2.0 false $(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName) $(OutputPath)Final True $(BasePluginVersion) $(BasePluginVersion) $(BasePluginVersion) $(AssemblyName) $(ArtifactName)-$(PluginVersion) $(ArtifactName)-bs$(GameVersion) $(ArtifactName)-$(CommitHash) $(AssemblyName) $(AssemblyName) $(OutDir)zip\ $(BeatSaberDir)\Plugins True Unable to copy assembly to game folder, did you set 'BeatSaberDir' correctly in your 'csproj.user' file? Plugins folder doesn't exist: '$(PluginDir)'. Unable to copy to Plugins folder, '$(BeatSaberDir)' does not appear to be a Beat Saber game install. Unable to copy to Plugins folder, 'BeatSaberDir' has not been set in your 'csproj.user' file. False $(BeatSaberDir)\IPA\Pending\Plugins