import { classes, humanFriendlyJoin, useAwaiter } from "../utils/misc"; import Plugins from "plugins"; import { useSettings } from "../api/settings"; import IpcEvents from "../utils/IpcEvents"; import { Button, Switch, Forms, React, Margins, Toasts, Alerts, Parser } from "../webpack/common"; import ErrorBoundary from "./ErrorBoundary"; import { startPlugin } from "../plugins"; import { stopPlugin } from "../plugins/index"; import { Flex } from "./Flex"; import { ChangeList } from "../utils/ChangeList"; function showErrorToast(message: string) {{ message, type: Toasts.Type.FAILURE, id: Toasts.genId(), options: { position: Toasts.Position.BOTTOM } }); } export default ErrorBoundary.wrap(function Settings() { const [settingsDir, , settingsDirPending] = useAwaiter(() => VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.GET_SETTINGS_DIR), "Loading..."); const settings = useSettings(); const changes = React.useMemo(() => new ChangeList(), []); React.useEffect(() => { return () => void (changes.hasChanges &&{ title: "Restart required", body: ( <>

The following plugins require a restart:

{, i) => ( <> {i > 0 && ", "} {Parser.parse("`" + s + "`")} ))}
), confirmText: "Restart now", cancelText: "Later!", onConfirm: () => location.reload() })); }, []); const depMap = React.useMemo(() => { const o = {} as Record; for (const plugin in Plugins) { const deps = Plugins[plugin].dependencies; if (deps) { for (const dep of deps) { o[dep] ??= []; o[dep].push(plugin); } } } return o; }, []); const sortedPlugins = React.useMemo(() => Object.values(Plugins).sort((a, b) =>, []); return ( Settings SettingsDir: {settingsDir} {!IS_WEB && } Settings settings.useQuickCss = v} note="Enable QuickCSS" > Use QuickCss {!IS_WEB && settings.notifyAboutUpdates = v} note="Shows a Toast on StartUp" > Get notified about new Updates } Plugins { => { const enabledDependants = depMap[]?.filter(d => settings.plugins[d].enabled); const dependency = enabledDependants?.length; return ( { settings.plugins[].enabled = v; let needsRestart = Boolean(p.patches?.length); if (v) { p.dependencies?.forEach(d => { const dep = Plugins[d]; needsRestart ||= Boolean(dep.patches?.length && !settings.plugins[d].enabled); settings.plugins[d].enabled = true; if (!needsRestart && !dep.started && !startPlugin(dep)) { showErrorToast(`Failed to start dependency ${d}. Check the console for more info.`); } }); if (!needsRestart && !p.started && !startPlugin(p)) { showErrorToast(`Failed to start plugin ${}. Check the console for more info.`); } } else { if ((p.started || !p.start && p.commands?.length) && !stopPlugin(p)) { showErrorToast(`Failed to stop plugin ${}. Check the console for more info.`); } } if (needsRestart) changes.handleChange(; }} note={p.description} tooltipNote={ p.required ? "This plugin is required. Thus you cannot disable it." : dependency ? `${humanFriendlyJoin(enabledDependants)} ${enabledDependants.length === 1 ? "depends" : "depend"} on this plugin. Thus you cannot disable it.` : null } > {} ); }) } ); });