; return;
}; };
const get = async ({accessToken, userId, type = 'archive', priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH, ...queueOptions} = {}) => queue.TWITCH.videos(accessToken, userId, type, queueOptions); const get = async ({
type = "archive",
priority = queue.PRIORITY.FG_HIGH,
} = {}) => queue.TWITCH.videos(accessToken, userId, type, queueOptions);
const client = createClient(get, process); const client = createClient(get, process);
export default { export default {
...client, ...client,
} };

@ -1,45 +1,48 @@
import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import createPlayerService from '../services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "../services/scoresaber/player";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
let initialized = false; let initialized = false;
export default (dlManager) => { export default (dlManager) => {
if (initialized) { if (initialized) {
log.debug(`Command processor already initialized.`, 'CmdProcessor'); log.debug(`Command processor already initialized.`, "CmdProcessor");
return; return;
} }
const playerService = createPlayerService(); const playerService = createPlayerService();
eventBus.on('data-imported', () => { eventBus.on("data-imported", () => {
if (window) window.location.reload() if (window) window.location.reload();
}); });
eventBus.on('player-add-cmd', async ({playerId}) => { eventBus.on("player-add-cmd", async ({ playerId }) => {
await dlManager.enqueuePlayer(playerId); await dlManager.enqueuePlayer(playerId);
}); });
eventBus.on('player-remove-cmd', async ({playerId, purgeScores = false}) => { eventBus.on(
if (!playerId) return; "player-remove-cmd",
async ({ playerId, purgeScores = false }) => {
if (!playerId) return;
await playerService.remove(playerId, purgeScores); await playerService.remove(playerId, purgeScores);
}); },
eventBus.on('dl-manager-pause-cmd', () => { eventBus.on("dl-manager-pause-cmd", () => {
log.debug('Pause Dl Manager', 'CmdProcessor'); log.debug("Pause Dl Manager", "CmdProcessor");
dlManager.pause(); dlManager.pause();
}); });
eventBus.on('dl-manager-unpause-cmd', () => { eventBus.on("dl-manager-unpause-cmd", () => {
log.debug('Unpause Dl Manager', 'CmdProcessor'); log.debug("Unpause Dl Manager", "CmdProcessor");
dlManager.start(); dlManager.start();
}); });
initialized = true; initialized = true;`Command processor initialized`, 'CmdProcessor');`Command processor initialized`, "CmdProcessor");
} };

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
import createQueue, {PRIORITY} from '../utils/queue' import createQueue, { PRIORITY } from "../utils/queue";
import {configStore} from '../stores/config' import { configStore } from "../stores/config";
import createRankedsStore from '../stores/scoresaber/rankeds' import createRankedsStore from "../stores/scoresaber/rankeds";
import createPlayerService from '../services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "../services/scoresaber/player";
import createScoresService from '../services/scoresaber/scores' import createScoresService from "../services/scoresaber/scores";
import createBeatSaviorService from '../services/beatsavior' import createBeatSaviorService from "../services/beatsavior";
import createAccSaberService from '../services/accsaber' import createAccSaberService from "../services/accsaber";
import {PRIORITY as HTTP_QUEUE_PRIORITY} from './queues/http-queue' import { PRIORITY as HTTP_QUEUE_PRIORITY } from "./queues/http-queue";
import {HOUR, MINUTE} from '../utils/date' import { HOUR, MINUTE } from "../utils/date";
import {opt} from '../utils/js' import { opt } from "../utils/js";
@ -22,110 +22,198 @@ let beatSaviorService = null;
let accSaberService = null; let accSaberService = null;
const TYPES = { const TYPES = {
RANKEDS: {name: 'RANKEDS', priority: PRIORITY.LOW}, RANKEDS: { name: "RANKEDS", priority: PRIORITY.LOW },
} },
const enqueue = async (queue, type, force = false, data = null, then = null) => { const enqueue = async (
force = false,
data = null,
then = null,
) => {
if (!type || ! || !Number.isFinite(type.priority)) { if (!type || ! || !Number.isFinite(type.priority)) {
log.warn(`Unknown type enqueued.`, 'DlManager', type); log.warn(`Unknown type enqueued.`, "DlManager", type);
return; return;
} }
log.debug(`Try to enqueue type ${}. Forced: ${force}, data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(
`Try to enqueue type ${}. Forced: ${force}, data: ${JSON.stringify(
const priority = force ? PRIORITY.HIGHEST : type.priority; const priority = force ? PRIORITY.HIGHEST : type.priority;
const networkPriority = priority === PRIORITY.HIGHEST ? HTTP_QUEUE_PRIORITY.BG_HIGH : HTTP_QUEUE_PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL; const networkPriority =
const processThen = async (promise, then = null) => { const processThen = async (promise, then = null) => {
promise.then(result => { promise.then((result) => {
if(then) log.debug('Processing then command...', 'DlManager'); if (then) log.debug("Processing then command...", "DlManager");
return then ? {result, thenResult: then()} : result; return then ? { result, thenResult: then() } : result;
}) });
} };
switch (type) { switch (type) {
if (mainPlayerId) { if (mainPlayerId) {
log.debug(`Enqueue main player`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue main player`, "DlManager");
await Promise.all([ await Promise.all([
enqueue(queue, {...TYPES.ACTIVE_PLAYERS, priority: PRIORITY.HIGHEST}, force, {playerId: mainPlayerId}), enqueue(
enqueue(queue, {...TYPES.PLAYER_SCORES, priority: PRIORITY.HIGHEST}, force, {playerId: mainPlayerId}), queue,
{ playerId: mainPlayerId },
{ playerId: mainPlayerId },
]); ]);
} }
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue rankeds`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue rankeds`, "DlManager");
if (!rankedsStore) rankedsStore = await createRankedsStore(); if (!rankedsStore) rankedsStore = await createRankedsStore();
processThen(queue.add(async () => rankedsStore.refresh(force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued rankeds processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => rankedsStore.refresh(force, networkPriority),
).then((_) => log.debug("Enqueued rankeds processed.", "DlManager"));
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue active players`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue active players`, "DlManager");
if (data && data.playerId) { if (data && data.playerId) {
if (data.add) if (data.add)
processThen(queue.add(async () => playerService.add(data.playerId, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued active players processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => playerService.add(data.playerId, networkPriority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued active players processed.", "DlManager"),
else else
processThen(queue.add(async () => playerService.refresh(data.playerId, force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued active players processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () =>
playerService.refresh(data.playerId, force, networkPriority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued active players processed.", "DlManager"),
} else } else
processThen(queue.add(async () => playerService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued active players processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => playerService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued active players processed.", "DlManager"),
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue players scores`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue players scores`, "DlManager");
if (data && data.playerId) if (data && data.playerId)
processThen(queue.add(async () => scoresService.refresh(data.playerId, force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued players scores processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () =>
scoresService.refresh(data.playerId, force, networkPriority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued players scores processed.", "DlManager"),
else else
processThen(queue.add(async () => scoresService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued players scores processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => scoresService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued players scores processed.", "DlManager"),
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue Beat Savior`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue Beat Savior`, "DlManager");
processThen(queue.add(async () => beatSaviorService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued Beat Savior processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => beatSaviorService.refreshAll(force, networkPriority),
).then((_) => log.debug("Enqueued Beat Savior processed.", "DlManager"));
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue player scores rank && pp updates`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue player scores rank && pp updates`, "DlManager");
processThen(queue.add(async () => scoresService.updateRankAndPpFromTheQueue(), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued player scores rank & pp updates processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(
async () => scoresService.updateRankAndPpFromTheQueue(),
).then((_) =>
"Enqueued player scores rank & pp updates processed.",
break; break;
log.debug(`Enqueue AccSaber updates`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Enqueue AccSaber updates`, "DlManager");
processThen(queue.add(async () => accSaberService.refreshAll(), priority), then) processThen(
.then(_ => log.debug('Enqueued AccSaber updates processed.', 'DlManager')); queue.add(async () => accSaberService.refreshAll(), priority),
).then((_) =>
log.debug("Enqueued AccSaber updates processed.", "DlManager"),
break; break;
} }
} };
const enqueueAllJobs = async queue => { const enqueueAllJobs = async (queue) => {
log.debug(`Try to enqueue & process queue.`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Try to enqueue & process queue.`, "DlManager");
await Promise.all([ await Promise.all([
enqueue(queue, TYPES.MAIN_PLAYER), enqueue(queue, TYPES.MAIN_PLAYER),
@ -137,18 +225,18 @@ const enqueueAllJobs = async queue => {
// it should be at the end of the queue // it should be at the end of the queue
]) ]);
} };
let intervalId; let intervalId;
const startSyncing = async queue => { const startSyncing = async (queue) => {
await enqueueAllJobs(queue); await enqueueAllJobs(queue);
intervalId = setInterval(() => enqueueAllJobs(queue), INTERVAL_TICK); intervalId = setInterval(() => enqueueAllJobs(queue), INTERVAL_TICK);
} };
export default async () => { export default async () => {
if (initialized) { if (initialized) {
log.debug(`Download manager already initialized.`, 'DlManager'); log.debug(`Download manager already initialized.`, "DlManager");
return; return;
} }
@ -161,49 +249,54 @@ export default async () => {
mainPlayerId = configStore.getMainPlayerId(); mainPlayerId = configStore.getMainPlayerId();
configStore.subscribe(config => { configStore.subscribe((config) => {
const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, 'users.main') const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, "users.main");
if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) { if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) {
mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId; mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId;
log.debug(`Main player changed to ${mainPlayerId}`, 'DlManager') log.debug(`Main player changed to ${mainPlayerId}`, "DlManager");
} }
}) });
playerService = createPlayerService(); playerService = createPlayerService();
scoresService = createScoresService(); scoresService = createScoresService();
beatSaviorService = createBeatSaviorService(); beatSaviorService = createBeatSaviorService();
accSaberService = createAccSaberService(); accSaberService = createAccSaberService();
eventBus.leaderStore.subscribe(async isLeader => { eventBus.leaderStore.subscribe(async (isLeader) => {
if (isLeader) { if (isLeader) {
queue.clear(); queue.clear();
queue.start(); queue.start();
const nodeId = eventBus.getNodeId(); const nodeId = eventBus.getNodeId();`Node ${nodeId} is a leader, queue processing enabled`, 'DlManager')
`Node ${nodeId} is a leader, queue processing enabled`,
await startSyncing(queue) await startSyncing(queue);
} }
}) });
const enqueuePlayer = async playerId => { const enqueuePlayer = async (playerId) => {
await enqueue( await enqueue(
queue, TYPES.ACTIVE_PLAYERS, true, queue,
{playerId, add: true}, TYPES.ACTIVE_PLAYERS,
async () => enqueue(queue, TYPES.PLAYER_SCORES, true, {playerId}), true,
{ playerId, add: true },
async () => enqueue(queue, TYPES.PLAYER_SCORES, true, { playerId }),
); );
} };
const pause = () => { const pause = () => {
log.debug('Pause Dl Manager', 'DlManager'); log.debug("Pause Dl Manager", "DlManager");
queue.clear(); queue.clear();
queue.pause(); queue.pause();
}; };
const start = () => { const start = () => {
log.debug('Unpause Dl Manager', 'DlManager'); log.debug("Unpause Dl Manager", "DlManager");
queue.clear(); queue.clear();
queue.start(); queue.start();
@ -213,11 +306,11 @@ export default async () => {
initialized = true; initialized = true;`Download manager initialized`, 'DlManager');`Download manager initialized`, "DlManager");
return { return {
start, start,
pause, pause,
enqueuePlayer enqueuePlayer,
} };
} };

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {SsrError} from '../others/errors' import { SsrError } from "../others/errors";
import {delay} from '../utils/promise' import { delay } from "../utils/promise";
import {parseRateLimitHeaders} from './utils' import { parseRateLimitHeaders } from "./utils";
export class SsrNetworkError extends SsrError { export class SsrNetworkError extends SsrError {
constructor(message) { constructor(message) {
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export class SsrNetworkError extends SsrError {
export class SsrNetworkTimeoutError extends SsrNetworkError { export class SsrNetworkTimeoutError extends SsrNetworkError {
constructor(timeout, message) { constructor(timeout, message) {
super(message && message.length ? message : `Timeout Error (${timeout}ms)`) super(message && message.length ? message : `Timeout Error (${timeout}ms)`); = "SsrNetworkTimeoutError"; = "SsrNetworkTimeoutError";
this.timeout = timeout; this.timeout = timeout;
@ -29,12 +29,17 @@ export class SsrNetworkTimeoutError extends SsrNetworkError {
export class SsrHttpResponseError extends SsrNetworkError { export class SsrHttpResponseError extends SsrNetworkError {
constructor(response, ...args) { constructor(response, ...args) {
super(`HTTP Error Response: ${response && response.status ? response.status : 'None'} ${response && response.statusText ? response.statusText : ''}`, ...args); super(
`HTTP Error Response: ${
response && response.status ? response.status : "None"
} ${response && response.statusText ? response.statusText : ""}`,
); = 'SsrHttpResponseError'; = "SsrHttpResponseError";
this.response = response; this.response = response;
const {remaining, limit, resetAt} = parseRateLimitHeaders(response); const { remaining, limit, resetAt } = parseRateLimitHeaders(response);
this.remaining = remaining; this.remaining = remaining;
this.limit = limit; this.limit = limit;
@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ export class SsrHttpClientError extends SsrHttpResponseError {
constructor(...args) { constructor(...args) {
super(...args); super(...args); = 'SsrHttpClientError'; = "SsrHttpClientError";
} }
shouldRetry() { shouldRetry() {
@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ export class SsrHttpRateLimitError extends SsrHttpClientError {
constructor(response, ...args) { constructor(response, ...args) {
super(response, ...args); super(response, ...args); = 'SsrHttpRateLimitError'; = "SsrHttpRateLimitError";
} }
shouldRetry() { shouldRetry() {
@ -119,6 +124,6 @@ export class SsrHttpServerError extends SsrHttpResponseError {
constructor(...args) { constructor(...args) {
super(...args); super(...args); = 'SsrHttpServerError'; = "SsrHttpServerError";
} }
} }

@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ export async function fetchUrl(url, options = {}, cors = true) {
export async function fetchJson( export async function fetchJson(
url, url,
{ cacheTtl = null, maxAge = null, ...restOptions } = {} { cacheTtl = null, maxAge = null, ...restOptions } = {},
) { ) {
const options = getOptionsWithCacheKey( const options = getOptionsWithCacheKey(
url, url,
{ cacheTtl, maxAge, ...restOptions }, { cacheTtl, maxAge, ...restOptions },
"json" "json",
); );
const { const {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ export async function fetchJson(
body, body,
}, },
fetchCacheKey, fetchCacheKey,
fetchCacheTtl fetchCacheTtl,
); );
}) })
.catch((err) => { .catch((err) => {
@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ export async function fetchJson(
export async function fetchHtml( export async function fetchHtml(
url, url,
{ cacheTtl = null, maxAge = null, ...restOptions } = {} { cacheTtl = null, maxAge = null, ...restOptions } = {},
) { ) {
const options = getOptionsWithCacheKey( const options = getOptionsWithCacheKey(
url, url,
{ cacheTtl, maxAge, ...restOptions }, { cacheTtl, maxAge, ...restOptions },
"json" "json",
); );
const { const {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ export async function fetchHtml(
body: new DOMParser().parseFromString(body, "text/html"), body: new DOMParser().parseFromString(body, "text/html"),
}, },
fetchCacheKey, fetchCacheKey,
fetchCacheTtl fetchCacheTtl,
); );
}); });
} }

@ -1,25 +1,75 @@
import {default as createQueue, PRIORITY} from '../http-queue'; import { default as createQueue, PRIORITY } from "../http-queue";
import {substituteVars} from "../../../utils/format"; import { substituteVars } from "../../../utils/format";
const ACCSABER_API_URL = ''; const ACCSABER_API_URL = "";
const CATEGORIES_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/categories'; const CATEGORIES_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + "/categories";
const RANKING_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/categories/${category}/standings'; const RANKING_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + "/categories/${category}/standings";
const PLAYER_SCORES_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/players/${playerId}/scores'; const PLAYER_SCORES_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + "/players/${playerId}/scores";
const PLAYER_RANK_HISTORY = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/players/${playerId}/recent-rank-history' const PLAYER_RANK_HISTORY =
const LEADERBOARD_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/map-leaderboards/${leaderboardId}'; ACCSABER_API_URL + "/players/${playerId}/recent-rank-history";
const LEADERBOARD_INFO_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + '/ranked-maps/${leaderboardId}'; const LEADERBOARD_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + "/map-leaderboards/${leaderboardId}";
const LEADERBOARD_INFO_URL = ACCSABER_API_URL + "/ranked-maps/${leaderboardId}";
export default (options = {}) => { export default (options = {}) => {
const queue = createQueue(options); const queue = createQueue(options);
const {fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn} = queue; const { fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn } = queue;
const categories = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(CATEGORIES_URL, options, priority) const categories = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
const ranking = async (category = 'overall', page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(RANKING_URL, {category, page}), options, priority) fetchJson(CATEGORIES_URL, options, priority);
const scores = async (playerId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(PLAYER_SCORES_URL, {playerId, page}), options, priority) const ranking = async (
const playerRankHistory = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(PLAYER_RANK_HISTORY, {playerId}), options, priority) category = "overall",
const leaderboard = async (leaderboardId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_URL, {leaderboardId, page}), options, priority) page = 1,
const leaderboardInfo = async (leaderboardId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_INFO_URL, {leaderboardId}), options, priority) priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(RANKING_URL, { category, page }),
const scores = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(PLAYER_SCORES_URL, { playerId, page }),
const playerRankHistory = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(PLAYER_RANK_HISTORY, { playerId }),
const leaderboard = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_URL, { leaderboardId, page }),
const leaderboardInfo = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_INFO_URL, { leaderboardId }),
return { return {
categories, categories,
@ -29,5 +79,5 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
leaderboard, leaderboard,
leaderboardInfo, leaderboardInfo,
...queueToReturn, ...queueToReturn,
} };
} };

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
import {default as createQueue, PRIORITY} from '../http-queue'; import { default as createQueue, PRIORITY } from "../http-queue";
import {substituteVars} from "../../../utils/format"; import { substituteVars } from "../../../utils/format";
const BEATMAPS_API_URL = ''; const BEATMAPS_API_URL = "";
const SONG_BY_HASH_URL = BEATMAPS_API_URL + '/maps/hash/${hash}'; const SONG_BY_HASH_URL = BEATMAPS_API_URL + "/maps/hash/${hash}";
const SONG_BY_KEY_URL = BEATMAPS_API_URL + '/maps/id/${key}' const SONG_BY_KEY_URL = BEATMAPS_API_URL + "/maps/id/${key}";
export default (options = {}) => { export default (options = {}) => {
const queue = createQueue(options); const queue = createQueue(options);
const {fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn} = queue; const { fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn } = queue;
const byHash = async (hash, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(SONG_BY_HASH_URL, {hash}), options, priority) const byHash = async (hash, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
const byKey = async (key, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(SONG_BY_KEY_URL, {key}), options, priority) fetchJson(substituteVars(SONG_BY_HASH_URL, { hash }), options, priority);
const byKey = async (key, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
fetchJson(substituteVars(SONG_BY_KEY_URL, { key }), options, priority);
return { return {
byHash, byHash,
byKey, byKey,
...queueToReturn, ...queueToReturn,
} };
} };

@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
import {default as createQueue, PRIORITY as QUEUE_PRIORITY} from '../../utils/queue'; import {
import {SsrError, SsrTimeoutError} from '../../others/errors' default as createQueue,
import {SsrHttpRateLimitError, SsrHttpResponseError, SsrNetworkError, SsrNetworkTimeoutError} from '../errors' PRIORITY as QUEUE_PRIORITY,
import {fetchHtml, fetchJson} from '../fetch'; } from "../../utils/queue";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import { SsrError, SsrTimeoutError } from "../../others/errors";
import {AbortError} from '../../utils/promise' import {
} from "../errors";
import { fetchHtml, fetchJson } from "../fetch";
import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import { AbortError } from "../../utils/promise";
@ -13,65 +21,91 @@ export const PRIORITY = {
} };
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
export default (options = {}) => { export default (options = {}) => {
const {retries, rateLimitTick, ...queueOptions} = {retries: DEFAULT_RETRIES, rateLimitTick: 500, ...options}; const { retries, rateLimitTick, ...queueOptions } = {
rateLimitTick: 500,
const queue = createQueue(queueOptions); const queue = createQueue(queueOptions);
const {add, emitter, ...queueToReturn} = queue; const { add, emitter, ...queueToReturn } = queue;
let lastRateLimitError = null; let lastRateLimitError = null;
let rateLimitTimerId = null; let rateLimitTimerId = null;
let currentRateLimit = {waiting: 0, remaining: null, limit: null, resetAt: null}; let currentRateLimit = {
waiting: 0,
remaining: null,
limit: null,
resetAt: null,
const rateLimitTicker = () => { const rateLimitTicker = () => {
const expiresInMs = lastRateLimitError && lastRateLimitError.resetAt ? lastRateLimitError.resetAt - new Date() + 1000 : 0; const expiresInMs =
lastRateLimitError && lastRateLimitError.resetAt
? lastRateLimitError.resetAt - new Date() + 1000
: 0;
if (expiresInMs <= 0) { if (expiresInMs <= 0) {
emitter.emit('waiting', {waiting: 0, remaining: null, limit: null, resetAt: null}); emitter.emit("waiting", {
waiting: 0,
remaining: null,
limit: null,
resetAt: null,
if (rateLimitTimerId) clearTimeout(rateLimitTimerId); if (rateLimitTimerId) clearTimeout(rateLimitTimerId);
return; return;
} }
const {remaining, limit, resetAt} = lastRateLimitError; const { remaining, limit, resetAt } = lastRateLimitError;
emitter.emit('waiting', {waiting: expiresInMs, remaining, limit, resetAt}); emitter.emit("waiting", {
waiting: expiresInMs,
if (rateLimitTimerId) clearTimeout(rateLimitTimerId); if (rateLimitTimerId) clearTimeout(rateLimitTimerId);
rateLimitTimerId = setTimeout(rateLimitTicker, rateLimitTick); rateLimitTimerId = setTimeout(rateLimitTicker, rateLimitTick);
} };
const retriedFetch = async (fetchFunc, url, options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => { const retriedFetch = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
) => {
for (let i = 0; i <= retries; i++) { for (let i = 0; i <= retries; i++) {
try { try {
return await add(async () => { return await add(async () => {
if (lastRateLimitError) { if (lastRateLimitError) {
await lastRateLimitError.waitBeforeRetry(); await lastRateLimitError.waitBeforeRetry();
lastRateLimitError = null; lastRateLimitError = null;
} }
return fetchFunc(url, options) return fetchFunc(url, options)
.then(response => { .then((response) => {
currentRateLimit = {...response.rateLimit, waiting: 0}; currentRateLimit = { ...response.rateLimit, waiting: 0 };
return response; return response;
}) })
.catch(err => { .catch((err) => {
if (err instanceof SsrTimeoutError) throw new SsrNetworkTimeoutError(err.timeout); if (err instanceof SsrTimeoutError)
throw new SsrNetworkTimeoutError(err.timeout);
throw err; throw err;
}) });
}, }, priority);
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
if (err instanceof SsrHttpResponseError) { if (err instanceof SsrHttpResponseError) {
const {remaining, limit, resetAt} = err; const { remaining, limit, resetAt } = err;
currentRateLimit = {waiting: 0, remaining, limit, resetAt}; currentRateLimit = { waiting: 0, remaining, limit, resetAt };
} }
if (err instanceof SsrNetworkError) { if (err instanceof SsrNetworkError) {
@ -79,7 +113,13 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
if (!shouldRetry || i === retries) throw err; if (!shouldRetry || i === retries) throw err;
if (err instanceof SsrHttpRateLimitError) { if (err instanceof SsrHttpRateLimitError) {
if (err.remaining <= 0 && err.resetAt && (!lastRateLimitError || !lastRateLimitError.resetAt || lastRateLimitError.resetAt < err.resetAt)) { if (
err.remaining <= 0 &&
err.resetAt &&
(!lastRateLimitError ||
!lastRateLimitError.resetAt ||
lastRateLimitError.resetAt < err.resetAt)
) {
lastRateLimitError = err; lastRateLimitError = err;
rateLimitTicker(); rateLimitTicker();
@ -95,11 +135,17 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
} }
} }
throw new SsrError('Unknown error'); throw new SsrError("Unknown error");
} };
const queuedFetchJson = async (url, options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(url, () => retriedFetch(fetchJson, url, options, priority)); const queuedFetchJson = async (url, options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) =>
const queuedFetchHtml = async (url, options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(url, () => retriedFetch(fetchHtml, url, options, priority)); resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(url, () =>
retriedFetch(fetchJson, url, options, priority),
const queuedFetchHtml = async (url, options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(url, () =>
retriedFetch(fetchHtml, url, options, priority),
const getRateLimit = () => currentRateLimit; const getRateLimit = () => currentRateLimit;
@ -108,5 +154,5 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
fetchHtml: queuedFetchHtml, fetchHtml: queuedFetchHtml,
getRateLimit, getRateLimit,
...queueToReturn, ...queueToReturn,
} };
} };

