Devin Ryan 43c284aa8a Show supported versions for PC servers
The Minetrack daemon will send a different protocol version each time
it pings a server. If a server responds with the same protocol version,
it is assumed that the version is supported, and it is shown on the
page above the server's player count.

The list of versions to be tried is stored in config.json.
At the moment, 4 versions are checked:
- 4 (Minecraft 1.7.2)
- 5 (Minecraft 1.7.10)
- 47 (Minecraft 1.8)
- 107 (Minecraft 1.9)
2016-03-01 21:09:38 -06:00

266 lines
7.3 KiB

var server = require('./lib/server');
var ping = require('./lib/ping');
var logger = require('./lib/logger');
var mojang = require('./lib/mojang_services');
var util = require('./lib/util');
var db = require('./lib/database');
var config = require('./config.json');
var servers = require('./servers.json');
var networkHistory = [];
var connectedClients = 0;
var currentVersionIndex = {
'PC': 0,
'PE': 0
var networkVersions = [];
var graphData = [];
var lastGraphPush = [];
function pingAll() {
for (var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
// Make sure we lock our scope.
(function(network) {
var attemptedVersion = config.versions[network.type][currentVersionIndex[network.type]];
ping.ping(network.ip, network.port, network.type, config.rates.connectTimeout, function(err, res) {
// Handle our ping results, if it succeeded.
if (err) {
logger.log('error', 'Failed to ping ' + network.ip + ': ' + err.message);
// If we have favicon override specified, use it.
if (res && config.faviconOverride && config.faviconOverride[network.name]) {
res.favicon = config.faviconOverride[network.name];
handlePing(network, res, err, attemptedVersion);
}, attemptedVersion);
if (currentVersionIndex['PC'] >= config.versions['PC'].length) {
// Loop around
currentVersionIndex['PC'] = 0;
if (currentVersionIndex['PE'] >= config.versions['PE'].length) {
// Loop around
currentVersionIndex['PE'] = 0;
// This is where the result of a ping is feed.
// This stores it and converts it to ship to the frontend.
function handlePing(network, res, err, attemptedVersion) {
// Log our response.
if (!networkHistory[network.name]) {
networkHistory[network.name] = [];
// Update the version list
if (!networkVersions[network.name]) {
networkVersions[network.name] = [];
// If the result version matches the attempted version, the version is supported
var _networkVersions = networkVersions[network.name];
if (res) {
if (res.version == attemptedVersion) {
if (_networkVersions.indexOf(res.version) == -1) {
} else {
// Mismatch, so remove the version from the supported version list
var index = _networkVersions.indexOf(attemptedVersion);
if (index != -1) {
_networkVersions.splice(index, 1);
// Update the clients
var networkSnapshot = {
info: {
name: network.name,
timestamp: util.getCurrentTimeMs(),
type: network.type
versions: _networkVersions
if (res) {
networkSnapshot.result = res;
} else if (err) {
networkSnapshot.error = err;
server.io.sockets.emit('update', networkSnapshot);
var _networkHistory = networkHistory[network.name];
// Remove our previous data that we don't need anymore.
for (var i = 0; i < _networkHistory.length; i++) {
delete _networkHistory[i].info;
if (_networkHistory[i].result) {
delete _networkHistory[i].result.favicon;
error: err,
result: res,
versions: _networkVersions,
timestamp: util.getCurrentTimeMs(),
info: {
ip: network.ip,
port: network.port,
type: network.type,
name: network.name,
// Make sure we never log too much.
if (_networkHistory.length > 72) { // 60/2.5 = 24, so 24 is one minute
// Log it to the database if needed.
if (config.logToDatabase) {
db.log(network.ip, util.getCurrentTimeMs(), res ? res.players.online : 0);
// Push it to our graphs.
var timeMs = util.getCurrentTimeMs();
// The same mechanic from trimUselessPings is seen here.
// If we dropped the ping, then to avoid destroying the graph, ignore it.
// However if it's been too long since the last successful ping, we'll send it anyways.
if (config.logToDatabase) {
if (!lastGraphPush[network.ip] || (timeMs - lastGraphPush[network.ip] >= 60 * 1000 && res) || timeMs - lastGraphPush[network.ip] >= 70 * 1000) {
lastGraphPush[network.ip] = timeMs;
// Don't have too much data!
if (!graphData[network.name]) {
graphData[network.name] = [];
graphData[network.name].push([timeMs, res ? res.players.online : 0]);
// Send the update.
server.io.sockets.emit('updateHistoryGraph', {
ip: network.ip,
name: network.name,
players: (res ? res.players.online : 0),
timestamp: timeMs
// Start our main loop that does everything.
function startMainLoop() {
util.setIntervalNoDelay(pingAll, config.rates.pingAll);
util.setIntervalNoDelay(function() {
server.io.sockets.emit('updateMojangServices', mojang.toMessage());
}, config.rates.upateMojangStatus);
function startServices() {
// Track how many people are currently connected.
server.io.on('connect', function(client) {
// We're good to connect them!
connectedClients += 1;
logger.log('info', '%s connected, total clients: %d', client.request.connection.remoteAddress, connectedClients);
// We send the boot time (also sent in publicConfig.json) to the frontend to validate they have the same config.
// If so, they'll send back "requestListing" event, otherwise they will pull the new config and retry.
client.emit('bootTime', util.getBootTime());
// Attach our listeners.
client.on('disconnect', function() {
connectedClients -= 1;
logger.log('info', '%s disconnected, total clients: %d', client.request.connection.remoteAddress, connectedClients);
client.on('requestHistoryGraph', function() {
if (config.logToDatabase) {
// Send them the big 24h graph.
client.emit('historyGraph', graphData);
client.on('requestListing', function() {
// Send them our previous data, so they have somewhere to start.
client.emit('updateMojangServices', mojang.toMessage());
// Remap our associative array into just an array.
var networkHistoryKeys = Object.keys(networkHistory);
// Send each individually, this should look cleaner than waiting for one big array to transfer.
for (var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
var server = servers[i];
if (!(server.name in networkHistory) || networkHistory[server.name].length < 1) {
// This server hasn't been ping'd yet. Send a hacky placeholder.
client.emit('add', [[{
error: {
description: 'Waiting'
result: null,
timestamp: util.getCurrentTimeMs(),
info: {
ip: server.ip,
port: server.port,
type: server.type,
name: server.name
} else {
client.emit('add', [networkHistory[networkHistoryKeys[i]]]);
logger.log('info', 'Booting, please wait...');
if (config.logToDatabase) {
// Setup our database.
var timestamp = util.getCurrentTimeMs();
db.queryPings(config.graphDuration, function(data) {
graphData = util.convertPingsToGraph(data);
logger.log('info', 'Queried and parsed ping history in %sms', util.getCurrentTimeMs() - timestamp);
} else {
logger.log('warn', 'Database logging is not enabled. You can enable it by setting "logToDatabase" to true in config.json. This requires sqlite3 to be installed.');