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* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import "./betterFolders.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/settings";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy, findLazy, findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
import { FluxDispatcher } from "@webpack/common";
import FolderSideBar from "./FolderSideBar";
const GuildsTree = findLazy(m => m.prototype?.convertToFolder);
const GuildFolderStore = findStoreLazy("SortedGuildStore");
const ExpandedFolderStore = findStoreLazy("ExpandedGuildFolderStore");
const FolderUtils = findByPropsLazy("move", "toggleGuildFolderExpand");
const settings = definePluginSettings({
sidebar: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Display servers from folder on dedicated sidebar",
default: true,
sidebarAnim: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Animate opening the folder sidebar",
default: true,
closeAllFolders: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Close all folders when selecting a server not in a folder",
default: false,
closeAllHomeButton: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Close all folders when clicking on the home button",
default: false,
closeOthers: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Close other folders when opening a folder",
default: false,
forceOpen: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Force a folder to open when switching to a server of that folder",
default: false,
export default definePlugin({
name: "BetterFolders",
description: "Shows server folders on dedicated sidebar and adds folder related improvements",
authors: [Devs.juby, Devs.AutumnVN],
patches: [
find: '("guildsnav")',
predicate: () => settings.store.sidebar,
replacement: [
match: /(\i)\(\){return \i\(\(0,\i\.jsx\)\("div",{className:\i\(\)\.guildSeparator}\)\)}/,
replace: "$&$self.Separator=$1;"
// Folder component patch
match: /\i\(\(function\(\i,\i,\i\){var \i=\i\.key;return.+\(\i\)},\i\)}\)\)/,
replace: "arguments[0].bfHideServers?null:$&"
// BEGIN Guilds component patch
match: /(\i)\.themeOverride,(.{15,25}\(function\(\){var \i=)(\i\.\i\.getGuildsTree\(\))/,
replace: "$1.themeOverride,bfPatch=$1.bfGuildFolders,$2bfPatch?$self.getGuildsTree(bfPatch,$3):$3"
match: /return(\(0,\i\.jsx\))(\(\i,{)(folderNode:\i,setNodeRef:\i\.setNodeRef,draggable:!0,.+},\i\.id\));case/,
replace: "var bfHideServers=typeof bfPatch==='undefined',folder=$1$2bfHideServers,$3;return !bfHideServers&&arguments[1]?[$1($self.Separator,{}),folder]:folder;case"
// END
match: /\("guildsnav"\);return\(0,\i\.jsx\)\(.{1,6},{navigator:\i,children:\(0,\i\.jsx\)\(/,
replace: "$&$self.Guilds="
predicate: () => settings.store.sidebar,
replacement: {
match: /(\(0,\i\.jsx\))\(\i\..,{className:\i\(\)\.guilds,themeOverride:\i}\)/,
replace: "$&,$1($self.FolderSideBar,{})"
find: '("guildsnav")',
predicate: () => settings.store.closeAllHomeButton,
replacement: {
match: ",onClick:function(){if(!__OVERLAY__){",
replace: "$&$self.closeFolders();"
start() {
const getGuildFolder = (id: string) => GuildFolderStore.getGuildFolders().find(f => f.guildIds.includes(id));
FluxDispatcher.subscribe("CHANNEL_SELECT", this.onSwitch = data => {
if (!settings.store.closeAllFolders && !settings.store.forceOpen)
if (this.lastGuildId !== data.guildId) {
this.lastGuildId = data.guildId;
const guildFolder = getGuildFolder(data.guildId);
if (guildFolder?.folderId) {
if (settings.store.forceOpen && !ExpandedFolderStore.isFolderExpanded(guildFolder.folderId))
} else if (settings.store.closeAllFolders)
FluxDispatcher.subscribe("TOGGLE_GUILD_FOLDER_EXPAND", this.onToggleFolder = e => {
if (settings.store.closeOthers && !this.dispatching)
FluxDispatcher.wait(() => {
const expandedFolders = ExpandedFolderStore.getExpandedFolders();
if (expandedFolders.size > 1) {
this.dispatching = true;
for (const id of expandedFolders) if (id !== e.folderId)
this.dispatching = false;
stop() {
FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("CHANNEL_SELECT", this.onSwitch);
FluxDispatcher.unsubscribe("TOGGLE_GUILD_FOLDER_EXPAND", this.onToggleFolder);
getGuildsTree(folders, oldTree) {
const tree = new GuildsTree();
tree.root.children = oldTree.root.children.filter(e => folders.includes(e.id));
tree.nodes = folders.map(id => oldTree.nodes[id]);
return tree;
closeFolders() {
for (const id of ExpandedFolderStore.getExpandedFolders())