import definePlugin from "../utils/types"; import { Devs } from "../utils/constants"; import { FluxDispatcher as Dispatcher, ChannelStore, SelectedChannelStore, UserStore } from "../webpack/common"; import { filters } from "../webpack"; import { lazyWebpack } from "../utils/misc"; import { Message } from "discord-types/general"; const MessageStore = lazyWebpack(filters.byProps(["getRawMessages"])); const isMac = navigator.platform.includes("Mac"); // bruh let replyIdx = -1; let editIdx = -1; export default definePlugin({ name: "InteractionKeybinds", authors: [Devs.obscurity, Devs.Ven], description: "Reply to (ctrl + up/down) and edit (ctrl + shift + up/down) messages via keybinds", start() { Dispatcher.subscribe("DELETE_PENDING_REPLY", onDeletePendingReply); Dispatcher.subscribe("MESSAGE_END_EDIT", onEndEdit); Dispatcher.subscribe("MESSAGE_START_EDIT", onStartEdit); Dispatcher.subscribe("CREATE_PENDING_REPLY", onCreatePendingReply); document.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); }, stop() { Dispatcher.unsubscribe("DELETE_PENDING_REPLY", onDeletePendingReply); Dispatcher.unsubscribe("MESSAGE_END_EDIT", onEndEdit); Dispatcher.unsubscribe("MESSAGE_START_EDIT", onStartEdit); Dispatcher.unsubscribe("CREATE_PENDING_REPLY", onCreatePendingReply); document.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown); }, }); const onDeletePendingReply = () => replyIdx = -1; const onEndEdit = () => editIdx = -1; function calculateIdx(messages: Message[], id: string) { const idx = messages.findIndex(m => === id); return idx === -1 ? idx : messages.length - idx - 1; } function onStartEdit({ channelId, messageId, _isQuickEdit }: any) { if (_isQuickEdit) return; const meId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id; const messages = MessageStore.getMessages(channelId)._array.filter(m => === meId); editIdx = calculateIdx(messages, messageId); } function onCreatePendingReply({ message, _isQuickReply }: { message: Message; _isQuickReply: boolean; }) { if (_isQuickReply) return; replyIdx = calculateIdx(MessageStore.getMessages(message.channel_id)._array,; } const isCtrl = (e: KeyboardEvent) => isMac ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey; const isAltOrMeta = (e: KeyboardEvent) => e.altKey || (!isMac && e.metaKey); function onKeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) { const isUp = e.key === "ArrowUp"; if (!isUp && e.key !== "ArrowDown") return; if (!isCtrl(e) || isAltOrMeta(e)) return; if (e.shiftKey) nextEdit(isUp); else nextReply(isUp); } function getNextMessage(isUp: boolean, isReply: boolean) { let messages: Message[] = MessageStore.getMessages(SelectedChannelStore.getChannelId())._array; if (!isReply) { // we are editing so only include own const meId = UserStore.getCurrentUser().id; messages = messages.filter(m => === meId); } const mutate = (i: number) => isUp ? Math.min(messages.length - 1, i + 1) : Math.max(-1, i - 1); let i: number; if (isReply) replyIdx = i = mutate(replyIdx); else editIdx = i = mutate(editIdx); return i === - 1 ? undefined : messages[messages.length - i - 1]; } // handle next/prev reply function nextReply(isUp: boolean) { const message = getNextMessage(isUp, true); if (!message) return void Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "DELETE_PENDING_REPLY", channelId: SelectedChannelStore.getChannelId(), }); const channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "CREATE_PENDING_REPLY", channel, message, shouldMention: true, showMentionToggle: channel.guild_id !== null, _isQuickReply: true }); } // handle next/prev edit function nextEdit(isUp: boolean) { const message = getNextMessage(isUp, false); if (!message) Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "MESSAGE_END_EDIT", channelId: SelectedChannelStore.getChannelId() }); else Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: "MESSAGE_START_EDIT", channelId: message.channel_id, messageId:, content: message.content, _isQuickEdit: true }); }