@ -1,55 +1,99 @@
import {writable} from 'svelte/store' import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import {PRIORITY} from './http-queue' import { PRIORITY } from "./http-queue";
import createScoreSaberApiQueue from './scoresaber/api-queue' import createScoreSaberApiQueue from "./scoresaber/api-queue";
import createScoreSaberPageQueue from './scoresaber/page-queue' import createScoreSaberPageQueue from "./scoresaber/page-queue";
import createBeatMapsApiQueue from './beatmaps/api-queue' import createBeatMapsApiQueue from "./beatmaps/api-queue";
import createBeatSaviorApiQueue from './beatsavior/api-queue' import createBeatSaviorApiQueue from "./beatsavior/api-queue";
import createTwitchApiQueue from './twitch/api-queue' import createTwitchApiQueue from "./twitch/api-queue";
import createAccSaberApiQueue from './accsaber/api-queue' import createAccSaberApiQueue from "./accsaber/api-queue";
export const getResponseBody = response => response ? response.body : null; export const getResponseBody = (response) => (response ? response.body : null);
export const isResponseCached = response => !!(response && response.cached) export const isResponseCached = (response) => !!(response && response.cached);
export const updateResponseBody = (response, body) => response ? {...response, body} : null; export const updateResponseBody = (response, body) =>
response ? { ...response, body } : null;
const initQueue = queue => { const initQueue = (queue) => {
let queueState = { let queueState = {
size: 0, size: 0,
pending: 0, pending: 0,
rateLimit: {waiting: 0, remaining: null, limit: null, resetAt: null}, rateLimit: { waiting: 0, remaining: null, limit: null, resetAt: null },
progress: {num: 0, count: 0, progress: 1}, progress: { num: 0, count: 0, progress: 1 },
}; };
const {subscribe, set} = writable(queueState); const { subscribe, set } = writable(queueState);
queue.on('change', ({size, pending}) => { queue.on("change", ({ size, pending }) => {
const {rateLimit: {waiting}} = queueState; const {
const {remaining, limit, resetAt} = queue.getRateLimit(); rateLimit: { waiting },
queueState = {...queueState, size, pending, rateLimit: {waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt}}; } = queueState;
const { remaining, limit, resetAt } = queue.getRateLimit();
queueState = {
rateLimit: { waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt },
set(queueState); set(queueState);
}); });
queue.on('progress', ({progress, num, count}) => { queue.on("progress", ({ progress, num, count }) => {
const {rateLimit: {waiting}} = queueState; const {
const {remaining, limit, resetAt} = queue.getRateLimit(); rateLimit: { waiting },
queueState = {...queueState, progress: {num, count, progress}, rateLimit: {waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt}} } = queueState;
const { remaining, limit, resetAt } = queue.getRateLimit();
queueState = {
progress: { num, count, progress },
rateLimit: { waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt },
set(queueState); set(queueState);
}); });
queue.on('waiting', ({waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt}) => { queue.on("waiting", ({ waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt }) => {
queueState = {...queueState, rateLimit: {waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt}} queueState = {
rateLimit: { waiting, remaining, limit, resetAt },
set(queueState); set(queueState);
}) });
return { return {
subscribe, subscribe,
...queue, ...queue,
} };
} };
export default { export default {
SCORESABER_API: initQueue(createScoreSaberApiQueue({concurrency: 3, timeout: 95000})), SCORESABER_API: initQueue(
SCORESABER_PAGE: initQueue(createScoreSaberPageQueue({concurrency: 3, timeout: 30000})), createScoreSaberApiQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: 95000 }),
BEATMAPS: initQueue(createBeatMapsApiQueue({concurrency: 1, timeout: 10000, intervalCap: 10, interval: 1000})), ),
BEATSAVIOR: initQueue(createBeatSaviorApiQueue({concurrency: 1, timeout: 10000, intervalCap: 60, interval: 60000})), SCORESABER_PAGE: initQueue(
TWITCH: initQueue(createTwitchApiQueue({concurrency: 8, timeout: 8000, intervalCap: 800, interval: 60000})), createScoreSaberPageQueue({ concurrency: 3, timeout: 30000 }),
ACCSABER: initQueue(createAccSaberApiQueue({concurrency: 2, timeout: 10000})), ),
BEATMAPS: initQueue(
concurrency: 1,
timeout: 10000,
intervalCap: 10,
interval: 1000,
BEATSAVIOR: initQueue(
concurrency: 1,
timeout: 10000,
intervalCap: 60,
interval: 60000,
TWITCH: initQueue(
concurrency: 8,
timeout: 8000,
intervalCap: 800,
interval: 60000,
ACCSABER: initQueue(
createAccSaberApiQueue({ concurrency: 2, timeout: 10000 }),
} };

@ -1,35 +1,79 @@
import {default as createQueue, PRIORITY} from '../http-queue'; import { default as createQueue, PRIORITY } from "../http-queue";
import {substituteVars} from '../../../utils/format' import { substituteVars } from "../../../utils/format";
import {PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE, PLAYERS_PER_PAGE} from '../../../utils/scoresaber/consts' import {
} from "../../../utils/scoresaber/consts";
export const SS_API_HOST = ''; export const SS_API_HOST = "";
export const SS_API_URL = `${SS_API_HOST}/api`; export const SS_API_URL = `${SS_API_HOST}/api`;
export const SS_API_PLAYER_INFO_URL = SS_API_URL + '/player/${playerId}/full'; export const SS_API_PLAYER_INFO_URL = SS_API_URL + "/player/${playerId}/full";
export const SS_API_RECENT_SCORES_URL = SS_API_URL + '/player/${playerId}/scores/recent/${page}'; export const SS_API_RECENT_SCORES_URL =
export const SS_API_TOP_SCORES_URL = SS_API_URL + '/player/${playerId}/scores/top/${page}'; SS_API_URL + "/player/${playerId}/scores/recent/${page}";
export const SS_API_FIND_PLAYER_URL = SS_API_URL + '/players/by-name/${query}' export const SS_API_TOP_SCORES_URL =
export const SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_URL = SS_API_URL + '/players/${page}' SS_API_URL + "/player/${playerId}/scores/top/${page}";
export const SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_PAGES_URL = SS_API_URL + '/players/pages' export const SS_API_FIND_PLAYER_URL = SS_API_URL + "/players/by-name/${query}";
export const SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_URL = SS_API_URL + "/players/${page}";
export const SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_PAGES_URL = SS_API_URL + "/players/pages";
export default (options = {}) => { export default (options = {}) => {
const queue = createQueue(options); const queue = createQueue(options);
const {fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn} = queue; const { fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn } = queue;
const fetchScores = async (baseUrl, playerId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(baseUrl, {playerId, page}), options, priority); const fetchScores = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
fetchJson(substituteVars(baseUrl, { playerId, page }), options, priority);
const player = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(SS_API_PLAYER_INFO_URL, {playerId}), options, priority); const player = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
substituteVars(SS_API_PLAYER_INFO_URL, { playerId }),
const recentScores = async (playerId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchScores(SS_API_RECENT_SCORES_URL, playerId, page, priority, options); const recentScores = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) => fetchScores(SS_API_RECENT_SCORES_URL, playerId, page, priority, options);
const topScores = async (playerId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchScores(SS_API_TOP_SCORES_URL, playerId, page, priority, options); const topScores = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) => fetchScores(SS_API_TOP_SCORES_URL, playerId, page, priority, options);
const findPlayer = async (query, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(SS_API_FIND_PLAYER_URL, {query: encodeURIComponent(query)}), options, priority); const findPlayer = async (query, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
substituteVars(SS_API_FIND_PLAYER_URL, {
query: encodeURIComponent(query),
const rankingGlobal = async (page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(substituteVars(SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_URL, {page}), options, priority); const rankingGlobal = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_URL, { page }),
const rankingGlobalPages = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_PAGES_URL, options, priority); const rankingGlobalPages = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) =>
fetchJson(SS_API_RANKING_GLOBAL_PAGES_URL, options, priority);
return { return {
player, player,
@ -42,5 +86,5 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
...queueToReturn, ...queueToReturn,
} };
} };

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const parseSsInt = (text) => {
export const parseSsFloat = (text) => export const parseSsFloat = (text) =>
text text
? parseFloat( ? parseFloat(
getFirstRegexpMatch(/([0-9,.]+)\s*$/, text.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "")) getFirstRegexpMatch(/([0-9,.]+)\s*$/, text.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "")),
) )
: null; : null;
@ -78,32 +78,32 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const rankeds = async ( const rankeds = async (
page = 1, page = 1,
options = {} options = {},
) => ) =>
fetchJson(substituteVars(RANKEDS_URL, { page }), options, priority).then( fetchJson(substituteVars(RANKEDS_URL, { page }), options, priority).then(
(r) => { (r) => {
r.body = processRankeds(r.body); r.body = processRankeds(r.body);
return r; return r;
} },
); );
const processPlayerProfile = (playerId, doc) => { const processPlayerProfile = (playerId, doc) => {
cfDecryptEmail(doc); cfDecryptEmail(doc);
let avatar = getImgUrl( let avatar = getImgUrl(
opt(doc.querySelector(".column.avatar img"), "src", null) opt(doc.querySelector(".column.avatar img"), "src", null),
); );
let playerName = opt( let playerName = opt(
doc.querySelector(".content .column:not(.avatar) .title a"), doc.querySelector(".content .column:not(.avatar) .title a"),
"innerText" "innerText",
); );
playerName = playerName ? playerName.trim() : null; playerName = playerName ? playerName.trim() : null;
let country = getFirstRegexpMatch( let country = getFirstRegexpMatch(
/^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/, /^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/,
opt(doc.querySelector(".content .column .title img"), "src") opt(doc.querySelector(".content .column .title img"), "src"),
); );
country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null; country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null;
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li"), doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li"),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
) ),
); );
pageNum = !isNaN(pageNum) ? pageNum : null; pageNum = !isNaN(pageNum) ? pageNum : null;
@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li:last-of-type"), doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li:last-of-type"),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
) ),
); );
pageQty = !isNaN(pageQty) ? pageQty : null; pageQty = !isNaN(pageQty) ? pageQty : null;
@ -130,31 +130,31 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
/^\s*<strong>(?:[^:]+)\s*:?\s*<\/strong>\s*(.*)$/, /^\s*<strong>(?:[^:]+)\s*:?\s*<\/strong>\s*(.*)$/,
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector( doc.querySelector(
".columns .column:not(.is-narrow) ul li:nth-of-type(3)" ".columns .column:not(.is-narrow) ul li:nth-of-type(3)",
), ),
"innerHTML" "innerHTML",
) ),
) ),
); );
totalItems = !isNaN(totalItems) ? totalItems : 0; totalItems = !isNaN(totalItems) ? totalItems : 0;
let playerRank = parseSsInt( let playerRank = parseSsInt(
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector( doc.querySelector(
".content .column ul li:first-of-type a:first-of-type" ".content .column ul li:first-of-type a:first-of-type",
), ),
"innerText" "innerText",
) ),
); );
playerRank = !isNaN(playerRank) ? playerRank : null; playerRank = !isNaN(playerRank) ? playerRank : null;
let countryRank = parseSsInt( let countryRank = parseSsInt(
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector( doc.querySelector(
'.content .column ul li:first-of-type a[href^="/global?country="]' '.content .column ul li:first-of-type a[href^="/global?country="]',
), ),
"innerText" "innerText",
) ),
); );
countryRank = !isNaN(countryRank) ? countryRank : null; countryRank = !isNaN(countryRank) ? countryRank : null;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
[...doc.querySelectorAll(".content .column ul li")] [...doc.querySelectorAll(".content .column ul li")]
.map((li) => { .map((li) => {
const matches = li.innerHTML.match( const matches = li.innerHTML.match(
/^\s*<strong>([^:]+)\s*:?\s*<\/strong>\s*(.*)$/ /^\s*<strong>([^:]+)\s*:?\s*<\/strong>\s*(.*)$/,
); );
if (!matches) return null; if (!matches) return null;
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const item = mapping.find((m) => m.key === matches[1]); const item = mapping.find((m) => m.key === matches[1]);
return item ? { ...item, value } : { label: matches[1], value }; return item ? { ...item, value } : { label: matches[1], value };
}) })
.filter((s) => s) .filter((s) => s),
) )
.reduce( .reduce(
(cum, item) => { (cum, item) => {
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
return cum; return cum;
}, },
{ inactiveAccount: false, bannedAccount: false } { inactiveAccount: false, bannedAccount: false },
); );
const scores = [...doc.querySelectorAll("table.ranking tbody tr")].map( const scores = [...doc.querySelectorAll("table.ranking tbody tr")].map(
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
if (song) { if (song) {
const leaderboardId = parseInt( const leaderboardId = parseInt(
getFirstRegexpMatch(/leaderboard\/(\d+)/, song.href), getFirstRegexpMatch(/leaderboard\/(\d+)/, song.href),
10 10,
); );
ret.leaderboardId = leaderboardId ? leaderboardId : null; ret.leaderboardId = leaderboardId ? leaderboardId : null;
} else { } else {
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
.replace(/&amp;/g, "&") .replace(/&amp;/g, "&")
.replace( .replace(
/<span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="[^"]+">\[email&nbsp;protected]<\/span>/g, /<span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="[^"]+">\[email&nbsp;protected]<\/span>/g,
"" "",
) )
.match(/^(.*?)\s*<span[^>]+>(.*?)<\/span>/) .match(/^(.*?)\s*<span[^>]+>(.*?)<\/span>/)
: null; : null;
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
ret.timeSet = songDate ? dateFromString(songDate.title) : null; ret.timeSet = songDate ? dateFromString(songDate.title) : null;
const pp = parseSsFloat( const pp = parseSsFloat(
opt(tr.querySelector("th.score .scoreTop.ppValue"), "innerText") opt(tr.querySelector("th.score .scoreTop.ppValue"), "innerText"),
); );
ret.pp = !isNaN(pp) ? pp : null; ret.pp = !isNaN(pp) ? pp : null;
@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
/^\(([0-9.]+)pp\)$/, /^\(([0-9.]+)pp\)$/,
opt( opt(
tr.querySelector("th.score .scoreTop.ppWeightedValue"), tr.querySelector("th.score .scoreTop.ppWeightedValue"),
"innerText" "innerText",
) ),
) ),
); );
ret.ppWeighted = !isNaN(ppWeighted) ? ppWeighted : null; ret.ppWeighted = !isNaN(ppWeighted) ? ppWeighted : null;
@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
} }
return ret; return ret;
} },
); );
const recentPlay = const recentPlay =
scores && scores.length && scores[0].timeSet ? scores[0].timeSet : null; scores && scores.length && scores[0].timeSet ? scores[0].timeSet : null;
@ -394,18 +394,18 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
externalProfileUrl: opt( externalProfileUrl: opt(
doc.querySelector(".content .column:not(.avatar) .title a"), doc.querySelector(".content .column:not(.avatar) .title a"),
"href", "href",
null null,
), ),
history: getFirstRegexpMatch( history: getFirstRegexpMatch(
/data:\s*\[([0-9,]+)\]/, /data:\s*\[([0-9,]+)\]/,
doc.body.innerHTML doc.body.innerHTML,
), ),
country, country,
badges: [...doc.querySelectorAll(".column.avatar center img")].map( badges: [...doc.querySelectorAll(".column.avatar center img")].map(
(img) => ({ (img) => ({
image: getImgUrl(img.src), image: getImgUrl(img.src),
description: img.title, description: img.title,
}) }),
), ),
rank: stats.rank ? stats.rank : null, rank: stats.rank ? stats.rank : null,
countryRank: stats.countryRank ? stats.countryRank : null, countryRank: stats.countryRank ? stats.countryRank : null,
@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
fetchHtml( fetchHtml(
substituteVars(PLAYER_PROFILE_URL, { playerId }), substituteVars(PLAYER_PROFILE_URL, { playerId }),
options, options,
priority priority,
).then((r) => { ).then((r) => {
r.body = processPlayerProfile(playerId, r.body); r.body = processPlayerProfile(playerId, r.body);
@ -451,17 +451,17 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const id = getFirstRegexpMatch(/\/(\d+)$/, a.href); const id = getFirstRegexpMatch(/\/(\d+)$/, a.href);
const avatar = getImgUrl( const avatar = getImgUrl(
opt(tr.querySelector("td.picture img"), "src", null) opt(tr.querySelector("td.picture img"), "src", null),
); );
let country = getFirstRegexpMatch( let country = getFirstRegexpMatch(
/^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/, /^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/,
opt(tr.querySelector("td.player img"), "src", null) opt(tr.querySelector("td.player img"), "src", null),
); );
country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null; country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null;
let difference = parseSsInt( let difference = parseSsInt(
opt(tr.querySelector("td.diff"), "innerText", null) opt(tr.querySelector("td.diff"), "innerText", null),
); );
difference = !isNaN(difference) ? difference : null; difference = !isNaN(difference) ? difference : null;
@ -469,15 +469,15 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
playerName = playerName || playerName === "" ? playerName.trim() : null; playerName = playerName || playerName === "" ? playerName.trim() : null;
let pp = parseSsFloat( let pp = parseSsFloat(
opt(tr.querySelector("td.pp .scoreTop.ppValue"), "innerText") opt(tr.querySelector("td.pp .scoreTop.ppValue"), "innerText"),
); );
pp = !isNaN(pp) ? pp : null; pp = !isNaN(pp) ? pp : null;
let rank = parseSsInt( let rank = parseSsInt(
getFirstRegexpMatch( getFirstRegexpMatch(
/^\s*#(\d+)\s*$/, /^\s*#(\d+)\s*$/,
opt(tr.querySelector("td.rank"), "innerText", null) opt(tr.querySelector("td.rank"), "innerText", null),
) ),
); );
rank = !isNaN(rank) ? rank : null; rank = !isNaN(rank) ? rank : null;
@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
pp, pp,
rank, rank,
}; };
} },
); );
return { players: data }; return { players: data };
@ -501,12 +501,12 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
country, country,
page = 1, page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {} options = {},
) => ) =>
fetchHtml( fetchHtml(
substituteVars(COUNTRY_RANKING_URL, { country, page }), substituteVars(COUNTRY_RANKING_URL, { country, page }),
options, options,
priority priority,
).then((r) => { ).then((r) => {
r.body = processCountryRanking(country, r.body); r.body = processCountryRanking(country, r.body);
@ -529,11 +529,11 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
}; };
ret.player.playerInfo.avatar = getImgUrl( ret.player.playerInfo.avatar = getImgUrl(
opt(tr.querySelector(".picture img"), "src", null) opt(tr.querySelector(".picture img"), "src", null),
); );
ret.score.rank = parseSsInt( ret.score.rank = parseSsInt(
opt(tr.querySelector("td.rank"), "innerText") opt(tr.querySelector("td.rank"), "innerText"),
); );
if (isNaN(ret.score.rank)) ret.score.rank = null; if (isNaN(ret.score.rank)) ret.score.rank = null;
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
if (player) { if (player) {
let country = getFirstRegexpMatch( let country = getFirstRegexpMatch(
/^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/, /^.*?\/flags\/([^.]+)\..*$/,
opt(player.querySelector("img"), "src", "") opt(player.querySelector("img"), "src", ""),
); );
country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null; country = country ? country.toUpperCase() : null;
if (country) { if (country) {
@ -551,14 +551,14 @@ export default (options = {}) => { = opt( = opt(
player.querySelector("span.songTop.pp"), player.querySelector("span.songTop.pp"),
"innerText" "innerText",
); ); = =
?"&#039;", "'") ?"&#039;", "'")
: null; : null;
ret.player.playerId = getFirstRegexpMatch( ret.player.playerId = getFirstRegexpMatch(
/\/u\/(\d+)((\?|&|#).*)?$/, /\/u\/(\d+)((\?|&|#).*)?$/,
opt(player, "href", "") opt(player, "href", ""),
); );
ret.player.playerId = ret.player.playerId ret.player.playerId = ret.player.playerId
? ret.player.playerId.trim() ? ret.player.playerId.trim()
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
ret.score.timeSetString = opt( ret.score.timeSetString = opt(
tr.querySelector("td.timeset"), tr.querySelector("td.timeset"),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
); );
if (ret.score.timeSetString) if (ret.score.timeSetString)
ret.score.timeSetString = ret.score.timeSetString.trim(); ret.score.timeSetString = ret.score.timeSetString.trim();
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const diffs = [...doc.querySelectorAll(".tabs ul li a")].map((a) => { const diffs = [...doc.querySelectorAll(".tabs ul li a")].map((a) => {
let leaderboardId = parseInt( let leaderboardId = parseInt(
getFirstRegexpMatch(/leaderboard\/(\d+)$/, a.href), getFirstRegexpMatch(/leaderboard\/(\d+)$/, a.href),
10 10,
); );
if (isNaN(leaderboardId)) leaderboardId = null; if (isNaN(leaderboardId)) leaderboardId = null;
@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const currentDiffHuman = opt( const currentDiffHuman = opt(
doc.querySelector(".tabs a span"), doc.querySelector(".tabs a span"),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
); );
let diff = null; let diff = null;
@ -628,20 +628,20 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
const songName = opt( const songName = opt(
doc.querySelector( doc.querySelector(
" .box:first-of-type .title a" " .box:first-of-type .title a",
), ),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
); );
const imageUrl = getImgUrl( const imageUrl = getImgUrl(
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector( doc.querySelector(
" .box:first-of-type .columns img" " .box:first-of-type .columns img",
), ),
"src", "src",
null null,
) ),
); );
const songInfo = [ const songInfo = [
@ -656,13 +656,13 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
] ]
.map((sid) => { .map((sid) => {
let songInfoBox = doc.querySelector( let songInfoBox = doc.querySelector(
" .box:first-of-type" " .box:first-of-type",
); );
return { return {
...sid, ...sid,
value: songInfoBox value: songInfoBox
? songInfoBox.innerHTML.match( ? songInfoBox.innerHTML.match(
new RegExp(sid.label + ":\\s*<b>(.*?)</b>", "i") new RegExp(sid.label + ":\\s*<b>(.*?)</b>", "i"),
) )
: null, : null,
}; };
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
return cum; return cum;
}, },
{ imageUrl, stats: {} } { imageUrl, stats: {} },
); );
const { stats, } = songInfo; const { stats, } = songInfo;
@ -718,9 +718,9 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
opt( opt(
doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li:last-of-type"), doc.querySelector(".pagination .pagination-list li:last-of-type"),
"innerText", "innerText",
null null,
), ),
10 10,
); );
if (isNaN(pageQty)) pageQty = null; if (isNaN(pageQty)) pageQty = null;
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
let diffChartText = getFirstRegexpMatch( let diffChartText = getFirstRegexpMatch(
/'difficulty',\s*([0-9.,\s]+)\s*\]/, /'difficulty',\s*([0-9.,\s]+)\s*\]/,
doc.body.innerHTML doc.body.innerHTML,
); );
let diffChart = (diffChartText ? diffChartText : "") let diffChart = (diffChartText ? diffChartText : "")
.split(",") .split(",")
@ -758,12 +758,12 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
leaderboardId, leaderboardId,
page = 1, page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {} options = {},
) => ) =>
fetchHtml( fetchHtml(
substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_URL, { leaderboardId, page }), substituteVars(LEADERBOARD_URL, { leaderboardId, page }),
options, options,
priority priority,
).then((r) => { ).then((r) => {
r.body = processLeaderboard(leaderboardId, page, r.body); r.body = processLeaderboard(leaderboardId, page, r.body);

@ -1,44 +1,104 @@
import {default as createQueue, PRIORITY} from '../http-queue'; import { default as createQueue, PRIORITY } from "../http-queue";
import ssrConfig from '../../../ssr-config' import ssrConfig from "../../../ssr-config";
import {substituteVars} from "../../../utils/format"; import { substituteVars } from "../../../utils/format";
const CLIENT_ID = 'u0swxz56n4iumc634at1osoqdk31qt'; const CLIENT_ID = "u0swxz56n4iumc634at1osoqdk31qt";
const TWITCH_AUTH_URL = '' const TWITCH_AUTH_URL = "";
const AUTHORIZATION_URL = `${TWITCH_AUTH_URL}/authorize?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(ssrConfig.domain + '/twitch')}&response_type=token` + '&scope=${scopes}&state=${state}'; const AUTHORIZATION_URL =
const VALIDATE_URL = `${TWITCH_AUTH_URL}/validate` `${TWITCH_AUTH_URL}/authorize?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(
ssrConfig.domain + "/twitch",
)}&response_type=token` + "&scope=${scopes}&state=${state}";
const VALIDATE_URL = `${TWITCH_AUTH_URL}/validate`;
const TWITCH_API_URL = ''; const TWITCH_API_URL = "";
const PROFILE_URL = TWITCH_API_URL + '/users?login=${login}'; const PROFILE_URL = TWITCH_API_URL + "/users?login=${login}";
const VIDEOS_URL = TWITCH_API_URL + '/videos?user_id=${userId}&type=${type}&first=100'; const VIDEOS_URL =
const STREAMS_URL = TWITCH_API_URL + '/streams?user_id=${userId}'; TWITCH_API_URL + "/videos?user_id=${userId}&type=${type}&first=100";
const STREAMS_URL = TWITCH_API_URL + "/streams?user_id=${userId}";
export default (options = {}) => { export default (options = {}) => {
const queue = createQueue(options); const queue = createQueue(options);
const {fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn} = queue; const { fetchJson, fetchHtml, ...queueToReturn } = queue;
const fetchApi = (url, accessToken, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson( const fetchApi = (
url, url,
{ accessToken,
...options, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
headers: { options = {},
'Client-ID': CLIENT_ID, ) =>
'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}` fetchJson(
} url,
}, {
priority, ...options,
) headers: {
"Client-ID": CLIENT_ID,
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
const getAuthUrl = (state = '', scopes = '') => substituteVars(AUTHORIZATION_URL, {state: encodeURIComponent(state), scopes: encodeURIComponent(scopes)}); const getAuthUrl = (state = "", scopes = "") =>
substituteVars(AUTHORIZATION_URL, {
state: encodeURIComponent(state),
scopes: encodeURIComponent(scopes),
const validateToken = async (accessToken, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchJson(VALIDATE_URL, {...options, headers: {'Authorization': `OAuth ${accessToken}`}}, priority) const validateToken = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
{ ...options, headers: { Authorization: `OAuth ${accessToken}` } },
const profile = async (accessToken, login, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchApi(substituteVars(PROFILE_URL, {login: encodeURIComponent(login)}), accessToken, priority, options) const profile = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(PROFILE_URL, { login: encodeURIComponent(login) }),
const videos = async (accessToken, userId, type = 'archive', priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchApi(substituteVars(VIDEOS_URL, {userId: encodeURIComponent(userId), type: encodeURIComponent(type)}), accessToken, priority, options) const videos = async (
type = "archive",
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(VIDEOS_URL, {
userId: encodeURIComponent(userId),
type: encodeURIComponent(type),
const streams = async (accessToken, userId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, options = {}) => fetchApi(substituteVars(STREAMS_URL, {userId: encodeURIComponent(userId)}), accessToken, priority, options) const streams = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
options = {},
) =>
substituteVars(STREAMS_URL, { userId: encodeURIComponent(userId) }),
return { return {
getAuthUrl, getAuthUrl,
@ -47,5 +107,5 @@ export default (options = {}) => {
videos, videos,
streams, streams,
...queueToReturn, ...queueToReturn,
} };
} };

