var server = require('./lib/server'); var ping = require('./lib/ping'); var logger = require('./lib/logger'); var config = require('./config.json'); var networkHistory = []; var connectedClients = 0; // Start our main loop that fires off pings. setInterval(function() { var servers = config.servers; for (var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { // Make sure we lock our scope. (function(network) {, network.port || 25565, network.type, 2500, function(err, result) { // Handle our ping results, if it succeeded. if (err) { logger.log('error', 'Failed to ping ' + network.ip + ': ' + err); }'update', result); // Log our response. if (!networkHistory[network.ip]) { networkHistory[network.ip] = []; } var _networkHistory = networkHistory[network.ip]; // Remove our previous entrie's favicons, we don't need them, just the latest one. for (var i = 0; i < _networkHistory.length; i++) { delete _networkHistory[i].favicon; } _networkHistory.push({ err: err, result: result }); // Make sure we never log too much. if (_networkHistory.length > 300) { _networkHistory.shift(); } }); })(servers[i]); } }, 2500); server.start(function() { // Track how many people are currently connected.'connect', function(client) { // We're good to connect them! connectedClients += 1; logger.log('info', 'Accepted connection: %s, total clients: %d', client.request.connection.remoteAddress, connectedClients); // Remap our associative array into just an array. var networkHistoryList = []; var networkHistoryKeys = Object.keys(networkHistory); for (var i = 0; i < networkHistoryKeys.length; i++) { networkHistoryList.push(networkHistory[networkHistoryKeys[i]]); } // Send them our previous data, so they have somewhere to start. client.emit('add', networkHistoryList); // Attach our listeners. client.on('disconnect', function(client) { connectedClients -= 1; logger.log('info', 'Client disconnected, total clients: %d', connectedClients); }); }); });