version: "3.8" services: proxy: image: fascinated/proxy:proxy-latest container_name: Proxy restart: always ports: - 3000:3000 environment: API_PORT: 3000 INFISICAL_TOKEN: ${INFISICAL_TOKEN} # Add your nodes here (eg: http://localhost:3001,http://localhost:3002, etc.) NODES: http://node-1:3000,http://node-2:3000 node-1: image: fascinated/proxy:node-latest container_name: Node_1 restart: always # Uncomment the ports if you want to access the node directly #ports: # - 3000:3000 environment: API_PORT: 3000 INFISICAL_TOKEN: ${INFISICAL_TOKEN} NODE_ID: 1 node-2: image: fascinated/proxy:node-latest container_name: Node_2 restart: always # Uncomment the ports if you want to access the node directly #ports: # - 3000:3000 environment: API_PORT: 3000 INFISICAL_TOKEN: ${INFISICAL_TOKEN} NODE_ID: 1