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
export const parseRateLimitHeaders = response => { export const parseRateLimitHeaders = (response) => {
if (!response || !response.headers) return null; if (!response || !response.headers) return null;
const remaining = parseInt(response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-remaining'), 10); const remaining = parseInt(response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-remaining"), 10);
const limit = parseInt(response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-limit'), 10); const limit = parseInt(response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-limit"), 10);
const resetAt = parseInt(response.headers.get('x-ratelimit-reset'), 10); const resetAt = parseInt(response.headers.get("x-ratelimit-reset"), 10);
return { return {
remaining: !isNaN(remaining) ? remaining : null, remaining: !isNaN(remaining) ? remaining : null,
limit: !isNaN(limit) ? limit : null, limit: !isNaN(limit) ? limit : null,
resetAt: !isNaN(resetAt) ? new Date(resetAt * 1000) : null, resetAt: !isNaN(resetAt) ? new Date(resetAt * 1000) : null,
} };
} };

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class SsrError extends Error {
export class SsrTimeoutError extends SsrError { export class SsrTimeoutError extends SsrError {
constructor(timeout, message) { constructor(timeout, message) {
super(message && message.length ? message : `Timeout Error (${timeout}ms)`) super(message && message.length ? message : `Timeout Error (${timeout}ms)`); = "SsrTimeoutError"; = "SsrTimeoutError";
this.timeout = timeout; this.timeout = timeout;
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ export class SsrTimeoutError extends SsrError {
export class SsrDataFormatError extends SsrError { export class SsrDataFormatError extends SsrError {
constructor(message, previous = null) { constructor(message, previous = null) {
super(message && message.length ? message : `Data format error`) super(message && message.length ? message : `Data format error`); = "SsrDataFormatError"; = "SsrDataFormatError";
this.previous = previous; this.previous = previous;
} }
} }

@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
import {db} from '../db/db' import { db } from "../db/db";
import queues from '../network/queues/queues'; import queues from "../network/queues/queues";
import accSaberCategoriesApiClient from '../network/clients/accsaber/api-categories'; import accSaberCategoriesApiClient from "../network/clients/accsaber/api-categories";
import accSaberRankingApiClient from '../network/clients/accsaber/api-ranking'; import accSaberRankingApiClient from "../network/clients/accsaber/api-ranking";
import accSaberScoresApiClient from '../network/clients/accsaber/api-scores'; import accSaberScoresApiClient from "../network/clients/accsaber/api-scores";
import accSaberPlayerRankHistoryApiClient from '../network/clients/accsaber/api-player-rank-history'; import accSaberPlayerRankHistoryApiClient from "../network/clients/accsaber/api-player-rank-history";
import accSaberCategoriesRepository from '../db/repository/accsaber-categories' import accSaberCategoriesRepository from "../db/repository/accsaber-categories";
import accSaberPlayersRepository from '../db/repository/accsaber-players' import accSaberPlayersRepository from "../db/repository/accsaber-players";
import accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository from '../db/repository/accsaber-players-history'; import accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository from "../db/repository/accsaber-players-history";
import keyValueRepository from '../db/repository/key-value' import keyValueRepository from "../db/repository/key-value";
import createPlayerService from '../services/scoresaber/player'; import createPlayerService from "../services/scoresaber/player";
import {capitalize, convertArrayToObjectByKey} from '../utils/js' import { capitalize, convertArrayToObjectByKey } from "../utils/js";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
import { import {
addToDate, addToDate,
toAccSaberMidnight, toAccSaberMidnight,
formatDate, formatDate,
dateFromString, truncateDate, dateFromString,
} from '../utils/date' truncateDate,
import {PRIORITY} from '../network/queues/http-queue' } from "../utils/date";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../utils/pending-promises' import { PRIORITY } from "../network/queues/http-queue";
import {getServicePlayerGain, serviceFilterFunc} from './utils' import makePendingPromisePool from "../utils/pending-promises";
import {PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE} from '../utils/accsaber/consts' import { getServicePlayerGain, serviceFilterFunc } from "./utils";
import {roundToPrecision} from '../utils/format' import { PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE } from "../utils/accsaber/consts";
import { roundToPrecision } from "../utils/format";
const CATEGORIES_ORDER = ['overall', 'true', 'standard', 'tech']; const CATEGORIES_ORDER = ["overall", "true", "standard", "tech"];
let service = null; let service = null;
export default () => { export default () => {
@ -40,61 +41,120 @@ export default () => {
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
const getCategories = async () => { const getCategories = async () => {
const categories = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`accSaberCategories`, () => accSaberCategoriesRepository().getAll()); const categories = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
() => accSaberCategoriesRepository().getAll(),
const getIdx = category => { const getIdx = (category) => {
const idx = CATEGORIES_ORDER.findIndex(v => v === category?.name); const idx = CATEGORIES_ORDER.findIndex((v) => v === category?.name);
return idx >= 0 ? idx : 100000; return idx >= 0 ? idx : 100000;
} };
return categories.sort((a,b) => getIdx(a) - getIdx(b)); return categories.sort((a, b) => getIdx(a) - getIdx(b));
} };
const getPlayer = async playerId => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`accSaberPlayer/${playerId}`, () => accSaberPlayersRepository().getAllFromIndex('accsaber-players-playerId', playerId)); const getPlayer = async (playerId) =>
const getRanking = async (category = 'overall') => accSaberPlayersRepository().getAllFromIndex('accsaber-players-category', category); resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`accSaberPlayer/${playerId}`, () =>
const getPlayerHistory = async playerId => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`accSaberPlayerHistory/${playerId}`, () => accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository().getAllFromIndex('accsaber-players-history-playerId', playerId)) accSaberPlayersRepository().getAllFromIndex(
const getRanking = async (category = "overall") =>
const getPlayerHistory = async (playerId) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`accSaberPlayerHistory/${playerId}`, () =>
const isDataForPlayerAvailable = async playerId => (await Promise.all([getPlayer(playerId), getCategories()])).every(d => d?.length) const isDataForPlayerAvailable = async (playerId) =>
(await Promise.all([getPlayer(playerId), getCategories()])).every(
(d) => d?.length,
const getPlayerGain = (playerHistory, daysAgo = 1, maxDaysAgo = 7) => getServicePlayerGain(playerHistory, toAccSaberMidnight, 'accSaberDate', daysAgo, maxDaysAgo); const getPlayerGain = (playerHistory, daysAgo = 1, maxDaysAgo = 7) =>
const getLastUpdatedKey = type => `accSaber${capitalize(type)}LastUpdated`; const getLastUpdatedKey = (type) => `accSaber${capitalize(type)}LastUpdated`;
const getLastUpdated = async (type = 'all') => keyValueRepository().get(getLastUpdatedKey(type)); const getLastUpdated = async (type = "all") =>
const setLastUpdated = async (type = 'all', date) => keyValueRepository().set(date, getLastUpdatedKey(type)); keyValueRepository().get(getLastUpdatedKey(type));
const setLastUpdated = async (type = "all", date) =>
keyValueRepository().set(date, getLastUpdatedKey(type));
const shouldRefresh = async (type = 'all', forceUpdate = false) => { const shouldRefresh = async (type = "all", forceUpdate = false) => {
if (!forceUpdate) { if (!forceUpdate) {
const lastUpdated = await getLastUpdated(type); const lastUpdated = await getLastUpdated(type);
if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) { if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
log.debug(`Refresh interval for ${type} not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated))}`, 'AccSaberService') log.debug(
`Refresh interval for ${type} not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated),
return false; return false;
} }
} }
return true; return true;
} };
const fetchScoresPage = async (playerId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {...options} = {}) => { const fetchScoresPage = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ ...options } = {},
) => {
if (!options) options = {}; if (!options) options = {};
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('cacheTtl')) options.cacheTtl = SCORES_NETWORK_TTL; if (!options.hasOwnProperty("cacheTtl"))
options.cacheTtl = SCORES_NETWORK_TTL;
const categoriesByDisplayName = convertArrayToObjectByKey(await getCategories(), 'displayName'); const categoriesByDisplayName = convertArrayToObjectByKey(
await getCategories(),
return (await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`fetchPlayerScores/${playerId}/${page}`, () => accSaberScoresApiClient.getProcessed({...options, playerId, page, priority}))) return (
.map(s => ({ await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
...s, `fetchPlayerScores/${playerId}/${page}`,
leaderboard: { () =>
...s?.leaderboard, accSaberScoresApiClient.getProcessed({
category: categoriesByDisplayName[s?.leaderboard?.categoryDisplayName]?.name ?? null, ...options,
} playerId,
})) page,
} priority,
).map((s) => ({
leaderboard: {
categoriesByDisplayName[s?.leaderboard?.categoryDisplayName]?.name ??
const getScoresHistogramDefinition = (serviceParams = {type: 'overall', sort: 'ap', order: 'desc'}) => { const getScoresHistogramDefinition = (
const scoreType = serviceParams?.type ?? 'overall'; serviceParams = { type: "overall", sort: "ap", order: "desc" },
const sort = serviceParams?.sort ?? 'ap'; ) => {
const order = serviceParams?.order ?? 'desc'; const scoreType = serviceParams?.type ?? "overall";
const sort = serviceParams?.sort ?? "ap";
const order = serviceParams?.order ?? "desc";
const commonFilterFunc = serviceFilterFunc(serviceParams); const commonFilterFunc = serviceFilterFunc(serviceParams);
@ -104,68 +164,75 @@ export default () => {
let maxBucketSize = null; let maxBucketSize = null;
let bucketSizeStep = null; let bucketSizeStep = null;
let bucketSizeValues = null; let bucketSizeValues = null;
let type = 'linear'; let type = "linear";
let valFunc = s => s; let valFunc = (s) => s;
let filterFunc = s => commonFilterFunc(s) && (scoreType === 'overall' || s?.leaderboard?.category === scoreType); let filterFunc = (s) =>
let histogramFilterFunc = s => s; commonFilterFunc(s) &&
let roundedValFunc = (s, type = type, precision = bucketSize) => type === 'linear' (scoreType === "overall" || s?.leaderboard?.category === scoreType);
? roundToPrecision(valFunc(s), precision) let histogramFilterFunc = (s) => s;
: truncateDate(valFunc(s), precision); let roundedValFunc = (s, type = type, precision = bucketSize) =>
let prefix = ''; type === "linear"
let prefixLong = ''; ? roundToPrecision(valFunc(s), precision)
let suffix = ''; : truncateDate(valFunc(s), precision);
let suffixLong = ''; let prefix = "";
let prefixLong = "";
let suffix = "";
let suffixLong = "";
switch(sort) { switch (sort) {
case 'ap': case "ap":
valFunc = s => s?.ap; valFunc = (s) => s?.ap;
type = 'linear'; type = "linear";
minBucketSize = 1; minBucketSize = 1;
maxBucketSize = 100; maxBucketSize = 100;
bucketSizeStep = 1; bucketSizeStep = 1;
round = 0; round = 0;
suffix = ' AP'; suffix = " AP";
suffixLong = ' AP'; suffixLong = " AP";
break; break;
case 'recent': case "recent":
valFunc = s => s?.timeSet; valFunc = (s) => s?.timeSet;
type = 'time'; type = "time";
bucketSize = 'day' bucketSize = "day";
break; break;
case 'acc': case "acc":
valFunc = s => s?.acc; valFunc = (s) => s?.acc;
type = 'linear'; type = "linear";
bucketSize = 0.05; bucketSize = 0.05;
minBucketSize = 0.05; minBucketSize = 0.05;
maxBucketSize = 1; maxBucketSize = 1;
bucketSizeStep = 0.05; bucketSizeStep = 0.05;
round = 2; round = 2;
suffix = '%'; suffix = "%";
suffixLong = '%'; suffixLong = "%";
break; break;
case 'rank': case "rank":
valFunc = s => s?.score?.rank; valFunc = (s) => s?.score?.rank;
type = 'linear'; type = "linear";
bucketSize = 5; bucketSize = 5;
minBucketSize = 1; minBucketSize = 1;
maxBucketSize = 100; maxBucketSize = 100;
bucketSizeStep = 1; bucketSizeStep = 1;
round = 0; round = 0;
prefix = ''; prefix = "";
prefixLong = '#'; prefixLong = "#";
break; break;
} }
return { return {
getValue: valFunc, getValue: valFunc,
getRoundedValue: (bucketSize = bucketSize) => s => roundedValFunc(s, type, bucketSize), getRoundedValue:
(bucketSize = bucketSize) =>
(s) =>
roundedValFunc(s, type, bucketSize),
filter: filterFunc, filter: filterFunc,
histogramFilter: histogramFilterFunc, histogramFilter: histogramFilterFunc,
sort: (a, b) => order === 'asc' ? valFunc(a) - valFunc(b) : valFunc(b) - valFunc(a), sort: (a, b) =>
order === "asc" ? valFunc(a) - valFunc(b) : valFunc(b) - valFunc(a),
type, type,
bucketSize, bucketSize,
minBucketSize, minBucketSize,
@ -177,164 +244,224 @@ export default () => {
prefixLong, prefixLong,
suffix, suffix,
suffixLong, suffixLong,
order order,
} };
} };
const getPlayerScores = async playerId => { const getPlayerScores = async (playerId) => {
try { try {
return fetchScoresPage(playerId, 1); return fetchScoresPage(playerId, 1);
} } catch (err) {
catch (err) {
return []; return [];
} }
} };
const getPlayerScoresPage = async (playerId, serviceParams = {sort: 'recent', order: 'desc', page: 1}) => { const getPlayerScoresPage = async (
serviceParams = { sort: "recent", order: "desc", page: 1 },
) => {
let page = serviceParams?.page ?? 1; let page = serviceParams?.page ?? 1;
if (page < 1) page = 1; if (page < 1) page = 1;
let playerScores; let playerScores;
try { try {
playerScores = await fetchScoresPage(playerId, page); playerScores = await fetchScoresPage(playerId, page);
} } catch (err) {
catch (err) { return { total: 0, scores: [] };
return {total: 0, scores: []};
} }
if (!playerScores?.length) return {total: 0, scores: []}; if (!playerScores?.length) return { total: 0, scores: [] };
const {sort: sortFunc, filter: filterFunc} = getScoresHistogramDefinition(serviceParams); const { sort: sortFunc, filter: filterFunc } =
playerScores = playerScores.filter(filterFunc).sort(sortFunc) playerScores = playerScores.filter(filterFunc).sort(sortFunc);
const startIdx = (page - 1) * PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE; const startIdx = (page - 1) * PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE;
if (playerScores.length < startIdx + 1) return {total: 0, scores: []}; if (playerScores.length < startIdx + 1) return { total: 0, scores: [] };
return { return {
total: playerScores.length, total: playerScores.length,
scores: playerScores scores: playerScores.slice(startIdx, startIdx + PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE),
.slice(startIdx, startIdx + PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE) };
} };
const fetchPlayerRankHistory = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {...options} = {}) => { const fetchPlayerRankHistory = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ ...options } = {},
) => {
if (!options) options = {}; if (!options) options = {};
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('cacheTtl')) options.cacheTtl = SCORES_NETWORK_TTL; if (!options.hasOwnProperty("cacheTtl"))
options.cacheTtl = SCORES_NETWORK_TTL;
return accSaberPlayerRankHistoryApiClient.getProcessed({...options, playerId, priority}); return accSaberPlayerRankHistoryApiClient.getProcessed({
} ...options,
const refreshCategories = async (forceUpdate = false, priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshCategories = async (
log.debug(`Starting AccSaber categories refreshing${forceUpdate ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'AccSaberService') forceUpdate = false,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting AccSaber categories refreshing${
forceUpdate ? " (forced)" : ""
try { try {
log.trace(`Fetching categories from DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Fetching categories from DB...`, "AccSaberService");
const dbCategories = await getCategories(); const dbCategories = await getCategories();
log.trace(`DB categories fetched`, 'AccSaberService', dbCategories); log.trace(`DB categories fetched`, "AccSaberService", dbCategories);
if (!await shouldRefresh('categories', forceUpdate)) return {changed: [], all: dbCategories}; if (!(await shouldRefresh("categories", forceUpdate)))
return { changed: [], all: dbCategories };
log.trace(`Fetching current categories from AccSaber...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`Fetching current categories from AccSaber...`,
let categories = await accSaberCategoriesApiClient.getProcessed({priority}); let categories = await accSaberCategoriesApiClient.getProcessed({
if (!categories || !categories.length) { if (!categories || !categories.length) {
log.warn(`AccSaber returned empty categories list`, 'AccSaberService') log.warn(`AccSaber returned empty categories list`, "AccSaberService");
return null; return null;
} }
categories = categories.concat([{ categories = categories.concat([
name: 'overall', {
displayName: 'Overall', name: "overall",
countsTowardsOverall: null, displayName: "Overall",
description: 'Overall' countsTowardsOverall: null,
}]); description: "Overall",
log.trace(`Categories fetched`, 'AccSaberService', categories); log.trace(`Categories fetched`, "AccSaberService", categories);
const dbCategoriesNames = =>; const dbCategoriesNames = =>;
const newCategories = categories.filter(c => !dbCategories || !dbCategoriesNames.includes(; const newCategories = categories.filter(
(c) => !dbCategories || !dbCategoriesNames.includes(,
if (newCategories && newCategories.length) if (newCategories && newCategories.length)
log.debug(`${newCategories.length} new categories found`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(
`${newCategories.length} new categories found`,
await db.runInTransaction(['accsaber-categories', 'key-value'], async tx => { await db.runInTransaction(
const newCategoriesNames = =>; ["accsaber-categories", "key-value"],
async (tx) => {
const newCategoriesNames = =>;
const accSaberCategoriesStore = tx.objectStore('accsaber-categories'); const accSaberCategoriesStore = tx.objectStore("accsaber-categories");
let cursor = await accSaberCategoriesStore.openCursor(); let cursor = await accSaberCategoriesStore.openCursor();
log.trace(`Remove old categories from DB`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Remove old categories from DB`, "AccSaberService");
while (cursor) { while (cursor) {
const category = cursor.value; const category = cursor.value;
if (!newCategoriesNames.includes( await cursor.delete(); if (!newCategoriesNames.includes(
await cursor.delete();
cursor = await cursor.continue(); cursor = await cursor.continue();
} }
log.trace(`Old categories removed from DB`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Old categories removed from DB`, "AccSaberService");
log.trace(`Updating categories in DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Updating categories in DB...`, "AccSaberService");
await Promise.all( c => accSaberCategoriesStore.put(c))); await Promise.all( (c) => accSaberCategoriesStore.put(c)),
log.trace(`Categories updated`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Categories updated`, "AccSaberService");
log.trace(`Updating categories last update date in DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`Updating categories last update date in DB...`,
await tx.objectStore('key-value').put(new Date(), getLastUpdatedKey('categories')); await tx
.put(new Date(), getLastUpdatedKey("categories"));
log.debug(`Categories last update date updated`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(`Categories last update date updated`, "AccSaberService");
}); },
accSaberCategoriesRepository().addToCache(categories); accSaberCategoriesRepository().addToCache(categories);
keyValueRepository().setCache(getLastUpdatedKey('categories'), new Date()); keyValueRepository().setCache(
new Date(),
log.debug(`Categories refreshing completed`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(`Categories refreshing completed`, "AccSaberService");
return {changed: newCategories, all: categories}; return { changed: newCategories, all: categories };
} } catch (e) {
catch(e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`Categories refreshing error`, 'AccSaberService', e) log.debug(`Categories refreshing error`, "AccSaberService", e);
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const updatePlayerHistory = async player => { const updatePlayerHistory = async (player) => {
if (!player?.playerId) return; if (!player?.playerId) return;
try { try {
log.debug(`Updating player ${player.playerId} history`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(
`Updating player ${player.playerId} history`,
const accSaberDate = toAccSaberMidnight(new Date()); const accSaberDate = toAccSaberMidnight(new Date());
const playerIdTimestamp = `${player.playerId}_${accSaberDate.getTime()}`; const playerIdTimestamp = `${player.playerId}_${accSaberDate.getTime()}`;
const existingData = await accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository().get(playerIdTimestamp); const existingData =
await accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository().get(playerIdTimestamp);
const lastUpdated = dateFromString(existingData?.lastUpdated); const lastUpdated = dateFromString(existingData?.lastUpdated);
if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) { if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
log.debug(`Refresh interval for player ${player.playerId} history not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated))}`, 'AccSaberService') log.debug(
`Refresh interval for player ${
} history not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated),
return; return;
} }
const categories = (await getCategories())?.map(c => ?? null; const categories = (await getCategories())?.map((c) => ?? null;
if (!categories) { if (!categories) {
log.trace(`No categories found, skip updating player ${player.playerId} history.`); log.trace(
`No categories found, skip updating player ${player.playerId} history.`,
return; return;
} }
let accStats = {}; let accStats = {};
for (const category of categories) { for (const category of categories) {
const playerAccInfo = (await getRanking(category) ?? []).find(p => p.playerId === player.playerId); const playerAccInfo = ((await getRanking(category)) ?? []).find(
(p) => p.playerId === player.playerId,
if (!playerAccInfo) continue; if (!playerAccInfo) continue;
const { const {
@ -358,109 +485,175 @@ export default () => {
accSaberDate, accSaberDate,
lastUpdated: new Date(), lastUpdated: new Date(),
playerIdTimestamp, playerIdTimestamp,
categories: accStats categories: accStats,
} };
await accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository().set(stats); await accSaberPlayersHistoryRepository().set(stats);
} else { } else {
log.trace(`No Acc Saber data for player ${player.playerId}, skipping history updating.`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`No Acc Saber data for player ${player.playerId}, skipping history updating.`,
return; return;
} }
log.debug(`Player ${player.playerId} history updated`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(`Player ${player.playerId} history updated`, "AccSaberService");
} catch (e) {
`Player ${player.playerId} history updating error.`,
} }
catch(e) { };
log.debug(`Player ${player.playerId} history updating error.`, 'AccSaberService', e);
const refreshRanking = async (category = 'overall', forceUpdate = false, priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshRanking = async (
log.debug(`Starting AccSaber ${category} ranking refreshing${forceUpdate ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'AccSaberService') category = "overall",
forceUpdate = false,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting AccSaber ${category} ranking refreshing${
forceUpdate ? " (forced)" : ""
try { try {
log.trace(`Fetching ${category} ranking from DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Fetching ${category} ranking from DB...`, "AccSaberService");
const dbRanking = await getRanking(category); const dbRanking = await getRanking(category);
log.trace(`DB ${category} ranking fetched`, 'AccSaberService', dbRanking); log.trace(`DB ${category} ranking fetched`, "AccSaberService", dbRanking);
const rankingType = `${category}Ranking` const rankingType = `${category}Ranking`;
if (!await shouldRefresh(rankingType, forceUpdate)) return dbRanking.sort((a, b) => a.rank - b.rank); if (!(await shouldRefresh(rankingType, forceUpdate)))
return dbRanking.sort((a, b) => a.rank - b.rank);
log.trace(`Fetching current ${category} ranking from AccSaber...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`Fetching current ${category} ranking from AccSaber...`,
const ranking = await accSaberRankingApiClient.getProcessed({category, priority}); const ranking = await accSaberRankingApiClient.getProcessed({
if (!ranking || !ranking.length) { if (!ranking || !ranking.length) {
log.warn(`AccSaber returned empty ${category} ranking`, 'AccSaberService') log.warn(
`AccSaber returned empty ${category} ranking`,
return null; return null;
} }
log.trace(`${capitalize(category)} ranking fetched`, 'AccSaberService', ranking); log.trace(
`${capitalize(category)} ranking fetched`,
log.trace(`Updating ${category} ranking...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Updating ${category} ranking...`, "AccSaberService");
await db.runInTransaction(['accsaber-players', 'key-value'], async tx => { await db.runInTransaction(
const newPlayerIds = => c.playerId); ["accsaber-players", "key-value"],
async (tx) => {
const newPlayerIds = => c.playerId);
const accSaberPlayersStore = tx.objectStore('accsaber-players'); const accSaberPlayersStore = tx.objectStore("accsaber-players");
let cursor = await accSaberPlayersStore.openCursor(); let cursor = await accSaberPlayersStore.openCursor();
log.trace(`Remove old players from DB for category ${category}`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`Remove old players from DB for category ${category}`,
while (cursor) { while (cursor) {
const player = cursor.value; const player = cursor.value;
if (player.category === category && !newPlayerIds.includes(player.playerId)) await cursor.delete(); if (
player.category === category &&
await cursor.delete();
cursor = await cursor.continue(); cursor = await cursor.continue();
} }
log.trace(`Old players removed from DB`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Old players removed from DB`, "AccSaberService");
log.trace(`Updating players in DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Updating players in DB...`, "AccSaberService");
await Promise.all( p => accSaberPlayersStore.put(p))); await Promise.all( (p) => accSaberPlayersStore.put(p)),
log.trace(`Players updated`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(`Players updated`, "AccSaberService");
log.trace(`Updating players last update date in DB...`, 'AccSaberService'); log.trace(
`Updating players last update date in DB...`,
await tx.objectStore('key-value').put(new Date(), getLastUpdatedKey(rankingType)); await tx
.put(new Date(), getLastUpdatedKey(rankingType));
log.debug(`Players last update date updated`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(`Players last update date updated`, "AccSaberService");
}); },
accSaberPlayersRepository().addToCache(ranking); accSaberPlayersRepository().addToCache(ranking);
keyValueRepository().setCache(getLastUpdatedKey(rankingType), new Date()); keyValueRepository().setCache(getLastUpdatedKey(rankingType), new Date());
log.debug(`${capitalize(category)} ranking refreshing completed`, 'AccSaberService'); log.debug(
`${capitalize(category)} ranking refreshing completed`,
return ranking.sort((a, b) => a.rank - b.rank); return ranking.sort((a, b) => a.rank - b.rank);
} } catch (e) {
catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(` ${capitalize(category)} ranking refreshing error`, 'AccSaberService', e) log.debug(
` ${capitalize(category)} ranking refreshing error`,
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const refreshAll = async (category = 'overall', forceUpdate = false, priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshAll = async (
log.trace(`Starting AccSaber all data refreshing${forceUpdate ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'AccSaberService') category = "overall",
forceUpdate = false,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting AccSaber all data refreshing${
forceUpdate ? " (forced)" : ""
try { try {
const dbCategories = await refreshCategories(); const dbCategories = await refreshCategories();
if (!dbCategories || !dbCategories.all) throw 'Can not refresh categories'; if (!dbCategories || !dbCategories.all)
throw "Can not refresh categories";
const allRankings = await Promise.all( const allRankings = await Promise.all( => category => refreshRanking(category)) dbCategories.all
) .map((c) =>
.map(async (category) => refreshRanking(category)),
log.debug(`All data refreshing completed.`, 'AccSaberService') log.debug(`All data refreshing completed.`, "AccSaberService");
const rankings = allRankings.reduce((cum, ranking) => { const rankings = allRankings.reduce((cum, ranking) => {
if (!ranking || !ranking.length) return cum; if (!ranking || !ranking.length) return cum;
@ -470,21 +663,28 @@ export default () => {
return cum; return cum;
}, {}); }, {});
Promise.all((await playerService.getAllActive()).map(async player => updatePlayerHistory(player))).then(_ => _); Promise.all(
(await playerService.getAllActive()).map(async (player) =>
).then((_) => _);
return => ({...c, ranking: rankings?.[] ?? []})); return => ({
ranking: rankings?.[] ?? [],
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`All data refreshing error`, 'AccSaberService', e) log.debug(`All data refreshing error`, "AccSaberService", e);
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
service = null; service = null;
} };
service = { service = {
isDataForPlayerAvailable, isDataForPlayerAvailable,
@ -502,7 +702,7 @@ export default () => {
refreshRanking, refreshRanking,
refreshAll, refreshAll,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,243 +1,316 @@
import hashApiClient from '../network/clients/beatmaps/api-hash'; import hashApiClient from "../network/clients/beatmaps/api-hash";
import keyApiClient from '../network/clients/beatmaps/api-key'; import keyApiClient from "../network/clients/beatmaps/api-key";
import {PRIORITY} from '../network/queues/http-queue'; import { PRIORITY } from "../network/queues/http-queue";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
import {SsrHttpNotFoundError, SsrNetworkError} from '../network/errors' import { SsrHttpNotFoundError, SsrNetworkError } from "../network/errors";
import songsBeatMapsRepository from "../db/repository/songs-beatmaps"; import songsBeatMapsRepository from "../db/repository/songs-beatmaps";
import cacheRepository from "../db/repository/cache"; import cacheRepository from "../db/repository/cache";
import {addToDate, dateFromString, HOUR} from '../utils/date' import { addToDate, dateFromString, HOUR } from "../utils/date";
import {capitalize, opt} from '../utils/js' import { capitalize, opt } from "../utils/js";
const BM_SUSPENSION_KEY = 'bmSuspension'; const BM_SUSPENSION_KEY = "bmSuspension";
const BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY = 'bm404'; const BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY = "bm404";
'e738b38b594861745bfb0473c66ca5cca15072ff': [ e738b38b594861745bfb0473c66ca5cca15072ff: [
{type: 'Standard', diff: "ExpertPlus", notes: 942} { type: "Standard", diff: "ExpertPlus", notes: 942 },
] ],
} };
export default () => { export default () => {
const cacheSongInfo = async (songInfo, originalHash) => { const cacheSongInfo = async (songInfo, originalHash) => {
if (!songInfo) return null; if (!songInfo) return null;
const hash = originalHash && originalHash.length ? originalHash : songInfo.hash; const hash =
originalHash && originalHash.length ? originalHash : songInfo.hash;
if (!hash || !songInfo.key) return null; if (!hash || !songInfo.key) return null;
songInfo.hash = hash.toLowerCase(); songInfo.hash = hash.toLowerCase();
songInfo.key = songInfo.key.toLowerCase(); songInfo.key = songInfo.key.toLowerCase();
delete songInfo.description; delete songInfo.description;
await songsBeatMapsRepository().set(songInfo); await songsBeatMapsRepository().set(songInfo);
return songInfo; return songInfo;
const isSuspended = (bsSuspension) =>
!!bsSuspension &&
bsSuspension.activeTo > new Date() &&
bsSuspension.started > addToDate(-24 * HOUR);
const getCurrentSuspension = async () =>
const prolongSuspension = async (bsSuspension) => {
const current = new Date();
const suspension = isSuspended(bsSuspension)
? bsSuspension
: { started: current, activeTo: new Date(), count: 0 };
suspension.activeTo = addToDate(
Math.pow(2, suspension.count) * HOUR,
return await cacheRepository().set(suspension, BM_SUSPENSION_KEY);
const get404Hashes = async () => cacheRepository().get(BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY);
const set404Hashes = async (hashes) =>
cacheRepository().set(hashes, BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY);
const setHashNotFound = async (hash) => {
let songs404 = await get404Hashes();
if (!songs404) songs404 = {};
const item = songs404[hash]
? songs404[hash]
: { firstTry: new Date(), recentTry: null, count: 0 };
if (
!item.recentTry ||
new Date()
) {
item.recentTry = new Date();
songs404[hash] = item;
await set404Hashes(songs404);
} }
const isHashUnavailable = async (hash) => {
const songs404 = await get404Hashes();
return songs404 && songs404[hash] && songs404[hash].count >= 3;
const isSuspended = bsSuspension => !!bsSuspension && bsSuspension.activeTo > new Date() && bsSuspension.started > addToDate(-24 * HOUR); const fixInvalidNotesCount = (hash, songInfo) => {
const getCurrentSuspension = async () => cacheRepository().get(BM_SUSPENSION_KEY); if (!hash) return songInfo;
const prolongSuspension = async bsSuspension => {
const current = new Date();
const suspension = isSuspended(bsSuspension) ? bsSuspension : {started: current, activeTo: new Date(), count: 0}; if (INVALID_NOTES_COUNT_FIXES[hash] && songInfo?.versions)
songInfo.versions.forEach((si) => {
if (!si?.diffs) return;
suspension.activeTo = addToDate(Math.pow(2, suspension.count) * HOUR, suspension.activeTo); si.diffs.forEach((d) => {
suspension.count++; const newNotesCnt = INVALID_NOTES_COUNT_FIXES[hash].find(
(f) => f.type === d?.characteristic && f.diff === d?.difficulty,
if (!newNotesCnt) return;
return await cacheRepository().set(suspension, BM_SUSPENSION_KEY); d.notes = newNotesCnt.notes;
} });
const get404Hashes = async () => cacheRepository().get(BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY); return songInfo;
const set404Hashes = async hashes => cacheRepository().set(hashes, BM_NOT_FOUND_KEY); };
const setHashNotFound = async hash => {
let songs404 = await get404Hashes();
if (!songs404) songs404 = {};
const item = songs404[hash] ? songs404[hash] : {firstTry: new Date(), recentTry: null, count: 0}; const fetchSong = async (
forceUpdate = false,
cacheOnly = false,
errSongId = "",
hash = null,
) => {
if (!forceUpdate && songInfo) return fixInvalidNotesCount(hash, songInfo);
if (!item.recentTry || addToDate(BM_NOT_FOUND_HOURS_BETWEEN_COUNTS * HOUR, item.recentTry) < new Date()) { if (cacheOnly) return null;
item.recentTry = new Date();
songs404[hash] = item; let bsSuspension = await getCurrentSuspension();
await set404Hashes(songs404); try {
} if (
} isSuspended(bsSuspension) ||
const isHashUnavailable = async hash => { (hash && (await isHashUnavailable(hash)))
const songs404 = await get404Hashes(); )
return songs404 && songs404[hash] && songs404[hash].count >= 3; return null;
const fixInvalidNotesCount = (hash, songInfo) => { const songInfo = await fetchFunc();
if (!hash) return songInfo; if (!songInfo) {
log.warn(`Song "${errSongId}" is no longer available at BeatSaver.`);
return null;
if (INVALID_NOTES_COUNT_FIXES[hash] && songInfo?.versions) return fixInvalidNotesCount(hash, cacheSongInfo(songInfo, hash));
songInfo.versions.forEach(si => { } catch (err) {
if (!si?.diffs) return; if (hash && err instanceof SsrHttpNotFoundError) {
await setHashNotFound(hash);
si.diffs.forEach(d => { }
const newNotesCnt = INVALID_NOTES_COUNT_FIXES[hash].find(f => f.type === d?.characteristic && f.diff === d?.difficulty);
if (!newNotesCnt) return;
d.notes = newNotesCnt.notes;
return songInfo;
const fetchSong = async (songInfo, fetchFunc, forceUpdate = false, cacheOnly = false, errSongId = '', hash = null) => {
if (!forceUpdate && songInfo) return fixInvalidNotesCount(hash, songInfo);
if(cacheOnly) return null;
let bsSuspension = await getCurrentSuspension();
if (err instanceof SsrNetworkError && err.message === "Network error") {
try { try {
if (isSuspended(bsSuspension) || (hash && await isHashUnavailable(hash))) return null; await prolongSuspension(bsSuspension);
} catch {}
const songInfo = await fetchFunc(); log.warn(`Error fetching BeatSaver song "${errSongId}"`);
if (!songInfo) {
log.warn(`Song "${errSongId}" is no longer available at BeatSaver.`);
return null;
return fixInvalidNotesCount(hash, cacheSongInfo(songInfo, hash)); return null;
} catch (err) {
if (hash && err instanceof SsrHttpNotFoundError) {
await setHashNotFound(hash);
if (err instanceof SsrNetworkError && err.message === 'Network error') {
try {await prolongSuspension(bsSuspension)} catch {}
log.warn(`Error fetching BeatSaver song "${errSongId}"`);
return null;
} }
const byHash = async (hash, forceUpdate = false, cacheOnly = false, signal = null, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => { const byHash = async (
hash = hash.toLowerCase(); hash,
forceUpdate = false,
cacheOnly = false,
signal = null,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
) => {
hash = hash.toLowerCase();
const songInfo = await songsBeatMapsRepository().get(hash); const songInfo = await songsBeatMapsRepository().get(hash);
return fetchSong(songInfo, () => hashApiClient.getProcessed({hash, signal, priority}), forceUpdate, cacheOnly, hash, hash) return fetchSong(
} songInfo,
() => hashApiClient.getProcessed({ hash, signal, priority }),
const byKey = async (key, forceUpdate = false, cacheOnly = false, signal = null, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => { const byKey = async (
key = key.toLowerCase(); key,
forceUpdate = false,
cacheOnly = false,
signal = null,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
) => {
key = key.toLowerCase();
const songInfo = await songsBeatMapsRepository().getFromIndex('songs-beatmaps-key', key); const songInfo = await songsBeatMapsRepository().getFromIndex(
return fetchSong(songInfo, () => keyApiClient.getProcessed({key, signal, priority}), forceUpdate, cacheOnly, key) return fetchSong(
} songInfo,
() => keyApiClient.getProcessed({ key, signal, priority }),
const convertOldBeatSaverToBeatMaps = song => { const convertOldBeatSaverToBeatMaps = (song) => {
let {key, hash, name, metadata: {characteristics}} = song; let {
metadata: { characteristics },
} = song;
if (!key || !hash || !name || !characteristics || !Array.isArray(characteristics)) return null; if (
!key ||
!hash ||
!name ||
!characteristics ||
return null;
if (hash.toLowerCase) hash = hash.toLowerCase(); if (hash.toLowerCase) hash = hash.toLowerCase();
const diffs = characteristics.reduce((diffs, ch) => { const diffs = characteristics.reduce((diffs, ch) => {
if (! || !ch.difficulties) return diffs; if (! || !ch.difficulties) return diffs;
const characteristic =; const characteristic =;
return diffs.concat( return diffs
Object.entries(ch.difficulties) .concat(
.map(([difficulty, obj]) => { Object.entries(ch.difficulties).map(([difficulty, obj]) => {
if (!obj) return null; if (!obj) return null;
difficulty = capitalize(difficulty); difficulty = capitalize(difficulty);
const seconds = opt(obj, 'length', null); const seconds = opt(obj, "length", null);
const notes = opt(obj, 'notes', null) const notes = opt(obj, "notes", null);
const nps = notes && seconds ? notes / seconds : null; const nps = notes && seconds ? notes / seconds : null;
return { return {
njs: opt(obj, 'njs', null), njs: opt(obj, "njs", null),
offset: opt(obj, 'njsOffset', null), offset: opt(obj, "njsOffset", null),
notes, notes,
bombs: opt(obj, 'bombs', null), bombs: opt(obj, "bombs", null),
obstacles: opt(obj, 'obstacles', null), obstacles: opt(obj, "obstacles", null),
nps, nps,
length: opt(obj, 'duration', null), length: opt(obj, "duration", null),
characteristic, characteristic,
difficulty, difficulty,
events: null, events: null,
chroma: null, chroma: null,
me: null, me: null,
ne: null, ne: null,
cinema: null, cinema: null,
seconds, seconds,
paritySummary: { paritySummary: {
errors: null, errors: null,
warns: null, warns: null,
resets: null, resets: null,
}, },
stars: null, stars: null,
}; };
})) }),
.filter(diff => diff) )
}, []); .filter((diff) => diff);
}, []);
return {
lastUpdated: dateFromString(opt(song, 'uploaded', new Date())),
oldBeatSaverId: opt(song, '_id', null),
id: key,
description: '',
uploader: {
id: null,
name: opt(song, 'uploader.username', null),
hash: null,
avatar: null
metadata: {
bpm: opt(song, 'metadata.bpm', null),
duration: opt(song, 'metadata.duration', null),
songName: opt(song, 'metadata.songName', ''),
songSubName: opt(song, 'metadata.songSubName', ''),
songAuthorName: opt(song, 'metadata.songAuthorName', ''),
levelAuthorName: opt(song, 'metadata.levelAuthorName', '')
stats: {
plays: opt(song, 'stats.plays', 0),
downloads: opt(song, 'stats.downloads', 0),
upvotes: opt(song, 'stats.upVotes', 0),
downvotes: opt(song, 'stats.downVotes', 0),
score: null
uploaded: opt(song, 'uploaded', null),
automapper: !!opt(song, 'metadata.automapper', false),
ranked: null,
qualified: null,
versions: [
state: "Published",
createdAt: opt(song, 'uploaded', null),
sageScore: null,
downloadURL: `${hash}.zip`,
coverURL: `${hash}.jpg`,
previewURL: `${hash}.mp3`
return { return {
byHash, lastUpdated: dateFromString(opt(song, "uploaded", new Date())),
byKey, oldBeatSaverId: opt(song, "_id", null),
convertOldBeatSaverToBeatMaps id: key,
} hash,
} key,
description: "",
uploader: {
id: null,
name: opt(song, "uploader.username", null),
hash: null,
avatar: null,
metadata: {
bpm: opt(song, "metadata.bpm", null),
duration: opt(song, "metadata.duration", null),
songName: opt(song, "metadata.songName", ""),
songSubName: opt(song, "metadata.songSubName", ""),
songAuthorName: opt(song, "metadata.songAuthorName", ""),
levelAuthorName: opt(song, "metadata.levelAuthorName", ""),
stats: {
plays: opt(song, "stats.plays", 0),
downloads: opt(song, "stats.downloads", 0),
upvotes: opt(song, "stats.upVotes", 0),
downvotes: opt(song, "stats.downVotes", 0),
score: null,
uploaded: opt(song, "uploaded", null),
automapper: !!opt(song, "metadata.automapper", false),
ranked: null,
qualified: null,
versions: [
state: "Published",
createdAt: opt(song, "uploaded", null),
sageScore: null,
downloadURL: `${hash}.zip`,
coverURL: `${hash}.jpg`,
previewURL: `${hash}.mp3`,
return {

