const ssrSettings = require("./src/ssrSettings"); const { getCodeList } = require("country-list"); const SS_API_URL = ssrSettings.proxy + "/"; const SS_GET_PLAYERS_URL = SS_API_URL + "/players?page={}"; // todo: cache this on a file somehow? async function getTopPlayers() { console.log("Fetching top players..."); const players = []; const pagesToFetch = 10; for (let i = 0; i < pagesToFetch; i++) { console.log(`Fetching page ${i + 1} of ${pagesToFetch}...`); try { const response = await fetch(SS_GET_PLAYERS_URL.replace("{}", i)); const data = await response.json(); players.push(; } catch (e) { console.log(`Error fetching page ${i + 1} of ${pagesToFetch}: ${e}`); } } console.log("Done fetching top players."); return players; } const additionalData = { priority: 0.5, changefreq: "monthly", lastmod: new Date().toISOString(), }; /** @type {import('next-sitemap').IConfig} */ module.exports = { siteUrl: ssrSettings.siteUrl, generateRobotsTxt: true, additionalPaths: async (config) => { const paths = []; // Add the top 50 global ranking pages for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { paths.push({ loc: `/ranking/global/${i + 1}`, ...additionalData, }); } // Add the top 50 pages for all countries const countries = Object.keys(getCodeList()); for (const country of countries) { for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) { paths.push({ loc: `/ranking/country/${country}/${i + 1}`, ...additionalData, }); } } const sortTypes = ["top", "recent"]; // Add top players const players = await getTopPlayers(); for (const sortType of sortTypes) { for (const player of players) { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { paths.push({ loc: `/player/${}/${sortType}/${i + 1}`, ...additionalData, }); } } } return paths; }, };