const http = require('http') const finalHttpHandler = require('finalhandler') const serveStatic = require('serve-static') const io = require('') const logger = require('./logger') function getRemoteAddr (req) { return req.headers['cf-connecting-ip'] || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress } class Server { constructor (clientSocketHandler) { this._clientSocketHandler = clientSocketHandler this._connectedSockets = 0 this._http = http.createServer(this.handleHttpRequest) this._distServeStatic = serveStatic('dist/') this._faviconsServeStatic = serveStatic('favicons/') } listen (host, port) { this._http.listen(port, host) this._io = io.listen(this._http) this._io.on('connect', this.handleClientSocket) logger.log('info', 'Started on %s:%d', host, port) } broadcast (event, payload) { this._io.sockets.emit(event, payload) } handleHttpRequest = (req, res) => { logger.log('info', '%s requested: %s', getRemoteAddr(req), req.url) // Attempt to handle req using distServeStatic, otherwise fail over to faviconServeStatic // If faviconServeStatic fails, pass to finalHttpHandler to terminate this._distServeStatic(req, res, () => { this._faviconsServeStatic(req, res, finalHttpHandler(req, res)) }) } handleClientSocket = (client) => { this._connectedSockets++ logger.log('info', '%s connected, total clients: %d', getRemoteAddr(client.request), this._connectedSockets) // Bind disconnect event for logging client.on('disconnect', () => { this._connectedSockets-- logger.log('info', '%s disconnected, total clients: %d', getRemoteAddr(client.request), this._connectedSockets) }) // Pass client off to proxy handler this._clientSocketHandler(client) } } module.exports = Server