@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
import {PRIORITY} from '../network/queues/http-queue'; import { PRIORITY } from "../network/queues/http-queue";
import createPlayerService from './scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "./scoresaber/player";
import createScoresService from './scoresaber/scores' import createScoresService from "./scoresaber/scores";
import beatSaviorApiClient from '../network/clients/beatsavior/api'; import beatSaviorApiClient from "../network/clients/beatsavior/api";
import beatSaviorRepository from '../db/repository/beat-savior' import beatSaviorRepository from "../db/repository/beat-savior";
import beatSaviorPlayersRepository from '../db/repository/beat-savior-players' import beatSaviorPlayersRepository from "../db/repository/beat-savior-players";
import {addToDate, DAY, formatDate, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, truncateDate} from '../utils/date' import {
import log from '../utils/logger' addToDate,
import {opt} from '../utils/js' DAY,
import makePendingPromisePool from '../utils/pending-promises' formatDate,
import {PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE} from '../utils/scoresaber/consts' HOUR,
import {roundToPrecision} from '../utils/format' MINUTE,
import {serviceFilterFunc} from './utils' SECOND,
} from "../utils/date";
import log from "../utils/logger";
import { opt } from "../utils/js";
import makePendingPromisePool from "../utils/pending-promises";
import { PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE } from "../utils/scoresaber/consts";
import { roundToPrecision } from "../utils/format";
import { serviceFilterFunc } from "./utils";
@ -30,52 +38,73 @@ export default () => {
const playerService = createPlayerService(); const playerService = createPlayerService();
const scoresService = createScoresService(); const scoresService = createScoresService();
const getPlayerScores = async playerId => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`getPlayerScores/${playerId}`, () => beatSaviorRepository().getAllFromIndex('beat-savior-playerId', playerId)); const getPlayerScores = async (playerId) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`getPlayerScores/${playerId}`, () =>
beatSaviorRepository().getAllFromIndex("beat-savior-playerId", playerId),
const getPlayerScoresWithScoreSaber = async playerId => { const getPlayerScoresWithScoreSaber = async (playerId) => {
const [beatSaviorData, playerScores] = await Promise.all([ const [beatSaviorData, playerScores] = await Promise.all([
getPlayerScores(playerId), getPlayerScores(playerId),
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`getSsPlayerScores/${playerId}`, () => scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject( resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`getSsPlayerScores/${playerId}`, () =>
playerId, scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject(
score => score?.leaderboard?.song?.hash?.toLowerCase() ?? null, playerId,
true, (score) => score?.leaderboard?.song?.hash?.toLowerCase() ?? null,
)), true,
]); ]);
return => { return => {
if (!bsData?.hash || !playerScores?.[bsData?.hash?.toLowerCase()]) return bsData; if (!bsData?.hash || !playerScores?.[bsData?.hash?.toLowerCase()])
return bsData;
const ssScore = playerScores[bsData.hash.toLowerCase()].find(ssScore => isScoreMatchingBsData(ssScore, bsData, true)) ?? null; const ssScore =
playerScores[bsData.hash.toLowerCase()].find((ssScore) =>
isScoreMatchingBsData(ssScore, bsData, true),
) ?? null;
return { return {
...bsData, ...bsData,
ssScore ssScore,
} };
}); });
} };
const isScoreMatchingBsData = (score, bsData, exact = true) => { const isScoreMatchingBsData = (score, bsData, exact = true) => {
if (!bsData.hash || !bsData.score || !bsData.timeSet || !opt(bsData, 'stats.won')) return false; if (
!bsData.hash ||
!bsData.score ||
!bsData.timeSet ||
!opt(bsData, "stats.won")
return false;
const diff = opt(score, 'leaderboard.diffInfo.diff'); const diff = opt(score, "leaderboard.diffInfo.diff");
const scoreValue = opt(score, 'score.score'); const scoreValue = opt(score, "score.score");
const timeSet = opt(score, 'score.timeSet') const timeSet = opt(score, "score.timeSet");
let hash = opt(score, ''); let hash = opt(score, "");
if (!diff || !score || !timeSet || !hash) return false; if (!diff || !score || !timeSet || !hash) return false;
hash = hash.toLowerCase(); hash = hash.toLowerCase();
if (bsData.hash === hash && bsData.diff === diff) { if (bsData.hash === hash && bsData.diff === diff) {
return !exact || (bsData.score === scoreValue && Math.abs(timeSet.getTime() - bsData.timeSet.getTime()) < MINUTE); return (
!exact ||
(bsData.score === scoreValue &&
Math.abs(timeSet.getTime() - bsData.timeSet.getTime()) < MINUTE)
} }
return false; return false;
} };
const getScoresHistogramDefinition = (serviceParams = {sort: 'recent', order: 'desc'}) => { const getScoresHistogramDefinition = (
const sort = serviceParams?.sort ?? 'recent'; serviceParams = { sort: "recent", order: "desc" },
const order = serviceParams?.order ?? 'desc'; ) => {
const sort = serviceParams?.sort ?? "recent";
const order = serviceParams?.order ?? "desc";
let round = 2; let round = 2;
let bucketSize = 1; let bucketSize = 1;
@ -83,57 +112,65 @@ export default () => {
let maxBucketSize = null; let maxBucketSize = null;
let bucketSizeStep = null; let bucketSizeStep = null;
let bucketSizeValues = null; let bucketSizeValues = null;
let type = 'linear'; let type = "linear";
let valFunc = s => s; let valFunc = (s) => s;
let filterFunc = serviceFilterFunc(serviceParams); let filterFunc = serviceFilterFunc(serviceParams);
let histogramFilterFunc = s => s; let histogramFilterFunc = (s) => s;
let roundedValFunc = (s, type = type, precision = bucketSize) => type === 'linear' let roundedValFunc = (s, type = type, precision = bucketSize) =>
? roundToPrecision(valFunc(s), precision) type === "linear"
: truncateDate(valFunc(s), precision); ? roundToPrecision(valFunc(s), precision)
let prefix = ''; : truncateDate(valFunc(s), precision);
let prefixLong = ''; let prefix = "";
let suffix = ''; let prefixLong = "";
let suffixLong = ''; let suffix = "";
let suffixLong = "";
switch(sort) { switch (sort) {
case 'recent': case "recent":
valFunc = s => s?.timeSet; valFunc = (s) => s?.timeSet;
type = 'time'; type = "time";
bucketSize = 'day' bucketSize = "day";
break; break;
case 'acc': case "acc":
valFunc = s => (s?.trackers?.scoreTracker?.rawRatio ?? 0) * 100; valFunc = (s) => (s?.trackers?.scoreTracker?.rawRatio ?? 0) * 100;
histogramFilterFunc = h => h?.x >= HISTOGRAM_ACC_THRESHOLD; histogramFilterFunc = (h) => h?.x >= HISTOGRAM_ACC_THRESHOLD;
type = 'linear'; type = "linear";
bucketSize = 0.25; bucketSize = 0.25;
minBucketSize = 0.05; minBucketSize = 0.05;
maxBucketSize = 10; maxBucketSize = 10;
bucketSizeStep = 0.05; bucketSizeStep = 0.05;
round = 2; round = 2;
suffix = '%'; suffix = "%";
suffixLong = '%'; suffixLong = "%";
break; break;
case 'mistakes': case "mistakes":
valFunc = s => (s?.stats?.miss ?? 0) + (s?.stats?.wallHit ?? 0) + (s?.stats?.bombHit ?? 0); valFunc = (s) =>
histogramFilterFunc = h => h?.x <= HISTOGRAM_MISTAKES_THRESHOLD; (s?.stats?.miss ?? 0) +
type = 'linear'; (s?.stats?.wallHit ?? 0) +
(s?.stats?.bombHit ?? 0);
histogramFilterFunc = (h) => h?.x <= HISTOGRAM_MISTAKES_THRESHOLD;
type = "linear";
bucketSize = 1; bucketSize = 1;
minBucketSize = 1; minBucketSize = 1;
maxBucketSize = 50; maxBucketSize = 50;
bucketSizeStep = 1; bucketSizeStep = 1;
round = 0; round = 0;
suffixLong = ' mistake(s)'; suffixLong = " mistake(s)";
break; break;
} }
return { return {
getValue: valFunc, getValue: valFunc,
getRoundedValue: (bucketSize = bucketSize) => s => roundedValFunc(s, type, bucketSize), getRoundedValue:
(bucketSize = bucketSize) =>
(s) =>
roundedValFunc(s, type, bucketSize),
filter: filterFunc, filter: filterFunc,
histogramFilter: histogramFilterFunc, histogramFilter: histogramFilterFunc,
sort: (a, b) => order === 'asc' ? valFunc(a) - valFunc(b) : valFunc(b) - valFunc(a), sort: (a, b) =>
order === "asc" ? valFunc(a) - valFunc(b) : valFunc(b) - valFunc(a),
type, type,
bucketSize, bucketSize,
minBucketSize, minBucketSize,
@ -145,37 +182,42 @@ export default () => {
prefixLong, prefixLong,
suffix, suffix,
suffixLong, suffixLong,
order order,
} };
} };
const getPlayerScoresPage = async (playerId, serviceParams = {sort: 'recent', order: 'desc', page: 1}) => { const getPlayerScoresPage = async (
serviceParams = { sort: "recent", order: "desc", page: 1 },
) => {
let page = serviceParams?.page ?? 1; let page = serviceParams?.page ?? 1;
if (page < 1) page = 1; if (page < 1) page = 1;
let playerScores = await getPlayerScores(playerId); let playerScores = await getPlayerScores(playerId);
if (!playerScores || !playerScores.length) return {total: 0, scores: []}; if (!playerScores || !playerScores.length) return { total: 0, scores: [] };
const {sort: sortFunc, filter: filterFunc} = getScoresHistogramDefinition(serviceParams); const { sort: sortFunc, filter: filterFunc } =
playerScores = playerScores.filter(filterFunc).sort(sortFunc) playerScores = playerScores.filter(filterFunc).sort(sortFunc);
const startIdx = (page - 1) * PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE; const startIdx = (page - 1) * PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE;
if (playerScores.length < startIdx + 1) return {total: 0, scores: []}; if (playerScores.length < startIdx + 1) return { total: 0, scores: [] };
return { return {
total: playerScores.length, total: playerScores.length,
scores: playerScores scores: playerScores
.slice(startIdx, startIdx + PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE) .slice(startIdx, startIdx + PLAYER_SCORES_PER_PAGE)
.map(bs => { .map((bs) => {
const leaderboard = bs.leaderboard; const leaderboard = bs.leaderboard;
if (!leaderboard.leaderboardId) leaderboard.leaderboardId = bs.beatSaviorId; if (!leaderboard.leaderboardId)
leaderboard.leaderboardId = bs.beatSaviorId;
leaderboard.leaderboardId += Math.random(); // ScoresSvelte needs different keys for each scores row leaderboard.leaderboardId += Math.random(); // ScoresSvelte needs different keys for each scores row
const rawScore = opt(bs, 'trackers.scoreTracker.rawScore', 0); const rawScore = opt(bs, "trackers.scoreTracker.rawScore", 0);
const rawRatio = opt(bs, 'trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio', 0); const rawRatio = opt(bs, "trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio", 0);
const maxScore = rawRatio & rawScore ? rawScore / rawRatio : 0; const maxScore = rawRatio & rawScore ? rawScore / rawRatio : 0;
return { return {
@ -188,51 +230,76 @@ export default () => {
score: { score: {
acc: rawRatio * 100, acc: rawRatio * 100,
maxScore, maxScore,
mods: opt(bs, 'trackers.scoreTracker.modifiers', null), mods: opt(bs, "trackers.scoreTracker.modifiers", null),
percentage: opt(bs, 'trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio', 0) * 100, percentage: opt(bs, "trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio", 0) * 100,
pp: 0, pp: 0,
ppWeighted: 0, ppWeighted: 0,
rank: null, rank: null,
score: opt(bs, 'trackers.scoreTracker.score', 0), score: opt(bs, "trackers.scoreTracker.score", 0),
scoreId: bs.beatSaviorId, scoreId: bs.beatSaviorId,
timeSet: bs.timeSet, timeSet: bs.timeSet,
unmodifiedScore: rawScore, unmodifiedScore: rawScore,
weight: 0, weight: 0,
}, },
timeSet: bs.timeSet, timeSet: bs.timeSet,
} };
}) }),
}; };
} };
const updateData = async (playerId, data) => { const updateData = async (playerId, data) => {
log.debug(`Updating Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"...`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.debug(
`Updating Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"...`,
await Promise.all( d => beatSaviorRepository().set(d))); await Promise.all( (d) => beatSaviorRepository().set(d)));
log.debug(`Update player "${playerId}" Beat Savior last refresh date...`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.debug(
`Update player "${playerId}" Beat Savior last refresh date...`,
await beatSaviorPlayersRepository().set({playerId, lastRefresh: new Date()}) await beatSaviorPlayersRepository().set({
lastRefresh: new Date(),
log.debug(`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" updated.`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.debug(
`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" updated.`,
return data; return data;
} };
const fetchPlayer = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL) => { const fetchPlayer = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL) => {
try { try {
log.debug(`Fetching Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"...`, 'BeatSaviorService'); log.debug(
`Fetching Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"...`,
const data = await beatSaviorApiClient.getProcessed({playerId, priority}); const data = await beatSaviorApiClient.getProcessed({
if (!data) { if (!data) {
log.debug(`No Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.debug(
`No Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}"`,
return null; return null;
} }
// TODO: check if data already exists in DB // TODO: check if data already exists in DB
log.trace(`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" fetched`, 'BeatSaviorService', data); log.trace(
`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" fetched`,
return updateData(playerId, data); return updateData(playerId, data);
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
@ -240,62 +307,121 @@ export default () => {
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const refresh = async (playerId, force = false, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refresh = async (
log.trace(`Starting refreshing BeatSavior for player "${playerId}" ${force ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'BeatSaviorService') playerId,
force = false,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting refreshing BeatSavior for player "${playerId}" ${
force ? " (forced)" : ""
try { try {
const player = await playerService.get(playerId); const player = await playerService.get(playerId);
: player
const bsPlayerInfo = await beatSaviorPlayersRepository().get(playerId); const bsPlayerInfo = await beatSaviorPlayersRepository().get(playerId);
const nextUpdate = bsPlayerInfo && bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh ? addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh) : addToDate(-SECOND); const nextUpdate =
bsPlayerInfo && bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh
? addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh)
: addToDate(-SECOND);
if (!force && bsPlayerInfo && nextUpdate > new Date()) { if (!force && bsPlayerInfo && nextUpdate > new Date()) {
log.debug(`Beat Savior data is still fresh, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(nextUpdate)}`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.debug(
`Beat Savior data is still fresh, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
return null; return null;
if (player) { if (player) {
log.trace(`Player "${playerId}" is a cached one, checking recent play date`, 'BeatSaviorService') log.trace(
`Player "${playerId}" is a cached one, checking recent play date`,
if (player.recentPlay && player.recentPlay < bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh) { if (
log.debug(`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" was refreshed after recent play, skipping`, 'BeatSaviorService') player.recentPlay &&
player.recentPlay < bsPlayerInfo.lastRefresh
) {
`Beat Savior data for player "${playerId}" was refreshed after recent play, skipping`,
return null; return null;
} }
} }
} }
return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`refresh/${playerId}`, () => fetchPlayer(playerId, priority)); return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`refresh/${playerId}`, () =>
fetchPlayer(playerId, priority),
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`Beat Savior data refreshing error${e.toString ? `: ${e.toString()}` : ''}`, 'BeatSaviorService', e) log.debug(
`Beat Savior data refreshing error${
e.toString ? `: ${e.toString()}` : ""
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const refreshAll = async (force = false, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshAll = async (
log.trace(`Starting refreshing Beat Savior data for all players${force ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'BeatSaviorService'); force = false,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting refreshing Beat Savior data for all players${
force ? " (forced)" : ""
const allPlayers = await playerService.getAll(); const allPlayers = await playerService.getAll();
if (!allPlayers || !allPlayers.length) { if (!allPlayers || !allPlayers.length) {
log.trace(`No players in DB, skipping.`, 'BeatSaviorService'); log.trace(`No players in DB, skipping.`, "BeatSaviorService");
return null; return null;
} }
const allRefreshed = await Promise.all( player => ({ const allRefreshed = await Promise.all(
playerId: player.playerId, (player) => ({
beatSavior: await refresh(player.playerId, force, priority, throwErrors), playerId: player.playerId,
}))); beatSavior: await refresh(
log.trace(`Beat Savior data for all players refreshed.`, 'BeatSaviorService', allRefreshed); log.trace(
`Beat Savior data for all players refreshed.`,
return allRefreshed; return allRefreshed;
} };
const get = async (playerId, score) => { const get = async (playerId, score) => {
if (score && score.beatSavior) return score.beatSavior; if (score && score.beatSavior) return score.beatSavior;
@ -303,12 +429,18 @@ export default () => {
const playerBsData = await getPlayerScores(playerId); const playerBsData = await getPlayerScores(playerId);
if (!playerBsData || !playerBsData.length) return null; if (!playerBsData || !playerBsData.length) return null;
const bsData = playerBsData.find(bsData => isScoreMatchingBsData(score, bsData, true)); const bsData = playerBsData.find((bsData) =>
isScoreMatchingBsData(score, bsData, true),
return bsData ? bsData : null; return bsData ? bsData : null;
} };
const isDataForPlayerAvailable = async playerId => await beatSaviorRepository().getFromIndex('beat-savior-playerId', playerId) !== undefined; const isDataForPlayerAvailable = async (playerId) =>
(await beatSaviorRepository().getFromIndex(
)) !== undefined;
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
serviceCreationCount--; serviceCreationCount--;
@ -319,7 +451,7 @@ export default () => {
service = null; service = null;
} }
} };
service = { service = {
fetchPlayer, fetchPlayer,
@ -332,7 +464,7 @@ export default () => {
isDataForPlayerAvailable, isDataForPlayerAvailable,
getScoresHistogramDefinition, getScoresHistogramDefinition,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import keyValueRepository from '../db/repository/key-value'; import keyValueRepository from "../db/repository/key-value";
import {opt} from '../utils/js' import { opt } from "../utils/js";
const STORE_CONFIG_KEY = 'config'; const STORE_CONFIG_KEY = "config";
let service = null; let service = null;
@ -9,22 +9,23 @@ export default () => {
if (service) return service; if (service) return service;
const get = async () => keyValueRepository().get(STORE_CONFIG_KEY); const get = async () => keyValueRepository().get(STORE_CONFIG_KEY);
const set = async config => keyValueRepository().set(config, STORE_CONFIG_KEY); const set = async (config) =>
keyValueRepository().set(config, STORE_CONFIG_KEY);
const getMainPlayerId = async () => { const getMainPlayerId = async () => {
const config = await get(); const config = await get();
return opt(config, 'users.main'); return opt(config, "users.main");
} };
const destroyService = () => {} const destroyService = () => {};
service = { service = {
get, get,
set, set,
getMainPlayerId, getMainPlayerId,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import leaderboardPageClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/leaderboard/page-leaderboard' import leaderboardPageClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/leaderboard/page-leaderboard";
import accSaberLeaderboardApiClient from '../../network/clients/accsaber/api-leaderboard' import accSaberLeaderboardApiClient from "../../network/clients/accsaber/api-leaderboard";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import createPlayersService from '../../services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayersService from "../../services/scoresaber/player";
import createScoresService from '../../services/scoresaber/scores' import createScoresService from "../../services/scoresaber/scores";
import {PRIORITY} from '../../network/queues/http-queue' import { PRIORITY } from "../../network/queues/http-queue";
import {LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE} from '../../utils/scoresaber/consts' import { LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE } from "../../utils/scoresaber/consts";
import {LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE as ACCSABER_LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE} from '../../utils/accsaber/consts' import { LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE as ACCSABER_LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE } from "../../utils/accsaber/consts";
import {formatDateRelative, MINUTE} from '../../utils/date' import { formatDateRelative, MINUTE } from "../../utils/date";
import {convertArrayToObjectByKey, opt} from '../../utils/js' import { convertArrayToObjectByKey, opt } from "../../utils/js";
import eventBus from '../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
@ -20,79 +20,118 @@ export default () => {
const scoresService = createScoresService(); const scoresService = createScoresService();
let friendsPromise = Promise.resolve([]); let friendsPromise = Promise.resolve([]);
const refreshFriends = async () => friendsPromise = playersService.getAll(); const refreshFriends = async () => (friendsPromise = playersService.getAll());
eventBus.on('player-profile-removed', playerId => refreshFriends()); eventBus.on("player-profile-removed", (playerId) => refreshFriends());
eventBus.on('player-profile-added', player => refreshFriends()); eventBus.on("player-profile-added", (player) => refreshFriends());
eventBus.on('player-profile-changed', player => refreshFriends()); eventBus.on("player-profile-changed", (player) => refreshFriends());
refreshFriends().then(_ => {}); refreshFriends().then((_) => {});
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
const fetchPage = async (leaderboardId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null, force = false) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending( const fetchPage = async (
`pageClient/leaderboard/${leaderboardId}/${page}`, leaderboardId,
() => leaderboardPageClient.getProcessed({ page = 1,
leaderboardId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
page, signal = null,
signal, force = false,
priority, ) =>
cacheTtl: MINUTE, resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
})); `pageClient/leaderboard/${leaderboardId}/${page}`,
() =>
cacheTtl: MINUTE,
const fetchAccSaberPage = async (leaderboardId, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null, force = false) => { const fetchAccSaberPage = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
force = false,
) => {
if (page < 1) page = 1; if (page < 1) page = 1;
const data = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending( const data = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
`accSaberApiClient/leaderboard/${leaderboardId}/${page}`, `accSaberApiClient/leaderboard/${leaderboardId}/${page}`,
() => accSaberLeaderboardApiClient.getProcessed({ () =>
leaderboardId, accSaberLeaderboardApiClient.getProcessed({
page, leaderboardId,
signal, page,
priority, signal,
if (!data || !data.scores) return data if (!data || !data.scores) return data;
const startIdx = (page - 1) * ACCSABER_LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE; const startIdx = (page - 1) * ACCSABER_LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE;
if (data.scores.length < startIdx + 1) return data; if (data.scores.length < startIdx + 1) return data;
return { return {,,
scores: data.scores scores: data.scores.slice(
.slice(startIdx, startIdx + ACCSABER_LEADERBOARD_SCORES_PER_PAGE) startIdx,
} ),
const getFriendsLeaderboard = async (leaderboardId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) => { const getFriendsLeaderboard = async (
const leaderboard = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`pageClient/leaderboard/${leaderboardId}/1`, () => leaderboardPageClient.getProcessed({leaderboardId, page: 1, signal, priority, cacheTtl: MINUTE})); leaderboardId,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
) => {
const leaderboard = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
() =>
page: 1,
cacheTtl: MINUTE,
const friends = convertArrayToObjectByKey(await friendsPromise, 'playerId'); const friends = convertArrayToObjectByKey(await friendsPromise, "playerId");
const scores = (await scoresService.getLeaderboardScores(leaderboardId)) const scores = (await scoresService.getLeaderboardScores(leaderboardId))
.map(score => { .map((score) => {
if (!score || !score.playerId || !friends[score.playerId]) return null; if (!score || !score.playerId || !friends[score.playerId]) return null;
const player = friends[score.playerId]; const player = friends[score.playerId];
return { return {
player: {playerId: player.playerId, name:, playerInfo: {...player.playerInfo}}, player: {
score: {...score.score}, playerId: player.playerId,
} name:,
playerInfo: { ...player.playerInfo },
score: { ...score.score },
}) })
.filter(s => s) .filter((s) => s)
.sort((a, b) => opt(b, 'score.score', 0) - opt(a, 'score.score', 0)) .sort((a, b) => opt(b, "score.score", 0) - opt(a, "score.score", 0))
.map((score, idx) => ({ .map((score, idx) => ({
player: score.player, player: score.player,
score: {...score.score, rank: idx + 1, timeSetString: formatDateRelative(score.score.timeSet)}, score: {
})) ...score.score,
; rank: idx + 1,
timeSetString: formatDateRelative(score.score.timeSet),
return {...leaderboard, scores, pageQty: 1, totalItems: scores.length}; },
} }));
return { ...leaderboard, scores, pageQty: 1, totalItems: scores.length };
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
service = null; service = null;
} };
service = { service = {
fetchPage, fetchPage,
@ -100,7 +139,7 @@ export default () => {
getFriendsLeaderboard, getFriendsLeaderboard,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
import eventBus from '../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import {configStore} from '../../stores/config' import { configStore } from "../../stores/config";
import playerApiClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/api' import playerApiClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/api";
import playerFindApiClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-player-find' import playerFindApiClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-player-find";
import playerPageClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/page' import playerPageClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/page";
import {PRIORITY} from '../../network/queues/http-queue' import { PRIORITY } from "../../network/queues/http-queue";
import playersRepository from '../../db/repository/players' import playersRepository from "../../db/repository/players";
import playersHistoryRepository from '../../db/repository/players-history' import playersHistoryRepository from "../../db/repository/players-history";
import log from '../../utils/logger' import log from "../../utils/logger";
import { import {
addToDate, addToDate,
formatDate, formatDate,
@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ import {
toSsMidnight, toSsMidnight,
truncateDate, truncateDate,
} from '../../utils/date' } from "../../utils/date";
import {opt} from '../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../utils/js";
import {db} from '../../db/db' import { db } from "../../db/db";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import {worker} from '../../utils/worker-wrappers' import { worker } from "../../utils/worker-wrappers";
import {getServicePlayerGain} from '../utils' import { getServicePlayerGain } from "../utils";
@ -34,91 +34,128 @@ export default () => {
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
const configStoreUnsubscribe = configStore.subscribe(config => { const configStoreUnsubscribe = configStore.subscribe((config) => {
const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, 'users.main') const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, "users.main");
if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) { if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) {
mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId; mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId;
log.debug(`Main player changed to ${mainPlayerId}`, 'PlayerService') log.debug(`Main player changed to ${mainPlayerId}`, "PlayerService");
} }
}) });
const isMainPlayer = playerId => mainPlayerId && playerId === mainPlayerId; const isMainPlayer = (playerId) => mainPlayerId && playerId === mainPlayerId;
const getAll = async (force = false) => playersRepository().getAll(force); const getAll = async (force = false) => playersRepository().getAll(force);
// TODO: just for now // TODO: just for now
const getFriends = async () => (await getAll()).filter(player => player && player.playerId && !isPlayerMain(player.playerId)).map(p => p.playerId); const getFriends = async () =>
(await getAll())
(player) => player && player.playerId && !isPlayerMain(player.playerId),
.map((p) => p.playerId);
const getAllActive = async () => { const getAllActive = async () => {
const players = await getAll(); const players = await getAll();
if (!players) return []; if (!players) return [];
return players.filter(player => player && player.playerInfo && !player.playerInfo.inactive && !player.playerInfo.banned); return players.filter(
} (player) =>
player &&
player.playerInfo &&
!player.playerInfo.inactive &&
const getPlayer = async playerId => await playersRepository().get(playerId); const getPlayer = async (playerId) => await playersRepository().get(playerId);
const removePlayer = async (playerId, purgeScores = false) => { const removePlayer = async (playerId, purgeScores = false) => {
await playersRepository().delete(playerId); await playersRepository().delete(playerId);
// TODO: purge scores if requested // TODO: purge scores if requested
eventBus.publish('player-profile-removed', playerId); eventBus.publish("player-profile-removed", playerId);
} };
const addPlayer = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => { const addPlayer = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW) => {
log.trace(`Starting to add a player "${playerId}"...`, 'PlayerService'); log.trace(`Starting to add a player "${playerId}"...`, "PlayerService");
const player = await refresh(playerId, true, priority, false, true); const player = await refresh(playerId, true, priority, false, true);
if (!player) { if (!player) {
log.warn(`Can not add player "${playerId}"`, 'PlayerService'); log.warn(`Can not add player "${playerId}"`, "PlayerService");
return null; return null;
} }
eventBus.publish('player-profile-added', player); eventBus.publish("player-profile-added", player);
eventBus.publish('player-profile-changed', player); eventBus.publish("player-profile-changed", player);
log.trace(`Player "${playerId}" added.`, 'PlayerService') log.trace(`Player "${playerId}" added.`, "PlayerService");
return player; return player;
} };
const setPlayer = async (player) => { const setPlayer = async (player) => {
await playersRepository().set(player); await playersRepository().set(player);
eventBus.publish('player-profile-changed', player); eventBus.publish("player-profile-changed", player);
return player; return player;
} };
const updatePlayer = async (player, waitForSaving = true, forceAdd = false) => { const updatePlayer = async (
waitForSaving = true,
forceAdd = false,
) => {
if (!player || !player.playerId) { if (!player || !player.playerId) {
log.warn(`Can not update player, empty playerId`, 'PlayerService', player) log.warn(
`Can not update player, empty playerId`,
} }
const dbPlayer = await getPlayer(player.playerId); const dbPlayer = await getPlayer(player.playerId);
if (!dbPlayer && !forceAdd) return player; if (!dbPlayer && !forceAdd) return player;
const finalPlayer = {...dbPlayer, ...player} const finalPlayer = { ...dbPlayer, ...player };
if (!waitForSaving) { if (!waitForSaving) {
setPlayer(finalPlayer).then(_ => _) setPlayer(finalPlayer).then((_) => _);
return finalPlayer; return finalPlayer;
} }
return await setPlayer(finalPlayer); return await setPlayer(finalPlayer);
} };
const getPlayerHistory = async playerId => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`playerHistory/${playerId}`, () => playersHistoryRepository().getAllFromIndex('players-history-playerId', playerId)) const getPlayerHistory = async (playerId) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`playerHistory/${playerId}`, () =>
const getPlayerGain = (playerHistory, daysAgo = 1, maxDaysAgo = 7) => getServicePlayerGain(playerHistory, toSsMidnight, 'ssDate', daysAgo, maxDaysAgo); const getPlayerGain = (playerHistory, daysAgo = 1, maxDaysAgo = 7) =>
const updatePlayerHistory = async player => { const updatePlayerHistory = async (player) => {
if (!player) return null; if (!player) return null;
const {playerId, profileLastUpdated, playerInfo: {banned, countries, inactive, pp, rank}, scoreStats} = player; const {
playerInfo: { banned, countries, inactive, pp, rank },
} = player;
if (!playerId) return null; if (!playerId) return null;
@ -130,65 +167,87 @@ export default () => {
const playerIdLocalTimestamp = `${playerId}_${localDate.getTime()}`; const playerIdLocalTimestamp = `${playerId}_${localDate.getTime()}`;
const playerIdSsTimestamp = `${playerId}_${ssDate.getTime()}`; const playerIdSsTimestamp = `${playerId}_${ssDate.getTime()}`;
return playersHistoryRepository().getFromIndex('players-history-playerIdSsTimestamp', playerIdSsTimestamp) return playersHistoryRepository()
.then(async ph => { .getFromIndex("players-history-playerIdSsTimestamp", playerIdSsTimestamp)
.then(async (ph) => {
if (ph && ph._idbId) { if (ph && ph._idbId) {
await playersHistoryRepository().delete(ph._idbId); await playersHistoryRepository().delete(ph._idbId);
const {_idbId, ...previous} = ph; const { _idbId, ...previous } = ph;
return previous; return previous;
} }
return null; return null;
}) })
.then(async previous => { .then(async (previous) => {
let accStats = {}; let accStats = {};
if (worker) { if (worker) {
const stats = await worker.calcPlayerStats(playerId); const stats = await worker.calcPlayerStats(playerId);
const ppBoundary = await worker.calcPpBoundary(playerId) ?? null; const ppBoundary = (await worker.calcPpBoundary(playerId)) ?? null;
const {badges, totalScore, playCount, ...playerStats} = stats ?? {}; const { badges, totalScore, playCount, ...playerStats } = stats ?? {};
accStats = {...playerStats} accStats = { ...playerStats };
if (ppBoundary) accStats.ppBoundary = ppBoundary; if (ppBoundary) accStats.ppBoundary = ppBoundary;
if (badges?.length) accStats.accBadges = badges.reduce((cum, b) => ({...cum, [b.label]: b.value}), {}); if (badges?.length)
accStats.accBadges = badges.reduce(
(cum, b) => ({ ...cum, [b.label]: b.value }),
} }
return playersHistoryRepository().set({ return playersHistoryRepository().set({
...previous, ...previous,
...accStats, ...accStats,
playerId, banned, countries, inactive, pp, rank, ...scoreStats, playerId,
localDate, ssDate, banned,
playerIdLocalTimestamp, playerIdLocalTimestamp,
playerIdSsTimestamp, playerIdSsTimestamp,
}) });
}) })
.catch(err => {}) // swallow error .catch((err) => {}); // swallow error
} };
const isPlayerMain = playerId => playerId === mainPlayerId; const isPlayerMain = (playerId) => playerId === mainPlayerId;
const getProfileFreshnessDate = (player, refreshInterval = null) => { const getProfileFreshnessDate = (player, refreshInterval = null) => {
const lastUpdated = player && player.profileLastUpdated ? player.profileLastUpdated : null; const lastUpdated =
player && player.profileLastUpdated ? player.profileLastUpdated : null;
if (!lastUpdated) return addToDate(-SECOND); if (!lastUpdated) return addToDate(-SECOND);
const REFRESH_INTERVAL = refreshInterval ? refreshInterval : (isPlayerMain(player.playerId) ? MAIN_PLAYER_REFRESH_INTERVAL : PLAYER_REFRESH_INTERVAL); const REFRESH_INTERVAL = refreshInterval
? refreshInterval
: isPlayerMain(player.playerId)
return addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated); return addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated);
} };
const isProfileFresh = (player, refreshInterval = null) => getProfileFreshnessDate(player, refreshInterval) > new Date(); const isProfileFresh = (player, refreshInterval = null) =>
getProfileFreshnessDate(player, refreshInterval) > new Date();
const updatePlayerRecentPlay = async (playerId, recentPlay, recentPlayLastUpdated = new Date()) => { const updatePlayerRecentPlay = async (
recentPlayLastUpdated = new Date(),
) => {
let player; let player;
try { try {
await db.runInTransaction(['players'], async tx => { await db.runInTransaction(["players"], async (tx) => {
const playersStore = tx.objectStore('players') const playersStore = tx.objectStore("players");
player = await playersStore.get(playerId); player = await playersStore.get(playerId);
if (player) { if (player) {
player.recentPlayLastUpdated = recentPlayLastUpdated; player.recentPlayLastUpdated = recentPlayLastUpdated;
@ -200,61 +259,135 @@ export default () => {
if (player) { if (player) {
playersRepository().addToCache([player]); playersRepository().addToCache([player]);
eventBus.publish('player-profile-changed', player); eventBus.publish("player-profile-changed", player);
eventBus.publish('player-recent-play-updated', {playerId, player, recentPlay, recentPlayLastUpdated}); eventBus.publish("player-recent-play-updated", {
} }
catch(err) {
// swallow error
const fetchPlayerAndUpdateRecentPlay = async playerId => {
try {
const player = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`pageClient/${playerId}`, () =>playerPageClient.getProcessed({playerId}));
const recentPlay = opt(player, 'playerInfo.recentPlay');
const recentPlayLastUpdated = opt(player, 'playerInfo.recentPlayLastUpdated');
if (!recentPlay || !recentPlayLastUpdated) return null;
return updatePlayerRecentPlay(playerId, recentPlay, recentPlayLastUpdated);
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
// swallow error // swallow error
} }
} };
const isResponseCached = response => playerApiClient.isResponseCached(response); const fetchPlayerAndUpdateRecentPlay = async (playerId) => {
const getDataFromResponse = response => playerApiClient.getDataFromResponse(response); try {
const player = await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
() => playerPageClient.getProcessed({ playerId }),
const recentPlay = opt(player, "playerInfo.recentPlay");
const recentPlayLastUpdated = opt(
if (!recentPlay || !recentPlayLastUpdated) return null;
const fetchPlayer = async (playerId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {fullResponse = false, ...options} = {}) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/${playerId}/${fullResponse}`, () => playerApiClient.getProcessed({...options, playerId, priority, fullResponse})); return updatePlayerRecentPlay(
} catch (err) {
// swallow error
const findPlayer = async (query, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {fullResponse = false, ...options} = {}) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/find/${query}/${fullResponse}`, () => playerFindApiClient.getProcessed({...options, query, priority, fullResponse})); const isResponseCached = (response) =>
const getDataFromResponse = (response) =>
const fetchPlayerOrGetFromCache = async (playerId, refreshInterval = MINUTE, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null, force = false) => { const fetchPlayer = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ fullResponse = false, ...options } = {},
) =>
() =>
const findPlayer = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ fullResponse = false, ...options } = {},
) =>
() =>
const fetchPlayerOrGetFromCache = async (
refreshInterval = MINUTE,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
force = false,
) => {
const player = await getPlayer(playerId); const player = await getPlayer(playerId);
if (!player || !isProfileFresh(player, refreshInterval)) { if (!player || !isProfileFresh(player, refreshInterval)) {
const fetchedPlayerResponse = await fetchPlayer(playerId, priority, {signal, cacheTtl: MINUTE, maxAge: force ? 0 : refreshInterval, fullResponse: true}); const fetchedPlayerResponse = await fetchPlayer(playerId, priority, {
if (isResponseCached(fetchedPlayerResponse)) return getDataFromResponse(fetchedPlayerResponse); signal,
cacheTtl: MINUTE,
maxAge: force ? 0 : refreshInterval,
fullResponse: true,
if (isResponseCached(fetchedPlayerResponse))
return getDataFromResponse(fetchedPlayerResponse);
return updatePlayer({...player, ...getDataFromResponse(fetchedPlayerResponse), profileLastUpdated: new Date()}, false) return updatePlayer(
.then(player => { {
fetchPlayerAndUpdateRecentPlay(player.playerId); ...player,
profileLastUpdated: new Date(),
).then((player) => {
updatePlayerHistory(player); updatePlayerHistory(player);
return player; return player;
}) });
} }
return player; return player;
} };
const refresh = async (playerId, force = false, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false, addIfNotExists = false) => { const refresh = async (
log.trace(`Starting refreshing player "${playerId}" ${force ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'PlayerService') playerId,
force = false,
throwErrors = false,
addIfNotExists = false,
) => {
`Starting refreshing player "${playerId}" ${force ? " (forced)" : ""}...`,
if (!playerId) { if (!playerId) {
log.warn(`Can not refresh player if an empty playerId is given`, 'PlayerService'); log.warn(
`Can not refresh player if an empty playerId is given`,
return null; return null;
} }
@ -262,66 +395,101 @@ export default () => {
try { try {
let player = await getPlayer(playerId); let player = await getPlayer(playerId);
if (!player && !addIfNotExists) { if (!player && !addIfNotExists) {
log.debug(`Profile is not added to DB, skipping.`, 'PlayerService') log.debug(`Profile is not added to DB, skipping.`, "PlayerService");
return null; return null;
} }
log.trace(`Player fetched from DB`, 'PlayerService', player); log.trace(`Player fetched from DB`, "PlayerService", player);
if (!force) { if (!force) {
const profileFreshnessDate = getProfileFreshnessDate(player); const profileFreshnessDate = getProfileFreshnessDate(player);
if (profileFreshnessDate > new Date()) { if (profileFreshnessDate > new Date()) {
log.debug(`Profile is still fresh, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(profileFreshnessDate)}`, 'PlayerService') `Profile is still fresh, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
return player; return player;
} }
} }
log.trace(`Fetching player ${playerId} from ScoreSaber...`, 'PlayerService') log.trace(
`Fetching player ${playerId} from ScoreSaber...`,
const fetchedPlayer = await fetchPlayer(playerId, priority); const fetchedPlayer = await fetchPlayer(playerId, priority);
if (!fetchedPlayer || !fetchedPlayer.playerId || ! || !fetchedPlayer.playerInfo || !fetchedPlayer.scoreStats) { if (
log.warn(`ScoreSaber returned empty info for player ${playerId}`, 'PlayerService') !fetchedPlayer ||
!fetchedPlayer.playerId ||
! ||
!fetchedPlayer.playerInfo ||
) {
`ScoreSaber returned empty info for player ${playerId}`,
return null; return null;
} }
log.trace(`Player fetched`, 'PlayerService', fetchedPlayer); log.trace(`Player fetched`, "PlayerService", fetchedPlayer);
player = await updatePlayer({...fetchedPlayer, profileLastUpdated: new Date()}, true, addIfNotExists); player = await updatePlayer(
{ ...fetchedPlayer, profileLastUpdated: new Date() },
updatePlayerHistory(player).then(_ => _); updatePlayerHistory(player).then((_) => _);
log.debug(`Player refreshed.`, 'PlayerService', player); log.debug(`Player refreshed.`, "PlayerService", player);
return player; return player;
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`Player refreshing error${e.toString ? `: ${e.toString()}` : ''}`, 'PlayerService', e) log.debug(
`Player refreshing error${e.toString ? `: ${e.toString()}` : ""}`,
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const refreshAll = async (force = false, priority = PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshAll = async (
log.trace(`Starting refreshing all players${force ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'PlayerService'); force = false,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting refreshing all players${force ? " (forced)" : ""}...`,
const allPlayers = await getAll(); const allPlayers = await getAll();
if (!allPlayers || !allPlayers.length) { if (!allPlayers || !allPlayers.length) {
log.trace(`No players in DB, skipping.`, 'PlayerService'); log.trace(`No players in DB, skipping.`, "PlayerService");
return null; return null;
} }
const allRefreshed = await Promise.all( => refresh(player.playerId, force, priority, throwErrors))); const allRefreshed = await Promise.all( =>
refresh(player.playerId, force, priority, throwErrors),
log.trace(`All players refreshed.`, 'PlayerService', allRefreshed); log.trace(`All players refreshed.`, "PlayerService", allRefreshed);
return allRefreshed; return allRefreshed;
} };
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
serviceCreationCount--; serviceCreationCount--;
@ -331,7 +499,7 @@ export default () => {
service = null; service = null;
} }
} };
service = { service = {
isMainPlayer, isMainPlayer,
@ -356,7 +524,7 @@ export default () => {
destroyService, destroyService,
isResponseCached, isResponseCached,
getDataFromResponse, getDataFromResponse,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import createScoresService from './scores' import createScoresService from "./scores";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import {getTotalPpFromSortedPps} from '../../utils/scoresaber/pp' import { getTotalPpFromSortedPps } from "../../utils/scoresaber/pp";
let service = null; let service = null;
let serviceCreationCount = 0; let serviceCreationCount = 0;
@ -12,28 +12,32 @@ export default () => {
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
const getTotalPp = scores => scores && Array.isArray(scores) const getTotalPp = (scores) =>
? getTotalPpFromSortedPps( scores && Array.isArray(scores)
scores ? getTotalPpFromSortedPps(
.filter(s => s.pp > 0) scores
.map(s => s.pp) .filter((s) => s.pp > 0)
.sort((a, b) => b - a), .map((s) => s.pp)
) .sort((a, b) => b - a),
: null; )
: null;
const getTotalPlayerPp = async (playerId, modifiedScores = {}) => getTotalPp( const getTotalPlayerPp = async (playerId, modifiedScores = {}) =>
Object.values({ getTotalPp(
...(await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`scores/${playerId}`, () => scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject(playerId))), Object.values({
...modifiedScores, ...(await resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`scores/${playerId}`, () =>
}), scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject(playerId),
); )),
async function getWhatIfScore(playerId, leaderboardId, pp = 0) { async function getWhatIfScore(playerId, leaderboardId, pp = 0) {
const currentTotalPp = await getTotalPlayerPp(playerId); const currentTotalPp = await getTotalPlayerPp(playerId);
if (!currentTotalPp) return null; if (!currentTotalPp) return null;
const newTotalPp = await getTotalPlayerPp(playerId, { const newTotalPp = await getTotalPlayerPp(playerId, {
[leaderboardId]: {pp}, [leaderboardId]: { pp },
}); });
return { return {
@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ export default () => {
if (!acc || acc <= 0) { if (!acc || acc <= 0) {
return 0; return 0;
} }
let index = ppCurve.findIndex(o => >= acc); let index = ppCurve.findIndex((o) => >= acc);
if (index === -1) { if (index === -1) {
return ppCurve[ppCurve.length - 1].value; return ppCurve[ppCurve.length - 1].value;
} }
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ export default () => {
function accFromPpFactor(ppFactor) { function accFromPpFactor(ppFactor) {
if (!ppFactor || ppFactor <= 0) return 0; if (!ppFactor || ppFactor <= 0) return 0;
const idx = ppCurve.findIndex(o => o.value >= ppFactor); const idx = ppCurve.findIndex((o) => o.value >= ppFactor);
if (idx < 0) return ppCurve[ppCurve.length - 1].at; if (idx < 0) return ppCurve[ppCurve.length - 1].at;
const from = ppCurve[idx - 1]; const from = ppCurve[idx - 1];
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@ export default () => {
service = null; service = null;
} }
} };
service = { service = {
getWhatIfScore, getWhatIfScore,
@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ export default () => {
accFromPpFactor, accFromPpFactor,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
import {db} from '../../db/db' import { db } from "../../db/db";
import queues from '../../network/queues/queues'; import queues from "../../network/queues/queues";
import rankedsPageClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/rankeds/page'; import rankedsPageClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/rankeds/page";
import eventBus from '../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import {arrayDifference, convertArrayToObjectByKey, opt} from '../../utils/js' import {
import rankedsRepository from '../../db/repository/rankeds' arrayDifference,
import rankedsChangesRepository from '../../db/repository/rankeds-changes' convertArrayToObjectByKey,
import keyValueRepository from '../../db/repository/key-value' opt,
import log from '../../utils/logger' } from "../../utils/js";
import {addToDate, formatDate, HOUR} from '../../utils/date' import rankedsRepository from "../../db/repository/rankeds";
import rankedsChangesRepository from "../../db/repository/rankeds-changes";
import keyValueRepository from "../../db/repository/key-value";
import log from "../../utils/logger";
import { addToDate, formatDate, HOUR } from "../../utils/date";
@ -16,16 +20,27 @@ export default () => {
if (service) return service; if (service) return service;
const getRankeds = async () => { const getRankeds = async () => {
const dbRankeds = await rankedsRepository().getAll() const dbRankeds = await rankedsRepository().getAll();
return dbRankeds ? convertArrayToObjectByKey(dbRankeds, 'leaderboardId') : {} return dbRankeds
} ? convertArrayToObjectByKey(dbRankeds, "leaderboardId")
: {};
const getLastUpdated = async () => keyValueRepository().get('rankedsLastUpdated'); const getLastUpdated = async () =>
const setLastUpdated = async date => keyValueRepository().set(date, 'rankedsLastUpdated'); keyValueRepository().get("rankedsLastUpdated");
const setLastUpdated = async (date) =>
keyValueRepository().set(date, "rankedsLastUpdated");
const refreshRankeds = async (forceUpdate = false, priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL, throwErrors = false) => { const refreshRankeds = async (
log.trace(`Starting rankeds refreshing${forceUpdate ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'RankedsService') forceUpdate = false,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.BG_NORMAL,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting rankeds refreshing${forceUpdate ? " (forced)" : ""}...`,
try { try {
let fetchedRankedSongs; let fetchedRankedSongs;
@ -33,40 +48,50 @@ export default () => {
if (!forceUpdate) { if (!forceUpdate) {
const lastUpdated = await getLastUpdated(); const lastUpdated = await getLastUpdated();
if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) { if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
log.debug(`Refresh interval not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated))}`, 'RankedsService') log.debug(
`Refresh interval not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated),
return null; return null;
} }
} }
log.trace(`Fetching current rankeds from ScoreSaber...`, 'RankedsService') log.trace(
fetchedRankedSongs = await rankedsPageClient.getProcessed({priority}); `Fetching current rankeds from ScoreSaber...`,
fetchedRankedSongs = await rankedsPageClient.getProcessed({ priority });
if (!fetchedRankedSongs || !fetchedRankedSongs.length) { if (!fetchedRankedSongs || !fetchedRankedSongs.length) {
log.warn(`ScoreSaber returned empty rankeds list`, 'RankedsService') log.warn(`ScoreSaber returned empty rankeds list`, "RankedsService");
return null; return null;
} }
log.trace('Fetching rankeds from DB', 'RankedsService'); log.trace("Fetching rankeds from DB", "RankedsService");
const oldRankedSongs = await getRankeds(); const oldRankedSongs = await getRankeds();
// add firstSeen & oldStars properties // add firstSeen & oldStars properties
fetchedRankedSongs = convertArrayToObjectByKey( fetchedRankedSongs = convertArrayToObjectByKey( => { => {
const firstSeen = oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId] && oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId].firstSeen const firstSeen =
? oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId].firstSeen oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId] &&
: new Date(); oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId].firstSeen
? oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId].firstSeen
: new Date();
return {...s, firstSeen, oldStars: null} return { ...s, firstSeen, oldStars: null };
}), }),
'leaderboardId', "leaderboardId",
); );
// find differences between old and new ranked songs // find differences between old and new ranked songs
const newRankeds = arrayDifference( const newRankeds = arrayDifference(
Object.keys(fetchedRankedSongs), Object.keys(fetchedRankedSongs),
Object.keys(oldRankedSongs), Object.keys(oldRankedSongs),
).map(leaderboardId => ({ ).map((leaderboardId) => ({
leaderboardId: parseInt(leaderboardId, 10), leaderboardId: parseInt(leaderboardId, 10),
oldStars: null, oldStars: null,
stars: fetchedRankedSongs[leaderboardId].stars, stars: fetchedRankedSongs[leaderboardId].stars,
@ -74,77 +99,99 @@ export default () => {
})); }));
if (newRankeds && newRankeds.length) if (newRankeds && newRankeds.length)
log.debug(`${newRankeds.length} ranked(s) found`, 'RankedsService'); log.debug(`${newRankeds.length} ranked(s) found`, "RankedsService");
const changed = const changed =
// concat new rankeds with changed rankeds // concat new rankeds with changed rankeds
newRankeds newRankeds.concat(
.concat( Object.values(oldRankedSongs)
Object.values(oldRankedSongs) .filter(
.filter(s => s.stars !== (fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId] ? opt(fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId], 'stars', null) : null)) (s) =>
.map(s => ({ s.stars !==
leaderboardId: s.leaderboardId, (fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId]
oldStars: s.stars, ? opt(fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId], "stars", null)
stars: opt(fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId], 'stars', null), : null),
timestamp:, )
}), .map((s) => ({
) leaderboardId: s.leaderboardId,
); oldStars: s.stars,
stars: opt(fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId], "stars", null),
if(newRankeds && changed && changed.length - newRankeds.length > 0) if (newRankeds && changed && changed.length - newRankeds.length > 0)
log.debug(`${changed.length - newRankeds.length} changed ranked(s) found`, 'RankedsService'); log.debug(
`${changed.length - newRankeds.length} changed ranked(s) found`,
const changedLeaderboards = changed const changedLeaderboards = changed
.map(s => { .map((s) => {
const ranked = fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId] ? fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId] : oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId]; const ranked = fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId]
? fetchedRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId]
: oldRankedSongs[s.leaderboardId];
return { return {
...ranked, ...ranked,
...s, ...s,
} };
}, })
) .filter((s) => s && s.hash)
.filter(s => s && s.hash) .map((l) => {
.map(l => { const { oldStars, timestamp, ...leaderboard } = l;
const {oldStars, timestamp, ...leaderboard} = l;
return leaderboard; return leaderboard;
}); });
log.trace('Saving rankeds to DB...', 'RankedsService'); log.trace("Saving rankeds to DB...", "RankedsService");
await db.runInTransaction(['rankeds', 'rankeds-changes', 'key-value'], async tx => { await db.runInTransaction(
await Promise.all( ranked => rankedsRepository().set(ranked, undefined, tx))); ["rankeds", "rankeds-changes", "key-value"],
await Promise.all( rc => rankedsChangesRepository().set(rc, undefined, tx))); async (tx) => {
await setLastUpdated(new Date()) await Promise.all(
}); (ranked) =>
rankedsRepository().set(ranked, undefined, tx),
await Promise.all( (rc) =>
rankedsChangesRepository().set(rc, undefined, tx),
await setLastUpdated(new Date());
log.trace('Rankeds saved', 'RankedsService'); log.trace("Rankeds saved", "RankedsService");
if (changed.length) { if (changed.length) {
eventBus.publish('rankeds-changed', {changed, allRankeds: fetchedRankedSongs}); eventBus.publish("rankeds-changed", {
allRankeds: fetchedRankedSongs,
} }
log.debug(`Rankeds refreshing complete.`, 'RankedsService') log.debug(`Rankeds refreshing complete.`, "RankedsService");
return changed; return changed;
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`Rankeds refreshing error`, 'RankedsService', e) log.debug(`Rankeds refreshing error`, "RankedsService", e);
return null; return null;
} }
} };
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
service = null; service = null;
} };
service = { service = {
get: getRankeds, get: getRankeds,
refresh: refreshRankeds, refresh: refreshRankeds,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import playersGlobalRankingApiClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-ranking-global' import playersGlobalRankingApiClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-ranking-global";
import playersGlobalRankingPagesApiClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-ranking-global-pages' import playersGlobalRankingPagesApiClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/api-ranking-global-pages";
import playersCountryRankingPageClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/page-ranking-country' import playersCountryRankingPageClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/players/page-ranking-country";
import makePendingPromisePool from '../../utils/pending-promises' import makePendingPromisePool from "../../utils/pending-promises";
import {PRIORITY} from '../../network/queues/http-queue' import { PRIORITY } from "../../network/queues/http-queue";
import {PLAYERS_PER_PAGE} from '../../utils/scoresaber/consts' import { PLAYERS_PER_PAGE } from "../../utils/scoresaber/consts";
import {opt} from '../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../utils/js";
let service = null; let service = null;
export default () => { export default () => {
@ -12,24 +12,52 @@ export default () => {
const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool(); const resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending = makePendingPromisePool();
const fetchGlobal = async (page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/ranking/global/${page}`, () => playersGlobalRankingApiClient.getProcessed({page, signal, priority})); const fetchGlobal = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/ranking/global/${page}`, () =>
playersGlobalRankingApiClient.getProcessed({ page, signal, priority }),
const fetchCountry = async (country, page = 1, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`pageClient/ranking/${country}/${page}`, () => playersCountryRankingPageClient.getProcessed({country, page, signal, priority})); const fetchCountry = async (
page = 1,
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
) =>
() =>
const fetchGlobalPages = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) => resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/rankingGlobalPages`, () => playersGlobalRankingPagesApiClient.getProcessed({signal, priority})); const fetchGlobalPages = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) =>
resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`apiClient/rankingGlobalPages`, () =>
playersGlobalRankingPagesApiClient.getProcessed({ signal, priority }),
const fetchGlobalCount = async (priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, signal = null) => { const fetchGlobalCount = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
signal = null,
) => {
const pages = await fetchGlobalPages(priority, signal); const pages = await fetchGlobalPages(priority, signal);
if (!pages || !Number.isFinite(pages)) return 0; if (!pages || !Number.isFinite(pages)) return 0;
return pages * PLAYERS_PER_PAGE; return pages * PLAYERS_PER_PAGE;
} };
async function fetchMiniRanking(rank, country = null, numOfPlayers = 5) { async function fetchMiniRanking(rank, country = null, numOfPlayers = 5) {
try { try {
if (!Number.isFinite(numOfPlayers)) numOfPlayers = 5; if (!Number.isFinite(numOfPlayers)) numOfPlayers = 5;
const getPage = rank => Math.floor((rank - 1) / PLAYERS_PER_PAGE) + 1; const getPage = (rank) => Math.floor((rank - 1) / PLAYERS_PER_PAGE) + 1;
const playerPage = getPage(rank); const playerPage = getPage(rank);
let firstPlayerRank = rank - (numOfPlayers - (numOfPlayers > 2 ? 2 : 1)); let firstPlayerRank = rank - (numOfPlayers - (numOfPlayers > 2 ? 2 : 1));
@ -38,25 +66,33 @@ export default () => {
const lastPlayerRank = firstPlayerRank + numOfPlayers - 1; const lastPlayerRank = firstPlayerRank + numOfPlayers - 1;
const lastPlayerRankPage = getPage(lastPlayerRank); const lastPlayerRankPage = getPage(lastPlayerRank);
const pages = [ Set([playerPage, firstPlayerRankPage, lastPlayerRankPage])].filter(p => p); const pages = [ Set([playerPage, firstPlayerRankPage, lastPlayerRankPage]),
].filter((p) => p);
const ranking = (await Promise.all( page => (country ? fetchCountry(country, page) : fetchGlobal(page))))) const ranking = (
await Promise.all( (page) =>
country ? fetchCountry(country, page) : fetchGlobal(page),
.reduce((cum, arr) => cum.concat(arr), []) .reduce((cum, arr) => cum.concat(arr), [])
.filter(player => { .filter((player) => {
const rank = opt(player, 'playerInfo.rank') const rank = opt(player, "playerInfo.rank");
return rank >= firstPlayerRank && rank <= lastPlayerRank; return rank >= firstPlayerRank && rank <= lastPlayerRank;
}) })
.sort((a,b) => opt(a, 'playerInfo.rank') - opt(b, 'playerInfo.rank')) .sort((a, b) => opt(a, "playerInfo.rank") - opt(b, "playerInfo.rank"));
return ranking; return ranking;
} catch(err) { } catch (err) {
return null; return null;
} }
} }
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
service = null; service = null;
} };
service = { service = {
getGlobal: fetchGlobal, getGlobal: fetchGlobal,
@ -66,7 +102,7 @@ export default () => {
getMiniRanking: fetchMiniRanking, getMiniRanking: fetchMiniRanking,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
import queues from '../network/queues/queues'; import queues from "../network/queues/queues";
import keyValueRepository from '../db/repository/key-value' import keyValueRepository from "../db/repository/key-value";
import twitchRepository from '../db/repository/twitch' import twitchRepository from "../db/repository/twitch";
import createPlayerService from '../services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "../services/scoresaber/player";
import profileApiClient from '../network/clients/twitch/api-profile' import profileApiClient from "../network/clients/twitch/api-profile";
import videosApiClient from '../network/clients/twitch/api-videos' import videosApiClient from "../network/clients/twitch/api-videos";
import eventBus from '../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import log from '../utils/logger' import log from "../utils/logger";
import {addToDate, dateFromString, durationToMillis, formatDate, millisToDuration, MINUTE} from '../utils/date' import {
import {PRIORITY} from '../network/queues/http-queue' addToDate,
import makePendingPromisePool from '../utils/pending-promises' dateFromString,
} from "../utils/date";
import { PRIORITY } from "../network/queues/http-queue";
import makePendingPromisePool from "../utils/pending-promises";
const TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY = 'twitchToken'; const TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY = "twitchToken";
@ -24,31 +31,38 @@ export default () => {
const playerService = createPlayerService(); const playerService = createPlayerService();
const getAuthUrl = (state = '', scopes = '') => queues.TWITCH.getAuthUrl(state, scopes) const getAuthUrl = (state = "", scopes = "") =>
queues.TWITCH.getAuthUrl(state, scopes);
const getTwitchTokenFromUrl = () => { const getTwitchTokenFromUrl = () => {
const url = (new URL(document.location)); const url = new URL(document.location);
const error = url.searchParams.get('error') const error = url.searchParams.get("error");
if (error) { if (error) {
const errorMsg = url.searchParams.get('error_description'); const errorMsg = url.searchParams.get("error_description");
throw new Error(errorMsg ? errorMsg : error); throw new Error(errorMsg ? errorMsg : error);
} }
const hash = url.hash; const hash = url.hash;
if (!hash || !hash.length) throw new Error("Twitch did not return access token") if (!hash || !hash.length)
throw new Error("Twitch did not return access token");
const accessTokenMatch = /access_token=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(hash); const accessTokenMatch = /access_token=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(hash);
if (!accessTokenMatch) throw new Error("Twitch did not return access token") if (!accessTokenMatch)
throw new Error("Twitch did not return access token");
const stateMatch = /state=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(hash); const stateMatch = /state=(.*?)(&|$)/.exec(hash);
return {accessToken: accessTokenMatch[1], url: stateMatch ? decodeURIComponent(stateMatch[1]) : ''}; return {
} accessToken: accessTokenMatch[1],
url: stateMatch ? decodeURIComponent(stateMatch[1]) : "",
const processToken = async accessToken => { const processToken = async (accessToken) => {
// validate token // validate token
const tokenValidation = (await queues.TWITCH.validateToken(accessToken)).body; const tokenValidation = (await queues.TWITCH.validateToken(accessToken))
const expiresIn = tokenValidation.expires_in * 1000; const expiresIn = tokenValidation.expires_in * 1000;
@ -58,39 +72,77 @@ export default () => {
obtained: new Date(), obtained: new Date(),
expires: new Date( + expiresIn), expires: new Date( + expiresIn),
expires_in: expiresIn, expires_in: expiresIn,
} };
await keyValueRepository().set(twitchToken, TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY); await keyValueRepository().set(twitchToken, TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY);
eventBus.publish('twitch-token-refreshed', twitchToken) eventBus.publish("twitch-token-refreshed", twitchToken);
return twitchToken return twitchToken;
} };
const getCurrentToken = async () => keyValueRepository().get(TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY, true); const getCurrentToken = async () =>
keyValueRepository().get(TWITCH_TOKEN_KEY, true);
const fetchProfile = async (login, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {fullResponse = false, ...options} = {}) => { const fetchProfile = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ fullResponse = false, ...options } = {},
) => {
const token = await getCurrentToken(); const token = await getCurrentToken();
if (!token || !token.expires || token.expires <= new Date()) return null; if (!token || !token.expires || token.expires <= new Date()) return null;
return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`profileApiClient/${login}/${fullResponse}`, () => profileApiClient.getProcessed({...options, accessToken: token.accessToken, login, priority, fullResponse})); return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
} `profileApiClient/${login}/${fullResponse}`,
() =>
accessToken: token.accessToken,
const fetchVideos = async (userId, priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW, {fullResponse = false, ...options} = {}) => { const fetchVideos = async (
priority = PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
{ fullResponse = false, ...options } = {},
) => {
const token = await getCurrentToken(); const token = await getCurrentToken();
if (!token || !token.expires || token.expires <= new Date()) return null; if (!token || !token.expires || token.expires <= new Date()) return null;
return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(`videosApiClient/${userId}/${fullResponse}`, () => videosApiClient.getProcessed({...options, accessToken: token.accessToken, userId, priority, fullResponse})); return resolvePromiseOrWaitForPending(
} `videosApiClient/${userId}/${fullResponse}`,
() =>
accessToken: token.accessToken,
const getPlayerProfile = async playerId => twitchRepository().get(playerId); const getPlayerProfile = async (playerId) => twitchRepository().get(playerId);
const updatePlayerProfile = async twitchProfile => twitchRepository().set(twitchProfile); const updatePlayerProfile = async (twitchProfile) =>
const refresh = async (playerId, forceUpdate = false, priority = queues.PRIORITY.FG_LOW, throwErrors = false) => { const refresh = async (
log.trace(`Starting Twitch videos refreshing${forceUpdate ? ' (forced)' : ''}...`, 'TwitchService') playerId,
forceUpdate = false,
priority = queues.PRIORITY.FG_LOW,
throwErrors = false,
) => {
`Starting Twitch videos refreshing${forceUpdate ? " (forced)" : ""}...`,
if (!playerId) { if (!playerId) {
log.debug(`No playerId provided, skipping`, 'TwitchService') log.debug(`No playerId provided, skipping`, "TwitchService");
return null; return null;
} }
@ -98,7 +150,10 @@ export default () => {
try { try {
let twitchProfile = await twitchRepository().get(playerId); let twitchProfile = await twitchRepository().get(playerId);
if (!twitchProfile || !twitchProfile.login) { if (!twitchProfile || !twitchProfile.login) {
log.debug(`Twitch profile for player ${playerId} is not set, skipping`, 'TwitchService') log.debug(
`Twitch profile for player ${playerId} is not set, skipping`,
return null; return null;
} }
@ -106,7 +161,12 @@ export default () => {
const lastUpdated = twitchProfile.lastUpdated; const lastUpdated = twitchProfile.lastUpdated;
if (!forceUpdate) { if (!forceUpdate) {
if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) { if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > new Date() - REFRESH_INTERVAL) {
log.debug(`Refresh interval not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated))}`, 'TwitchService') log.debug(
`Refresh interval not yet expired, skipping. Next refresh on ${formatDate(
addToDate(REFRESH_INTERVAL, lastUpdated),
return twitchProfile; return twitchProfile;
} }
@ -115,7 +175,10 @@ export default () => {
const player = playerService.get(playerId); const player = playerService.get(playerId);
if (player && player.recentPlay) { if (player && player.recentPlay) {
if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > player.recentPlay) { if (lastUpdated && lastUpdated > player.recentPlay) {
log.debug(`Twitch updated after recent player play, skipping`, 'TwitchService') log.debug(
`Twitch updated after recent player play, skipping`,
return twitchProfile; return twitchProfile;
} }
@ -124,12 +187,15 @@ export default () => {
if (! { if (! {
const fetchedProfile = await fetchProfile(twitchProfile.login); const fetchedProfile = await fetchProfile(twitchProfile.login);
if (!fetchedProfile) { if (!fetchedProfile) {
log.debug(`Can not fetch Twitch profile for player ${playerId}, skipping`, 'TwitchService') log.debug(
`Can not fetch Twitch profile for player ${playerId}, skipping`,
return twitchProfile; return twitchProfile;
} }
twitchProfile = {...twitchProfile, ...fetchedProfile, playerId}; twitchProfile = { ...twitchProfile, ...fetchedProfile, playerId };
await updatePlayerProfile(twitchProfile); await updatePlayerProfile(twitchProfile);
} }
@ -141,7 +207,7 @@ export default () => {
await updatePlayerProfile(twitchProfile); await updatePlayerProfile(twitchProfile);
if (videos && videos.length) { if (videos && videos.length) {
eventBus.publish('player-twitch-videos-updated', { eventBus.publish("player-twitch-videos-updated", {
playerId, playerId,
twitchProfile, twitchProfile,
}); });
@ -149,27 +215,48 @@ export default () => {
return twitchProfile; return twitchProfile;
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
if (throwErrors) throw e; if (throwErrors) throw e;
log.debug(`Twitch player ${playerId} refreshing error`, 'TwitchService', e) log.debug(
`Twitch player ${playerId} refreshing error`,
return null; return null;
} }
} };
async function findTwitchVideo(playerTwitchProfile, timeset, songLength) { async function findTwitchVideo(playerTwitchProfile, timeset, songLength) {
if (!playerTwitchProfile || !playerTwitchProfile.videos || !timeset || !songLength) return null; if (
!playerTwitchProfile ||
!playerTwitchProfile.videos ||
!timeset ||
return null;
const songStarted = addToDate(-songLength * 1000, timeset) const songStarted = addToDate(-songLength * 1000, timeset);
const video = playerTwitchProfile.videos const video = playerTwitchProfile.videos
.map(v => ({ .map((v) => ({
...v, ...v,
created_at: dateFromString(v.created_at), created_at: dateFromString(v.created_at),
ended_at: addToDate(durationToMillis(v.duration), dateFromString(v.created_at)), ended_at: addToDate(
})) }))
.find(v => v.created_at <= songStarted && songStarted < v.ended_at); .find((v) => v.created_at <= songStarted && songStarted < v.ended_at);
return video ? {, url: video.url + '?t=' + millisToDuration(songStarted - video.created_at)} : null; return video
? {,
video.url +
"?t=" +
millisToDuration(songStarted - video.created_at),
: null;
} }
const destroyService = () => { const destroyService = () => {
@ -179,7 +266,7 @@ export default () => {
service = null; service = null;
playerService.destroyService(); playerService.destroyService();
} }
} };
service = { service = {
getAuthUrl, getAuthUrl,
@ -192,7 +279,7 @@ export default () => {
findTwitchVideo, findTwitchVideo,
refresh, refresh,
destroyService, destroyService,
} };
return service; return service;
} };

