const request = require('request') const logger = require('./logger') const MessageOf = require('./message') const config = require('../config') const SERVICE_URL_LOOKUP = { '': 'Sessions', '': 'Auth', '': 'Skins', '': 'API' } const TITLE_BY_MOJANG_COLOR = { red: 'Offline', yellow: 'Unstable', green: 'Online' } class MojangUpdater { constructor (app) { this._app = app } schedule () { setInterval(this.updateServices, config.rates.updateMojangStatus) this.updateServices() } updateServices = () => { request({ uri: '', method: 'GET', timeout: config.rates.mojangStatusTimeout }, (err, _, body) => { if (err) { logger.log('error', 'Failed to update Mojang services: %s', err.message) // Set all services to offline // This may be incorrect, but if is offline, it would never otherwise be reflected Object.keys(SERVICE_URL_LOOKUP).forEach(url => { this.handleServiceUpdate(url, 'red') }) this.pushUpdate() } else { try { JSON.parse(body).forEach(service => { // Each service is formatted as an object with the 0 key being the URL const url = Object.keys(service)[0] this.handleServiceUpdate(url, service[url]) }) } catch (err) { logger.log('error', 'Failed to parse Mojang response: %s', err.message) } this.pushUpdate() } }) } pushUpdate () { // Only fire callback when previous state is modified if (this._hasUpdated) { this._hasUpdated = false this._app.server.broadcast(MessageOf('updateMojangServices', this._services)) } } getLastUpdate () { return this._services } handleServiceUpdate (url, color) { const service = SERVICE_URL_LOOKUP[url] if (service) { const requiredTitle = TITLE_BY_MOJANG_COLOR[color] if (!this._services) { this._services = {} } if (this._services[service] !== requiredTitle) { this._services[service] = requiredTitle this._hasUpdated = true } } } } module.exports = MojangUpdater