name: Enforce contributor requirement on: issues: types: - created jobs: enforcement: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Delay to allow contributor comment run: sleep 180 - name: Find potential contributor comment uses: peter-evans/find-comment@d362b58d73ad53d089dd54460397ec1b8b47dbfd id: comment with: issue-number: ${{ github.event.number }} body-includes: /ok - name: Check commenter is contributor uses: actions-cool/check-user-permission@a0668c9aec87f3875fc56170b6452a453e9dd819 id: comment-contrib if: ${{ !steps.comment.outputs.comment-id }} with: username: ${{ steps.comment.outputs.comment-author }} check-contributor: true - name: Check author is contributor uses: actions-cool/check-user-permission@a0668c9aec87f3875fc56170b6452a453e9dd819 id: author-contrib if: ${{ !steps.comment-contrib.check-result }} with: # no username means it checks the person who triggered the workflow run i.e. the issue creator check-contributor: true - name: Tag and close issue if: ${{ !steps.comment-contrib.check-result && ! }} run: | gh issue close $ISSUE -c "Your issue does not comply with our contributor requirement. Please do not ignore the issue template." -r "not planned" gh issue edit $ISSUE --add-label "ignored contributor requirement" gh issue lock $ISSUE env: ISSUE: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }}