version: v1alpha1 # Indicates the schema used to decode the contents. debug: false # Enable verbose logging to the console. persist: true # Provides machine specific configuration options. machine: type: worker # Defines the role of the machine within the cluster. token: 5ab53f.syav4oqxxfjhkgvt # The `token` is used by a machine to join the PKI of the cluster. # The root certificate authority of the PKI. ca: crt: 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 key: "" # Extra certificate subject alternative names for the machine's certificate. certSANs: [] # # Uncomment this to enable SANs. # - # - # - # Used to provide additional options to the kubelet. kubelet: image: # The `image` field is an optional reference to an alternative kubelet image. defaultRuntimeSeccompProfileEnabled: true # Enable container runtime default Seccomp profile. disableManifestsDirectory: true # The `disableManifestsDirectory` field configures the kubelet to get static pod manifests from the /etc/kubernetes/manifests directory. # # The `ClusterDNS` field is an optional reference to an alternative kubelet clusterDNS ip list. # clusterDNS: # - # - # # The `extraArgs` field is used to provide additional flags to the kubelet. # extraArgs: # key: value # # The `extraMounts` field is used to add additional mounts to the kubelet container. # extraMounts: # - destination: /var/lib/example # Destination is the absolute path where the mount will be placed in the container. # type: bind # Type specifies the mount kind. # source: /var/lib/example # Source specifies the source path of the mount. # # Options are fstab style mount options. # options: # - bind # - rshared # - rw # # The `extraConfig` field is used to provide kubelet configuration overrides. # extraConfig: # serverTLSBootstrap: true # # The `KubeletCredentialProviderConfig` field is used to provide kubelet credential configuration. # credentialProviderConfig: # apiVersion: # kind: CredentialProviderConfig # providers: # - apiVersion: # defaultCacheDuration: 12h # matchImages: # - '*.dkr.ecr.*' # - '*.dkr.ecr.*' # - '*.dkr.ecr-fips.*' # - '*' # - '*' # name: ecr-credential-provider # # The `nodeIP` field is used to configure `--node-ip` flag for the kubelet. # nodeIP: # # The `validSubnets` field configures the networks to pick kubelet node IP from. # validSubnets: # - # - '!' # - fdc7::/16 # Provides machine specific network configuration options. network: {} # # `interfaces` is used to define the network interface configuration. # interfaces: # - interface: enp0s1 # The interface name. # # Assigns static IP addresses to the interface. # addresses: # - # # A list of routes associated with the interface. # routes: # - network: # The route's network (destination). # gateway: # The route's gateway (if empty, creates link scope route). # metric: 1024 # The optional metric for the route. # mtu: 1500 # The interface's MTU. # # # # Picks a network device using the selector. # # # select a device with bus prefix 00:*. # # deviceSelector: # # busPath: 00:* # PCI, USB bus prefix, supports matching by wildcard. # # # select a device with mac address matching `*:f0:ab` and `virtio` kernel driver. # # deviceSelector: # # hardwareAddr: '*:f0:ab' # Device hardware address, supports matching by wildcard. # # driver: virtio # Kernel driver, supports matching by wildcard. # # # select a device with bus prefix 00:*, a device with mac address matching `*:f0:ab` and `virtio` kernel driver. # # deviceSelector: # # - busPath: 00:* # PCI, USB bus prefix, supports matching by wildcard. # # - hardwareAddr: '*:f0:ab' # Device hardware address, supports matching by wildcard. # # driver: virtio # Kernel driver, supports matching by wildcard. # # # Bond specific options. # # bond: # # # The interfaces that make up the bond. # # interfaces: # # - enp2s0 # # - enp2s1 # # # Picks a network device using the selector. # # deviceSelectors: # # - busPath: 00:* # PCI, USB bus prefix, supports matching by wildcard. # # - hardwareAddr: '*:f0:ab' # Device hardware address, supports matching by wildcard. # # driver: virtio # Kernel driver, supports matching by wildcard. # # mode: 802.3ad # A bond option. # # lacpRate: fast # A bond option. # # # Bridge specific options. # # bridge: # # # The interfaces that make up the bridge. # # interfaces: # # - enxda4042ca9a51 # # - enxae2a6774c259 # # # A bridge option. # # stp: # # enabled: true # Whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled. # # # Indicates if DHCP should be used to configure the interface. # # dhcp: true # # # DHCP specific options. # # dhcpOptions: # # routeMetric: 1024 # The priority of all routes received via DHCP. # # # Wireguard specific configuration. # # # wireguard server example # # wireguard: # # privateKey: ABCDEF... # Specifies a private key configuration (base64 