const fs = require('fs'); const FormData = require('form-data'); const assert = require('assert'); const rimraf = require('rimraf'); const path = require('path'); const FetchCache = require('../index.js'); const { URLSearchParams } = require('url'); const MemoryCache = require('../classes/caching/memory_cache.js'); const CACHE_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.cache'); const expectedPngBuffer = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'expected_png.png')); const TWO_HUNDRED_URL = ''; const FOUR_HUNDRED_URL = ''; const THREE_HUNDRED_TWO_URL = ''; const TEXT_BODY_URL = ''; const JSON_BODY_URL = ''; const PNG_BODY_URL = ''; const TEXT_BODY_EXPECTED = 'User-agent: *\nDisallow: /deny\n'; let fetch; let res; let body; function post(body) { return { method: 'POST', body }; } beforeEach(async function() { rimraf.sync(CACHE_PATH); fetch = FetchCache.withCache(new MemoryCache()); }); describe('Basic property tests', function() { it('Has a status property', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); }); it('Has a statusText property', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.statusText, 'OK'); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.statusText, 'OK'); }); it('Has a url property', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.url, TWO_HUNDRED_URL); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.url, TWO_HUNDRED_URL); }); it('Has an ok property', async function() { res = await fetch(FOUR_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.ok, false); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); res = await fetch(FOUR_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.ok, false); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); }); it('Has a headers property', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.notStrictEqual(res.headers, undefined); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.notStrictEqual(res.headers, undefined); }); it('Has a redirected property', async function() { res = await fetch(THREE_HUNDRED_TWO_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.redirected, true); res = await fetch(THREE_HUNDRED_TWO_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.redirected, true); }); }).timeout(10000); describe('Cache tests', function() { it('Uses cache', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Can eject from cache', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); await res.ejectFromCache(); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Does not error if rejecting from cache twice', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); await res.ejectFromCache(); await res.ejectFromCache(); }); it('Gives different string bodies different cache keys', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post('a')); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post('b')); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); }); it('Gives same string bodies same cache keys', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post('a')); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post('a')); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Gives different URLSearchParams different cache keys', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(new URLSearchParams('a=a'))); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(new URLSearchParams('a=b'))); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); }); it('Gives same URLSearchParams same cache keys', async function() { res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(new URLSearchParams('a=a'))); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(new URLSearchParams('a=a'))); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Gives different read streams different cache keys', async function() { const s1 = fs.createReadStream(__filename); const s2 = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'index.js')); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(s1)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(s2)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); }); it('Gives the same read streams the same cache key', async function() { const s1 = fs.createReadStream(__filename); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(s1)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(s1)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Gives different form data different cache keys', async function() { const data1 = new FormData(); data1.append('a', 'a'); const data2 = new FormData(); data2.append('b', 'b'); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(data1)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(data2)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); }); it('Gives same form data same cache keys', async function() { const data1 = new FormData(); data1.append('a', 'a'); const data2 = new FormData(); data2.append('a', 'a'); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(data1)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TWO_HUNDRED_URL, post(data2)); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); }).timeout(10000); describe('Data tests', function() { it('Refuses to consume body twice', async function() { res = await fetch(TEXT_BODY_URL); await res.text(); try { await res.text(); throw new Error('The above line should have thrown.'); } catch (err) { // It threw } }); it('Can get text body', async function() { res = await fetch(TEXT_BODY_URL); body = await res.text(); assert.strictEqual(body, TEXT_BODY_EXPECTED); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TEXT_BODY_URL); body = await res.text(); assert.strictEqual(body, TEXT_BODY_EXPECTED); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Can get JSON body', async function() { res = await fetch(JSON_BODY_URL); body = await res.json(); assert(body.slideshow); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(JSON_BODY_URL); body = await res.json(); assert(body.slideshow); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Can get PNG buffer body', async function() { res = await fetch(PNG_BODY_URL); body = await res.buffer(); assert.strictEqual(expectedPngBuffer.equals(body), true); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(PNG_BODY_URL); body = await res.buffer(); assert.strictEqual(expectedPngBuffer.equals(body), true); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); it('Can stream a body', async function() { res = await fetch(TEXT_BODY_URL); body = ''; for await (const chunk of res.body) { body += chunk.toString(); } assert.strictEqual(TEXT_BODY_EXPECTED, body); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, false); res = await fetch(TEXT_BODY_URL); body = ''; for await (const chunk of res.body) { body += chunk.toString(); } assert.strictEqual(TEXT_BODY_EXPECTED, body); assert.strictEqual(res.fromCache, true); }); }).timeout(10000);