Forked from: https://github.com/avlad171/Ender-Quarry-Mod
The port of the ender quarry from ExU 1.7.10.
What is included:
• The quarry itself
• The markers
• Chunk loading
• All upgrades
• New redstone control functionality
• FE/RF support
• Quarry extracts items from the chests it mines
What is not included:
• Defining the quarried area by fence (who lays a 1000 x 1000 fence anyway?).
• Crafing recipes. This mod may be considered OP in some packs so if pack creators are going to adjust these I have no reason to code them. Use crafttweaker instead.
• Growing flowers over the quarried area. This breaks thermodynamics so it is not cool.
As noted before this is a port. The code and credits go to RWTema, the original author of Extra Utillities. This repository will be taken down if the original author requests so.