@ -1,43 +1,67 @@
import {DateTime} from 'luxon'; import { DateTime } from "luxon";
export const getServicePlayerGain = (playerHistory, dateTruncFunc, dateKey, daysAgo = 1, maxDaysAgo = 7) => { export const getServicePlayerGain = (
daysAgo = 1,
maxDaysAgo = 7,
) => {
if (!playerHistory?.length) return null; if (!playerHistory?.length) return null;
let todayServiceMidnightDate = dateTruncFunc(new Date()); let todayServiceMidnightDate = dateTruncFunc(new Date());
const compareToDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(todayServiceMidnightDate).minus({days: daysAgo}).toJSDate(); const compareToDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(todayServiceMidnightDate)
const maxServiceDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(todayServiceMidnightDate).minus({days: maxDaysAgo}).toJSDate(); .minus({ days: daysAgo })
const maxServiceDate = DateTime.fromJSDate(todayServiceMidnightDate)
.minus({ days: maxDaysAgo })
return playerHistory return playerHistory
.sort((a, b) => b?.[dateKey]?.getTime() - a?.[dateKey]?.getTime()) .sort((a, b) => b?.[dateKey]?.getTime() - a?.[dateKey]?.getTime())
.find(h => h?.[dateKey] <= compareToDate && h?.[dateKey] >= maxServiceDate); .find(
} (h) => h?.[dateKey] <= compareToDate && h?.[dateKey] >= maxServiceDate,
export const serviceFilterFunc = serviceParams => s => { export const serviceFilterFunc = (serviceParams) => (s) => {
// accept score if there is no non-empty filter // accept score if there is no non-empty filter
if (!Object.entries(serviceParams?.filters ?? {})?.filter(([key, val]) => val)?.length) return true; if (
!Object.entries(serviceParams?.filters ?? {})?.filter(([key, val]) => val)
return true;
let filterVal = true; let filterVal = true;
if (serviceParams?.filters?.search?.length) { if (serviceParams?.filters?.search?.length) {
const song = s?.leaderboard?.song ?? null; const song = s?.leaderboard?.song ?? null;
if (song) { if (song) {
const name = `${song?.name?.toLowerCase() ?? ''} ${song?.subName?.toLowerCase() ?? ''} ${song?.authorName?.toLowerCase() ?? ''} ${song?.levelAuthorName?.toLowerCase() ?? ''}` const name = `${song?.name?.toLowerCase() ?? ""} ${
song?.subName?.toLowerCase() ?? ""
} ${song?.authorName?.toLowerCase() ?? ""} ${
song?.levelAuthorName?.toLowerCase() ?? ""
filterVal &= name.indexOf( >= 0; filterVal &=
name.indexOf( >= 0;
} else { } else {
filterVal &= false; filterVal &= false;
} }
} }
if (serviceParams?.filters.diff?.length) { if (serviceParams?.filters.diff?.length) {
filterVal &= s?.leaderboard?.diffInfo?.diff?.toLowerCase() === serviceParams.filters.diff?.toLowerCase() filterVal &=
s?.leaderboard?.diffInfo?.diff?.toLowerCase() ===
} }
if (serviceParams?.filters?.songType?.length) { if (serviceParams?.filters?.songType?.length) {
filterVal &= (serviceParams.filters.songType === 'ranked' && s?.pp > 0) || filterVal &=
(serviceParams.filters.songType === 'unranked' && (s?.pp ?? 0) === 0) (serviceParams.filters.songType === "ranked" && s?.pp > 0) ||
(serviceParams.filters.songType === "unranked" && (s?.pp ?? 0) === 0);
} }
return filterVal; return filterVal;
} };

