import uPlot from '../lib/uPlot.esm' import { RelativeScale } from './scale' import { formatNumber, formatTimestamp, formatDate, formatMinecraftServerAddress, formatMinecraftVersions } from './util' import { uPlotTooltipPlugin } from './tooltip' import MISSING_FAVICON from '../images/missing_favicon.svg' export class ServerRegistry { constructor (app) { this._app = app this._serverIdsByName = [] this._serverDataById = [] this._registeredServers = [] } assignServers (servers) { for (let i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { const data = servers[i] this._serverIdsByName[] = i this._serverDataById[i] = data } } createServerRegistration (serverId) { const serverData = this._serverDataById[serverId] const serverRegistration = new ServerRegistration(this._app, serverId, serverData) this._registeredServers[serverId] = serverRegistration return serverRegistration } getServerRegistration (serverKey) { if (typeof serverKey === 'string') { const serverId = this._serverIdsByName[serverKey] return this._registeredServers[serverId] } else if (typeof serverKey === 'number') { return this._registeredServers[serverKey] } } getServerRegistrations = () => Object.values(this._registeredServers) reset () { this._serverIdsByName = [] this._serverDataById = [] this._registeredServers = [] // Reset modified DOM structures document.getElementById('server-list').innerHTML = '' } } export class ServerRegistration { playerCount = 0 isVisible = true isFavorite = false rankIndex lastRecordData lastPeakData constructor (app, serverId, data) { this._app = app this.serverId = serverId = data this._graphData = [] this._failedSequentialPings = 0 } addGraphPoints (points, timestampPoints) { this._graphData = [ => Math.floor(val / 1000)), points ] } buildPlotInstance () { const tickCount = 5 // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap this._plotInstance = new uPlot({ plugins: [ uPlotTooltipPlugin((pos, id, plot) => { if (pos) { const text = formatNumber([1][id]) + ' Players
' + formatTimestamp([0][id] * 1000) this._app.tooltip.set(pos.left,, 10, 10, text) } else { this._app.tooltip.hide() } }) ], height: 100, width: 400, cursor: { y: false, drag: { setScale: false, x: false, y: false } }, series: [ {}, { scale: 'Players', stroke: '#E9E581', width: 2, value: (_, raw) => formatNumber(raw) + ' Players' } ], axes: [ { show: false }, { ticks: { show: false }, font: '14px "Open Sans", sans-serif', stroke: '#A3A3A3', size: 55, grid: { stroke: '#333', width: 1 }, split: () => { const [min, max, scale] = RelativeScale.scale(this._graphData[1], tickCount) const ticks = RelativeScale.generateTicks(min, max, scale) return ticks } } ], scales: { Players: { auto: false, range: () => { const [scaledMin, scaledMax] = RelativeScale.scale(this._graphData[1], tickCount) return [scaledMin, scaledMax] } } }, legend: { show: false } }, this._graphData, document.getElementById('chart_' + this.serverId)) } handlePing (payload, timestamp) { if (typeof payload.playerCount !== 'undefined') { this.playerCount = payload.playerCount // Only update graph for successful pings // This intentionally pauses the server graph when pings begin to fail this._graphData[0].push(Math.floor(timestamp / 1000)) this._graphData[1].push(this.playerCount) // Trim graphData to within the max length by shifting out the leading elements for (const series of this._graphData) { if (series.length > this._app.publicConfig.serverGraphMaxLength) { series.shift() } } this.redraw() // Reset failed ping counter to ensure the next connection error // doesn't instantly retrigger a layout change this._failedSequentialPings = 0 } else { // Attempt to retain a copy of the cached playerCount for up to N failed pings // This prevents minor connection issues from constantly reshuffling the layout if (++this._failedSequentialPings > 5) { this.playerCount = 0 } } } redraw () { // Redraw the plot instance this._plotInstance.setData(this._graphData) } updateServerRankIndex (rankIndex) { this.rankIndex = rankIndex document.getElementById('ranking_' + this.serverId).innerText = '#' + (rankIndex + 1) } updateServerPeak (data) { const peakLabelElement = document.getElementById('peak_' + this.serverId) // Always set label once any peak data has been received = 'block' const peakValueElement = document.getElementById('peak-value_' + this.serverId) peakValueElement.innerText = formatNumber(data.playerCount) peakLabelElement.title = 'At ' + formatTimestamp(data.timestamp) this.lastPeakData = data } updateServerStatus (ping, minecraftVersions) { if (ping.versions) { const versionsElement = document.getElementById('version_' + this.serverId) = 'block' versionsElement.innerText = formatMinecraftVersions(ping.versions, minecraftVersions[]) || '' } if (ping.recordData) { // Always set label once any record data has been received const recordLabelElement = document.getElementById('record_' + this.serverId) = 'block' const recordValueElement = document.getElementById('record-value_' + this.serverId) const recordData = ping.recordData // Safely handle legacy recordData that may not include the timestamp payload if (recordData.timestamp > 0) { recordValueElement.innerHTML = formatNumber(recordData.playerCount) + ' (' + formatDate(recordData.timestamp) + ')' recordLabelElement.title = 'At ' + formatDate(recordData.timestamp) + ' ' + formatTimestamp(recordData.timestamp) } else { recordValueElement.innerText = formatNumber(recordData.playerCount) } this.lastRecordData = recordData } if (ping.graphPeakData) { this.updateServerPeak(ping.graphPeakData) } const playerCountLabelElement = document.getElementById('player-count_' + this.serverId) const errorElement = document.getElementById('error_' + this.serverId) if (ping.error) { // Hide any visible player-count and show the error element = 'none' = 'block' errorElement.innerText = ping.error.message } else if (typeof ping.playerCount !== 'undefined') { // Ensure the player-count element is visible and hide the error element = 'block' = 'none' document.getElementById('player-count-value_' + this.serverId).innerText = formatNumber(ping.playerCount) } // An updated favicon has been sent, update the src if (ping.favicon) { const faviconElement = document.getElementById('favicon_' + this.serverId) // Since favicons may be URLs, only update the attribute when it has changed // Otherwise the browser may send multiple requests to the same URL if (faviconElement.getAttribute('src') !== ping.favicon) { faviconElement.setAttribute('src', ping.favicon) } } } initServerStatus (latestPing) { const serverElement = document.createElement('div') = 'container_' + this.serverId serverElement.innerHTML = '
' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '

' + + '

' + '' + 'Players: ' + '' + this._app.publicConfig.graphDurationLabel + ' Peak: -' + 'Record: -' + '' + '
' + '
' serverElement.setAttribute('class', 'server') document.getElementById('server-list').appendChild(serverElement) } updateHighlightedValue (selectedCategory) { ['player-count', 'peak', 'record'].forEach((category) => { const labelElement = document.getElementById(category + '_' + this.serverId) const valueElement = document.getElementById(category + '-value_' + this.serverId) if (selectedCategory && category === selectedCategory) { labelElement.setAttribute('class', 'server-highlighted-label') valueElement.setAttribute('class', 'server-highlighted-value') } else { labelElement.setAttribute('class', 'server-label') valueElement.setAttribute('class', 'server-value') } }) } initEventListeners () { document.getElementById('favorite-toggle_' + this.serverId).addEventListener('click', () => { this._app.favoritesManager.handleFavoriteButtonClick(this) }, false) } }