const WebSocket = require('ws'); const webhook = require("webhook-discord") const Config = require('./config.json') if (!Config.webhook) { console.log("Please set your webhook in config.json") process.exit(1) } if (!Config.countryOnly) { console.log("Please set the countryOnly in config.json") console.log("ALL or country (eg: UK)") process.exit(1) } const Hook = new webhook.Webhook(Config.webhook); const socket = new WebSocket('wss://'); socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if ( == "Connected to the ScoreSaber WSS") { console.log("Connected to ScoreSabers WebSocket!") return; } const data = JSON.parse(; const playerInfo = data.commandData.score.leaderboardPlayerInfo; const leaderboard = data.commandData.leaderboard; const score = data.commandData.score; if (score.rank == 1 && score.pp) { // Checks if the score is the first place and if the map is ranked if (Config.countryOnly != "ALL" && Config.countryOnly != { return; } const msg = new webhook.MessageBuilder() .setName("Score Feed") .setColor("#00FF00") .setAuthor(`${} has set a #1 on ${leaderboard.songName}!`, null, `${}`) .addField("Score", score.baseScore, true) if (score.pp) { msg.addField("PP", score.pp, true) } msg.addField("Leaderboard", `[${leaderboard.songName}](${})`, true) Hook.send(msg); // Sends the score to the webhook } });