@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
import {writable} from 'svelte/store' import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import keyValueRepository from '../db/repository/key-value'; import keyValueRepository from "../db/repository/key-value";
import {opt} from '../utils/js' import { opt } from "../utils/js";
const STORE_CONFIG_KEY = 'config'; const STORE_CONFIG_KEY = "config";
export const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'en-US'; export const DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en-US";
export let configStore = null; export let configStore = null;
const locales = { const locales = {
'de-DE': {id: 'de-DE', name: 'Deutschland'}, "de-DE": { id: "de-DE", name: "Deutschland" },
'es-ES': {id: 'es-ES', name: 'España'}, "es-ES": { id: "es-ES", name: "España" },
'pl-PL': {id: 'pl-PL', name: 'Polska'}, "pl-PL": { id: "pl-PL", name: "Polska" },
'en-GB': {id: 'en-GB', name: 'United Kingdom'}, "en-GB": { id: "en-GB", name: "United Kingdom" },
'en-US': {id: 'en-US', name: 'United States'}, "en-US": { id: "en-US", name: "United States" },
}; };
export const getCurrentLocale = () => configStore ? configStore.getLocale() : DEFAULT_LOCALE; export const getCurrentLocale = () =>
configStore ? configStore.getLocale() : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
export const getSupportedLocales = () => Object.values(locales); export const getSupportedLocales = () => Object.values(locales);
@ -24,41 +25,42 @@ const DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
country: null, country: null,
}, },
scoreComparison: { scoreComparison: {
method: 'in-place', method: "in-place",
}, },
preferences: { preferences: {
secondaryPp: 'attribution', secondaryPp: "attribution",
avatarIcons: 'only-if-needed', avatarIcons: "only-if-needed",
}, },
} };
const newSettingsAvailableDefinition = { const newSettingsAvailableDefinition = {
'scoreComparison.method': 'Method of displaying the comparison of scores', "scoreComparison.method": "Method of displaying the comparison of scores",
'preferences.secondaryPp': 'Setting the second PP metric', "preferences.secondaryPp": "Setting the second PP metric",
'preferences.avatarIcons': 'Showing icons on avatars', "preferences.avatarIcons": "Showing icons on avatars",
'locale': 'Locale selection', locale: "Locale selection",
} };
export default async () => { export default async () => {
if (configStore) return configStore; if (configStore) return configStore;
let currentConfig = {...DEFAULT_CONFIG}; let currentConfig = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG };
let newSettingsAvailable = undefined; let newSettingsAvailable = undefined;
const {subscribe, set: storeSet} = writable(currentConfig); const { subscribe, set: storeSet } = writable(currentConfig);
const get = key => key ? (currentConfig[key] ? currentConfig[key] : null) : currentConfig; const get = (key) =>
key ? (currentConfig[key] ? currentConfig[key] : null) : currentConfig;
const set = async (config, persist = true) => { const set = async (config, persist = true) => {
const newConfig = {...DEFAULT_CONFIG}; const newConfig = { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG };
Object.keys(config).forEach(key => { Object.keys(config).forEach((key) => {
if (key === 'locale') { if (key === "locale") {
newConfig[key] = config?.[key] ?? newConfig?.[key] ?? DEFAULT_LOCALE; newConfig[key] = config?.[key] ?? newConfig?.[key] ?? DEFAULT_LOCALE;
return; return;
} }
newConfig[key] = {...newConfig?.[key], ...config?.[key]} newConfig[key] = { ...newConfig?.[key], ...config?.[key] };
}); });
if (persist) await keyValueRepository().set(newConfig, STORE_CONFIG_KEY); if (persist) await keyValueRepository().set(newConfig, STORE_CONFIG_KEY);
@ -69,27 +71,31 @@ export default async () => {
storeSet(newConfig); storeSet(newConfig);
return newConfig; return newConfig;
} };
const getLocale = () => opt(currentConfig, 'locale', DEFAULT_LOCALE); const getLocale = () => opt(currentConfig, "locale", DEFAULT_LOCALE);
const determineNewSettingsAvailable = dbConfig => Object.entries(newSettingsAvailableDefinition) const determineNewSettingsAvailable = (dbConfig) =>
.map(([key, description]) => opt(dbConfig, key) === undefined ? description : null) Object.entries(newSettingsAvailableDefinition)
.filter(d => d) .map(([key, description]) =>
opt(dbConfig, key) === undefined ? description : null,
.filter((d) => d);
const dbConfig = await keyValueRepository().get(STORE_CONFIG_KEY); const dbConfig = await keyValueRepository().get(STORE_CONFIG_KEY);
const newSettings= determineNewSettingsAvailable(dbConfig); const newSettings = determineNewSettingsAvailable(dbConfig);
if (dbConfig) await set(dbConfig, false); if (dbConfig) await set(dbConfig, false);
newSettingsAvailable = newSettings && newSettings.length ? newSettings : undefined; newSettingsAvailable =
newSettings && newSettings.length ? newSettings : undefined;
configStore = { configStore = {
subscribe, subscribe,
set, set,
get, get,
getMainPlayerId: () => opt(currentConfig, 'users.main'), getMainPlayerId: () => opt(currentConfig, "users.main"),
getLocale, getLocale,
getNewSettingsAvailable: () => newSettingsAvailable, getNewSettingsAvailable: () => newSettingsAvailable,
} };
return configStore; return configStore;
} };