encoded). # # listenPort: 51111 # Specifies a device's listening port. # # # Specifies a list of peer configurations to apply to a device. # # peers: # # - publicKey: ABCDEF... # Specifies the public key of this peer. # # endpoint: # Specifies the endpoint of this peer entry. # # # AllowedIPs specifies a list of allowed IP addresses in CIDR notation for this peer. # # allowedIPs: # # - # # # wireguard peer example # # wireguard: # # privateKey: ABCDEF... # Specifies a private key configuration (base64 encoded). # # # Specifies a list of peer configurations to apply to a device. # # peers: # # - publicKey: ABCDEF... # Specifies the public key of this peer. # # endpoint: # Specifies the endpoint of this peer entry. # # persistentKeepaliveInterval: 10s # Specifies the persistent keepalive interval for this peer. # # # AllowedIPs specifies a list of allowed IP addresses in CIDR notation for this peer. # # allowedIPs: # # - # # # Virtual (shared) IP address configuration. # # # layer2 vip example # # vip: # # ip: # Specifies the IP address to be used. # # Used to statically set the nameservers for the machine. # nameservers: # - # - # # Allows for extra entries to be added to the `/etc/hosts` file # extraHostEntries: # - ip: # The IP of the host. # # The host alias. # aliases: # - example # - example.domain.tld # # Configures KubeSpan feature. # kubespan: # enabled: true # Enable the KubeSpan feature. # Used to provide instructions for installations. install: disk: /dev/sda # The disk used for installations. image: # Allows for supplying the image used to perform the installation. wipe: false # Indicates if the installation disk should be wiped at installation time. # # Look up disk using disk attributes like model, size, serial and others. # diskSelector: # size: 4GB # Disk size. # model: WDC* # Disk model `/sys/block//device/model`. # busPath: /pci0000:00/0000:00:17.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0 # Disk bus path. # # Allows for supplying extra kernel args via the bootloader. # extraKernelArgs: # - talos.platform=metal # - reboot=k # # Allows for supplying additional system extension images to install on top of base Talos image. # extensions: # - image: # System extension image. # Used to configure the machine's container image registry mirrors. registries: {} # # Specifies mirror configuration for each registry host namespace. # mirrors: # # # List of endpoints (URLs) for registry mirrors to use. # endpoints: # - https://registry.insecure # - # # Specifies TLS & auth configuration for HTTPS image registries. # config: # registry.insecure: # # The TLS configuration for the registry. # tls: # insecureSkipVerify: true # Skip TLS server certificate verification (not recommended). # # # # Enable mutual TLS authentication with the registry. # # clientIdentity: # # crt: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgQ0VSVElGSUNBVEUgLS0t # # key: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgS0VZIC0tLQ== # # # # The auth configuration for this registry. # # auth: # # username: username # Optional registry authentication. # # password: password # Optional registry authentication. # Features describe individual Talos features that can be switched on or off. features: rbac: true # Enable role-based access control (RBAC). stableHostname: true # Enable stable default hostname. apidCheckExtKeyUsage: true # Enable checks for extended key usage of client certificates in apid. diskQuotaSupport: true # Enable XFS project quota support for EPHEMERAL partition and user disks. # KubePrism - local proxy/load balancer on defined port that will distribute kubePrism: enabled: true # Enable KubePrism support - will start local load balancing proxy. port: 7445 # KubePrism port. # Configures host DNS caching resolver. hostDNS: enabled: true # Enable host DNS caching resolver. # # Configure Talos API access from Kubernetes pods. # kubernetesTalosAPIAccess: # enabled: true # Enable Talos API access from Kubernetes pods. # # The list of Talos API roles which can be granted for access from Kubernetes pods. # allowedRoles: # - os:reader # # The list of Kubernetes namespaces Talos API access is available from. # allowedKubernetesNamespaces: # - kube-system # # Provides machine specific control plane configuration options. # # ControlPlane definition example. # controlPlane: # # Controller manager machine specific configuration options. # controllerManager: # disabled: false # Disable kube-controller-manager on the node. # # Scheduler machine specific configuration options. # scheduler: # disabled: true # Disable kube-scheduler on the node. # # Used to provide static pod definitions to be run by the kubelet directly bypassing the kube-apiserver. # # nginx static pod. # pods: # - apiVersion: v1 # kind: pod # metadata: # name: nginx # spec: # containers: # - image: nginx # name: nginx # # Used to partition, format and mount additional disks. # # MachineDisks list example. # disks: # - device: /dev/sdb # The name of the disk to use. # # A list of partitions to create on the disk. # partitions: # - mountpoint: /var/mnt/extra # Where to mount the partition. # # # # The size of partition: either bytes or human readable representation. If `size:` is omitted, the partition is sized to occupy the full disk. # # # Human readable representation. # # size: 100 MB # # # Precise value in bytes. # # size: 1073741824 # # Allows the addition of user specified files. # # MachineFiles usage example. # files: # - content: '...' # The contents of the file. # permissions: 0o666 # The file's permissions in octal. # path: /tmp/file.txt # The path of the file. # op: append # The operation to use # # The `env` field allows for the addition of environment variables. # # Environment variables definition examples. # env: # GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL: info # GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL: "99" # https_proxy: http://SERVER:PORT/ # env: # GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL: error # https_proxy: https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/ # env: # https_proxy: http://DOMAIN\USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/ # # Used to configure the machine's time settings. # # Example configuration for cloudflare ntp server. # time: # disabled: false # Indicates if the time service is disabled for the machine. # # description: | # servers: # - # bootTimeout: 2m0s # Specifies the timeout when the node time is considered to be in sync unlocking the boot sequence. # # Used to configure the machine's sysctls. # # MachineSysctls usage example. # sysctls: # kernel.domainname: # net.ipv4.ip_forward: "0" # net/ipv6/conf/eth0.100/disable_ipv6: "1" # # Used to configure the machine's sysfs. # # MachineSysfs usage example. # sysfs: # devices.system.cpu.cpu0.cpufreq.scaling_governor: performance # # Machine system disk encryption configuration. # systemDiskEncryption: # # Ephemeral partition encryption. # ephemeral: # provider: luks2 # Encryption provider to use for the encryption. # # Defines the encryption keys generation and storage method. # keys: # - # Deterministically generated key from the node UUID and PartitionLabel. # nodeID: {} # slot: 0 # Key slot number for LUKS2 encryption. # # # # KMS managed encryption key. # # kms: # # endpoint: # KMS endpoint to Seal/Unseal the key. # # # # Cipher kind to use for the encryption. Depends on the encryption provider. # # cipher: aes-xts-plain64 # # # Defines the encryption sector size. # # blockSize: 4096 # # # Additional --perf parameters for the LUKS2 encryption. # # options: # # - no_read_workqueue # # - no_write_workqueue # # Configures the udev system. # udev: # # List of udev rules to apply to the udev system # rules: # - SUBSYSTEM=="drm", KERNEL=="renderD*", GROUP="44", MODE="0660" # # Configures the logging system. # logging: # # Logging destination. # destinations: # - endpoint: tcp:// # Where to send logs. Supported protocols are "tcp" and "udp". # format: json_lines # Logs format. # # Configures the kernel. # kernel: # # Kernel modules to load. # modules: # - name: brtfs # Module name. # # Configures the seccomp profiles for the machine. # seccompProfiles: # - name: audit.json # The `name` field is used to provide the file name of the seccomp profile. # # The `value` field is used to provide the seccomp profile. # value: # defaultAction: SCMP_ACT_LOG # # Configures the node labels for the machine. # # node labels example. # nodeLabels: # exampleLabel: exampleLabelValue # # Configures the node taints for the machine. Effect is optional. # # node taints example. # nodeTaints: # exampleTaint: exampleTaintValue:NoSchedule # Provides cluster specific configuration options. cluster: id: 5wojSDc7TVbIkS2ard2EyFd9450s1asuoPU6BkDHVmA= # Globally unique identifier for this cluster (base64 encoded random 32 bytes). secret: T+H+CyyVS3nYAyPl45PsRGWOzdnvRoHmjp57l2FOcV0= # Shared secret of cluster (base64 encoded random 32 bytes). # Provides control plane specific configuration options. controlPlane: endpoint: # Endpoint is the canonical controlplane endpoint, which can be an IP address or a DNS hostname. # Provides cluster specific network configuration options. network: dnsDomain: cluster.local # The domain used by Kubernetes DNS. # The pod subnet CIDR. podSubnets: - # The service subnet CIDR. serviceSubnets: - # # The CNI used. # cni: # name: custom # Name of CNI to use. # # URLs containing manifests to apply for the CNI. # urls: # - token: 3t3mw0.htvvap2rultkiu6l # The [bootstrap token]( used to join the cluster. # The base64 encoded root certificate authority used by