var mcpe_ping = require('mcpe-ping'); var mcpc_ping = require('mc-ping-updated'); var profiler = require('./profiler'); // This is a wrapper function for mc-ping-updated, mainly used to convert the data structure of the result. function pingMinecraftPC(host, port, timeout, callback) { profiler.track(host); // Try catch incase the down stream module is bad at handling exceptions. try { mcpc_ping(host, port, function(err, res) { if (err) { callback(err, null); } else { // Remap our JSON into our custom structure. callback(null, { players: { online:, max: res.players.max }, version: res.version.protocol, latency: profiler.untrack(host) }); } }, timeout); } catch (err) { callback(err, null); } } // This is a wrapper function for mcpe-ping, mainly used to convert the data structure of the result. function pingMinecraftPE(host, port, timeout, callback) { profiler.track(host); // Try catch incase the down stream module is bad at handling exceptions. try { mcpe_ping(host, port || 19132, function(err, res) { if (err) { callback(err, null); } else { // Remap our JSON into our custom structure. callback(err, { players: { online: res.currentPlayers, max: res.maxPlayers }, version: res.version, latency: profiler.untrack(host) }); } }, timeout); } catch (err) { callback(err, null); } } = function(host, port, type, timeout, callback) { if (type === 'PC') { pingMinecraftPC(host, port || 25565, timeout, callback); } else if (type === 'PE') { pingMinecraftPE(host, port || 19132, timeout, callback); } else { throw new Error('Unsupported type: ' + type); } };