var server = require('./lib/server'); var ping = require('./lib/ping'); var logger = require('./lib/logger'); var mojang = require('./lib/mojang_services'); var util = require('./lib/util'); var db = require('./lib/database'); var config = require('./config.json'); var networkHistory = []; var connectedClients = 0; var graphData = []; var lastGraphPush = []; function pingAll() { var servers = config.servers; for (var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) { // Make sure we lock our scope. (function(network) {, network.port, network.type, config.rates.connectTimeout, function(err, res) { // Handle our ping results, if it succeeded. if (err) { logger.log('error', 'Failed to ping ' + network.ip + ': ' + err.message); } // If we have favicon override specified, use it. if (res && config.faviconOverride && config.faviconOverride[]) { res.favicon = config.faviconOverride[]; } handlePing(network, res, err); }); })(servers[i]); } } // This is where the result of a ping is feed. // This stores it and converts it to ship to the frontend. function handlePing(network, res, err) { var networkSnapshot = { info: { name:, timestamp: util.getCurrentTimeMs() } }; if (res) { networkSnapshot.result = res; } else if (err) { networkSnapshot.error = err; }'update', networkSnapshot); // Log our response. if (!networkHistory[]) { networkHistory[] = []; } var _networkHistory = networkHistory[]; // Remove our previous data that we don't need anymore. for (var i = 0; i < _networkHistory.length; i++) { delete _networkHistory[i].info; if (_networkHistory[i].result) { delete _networkHistory[i].result.favicon; } } _networkHistory.push({ error: err, result: res, timestamp: util.getCurrentTimeMs(), info: { ip: network.ip, port: network.port, type: network.type, name: } }); // Make sure we never log too much. if (_networkHistory.length > 72) { // 60/2.5 = 24, so 24 is one minute _networkHistory.shift(); } // Log it to the database if needed. if (config.logToDatabase) { db.log(network.ip, util.getCurrentTimeMs(), res ? : 0); } // Push it to our graphs. var timeMs = util.getCurrentTimeMs(); // The same mechanic from trimUselessPings is seen here. // If we dropped the ping, then to avoid destroying the graph, ignore it. // However if it's been too long since the last successful ping, we'll send it anyways. if (config.logToDatabase) { if (!lastGraphPush[network.ip] || (timeMs - lastGraphPush[network.ip] >= 60 * 1000 && res) || timeMs - lastGraphPush[network.ip] >= 70 * 1000) { lastGraphPush[network.ip] = timeMs; // Don't have too much data! util.trimOldPings(graphData); graphData[network.ip].push([timeMs, res ? : 0]); // Send the update.'updateHistoryGraph', { ip: network.ip, players: (res ? : 0), timestamp: timeMs }); } } } // Start our main loop that does everything. function startMainLoop() { util.setIntervalNoDelay(pingAll, config.rates.pingAll); util.setIntervalNoDelay(function() { mojang.update(config.rates.mojangStatusTimeout);'updateMojangServices', mojang.toMessage()); }, config.rates.upateMojangStatus); } function startServices() { server.start(); // Track how many people are currently connected.'connect', function(client) { // We're good to connect them! connectedClients += 1; logger.log('info', '%s connected, total clients: %d', client.request.connection.remoteAddress, connectedClients); setTimeout(function() { client.emit('setGraphDuration', config.graphDuration); // Send them our previous data, so they have somewhere to start. client.emit('updateMojangServices', mojang.toMessage()); // Remap our associative array into just an array. var networkHistoryKeys = Object.keys(networkHistory); networkHistoryKeys.sort(); // Send each individually, this should look cleaner than waiting for one big array to transfer. for (var i = 0; i < networkHistoryKeys.length; i++) { client.emit('add', [networkHistory[networkHistoryKeys[i]]]); } }, 1); // Attach our listeners. client.on('disconnect', function() { connectedClients -= 1; logger.log('info', '%s disconnected, total clients: %d', client.request.connection.remoteAddress, connectedClients); }); client.on('requestHistoryGraph', function() { if (config.logToDatabase) { // Send them the big 24h graph. client.emit('historyGraph', graphData); } }); }); startMainLoop(); } logger.log('info', 'Booting, please wait...'); if (config.logToDatabase) { // Setup our database. db.setup(); var timestamp = util.getCurrentTimeMs(); db.queryPings(config.graphDuration, function(data) { graphData = util.convertPingsToGraph(data); logger.log('info', 'Queried and parsed ping history in %sms', util.getCurrentTimeMs() - timestamp); startServices(); }); } else { logger.log('warn', 'Database logging is not enabled. You can enable it by setting "logToDatabase" to true in config.json. This requires sqlite3 to be installed.'); startServices(); }