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import {writable} from 'svelte/store' import { writable } from "svelte/store";
export default (sizes = {phone: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1024, xxl: 1749}) => { export default (
const defaultValue = {name: null, width: null, nodeWidth: null, rect: null} sizes = { phone: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1024, xxl: 1749 },
const {subscribe, unsubscribe, set} = writable(defaultValue); ) => {
const defaultValue = { name: null, width: null, nodeWidth: null, rect: null };
const { subscribe, unsubscribe, set } = writable(defaultValue);
let ro = null; let ro = null;
let node = null; let node = null;
@ -10,12 +12,12 @@ export default (sizes = {phone: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1024, xxl: 1749}) => {
const unobserve = () => { const unobserve = () => {
if (!node) return; if (!node) return;
ro.unobserve(node) ro.unobserve(node);
node = null; node = null;
} };
const observe = nodeToObserve => { const observe = (nodeToObserve) => {
if (!nodeToObserve) return null; if (!nodeToObserve) return null;
if (node) unobserve(); if (node) unobserve();
@ -34,19 +36,25 @@ export default (sizes = {phone: 0, tablet: 768, desktop: 1024, xxl: 1749}) => {
set( set(
Object.entries(sizes) Object.entries(sizes)
.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]) .sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1])
.reduce((cum, item) => item[1] <= nodeWidth ? {name: item[0], width: item[1], nodeWidth, rect} : cum, defaultValue), .reduce(
) (cum, item) =>
item[1] <= nodeWidth
? { name: item[0], width: item[1], nodeWidth, rect }
: cum,
}); });
ro.observe(node) ro.observe(node);
return node; return node;
} };
return { return {
subscribe, subscribe,
unsubscribe, unsubscribe,
observe, observe,
unobserve, unobserve,
} };
}; };

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
import {getFixedLeaderboardMaxScore, getMaxScore} from '../../../../utils/scoresaber/song' import {
} from "../../../../utils/scoresaber/song";
export default (score, bmStats, leaderboardId) => { export default (score, bmStats, leaderboardId) => {
let maxScore; let maxScore;
if (bmStats && bmStats.notes) { if (bmStats && bmStats.notes) {
maxScore = getMaxScore(bmStats.notes) maxScore = getMaxScore(bmStats.notes);
} else if (leaderboardId) { } else if (leaderboardId) {
maxScore = getFixedLeaderboardMaxScore(leaderboardId, score?.maxScore ?? null) maxScore = getFixedLeaderboardMaxScore(
score?.maxScore ?? null,
} }
if (maxScore) { if (maxScore) {
@ -17,14 +23,14 @@ export default (score, bmStats, leaderboardId) => {
if (!unmodifiedScore) unmodifiedScore = score?.score ?? null; if (!unmodifiedScore) unmodifiedScore = score?.score ?? null;
if (unmodifiedScore && score.maxScore) { if (unmodifiedScore && score.maxScore) {
score.acc = unmodifiedScore ? unmodifiedScore / maxScore * 100 : null; score.acc = unmodifiedScore ? (unmodifiedScore / maxScore) * 100 : null;
if (score.score) score.percentage = score.score / score.maxScore * 100; if (score.score) score.percentage = (score.score / score.maxScore) * 100;
} }
if (score?.score && score?.maxScore) { if (score?.score && score?.maxScore) {
score.percentage = score.score / score.maxScore * 100; score.percentage = (score.score / score.maxScore) * 100;
} }
return score; return score;
} };

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
import createBeatMapsService from '../../../../services/beatmaps' import createBeatMapsService from "../../../../services/beatmaps";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
const beatMaps = createBeatMapsService(); const beatMaps = createBeatMapsService();
export default async (data, cachedOnly = false) => { export default async (data, cachedOnly = false) => {
if (!opt(data, '')) return; if (!opt(data, "")) return;
data.leaderboard.beatMaps = await beatMaps.byHash(, false, cachedOnly); data.leaderboard.beatMaps = await beatMaps.byHash(

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
import createRankedsStore from '../../../../stores/scoresaber/rankeds' import createRankedsStore from "../../../../stores/scoresaber/rankeds";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
let rankeds; let rankeds;
export default async (data) => { export default async (data) => {
if (rankeds === undefined) { if (rankeds === undefined) {
rankeds = (await createRankedsStore()).get(); rankeds = (await createRankedsStore()).get();
} }
if (!rankeds) return; if (!rankeds) return;
const leaderboardId = opt(data, 'leaderboard.leaderboardId'); const leaderboardId = opt(data, "leaderboard.leaderboardId");
if (!leaderboardId) return; if (!leaderboardId) return;
data.leaderboard.stars = rankeds[leaderboardId] && rankeds[leaderboardId].stars ? rankeds[leaderboardId].stars : null; data.leaderboard.stars =
} rankeds[leaderboardId] && rankeds[leaderboardId].stars
? rankeds[leaderboardId].stars
: null;

@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import calculateAcc from '../common/acc-calc' import calculateAcc from "../common/acc-calc";
import {findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps} from '../../../../utils/scoresaber/song' import { findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps } from "../../../../utils/scoresaber/song";
export default async (data) => { export default async (data) => {
if (!data || !data.score) return; if (!data || !data.score) return;
const leaderboardId = opt(data, 'leaderboard.leaderboardId') const leaderboardId = opt(data, "leaderboard.leaderboardId");
const diffInfo = opt(data, 'leaderboard.diffInfo'); const diffInfo = opt(data, "leaderboard.diffInfo");
const versions = opt(data, 'leaderboard.beatMaps.versions') const versions = opt(data, "leaderboard.beatMaps.versions");
const versionsLastIdx = versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length ? versions.length - 1 : 0; const versionsLastIdx =
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`), diffInfo); versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length
? versions.length - 1
: 0;
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(
opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`),
data.score = calculateAcc(data.score, bmStats, leaderboardId); data.score = calculateAcc(data.score, bmStats, leaderboardId);
} };

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import createBeatSaviorService from '../../../../services/beatsavior' import createBeatSaviorService from "../../../../services/beatsavior";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import {PRIORITY} from '../../../../network/queues/http-queue' import { PRIORITY } from "../../../../network/queues/http-queue";
let beatSaviorService; let beatSaviorService;
@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
if (!bsData) return; if (!bsData) return;
if (bsData?.stats) if (bsData?.stats)
['left', 'right'].forEach(hand => { ["left", "right"].forEach((hand) => {
['Preswing', 'Postswing'].forEach(stat => { ["Preswing", "Postswing"].forEach((stat) => {
const key = `${hand}${stat}`; const key = `${hand}${stat}`;
if (!bsData?.stats?.[key]) if (!bsData?.stats?.[key])
bsData.stats[key] = bsData?.trackers?.accuracyTracker?.[key] ?? null; bsData.stats[key] = bsData?.trackers?.accuracyTracker?.[key] ?? null;
}) });
}) });
const acc = opt(bsData, 'trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio'); const acc = opt(bsData, "trackers.scoreTracker.rawRatio");
if (acc) data.score.acc = acc * 100; if (acc) data.score.acc = acc * 100;
const percentage = opt(bsData, 'trackers.scoreTracker.modifiedRatio'); const percentage = opt(bsData, "trackers.scoreTracker.modifiedRatio");
if (percentage) data.score.percentage = percentage * 100; if (percentage) data.score.percentage = percentage * 100;
data.beatSavior = bsData; data.beatSavior = bsData;
} };

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import {configStore} from '../../../config' import { configStore } from "../../../config";
import createScoresService from '../../../../services/scoresaber/scores' import createScoresService from "../../../../services/scoresaber/scores";
import accEnhancer from './acc' import accEnhancer from "./acc";
import beatSaviorEnhancer from './beatsavior' import beatSaviorEnhancer from "./beatsavior";
import beatMapsEnhancer from '../common/beatmaps' import beatMapsEnhancer from "../common/beatmaps";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import produce from 'immer' import produce from "immer";
let scoresService = null; let scoresService = null;
let mainPlayerId = null; let mainPlayerId = null;
@ -17,20 +17,29 @@ export const initCompareEnhancer = async () => {
scoresService = createScoresService(); scoresService = createScoresService();
configStoreUnsubscribe = configStore.subscribe(async config => { configStoreUnsubscribe = configStore.subscribe(async (config) => {
const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, 'users.main') const newMainPlayerId = opt(config, "users.main");
if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) { if (mainPlayerId !== newMainPlayerId) {
mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId; mainPlayerId = newMainPlayerId;
if (!playerScores[mainPlayerId]) playerScores[mainPlayerId] = await scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject(mainPlayerId); if (!playerScores[mainPlayerId])
playerScores[mainPlayerId] =
await scoresService.getPlayerScoresAsObject(mainPlayerId);
} }
}) });
} };
export default async (data, playerId = null) => { export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
if (!data || !data.score || data.comparePlayers || !mainPlayerId || mainPlayerId === playerId) return; if (
!data ||
!data.score ||
data.comparePlayers ||
!mainPlayerId ||
mainPlayerId === playerId
const leaderboardId = opt(data, 'leaderboard.leaderboardId'); const leaderboardId = opt(data, "leaderboard.leaderboardId");
if (!leaderboardId) return; if (!leaderboardId) return;
const comparePlayerScores = await playerScores[mainPlayerId]; const comparePlayerScores = await playerScores[mainPlayerId];
@ -38,14 +47,15 @@ export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
const mainPlayerScore = await produce( const mainPlayerScore = await produce(
await produce( await produce(
await produce( await produce(comparePlayerScores[leaderboardId], (draft) =>
comparePlayerScores[leaderboardId], beatMapsEnhancer(draft),
draft => beatMapsEnhancer(draft),
), ),
draft => accEnhancer(draft, true), (draft) => accEnhancer(draft, true),
), ),
draft => beatSaviorEnhancer(draft, mainPlayerId), (draft) => beatSaviorEnhancer(draft, mainPlayerId),
); );
data.comparePlayers = [{...mainPlayerScore, playerId: mainPlayerId, playerName: 'Me'}]; data.comparePlayers = [
} { ...mainPlayerScore, playerId: mainPlayerId, playerName: "Me" },

