
155 lines
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: flyimg-config
namespace: public-services
parameters.yml: |
# Debug
debug: false
# Home page title
home_page_title: Flyimg
# Number of days for header cache expires `max_age`
header_cache_days: 365
# To enable the Cleanup Cronjob to purge the var/tmp folder
enable_cronjob_cleanup: true
# The cronjob interval to cleanup the var/tmp folder
cronjob_cleanup_interval: "0 */5 * * *"
# Options separator
# When changing this value, you should change the OPTIONS_SEPARATOR value in web/js/main.js!
options_separator: ','
# Security: Signature generation
# Security key
security_key: ''
# Secret Initialization vector(IV)
security_iv: ''
# Restrict domains, false by default
restricted_domains: false
# If restricted_domains is enabled, put whitelist domains here
- domain-1.com
- domain-2.com
# Default storage system is local, to use AWS S3, change this param to s3
storage_system: local
# In case storage_system: s3, you need to add those AWS S3 parameters:
access_id: ''
secret_key: ''
region: 'eu-central-1'
bucket_name: ''
# Number of threads for Imagemagick to use
thread: 1
# For Avif format: conversion speed parameter for the HEIF library.
heic_speed: 8
# Read source image timeout in seconds
source_image_request_timeout: 5
# When set to true the generated image will be deleted from the cache in web/upload and served directly in the response
disable_cache: false
# When supported by the browser, AVIF format will be served as default output
enable_avif: true
# When supported by the browser, Webp format will be served as default output (after checking AVIF support)
enable_webp: true
# Extra options for the header sent to source image server, as some servers requires the User-Agent.
- 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.2) Gecko/20110201'
# List of request header to forward to source image server (example Authorization)
forward_request_headers: []
# Keys used in url to match options. Ex: q_80,w_200,h_100
q: quality
o: output
unsh: unsharp
sh: sharpen
blr: blur
fc: face-crop
fcp: face-crop-position
fb: face-blur
w: width
h: height
c: crop
bg: background
st: strip
ao: auto-orient
rz: resize
g: gravity
f: filter
r: rotate
sc: scale
sf: sampling-factor
rf: refresh
smc: smart-crop
ett: extent
par: preserve-aspect-ratio
pns: preserve-natural-size
webpl: webp-lossless
gf: gif-frame
e: extract
p1x: extract-top-x
p1y: extract-top-y
p2x: extract-bottom-x
p2y: extract-bottom-y
pdfp: pdf-page-number
tm: time
clsp: colorspace
mnchr: monochrome
# Default options values
quality: 70
output: webp
unsharp: null
sharpen: null
blur: null
face-crop: 0
face-crop-position: 0
face-blur: 0
width: null
height: null
crop: null
background: null
strip: 1
auto-orient: 0
resize: null
gravity: Center
filter: Lanczos
rotate: null
scale: null
sampling-factor: 1x1
refresh: false
smart-crop: false
extent: null
preserve-aspect-ratio: 1
preserve-natural-size: 1
webp-lossless: 0
gif-frame: 0
extract: null
extract-top-x: null
extract-top-y: null
extract-bottom-x: null
extract-bottom-y: null
pdf-page-number: 1
time: '00:00:01'
colorspace: 'sRGB'
monochrome: null