2023-12-22 13:50:15 +01:00

200 lines
6.1 KiB

const SORT_OPTIONS = [
getName: () => 'Giocatori',
sortFunc: (a, b) => b.playerCount - a.playerCount,
highlightedValue: 'player-count'
getName: (app) => {
return `Picco di ${app.publicConfig.graphDurationLabel}`
sortFunc: (a, b) => {
if (!a.lastPeakData && !b.lastPeakData) {
return 0
} else if (a.lastPeakData && !b.lastPeakData) {
return -1
} else if (b.lastPeakData && !a.lastPeakData) {
return 1
return b.lastPeakData.playerCount - a.lastPeakData.playerCount
testFunc: (app) => {
// Require at least one ServerRegistration to have a lastPeakData value defined
for (const serverRegistration of app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations()) {
if (serverRegistration.lastPeakData) {
return true
return false
highlightedValue: 'peak'
getName: () => 'Record',
sortFunc: (a, b) => {
if (!a.lastRecordData && !b.lastRecordData) {
return 0
} else if (a.lastRecordData && !b.lastRecordData) {
return -1
} else if (b.lastRecordData && !a.lastRecordData) {
return 1
return b.lastRecordData.playerCount - a.lastRecordData.playerCount
testFunc: (app) => {
// Require at least one ServerRegistration to have a lastRecordData value defined
for (const serverRegistration of app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations()) {
if (serverRegistration.lastRecordData) {
return true
return false
highlightedValue: 'record'
const SORT_OPTION_INDEX_STORAGE_KEY = 'minetrack_sort_option_index'
export class SortController {
constructor (app) {
this._app = app
this._buttonElement = document.getElementById('sort-by')
this._textElement = document.getElementById('sort-by-text')
this._sortOptionIndex = SORT_OPTION_INDEX_DEFAULT
reset () {
this._lastSortedServers = undefined
// Reset modified DOM structures
this._buttonElement.style.display = 'none'
this._textElement.innerText = '...'
// Remove bound DOM event listeners
this._buttonElement.removeEventListener('click', this.handleSortByButtonClick)
loadLocalStorage () {
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
const sortOptionIndex = localStorage.getItem(SORT_OPTION_INDEX_STORAGE_KEY)
if (sortOptionIndex) {
this._sortOptionIndex = parseInt(sortOptionIndex)
updateLocalStorage () {
if (typeof localStorage !== 'undefined') {
if (this._sortOptionIndex !== SORT_OPTION_INDEX_DEFAULT) {
localStorage.setItem(SORT_OPTION_INDEX_STORAGE_KEY, this._sortOptionIndex)
} else {
show () {
// Load the saved option selection, if any
// Bind DOM event listeners
// This is removed by #reset to avoid multiple listeners
this._buttonElement.addEventListener('click', this.handleSortByButtonClick)
// Show #sort-by element
this._buttonElement.style.display = 'inline-block'
handleSortByButtonClick = () => {
while (true) {
// Increment to the next sort option, wrap around if needed
this._sortOptionIndex = (this._sortOptionIndex + 1) % SORT_OPTIONS.length
// Only break if the sortOption is supported
// This can technically cause an infinite loop, but never should assuming
// at least one sortOption does not implement the test OR always returns true
const sortOption = SORT_OPTIONS[this._sortOptionIndex]
if (!sortOption.testFunc || sortOption.testFunc(this._app)) {
// Redraw the button and sort the servers
// Save the updated option selection
updateSortOption = () => {
const sortOption = SORT_OPTIONS[this._sortOptionIndex]
// Pass app instance so sortOption names can be dynamically generated
this._textElement.innerText = sortOption.getName(this._app)
// Update all servers highlighted values
for (const serverRegistration of this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations()) {
sortServers = () => {
const sortOption = SORT_OPTIONS[this._sortOptionIndex]
const sortedServers = this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations().sort((a, b) => {
if (a.isFavorite && !b.isFavorite) {
return -1
} else if (b.isFavorite && !a.isFavorite) {
return 1
return sortOption.sortFunc(a, b)
// Test if sortedServers has changed from the previous listing
// This avoids DOM updates and graphs being redrawn
const sortedServerIds = sortedServers.map(server => server.serverId)
if (this._lastSortedServers) {
let allMatch = true
// Test if the arrays have actually changed
// No need to length check, they are the same source data each time
for (let i = 0; i < sortedServerIds.length; i++) {
if (sortedServerIds[i] !== this._lastSortedServers[i]) {
allMatch = false
if (allMatch) {
this._lastSortedServers = sortedServerIds
// Sort a ServerRegistration list by the sortOption ONLY
// This is used to determine the ServerRegistration's rankIndex without #isFavorite skewing values
const rankIndexSort = this._app.serverRegistry.getServerRegistrations().sort(sortOption.sortFunc)
// Update the DOM structure
sortedServers.forEach(function (serverRegistration) {
const parentElement = document.getElementById('server-list')
const serverElement = document.getElementById(`container_${serverRegistration.serverId}`)
// Set the ServerRegistration's rankIndex to its indexOf the normal sort