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import createScoresService from '../../../../services/scoresaber/scores'; import createScoresService from "../../../../services/scoresaber/scores";
import calculateAcc from '../common/acc-calc' import calculateAcc from "../common/acc-calc";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
import {findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps} from '../../../../utils/scoresaber/song' import { findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps } from "../../../../utils/scoresaber/song";
let scoresService; let scoresService;
@ -10,27 +10,39 @@ export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
if (data.prevScore) delete data.prevScore; if (data.prevScore) delete data.prevScore;
const leaderboardId = opt(data, 'leaderboard.leaderboardId'); const leaderboardId = opt(data, "leaderboard.leaderboardId");
if (!scoresService) scoresService = createScoresService(); if (!scoresService) scoresService = createScoresService();
const playerScores = scoresService.convertScoresToObject(await scoresService.getPlayerScores(playerId)); const playerScores = scoresService.convertScoresToObject(
await scoresService.getPlayerScores(playerId),
// skip if no cached score // skip if no cached score
if (!playerScores[leaderboardId]) return; if (!playerScores[leaderboardId]) return;
// compare to cached score if cached is equal to current or to cached history score otherwise // compare to cached score if cached is equal to current or to cached history score otherwise
let prevScore = playerScores[leaderboardId].score.score === data.score.score let prevScore =
? (playerScores[leaderboardId].history && playerScores[leaderboardId].history.length ? playerScores[leaderboardId].history[0] : null) playerScores[leaderboardId].score.score === data.score.score
: playerScores[leaderboardId].score; ? playerScores[leaderboardId].history &&
? playerScores[leaderboardId].history[0]
: null
: playerScores[leaderboardId].score;
// skip if no score to compare // skip if no score to compare
if (!prevScore) return; if (!prevScore) return;
const diffInfo = opt(data, 'leaderboard.diffInfo'); const diffInfo = opt(data, "leaderboard.diffInfo");
const versions = opt(data, 'leaderboard.beatMaps.versions') const versions = opt(data, "leaderboard.beatMaps.versions");
const versionsLastIdx = versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length ? versions.length - 1 : 0; const versionsLastIdx =
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`), diffInfo); versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length
? versions.length - 1
: 0;
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(
opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`),
data.prevScore = calculateAcc(prevScore, bmStats, leaderboardId); data.prevScore = calculateAcc(prevScore, bmStats, leaderboardId);
} };

@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
import createPpService from '../../../../services/scoresaber/pp' import createPpService from "../../../../services/scoresaber/pp";
import {configStore} from '../../../config' import { configStore } from "../../../config";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
let ppService; let ppService;
export default async (data, playerId = null, whatIfOnly = false) => { export default async (data, playerId = null, whatIfOnly = false) => {
if (!playerId) return; if (!playerId) return;
const leaderboardId = opt(data, 'leaderboard.leaderboardId'); const leaderboardId = opt(data, "leaderboard.leaderboardId");
if (!leaderboardId) return; if (!leaderboardId) return;
const pp = opt(data, 'score.pp'); const pp = opt(data, "score.pp");
if (!pp) return; if (!pp) return;
if (!ppService) ppService = createPpService(); if (!ppService) ppService = createPpService();
const mainPlayerId = configStore.getMainPlayerId(); const mainPlayerId = configStore.getMainPlayerId();
if (mainPlayerId && mainPlayerId !== playerId) { if (mainPlayerId && mainPlayerId !== playerId) {
const whatIfPp = await ppService.getWhatIfScore(mainPlayerId, leaderboardId, pp) const whatIfPp = await ppService.getWhatIfScore(
if (whatIfPp && whatIfPp.diff >= 0.01) data.score.whatIfPp = whatIfPp mainPlayerId,
if (whatIfPp && whatIfPp.diff >= 0.01) data.score.whatIfPp = whatIfPp;
} }
if (whatIfOnly) return; if (whatIfOnly) return;
@ -27,4 +31,4 @@ export default async (data, playerId = null, whatIfOnly = false) => {
if (!ppAttribution) return; if (!ppAttribution) return;
data.score.ppAttribution = -ppAttribution.diff; data.score.ppAttribution = -ppAttribution.diff;
} };

@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
import createTwitchService from '../../../../services/twitch' import createTwitchService from "../../../../services/twitch";
import {findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps} from '../../../../utils/scoresaber/song' import { findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps } from "../../../../utils/scoresaber/song";
import {opt} from '../../../../utils/js' import { opt } from "../../../../utils/js";
let twitchService; let twitchService;
export default async (data, playerId = null) => { export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
if (!data || !data.score || !data.leaderboard || !data.leaderboard.beatMaps) return; if (!data || !data.score || !data.leaderboard || !data.leaderboard.beatMaps)
const versions = opt(data, 'leaderboard.beatMaps.versions') const versions = opt(data, "leaderboard.beatMaps.versions");
const versionsLastIdx = versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length ? versions.length - 1 : 0; const versionsLastIdx =
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`), data.leaderboard.diffInfo); versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length
? versions.length - 1
: 0;
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(
opt(data, `leaderboard.beatMaps.versions.${versionsLastIdx}.diffs`),
if (!bmStats || !bmStats.seconds) return; if (!bmStats || !bmStats.seconds) return;
if (!twitchService) twitchService = createTwitchService(); if (!twitchService) twitchService = createTwitchService();
@ -17,8 +24,12 @@ export default async (data, playerId = null) => {
const twitchProfile = await twitchService.refresh(playerId); const twitchProfile = await twitchService.refresh(playerId);
if (!twitchProfile) return; if (!twitchProfile) return;
const video = await twitchService.findTwitchVideo(twitchProfile, data.score.timeSet, bmStats.seconds); const video = await twitchService.findTwitchVideo(
if (!video || !video.url) return; if (!video || !video.url) return;
data.twitchVideo = video; data.twitchVideo = video;
} };

@ -1,44 +1,53 @@
import createHttpStore from './http-store'; import createHttpStore from "./http-store";
import beatMapsEnhancer from './enhancers/common/beatmaps' import beatMapsEnhancer from "./enhancers/common/beatmaps";
import accEnhancer from './enhancers/scores/acc' import accEnhancer from "./enhancers/scores/acc";
import createLeaderboardPageProvider from './providers/page-leaderboard' import createLeaderboardPageProvider from "./providers/page-leaderboard";
import {writable} from 'svelte/store' import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import {findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps} from '../../utils/scoresaber/song' import { findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps } from "../../utils/scoresaber/song";
import {debounce} from '../../utils/debounce' import { debounce } from "../../utils/debounce";
import produce, {applyPatches} from 'immer' import produce, { applyPatches } from "immer";
import ppAttributionEnhancer from './enhancers/scores/pp-attribution' import ppAttributionEnhancer from "./enhancers/scores/pp-attribution";
export default (leaderboardId, type = 'global', page = 1, initialState = null, initialStateType = 'initial') => { export default (
type = "global",
page = 1,
initialState = null,
initialStateType = "initial",
) => {
let currentLeaderboardId = leaderboardId ? leaderboardId : null; let currentLeaderboardId = leaderboardId ? leaderboardId : null;
let currentType = type ? type : 'global'; let currentType = type ? type : "global";
let currentPage = page ? page : 1; let currentPage = page ? page : 1;
const {subscribe: subscribeEnhanced, set: setEnhanced} = writable(null); const { subscribe: subscribeEnhanced, set: setEnhanced } = writable(null);
const getCurrentEnhanceTaskId = () => `${currentLeaderboardId}/${currentPage}/${currentType}`; const getCurrentEnhanceTaskId = () =>
const getPatchId = (leaderboardId, scoreRow) => `${leaderboardId}/${scoreRow?.player?.playerId}` `${currentLeaderboardId}/${currentPage}/${currentType}`;
const getPatchId = (leaderboardId, scoreRow) =>
let enhancePatches = {}; let enhancePatches = {};
let currentEnhanceTaskId = null; let currentEnhanceTaskId = null;
const onNewData = ({fetchParams, state, set}) => { const onNewData = ({ fetchParams, state, set }) => {
currentLeaderboardId = fetchParams?.leaderboardId ?? null; currentLeaderboardId = fetchParams?.leaderboardId ?? null;
currentType = fetchParams?.type ?? 'global'; currentType = fetchParams?.type ?? "global";
currentPage = fetchParams?.page ?? 1; currentPage = fetchParams?.page ?? 1;
if (!state) return; if (!state) return;
const enhanceTaskId = getCurrentEnhanceTaskId(); const enhanceTaskId = getCurrentEnhanceTaskId();
if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) { if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) {
enhancePatches = {} enhancePatches = {};
currentEnhanceTaskId = enhanceTaskId; currentEnhanceTaskId = enhanceTaskId;
} }
const stateProduce = (state, patchId, producer) => produce(state, producer, patches => { const stateProduce = (state, patchId, producer) =>
if (!enhancePatches[patchId]) enhancePatches[patchId] = []; produce(state, producer, (patches) => {
if (!enhancePatches[patchId]) enhancePatches[patchId] = [];
enhancePatches[patchId].push(...patches) enhancePatches[patchId].push(...patches);
}) });
const debouncedSetState = debounce((enhanceTaskId, state) => { const debouncedSetState = debounce((enhanceTaskId, state) => {
if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) return; if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) return;
@ -46,78 +55,119 @@ export default (leaderboardId, type = 'global', page = 1, initialState = null, i
set(state); set(state);
}, 100); }, 100);
const newState = {...state}; const newState = { ...state };
const setStateRow = (enhanceTaskId, scoreRow) => { const setStateRow = (enhanceTaskId, scoreRow) => {
if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) return null; if (currentEnhanceTaskId !== enhanceTaskId) return null;
const patchId = getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow) const patchId = getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow);
const stateRowIdx = newState.scores.findIndex(s => getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, s) === patchId) const stateRowIdx = newState.scores.findIndex(
(s) => getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, s) === patchId,
if (stateRowIdx < 0) return; if (stateRowIdx < 0) return;
newState.scores[stateRowIdx] = applyPatches(newState.scores[stateRowIdx], enhancePatches[patchId]); newState.scores[stateRowIdx] = applyPatches(
debouncedSetState(enhanceTaskId, newState); debouncedSetState(enhanceTaskId, newState);
return newState.scores[stateRowIdx]; return newState.scores[stateRowIdx];
} };
if (newState.leaderboard) if (newState.leaderboard)
beatMapsEnhancer(newState) beatMapsEnhancer(newState)
.then(_ => { .then((_) => {
const versions = newState?.leaderboard?.beatMaps?.versions ?? null const versions = newState?.leaderboard?.beatMaps?.versions ?? null;
const versionsLastIdx = versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length ? versions.length - 1 : 0; const versionsLastIdx =
versions && Array.isArray(versions) && versions.length
? versions.length - 1
: 0;
const bpm = newState?.leaderboard?.beatMaps?.metadata?.bpm ?? null; const bpm = newState?.leaderboard?.beatMaps?.metadata?.bpm ?? null;
const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(newState?.leaderboard?.beatMaps?.versions?.[versionsLastIdx]?.diffs, newState?.leaderboard?.diffInfo); const bmStats = findDiffInfoWithDiffAndTypeFromBeatMaps(
if (!bmStats) return null; if (!bmStats) return null;
newState.leaderboard.stats = {...newState.leaderboard.stats, ...bmStats, bpm}; newState.leaderboard.stats = {
setEnhanced({leaderboardId, type, page, enhancedAt: new Date()}) setEnhanced({ leaderboardId, type, page, enhancedAt: new Date() });
debouncedSetState(enhanceTaskId, newState); debouncedSetState(enhanceTaskId, newState);
return newState.leaderboard.beatMaps; return newState.leaderboard.beatMaps;
}) })
.then(_ => { .then((_) => {
if (!newState.scores || !newState.scores.length) return; if (!newState.scores || !newState.scores.length) return;
for (const scoreRow of newState.scores) { for (const scoreRow of newState.scores) {
stateProduce({ stateProduce(
...scoreRow, {
leaderboard: newState.leaderboard ...scoreRow,
}, getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow), draft => accEnhancer(draft)) leaderboard: newState.leaderboard,
.then(scoreRow => setStateRow(enhanceTaskId, scoreRow)) },
.then(scoreRow => stateProduce({...scoreRow, leaderboard: newState.leaderboard}, getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow), draft => ppAttributionEnhancer(draft, scoreRow?.player?.playerId, true)) getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow),
(draft) => accEnhancer(draft),
.then((scoreRow) => setStateRow(enhanceTaskId, scoreRow))
.then((scoreRow) =>
{ ...scoreRow, leaderboard: newState.leaderboard },
getPatchId(currentLeaderboardId, scoreRow),
(draft) =>
) )
.then(scoreRow => setStateRow(enhanceTaskId, scoreRow)) .then((scoreRow) => setStateRow(enhanceTaskId, scoreRow));
} }
}) });
} };
const provider = createLeaderboardPageProvider(); const provider = createLeaderboardPageProvider();
const httpStore = createHttpStore( const httpStore = createHttpStore(
provider, provider,
{leaderboardId, type, page}, { leaderboardId, type, page },
initialState, initialState,
{ {
onInitialized: onNewData, onInitialized: onNewData,
onAfterStateChange: onNewData, onAfterStateChange: onNewData,
onSetPending: ({fetchParams}) => ({...fetchParams}), onSetPending: ({ fetchParams }) => ({ ...fetchParams }),
}, },
initialStateType initialStateType,
); );
const fetch = async (leaderboardId = currentLeaderboardId, type = currentType, page = currentPage, force = false) => { const fetch = async (
leaderboardId = currentLeaderboardId,
type = currentType,
page = currentPage,
force = false,
) => {
if (!leaderboardId) return false; if (!leaderboardId) return false;
if (leaderboardId === currentLeaderboardId && (!type || type === currentType) && (!page || page === currentPage) && !force) return false; if (
leaderboardId === currentLeaderboardId &&
(!type || type === currentType) &&
(!page || page === currentPage) &&
return false;
return httpStore.fetch({leaderboardId, type, page}, force, provider); return httpStore.fetch({ leaderboardId, type, page }, force, provider);
} };
const refresh = async () => fetch(currentLeaderboardId, currentType, currentPage, true); const refresh = async () =>
fetch(currentLeaderboardId, currentType, currentPage, true);
return { return {
...httpStore, ...httpStore,
@ -126,7 +176,6 @@ export default (leaderboardId, type = 'global', page = 1, initialState = null, i
getLeaderboardId: () => currentLeaderboardId, getLeaderboardId: () => currentLeaderboardId,
getType: () => currentType, getType: () => currentType,
getPage: () => currentPage, getPage: () => currentPage,
enhanced: {subscribe: subscribeEnhanced}, enhanced: { subscribe: subscribeEnhanced },
} };
} };

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
import createHttpStore from './http-store'; import createHttpStore from "./http-store";
import playerApiClient from '../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/api' import playerApiClient from "../../network/clients/scoresaber/player/api";
export default (playerId = null, initialState = null, initialStateType = 'initial') => { export default (
playerId = null,
initialState = null,
initialStateType = "initial",
) => {
let currentPlayerId = playerId; let currentPlayerId = playerId;
const onNewData = ({fetchParams}) => { const onNewData = ({ fetchParams }) => {
currentPlayerId = fetchParams?.playerId ?? null; currentPlayerId = fetchParams?.playerId ?? null;
} };
const httpStore = createHttpStore( const httpStore = createHttpStore(
playerApiClient, playerApiClient,
playerId ? {playerId} : null, playerId ? { playerId } : null,
initialState, initialState,
{ {
onInitialized: onNewData, onInitialized: onNewData,
@ -22,13 +26,12 @@ export default (playerId = null, initialState = null, initialStateType = 'initia
const fetch = async (playerId = currentPlayerId, force = false) => { const fetch = async (playerId = currentPlayerId, force = false) => {
if (!playerId || (playerId === currentPlayerId && !force)) return false; if (!playerId || (playerId === currentPlayerId && !force)) return false;
return httpStore.fetch({playerId}, force, playerApiClient); return httpStore.fetch({ playerId }, force, playerApiClient);
} };
return { return {
...httpStore, ...httpStore,
fetch, fetch,
getPlayerId: () => currentPlayerId, getPlayerId: () => currentPlayerId,
} };
} };

@ -1,49 +1,61 @@
import stringify from 'json-stable-stringify'; import stringify from "json-stable-stringify";
import eventBus from '../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub' import eventBus from "../../utils/broadcast-channel-pubsub";
import createHttpStore from './http-store'; import createHttpStore from "./http-store";
import createApiPlayerWithScoresProvider from './providers/api-player-with-scores' import createApiPlayerWithScoresProvider from "./providers/api-player-with-scores";
import createPlayerService from '../../services/scoresaber/player' import createPlayerService from "../../services/scoresaber/player";
import {addToDate, MINUTE} from '../../utils/date' import { addToDate, MINUTE } from "../../utils/date";
import {writable} from 'svelte/store' import { writable } from "svelte/store";
export default (playerId = null, service = 'scoresaber', serviceParams = {type: 'recent', page: 1}, initialState = null, initialStateType = 'initial') => { export default (
playerId = null,
service = "scoresaber",
serviceParams = { type: "recent", page: 1 },
initialState = null,
initialStateType = "initial",
) => {
let currentPlayerId = playerId; let currentPlayerId = playerId;
let currentService = service; let currentService = service;
let currentServiceParams = serviceParams; let currentServiceParams = serviceParams;
const {subscribe: subscribeParams, set: setParams} = writable(null); const { subscribe: subscribeParams, set: setParams } = writable(null);
let playerService = createPlayerService(); let playerService = createPlayerService();
let lastRecentPlay = null; let lastRecentPlay = null;
let playerForLastRecentPlay = null; let playerForLastRecentPlay = null;
const onNewData = ({fetchParams}) => { const onNewData = ({ fetchParams }) => {
currentPlayerId = fetchParams?.playerId ?? null; currentPlayerId = fetchParams?.playerId ?? null;
currentService = fetchParams?.service ?? null; currentService = fetchParams?.service ?? null;
currentServiceParams = fetchParams?.serviceParams ?? null; currentServiceParams = fetchParams?.serviceParams ?? null;
setParams({currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams}) setParams({ currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams });
} };
const provider = createApiPlayerWithScoresProvider(); const provider = createApiPlayerWithScoresProvider();
const httpStore = createHttpStore( const httpStore = createHttpStore(
provider, provider,
playerId ? {playerId, service, serviceParams} : null, playerId ? { playerId, service, serviceParams } : null,
initialState, initialState,
{ {
onInitialized: onNewData, onInitialized: onNewData,
onAfterStateChange: onNewData, onAfterStateChange: onNewData,
}, },
initialStateType initialStateType,
); );
const fetch = async (playerId = currentPlayerId, service = currentService, serviceParams = currentServiceParams, force = false) => { const fetch = async (
playerId = currentPlayerId,
service = currentService,
serviceParams = currentServiceParams,
force = false,
) => {
if ( if (
(!playerId || playerId === currentPlayerId) && (!playerId || playerId === currentPlayerId) &&
(!service || stringify(service) === stringify(currentService)) && (!service || stringify(service) === stringify(currentService)) &&
(!serviceParams || stringify(serviceParams) === stringify(currentServiceParams)) && (!serviceParams ||
stringify(serviceParams) === stringify(currentServiceParams)) &&
!force !force
) )
return false; return false;
@ -54,75 +66,89 @@ export default (playerId = null, service = 'scoresaber', serviceParams = {type:
playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId; playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId;
} }
return httpStore.fetch({playerId, service, serviceParams}, force, provider, !playerId || playerId !== currentPlayerId || force); return httpStore.fetch(
} { playerId, service, serviceParams },
!playerId || playerId !== currentPlayerId || force,
const refresh = async () => fetch(currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams, true); const refresh = async () =>
fetch(currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams, true);
const playerRecentPlayUpdatedUnsubscribe = eventBus.on('player-recent-play-updated', async ({playerId, recentPlay}) => { const playerRecentPlayUpdatedUnsubscribe = eventBus.on(
if (!playerId || !currentPlayerId || playerId !== currentPlayerId) return; "player-recent-play-updated",
async ({ playerId, recentPlay }) => {
if (!playerId || !currentPlayerId || playerId !== currentPlayerId) return;
if (!recentPlay || !lastRecentPlay || recentPlay <= lastRecentPlay) { if (!recentPlay || !lastRecentPlay || recentPlay <= lastRecentPlay) {
if (recentPlay) { if (recentPlay) {
lastRecentPlay = recentPlay; lastRecentPlay = recentPlay;
playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId; playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId;
} }
lastRecentPlay = recentPlay; lastRecentPlay = recentPlay;
playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId; playerForLastRecentPlay = playerId;
await refresh(); await refresh();
}); },
const subscribe = fn => { const subscribe = (fn) => {
const storeUnsubscribe = httpStore.subscribe(fn); const storeUnsubscribe = httpStore.subscribe(fn);
return () => { return () => {
storeUnsubscribe(); storeUnsubscribe();
playerRecentPlayUpdatedUnsubscribe(); playerRecentPlayUpdatedUnsubscribe();
} };
} };
const enqueueRecentPlayRefresh = async () => { const enqueueRecentPlayRefresh = async () => {
if (!currentPlayerId) { if (!currentPlayerId) {
setTimeout(() => enqueueRecentPlayRefresh(), DEFAULT_RECENT_PLAY_REFRESH_INTERVAL); setTimeout(
() => enqueueRecentPlayRefresh(),
return; return;
} }
await playerService.fetchPlayerAndUpdateRecentPlay(currentPlayerId); await playerService.fetchPlayerAndUpdateRecentPlay(currentPlayerId);
const refreshInterval = !lastRecentPlay || lastRecentPlay >= addToDate(-30 * MINUTE, new Date()) const refreshInterval =
? DEFAULT_RECENT_PLAY_REFRESH_INTERVAL !lastRecentPlay || lastRecentPlay >= addToDate(-30 * MINUTE, new Date())
: 15 * MINUTE;
setTimeout(() => enqueueRecentPlayRefresh(), refreshInterval); setTimeout(() => enqueueRecentPlayRefresh(), refreshInterval);
} setTimeout(
() => enqueueRecentPlayRefresh(),
return { return {
...httpStore, ...httpStore,
subscribe, subscribe,
fetch, fetch,
refresh, refresh,
params: {subscribe: subscribeParams}, params: { subscribe: subscribeParams },
getPlayerId: () => currentPlayerId, getPlayerId: () => currentPlayerId,
getService: () => currentService, getService: () => currentService,
setService: type => { setService: (type) => {
currentService = type; currentService = type;
setParams({currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams}) setParams({ currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams });
}, },
getServiceParams: () => currentServiceParams, getServiceParams: () => currentServiceParams,
setServiceParams: page => { setServiceParams: (page) => {
currentServiceParams = page currentServiceParams = page;
setParams({currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams}) setParams({ currentPlayerId, currentService, currentServiceParams });
}, },
} };
} };

@ -1,34 +1,48 @@
import createHttpStore from './http-store'; import createHttpStore from "./http-store";
import createApiRankingProvider from './providers/api-ranking' import createApiRankingProvider from "./providers/api-ranking";
export default (type = 'global', page = 1, initialState = null, initialStateType = 'initial') => { export default (
let currentType = type ? type : 'global'; type = "global",
page = 1,
initialState = null,
initialStateType = "initial",
) => {
let currentType = type ? type : "global";
let currentPage = page ? page : 1; let currentPage = page ? page : 1;
const onNewData = ({fetchParams}) => { const onNewData = ({ fetchParams }) => {
currentType = fetchParams?.type ?? 'global'; currentType = fetchParams?.type ?? "global";
currentPage = fetchParams?.page ?? 1; currentPage = fetchParams?.page ?? 1;
} };
const provider = createApiRankingProvider(); const provider = createApiRankingProvider();
const httpStore = createHttpStore( const httpStore = createHttpStore(
provider, provider,
{type, page}, { type, page },
initialState, initialState,
{ {
onInitialized: onNewData, onInitialized: onNewData,
onAfterStateChange: onNewData, onAfterStateChange: onNewData,
onSetPending: ({fetchParams}) => ({...fetchParams}), onSetPending: ({ fetchParams }) => ({ ...fetchParams }),
}, },
initialStateType initialStateType,
); );
const fetch = async (type = currentType, page = currentPage, force = false) => { const fetch = async (
if ((!type || type === currentType) && (!page || page === currentPage) && !force) return false; type = currentType,
page = currentPage,
force = false,
) => {
if (
(!type || type === currentType) &&
(!page || page === currentPage) &&
return false;
return httpStore.fetch({type, page}, force, provider); return httpStore.fetch({ type, page }, force, provider);
} };
const refresh = async () => fetch(currentType, currentPage, true); const refresh = async () => fetch(currentType, currentPage, true);
@ -38,6 +52,5 @@ export default (type = 'global', page = 1, initialState = null, initialStateType
refresh, refresh,
getType: () => currentType, getType: () => currentType,
getPage: () => currentPage, getPage: () => currentPage,
} };
} };

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