Kubernetes. ca: crt: 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 key: "" # Configures cluster member discovery. discovery: enabled: true # Enable the cluster membership discovery feature. # Configure registries used for cluster member discovery. registries: # Kubernetes registry uses Kubernetes API server to discover cluster members and stores additional information kubernetes: disabled: true # Disable Kubernetes discovery registry. # Service registry is using an external service to push and pull information about cluster members. service: {} # # External service endpoint. # endpoint: # # A key used for the [encryption of secret data at rest]( # # Decryption secret example (do not use in production!). # aescbcEncryptionSecret: z01mye6j16bspJYtTB/5SFX8j7Ph4JXxM2Xuu4vsBPM= # # A key used for the [encryption of secret data at rest]( # # Decryption secret example (do not use in production!). # secretboxEncryptionSecret: z01mye6j16bspJYtTB/5SFX8j7Ph4JXxM2Xuu4vsBPM= # # The base64 encoded aggregator certificate authority used by Kubernetes for front-proxy certificate generation. # # AggregatorCA example. # aggregatorCA: # crt: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgQ0VSVElGSUNBVEUgLS0t # key: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgS0VZIC0tLQ== # # The base64 encoded private key for service account token generation. # # AggregatorCA example. # serviceAccount: # key: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgS0VZIC0tLQ== # # API server specific configuration options. # apiServer: # image: # The container image used in the API server manifest. # # Extra arguments to supply to the API server. # extraArgs: # feature-gates: ServerSideApply=true # http2-max-streams-per-connection: "32" # # Extra certificate subject alternative names for the API server's certificate. # certSANs: # - # - # # Configure the API server admission plugins. # admissionControl: # - name: PodSecurity # Name is the name of the admission controller. # # Configuration is an embedded configuration object to be used as the plugin's # configuration: # apiVersion: # defaults: # audit: restricted # audit-version: latest # enforce: baseline # enforce-version: latest # warn: restricted # warn-version: latest # exemptions: # namespaces: # - kube-system # runtimeClasses: [] # usernames: [] # kind: PodSecurityConfiguration # # Configure the API server audit policy. # auditPolicy: # apiVersion: # kind: Policy # rules: # - level: Metadata # # Controller manager server specific configuration options. # controllerManager: # image: # The container image used in the controller manager manifest. # # Extra arguments to supply to the controller manager. # extraArgs: # feature-gates: ServerSideApply=true # # Kube-proxy server-specific configuration options # proxy: # disabled: false # Disable kube-proxy deployment on cluster bootstrap. # image: # The container image used in the kube-proxy manifest. # mode: ipvs # proxy mode of kube-proxy. # # Extra arguments to supply to kube-proxy. # extraArgs: # proxy-mode: iptables # # Scheduler server specific configuration options. # scheduler: # image: # The container image used in the scheduler manifest. # # Extra arguments to supply to the scheduler. # extraArgs: # feature-gates: AllBeta=true # # Etcd specific configuration options. # etcd: # image: # The container image used to create the etcd service. # # The `ca` is the root certificate authority of the PKI. # ca: # crt: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgQ0VSVElGSUNBVEUgLS0t # key: LS0tIEVYQU1QTEUgS0VZIC0tLQ== # # Extra arguments to supply to etcd. # extraArgs: # election-timeout: "5000" # # The `advertisedSubnets` field configures the networks to pick etcd advertised IP from. # advertisedSubnets: # - # # Core DNS specific configuration options. # coreDNS: # image: # The `image` field is an override to the default coredns image. # # External cloud provider configuration. # externalCloudProvider: # enabled: true # Enable external cloud provider. # # A list of urls that point to additional manifests for an external cloud provider. # manifests: # - # - # # A list of urls that point to additional manifests. # extraManifests: # - # - # # A map of key value pairs that will be added while fetching the extraManifests. # extraManifestHeaders: # Token: "1234567" # X-ExtraInfo: info # # A list of inline Kubernetes manifests. # inlineManifests: # - name: namespace-ci # Name of the manifest. # contents: |- # Manifest contents as a string. # apiVersion: v1 # kind: Namespace # metadata: # name: ci # # Settings for admin kubeconfig generation. # adminKubeconfig: # certLifetime: 1h0m0s # Admin kubeconfig certificate lifetime (default is 1 year). # # Allows running workload on control-plane nodes. # allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes: true